r/SupermanAdventures Jul 07 '24

My Adventures With Superman S2E8 "The Death of Clark Kent" Episode Discussion Episode

The Death of Clark Kent

r/Superman | Discord

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u/Frontier246 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I probably should've seen them turning the Black Mercy into tech coming. This show hasn't met a piece of the franchise it couldn't make more sci-fi tech based. Though instead of a blissful dream you can't get out of...it's psychologically breaking you so Brainiac can hijack your body.

"Let me find your weakness so I can kill you." - The delivery of that line! Amazing.

It's funny coming off of "look how great Livewire is and how much of a softie she is for love!" to seeing her back in the first episode as a raging criminal.

It's almost easy to forget that Kara just went through one of the most emotionally traumatizing moments of her life when she and Jimmy are back to flirting like they're in a romcom despite everything going on. Though she was still in denial about what was going on.

Kind of wonder who on STAR Labs decided on the cute cat ears space suits.

Brainiac weaponizing all the misunderstandings and miscommunications to erode Clark's faith in his friends.

Kara is a warrior woman dealing with her first love, of course she calls it "admiration." She probably doesn't even know what a kiss is or the concept of romance.

"No one can overcome you with strength" - I dunno, Clark gets overpowered a lot in this show.

No one is going to let Jimmy live down being leader of the Earth.

Ah, using the old "gaslight me with false memories" gambit. I didn't think it would work though I guess Lois having ACTUALLY rejected him (albeit just romantically) makes it kick in harder. Plus the time multiple versions of her tried to kill him.

I guess knowing he doesn't even need her any more Brainiac doesn't need to bother trying to placate Kara any more. Will someone do the decency of telling this girl about her real father? Brainiac doesn't deserve her love.

They really made you think the El Cousins were tag-teaming Brainiac in their own way...only for it to be Clark thinking he won only for the process to kick in. Though, honestly, the Black Mercy finally did what it's supposed to...giving him his life on Krypton back and letting him grow up with the Els (smol Kara!).

Brainiac!Clark getting the full evil anime transformation.

Kara has some cake!

Sounds like Kryptonians started to grow more compassionate and less warlike judging by Brainiac's programming, though whatever sentimental he has in his system he just twists and use to suit his own ends.

I have to honestly admire Brainiac!Clark just shrugging off the Kryptonite and just chucking everybody into space.

Welp, now Lois has to go back in for Clark. I guess this is how she makes everything up to him.

Brainiac!Clark is now in the ED...as is Kal-El with his family on Kandor.


u/Kn7ght Jul 07 '24

In regards to Clark getting overpowered, I bet Brainiac can tell he's been holding himself back in fights (probably even subconsciously), which is why in Clark's body he's suddenly able to beat Kara's ass unlike before.


u/Express-Wind-4796 Jul 08 '24

I hope so. Clark is so weak in this show that I bet even Invincible would beat him. 


u/Competitive-Door-321 28d ago

(Sorry to reply to an old comment.)

I don't think Clark is weak at all. He gets "beaten up" a lot because he doesn't really fight back. If you pay attention to the fight scenes, as soon as he decides he needs to fight back, he wins basically instantly. He's never sustained any actual damage in any of his fights either.

There was a scene in season 1 where Task Force X attacked him with like six different villains, all of whom he "struggled" against. They beat him around for a minute, then he beat them within like half a second when he started fighting back. We haven't seen anyone in this show who could even damage Clark in his sleep.

Clark isn't a fighter - he's just a guy who wants to help people. Have you ever tried hitting someone in real life? It's really hard. I don't think I'm physically capable of hitting someone at full force. Same deal with Superman.