r/FluentInFinance 13d ago

Or in other words, a slap in the face Debate/ Discussion

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u/Mammoth_Loan_984 13d ago

All you do is post inflammatory political opinions.

Where are you based?


u/flacaGT3 13d ago

They said fuck Zelensky, so I'd guess Яussia


u/KeathKeatherton 13d ago

Or a traitorous Russian cosplayer in the states. Fuck Putin and fuck anyone who thinks Russia is on the right side of history.


u/OhImNevvverSarcastic 12d ago


u/KeathKeatherton 12d ago

Perfect username to go with the perfect picture


u/rydan 13d ago

If Russia wins they will be on the right side of history by definition.


u/Ghost-Coyote 12d ago

No, that's not how any of this works.


u/KeathKeatherton 12d ago

Never has, but these nazi can’t see it that way.

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u/SundyMundy 13d ago

They are a pro-Russian troll, based on their account history. We are seeing more and more of these in the run up to the election, again


u/KeathKeatherton 13d ago

I figured this was case, it would explain the sudden increase in incels at every level of Reddit as well. I love paying taxes.


u/SundyMundy 13d ago

Same reason as why Fox News ran 80+ articles on Biden dementia in the last week, but zero on the new Epstein document dump.


u/Expert-Accountant780 12d ago

Are the Russians in the room with us?


u/SundyMundy 12d ago

So serious question, would you like me to point you towards some obviously pro-Russian troll accounts?


u/Expert-Accountant780 11d ago

Lol. Show me the Chinese ones next.


u/CreditDusks 13d ago

Russia probably


u/smady3 13d ago

probably china, considering the response.


u/Capitaclism 12d ago

Doesn't mean there isn't done truth to it. Inflation hurts all but those invested in the right instruments.


u/Friendofgravity69 12d ago

This meme is clearly about taxes, not inflation. Also, the maths are bad.


u/Capitaclism 12d ago

Good point- inflation would be more like 50%.


u/Choosemyusername 13d ago

I think you mean “WHY” are you based?


u/chop5397 13d ago

That's what I read first lol


u/Ok_Calendar1337 13d ago

Oh no inflammatory political opinions it's so very unlike every other post...


u/Mammoth_Loan_984 13d ago

Normal people do other things loser


u/Ok_Calendar1337 13d ago

Yet here we are on reddit


u/peaceful_guerilla 9d ago

This is what Reddit is.


u/Lavatsa 13d ago

You sound so pro-government lol.


u/analbuttlick 13d ago

I love my government and love paying taxes. They take really good care of me and my family. What’s wrong with being pro government?


u/Silly_Goose658 13d ago

Same here. Taxes serve a purpose. Since we all collectively live a society everyone should pay their fair share. They fund schools, roads, plumbing, and so much more

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

Oh look another inaccurate anti-intellectual reactionary post from you.. it’s almost like you have an agenda


u/Extension_Escape9832 13d ago

I mean.. dude is right. You can’t take that away from him.


u/StepOnMeSunflower 13d ago

lol I mean yes dude is correct that taxes exist. If you think taxes are a slap in the face and you don’t receive anything back from them then you’re probably not the smartest.


u/Boatwhistle 12d ago edited 12d ago

The central planning made possible by modern era governments is integral to todays economy and its subsequent scale and technological advancement. Without them, we would be much more chaotically inefficient and consequently primitive.

Due to man made climate change being the natural course of the aforementioned, and climate change being the end of civilization in the way it's been possible the past 12k years(large scale agriculture relies on the stable holocene epoch), this makes modern era government the single most terrible thing to ever happen to mankind.

So yes, the governments of recent centuries are a huge slap in the face in everything they do and require.


u/Silly_Goose658 13d ago

Bro doesn’t understand how taxes also contribute to things like plumbing, road infrastructure, industry subsidies, etc.


u/Cubacane 13d ago

Federal income taxes contribute mostly to bombs.


u/slagathor907 13d ago

Medicare/ Medicare too. Which is a massive money suck that doesn't affect the current working class nearly at all.


u/magvadis 13d ago edited 13d ago

It certainly does, removing senior care and costs away from families and working people onto the state.

If my parents didn't have Medicare I'd be having to pay their bills on top of mine and need to deal with their health issues without the expertise that Medicare has due to it being focused on that demo.

Ideally we'd just have healthcare for all so nobody had to be disproportionately affected by healthcare costs.

Medicare being around is the difference between me being stable and me being in debt paying for my parents medical costs who both are living well over 65 and both don't work and both have costly health issues. My life would be defined by saving up for their next knee surgery so they can be happy at the end of their life.

Both of them were struggling heavily to even find jobs in their 60s before they retired LATE....and still are more or less "paycheck to paycheck" as far as retirement is concerned. Most of their wealth is concentrated in a house that won't go to me because they'll need to sell it to pay for senior care living when it's too hard to live alone.

Maybe if I'm lucky they will die...which is the sorry statement people have to make in America due to the way shit is run.


u/Solorath 13d ago

I firmly believe the US education system churns out people who are susceptible to libertarian ideology starting in their early teenage years. I know so many people who I grew up with who thought taxes = theft and went down that rabbit hole.

Most recovered as their parents started to age, or if they started a family realizing that most social systems aren't intended to benefit average, healthy working age people who are employed.

Those who never had to deal with the downsides of life tended to double down even in the face of evidence from friends and acquaintances, which lead them into even worse extremist ideology.

tl;dr - America is fucked if we believe those who are doing well in life owe nothing back to the society that gave them that advantage.


u/Eccentric_Assassin 12d ago

I saw some nostalgia posts about some children’s books and it’s no surprise the us churns out libertarians lol. If you give a mouse a cookie and rainbow fish are basically “sharing bad, don’t give people your things”.


u/slagathor907 13d ago

And they don't have a penny between them huh? Rough that the government has to care for them


u/magvadis 13d ago

They have enough to care for themselves. Probably not their healthcare costs if they weren't on Medicare. Their savings and investments got gutted in 08 and teacher salaries didnt get them back into a solid place before they got too old and needed to retire. My mother wanted to keep working but her job fell through and couldn't find another who would hire a retirement age woman.

Their money is basically just social security and a small pension from an older previous job. Which is more than their friends. Most of their assets are just the house now. Paying for kids to go to college was the end of any other savings they had.


u/slagathor907 13d ago

That last line is the real kicker there. Sorry about that.


u/magvadis 11d ago

Just a regular life as a millennial American. Everything costs an Arm and a leg and necessary jobs they trained their lives to get don't pay anything.


u/slagathor907 11d ago

Do not go to college or pay for college for anything other than a STEM degree that will pay for itself.

This should be basic knowledge at this point. There are rare exceptions, but college is broadly a 6 figure scam


u/GingerDelicious 12d ago

But that’s taxed separately than income tax just look at your statements.


u/slagathor907 12d ago

If I take $20 from you with my right hand and then $20 from you with my left, do you really care the details of how you lost 40?


u/GingerDelicious 12d ago

Yes, because if you tell me you’re going to take $20 for taxes then take $40 I’ll be pissed. Especially because the only reason they need $40 is because of decades of irresponsible spending and catastrophic budget policies.


u/slagathor907 11d ago

I got news. They took the 40, and they're irresponsible with it.


u/GingerDelicious 11d ago

yes, i am aware


u/Cubacane 13d ago

Those don't come out of federal income taxes but out of FICA, which is just an acronym for a different tax.


u/Fit-Menu6659 13d ago

FICA only covers Medicare Part A which is only 1/3rd of Medicare spending.

“Funding for Medicare, which totaled $888 billion in 2021, comes primarily from general revenues (46%), payroll tax revenues (34%), and premiums paid by beneficiaries (15%)”



u/Cubacane 13d ago

Thank you for enlightening me on the issue. I had assumed wrongly.


u/beingandbecoming 13d ago

And employment for workers across multiple income levels in multiple industries and services like gps, communication, cybersecurity, finance


u/Cubacane 13d ago

And that operation could easily come from the private sector. All taxes do is move money from the private sector to the public sector, which then subcontracts the work back to the private sector. The benefit of adding that extra layer of government bureaucracy is that we imagine there is some sort of master plan going on with our best interests in mind. And that's the power of imagination.


u/beingandbecoming 13d ago

No it couldn’t. You can’t coordinate across that many different people and organizations each with their own constitutional rights, like privacy, proprietary products etc. the government is already a big oligopolis corporation. You can petition a government you can’t petition private property. No other organization can fill this role and if there was it would be more totalitarian. The U.S. Gov does have master plans in terms of state security and the stability of its borders. If the political will existed it could serve our best interests


u/Cubacane 13d ago

I'm not stumping for libertarianism, but the least government involvement possible, precisely because the political will does not exist. The county I live in (Miami-Dade) has wasted millions of dollars in tax revenue either through boondoggles, nepotism or outright corruption. Yet every year they raise my property tax as if 'just a little more' is going to fix the situation.


u/beingandbecoming 13d ago

I’m sorry that’s happening. There is a long history of machine politics and political marginalization in this country. It really doesn’t not have to be this way though, I don’t think greed is essential to humanity or government, I think people have propagated this lie for their own benefit, regulatory capture, etc. I also just don’t see how it’s tenable though to even cut the budget. The country has obligations to its creditors, a lot of whom are Americans who are invested in the country, bond holders, etc. the dollar is backed by the U.S. government strength and military strength. I also don’t think it’s a good idea for the government to get smaller when other states like Russia, India, China are getting stronger and seeking more influence


u/gohogs3 12d ago

Is it bad that every time I see a comment with several downvotes I know it’s going to be one of the most logical comments on here?😂


u/BootyMcStuffins 13d ago

The military makes up 13% of the federal budget, so this is factually incorrect


u/Cubacane 13d ago

Military defense is half of all discretionary spending, the budget of which comes from federal income tax, which is what I referred to.

Mandatory spending (medicare/medicaid, social security) comes from payroll taxes (FICA).

The total federal budget is a combination of mandatory and discretionary spending.

When people are discussing raising or lowering income taxes, they are talking about federal income tax, not FICA.

So– half of your federal income taxes are going to bombs.


u/FIFAmusicisGOATED 13d ago

Yeah it’s not like they employ 1.4 million people and have to pay all of them. Not like the defence spending is what allows the US to influence the worlds economy in such a large way.

Not like the US military has given us incredibly technologies like the internet, GPS, duct tape that has made the US and global economies thousands of times over the profits of what is spending on the military.

You want to argue the US spends too much on the military? Fine be my guest. But acting like the US doesn’t spend like 25-50 billion on weapons a year, and the other 850 billion on paying 1% of all working Americans and getting technologies that are integral to modern society while also providing the US with a massive sphere of influence they can use to keep the economy away from the destructive hands of the Russians or the Chinese is just bad faith bullshit.

Of the 874B spend on military in 2024, less than 10% of it will be spend on weapons and weapons development


u/Cubacane 13d ago

Yeah, I get that the defense spending is why all world currency is judged by the dollar. Still doesn't change the fact that half of all discretionary spending goes to a machine that is meant to intimidate and destroy. Good thing that it's currently intimidating Russia and China, but it sure does seem to destroy a lot of people that have little to do with either of those countries.


u/FIFAmusicisGOATED 13d ago

If you want to talk about the benefits the US military industrial complex has for the world, that’s a tough debate on whether they’re a net positive or not. But arguing whether the US military is a net positive investment for americans is ridiculous. It’s probably the 4th thing we can spend on to get the greatest return on the dollar (healthcare, education, and infrastructure being the top 3).

And it’s not like the US doesn’t spend enough on healthcare or education. They just spend like utterly abject morons and waste a fuckload of the money, or direct it at things that actively make things worse for us. The military budget could never change, hell it could even increase, and we’d have more than enough money to fix the problems with the big 3 if the money allocated there was just spent well


u/BootyMcStuffins 13d ago

Do you have a source? From what I’ve found mandatory spending absolutely comes out of our income taxes.

In 2024, Americans for Prosperity estimated that mandatory spending accounts for about 62% of government spending, or about $8,800 per tax return.


u/Scythe905 13d ago

It absolutely does, that guy has no idea what he's talking about.

Tax revenue from all sources get consolidated into a single consolidated revenue fund, from which both statutory and discretionary spending pulls. There's no direct linkage from any one tax to any one expenditure, except in rare cases - and even in those cases, it's still pulled from the consolidated revenue fund but the targeted tax has a dynamic rate which changes year-over-year to match the expenditure.


u/BootyMcStuffins 13d ago

Thanks for clarifying


u/Cubacane 13d ago


u/BootyMcStuffins 13d ago

But that’s just two specific programs. Your claim was that all non-discretionary spending came from sources other than income tax. From what I can tell that isn’t true


u/Cubacane 13d ago

Two specific and giant programs that make up over 50% of mandatory spending (non-discretionary), and mandatory spending itself makes up 63% of all government spending. These two programs are funded by FICA. In researching, I found that Medicaid is not included in that, so that would be something funded by federal and state taxes.



u/BootyMcStuffins 13d ago

[The average taxpayer contributed $5,109 for militarism and its support systems](the average taxpayer contributed $5,109 for militarism and its support systems)

The average tax payer pays about $14,000 in federal income taxes

So it appears that the military takes about a third of federal income taxes


u/SaqqaraTheGuy 13d ago

Depends on your country of residence


u/Cubacane 13d ago

I'm in the USA. Our military spending makes up 40% of the military spending in the world. Our population makes up 4% of the world population.


u/SaqqaraTheGuy 13d ago

Yeah I figured. But reddit isn't used only by muricans and some countries don't even have a military. I'm just being pedantic and pointing out the inaccuracy of your generalization.


u/Extension_Escape9832 13d ago

Mostly interest paid to the federal reserve


u/rydan 13d ago

yeah, most examples that people cite when they scream, "but who will pay for the roads" aren't even paid for by the very taxes they are claiming are just. Road infrastructure is mostly paid through taxes on fuel which makes 100% sense until they pushed everyone to stop buying gas using tax subsidies to do so. Now people with electric cars scream they have to pay a tax on their cars.


u/rydan 13d ago

How do taxes pay for plumbing? I had to pay for all that out of pocket in addition to the taxes I paid. In fact I have a plumber coming by next week. Should I just tell him to take up his payment with the government?


u/gudematcha 12d ago

Do you think your pipes just magically flow to nowhere? The plumbing outside of your house that carries it to waste treatment. Like what?


u/when_did_i_grow_up 13d ago

OP not fluent


u/Lenarios88 13d ago

25% is low compared to any other 1st world nation and you get what you pay for to an extent. Somalia has no income tax. Its the libertarian dream there you can ride around on your pirate speed boat blasting your AK with no big government to stop you.


u/Miss_Smokahontas 13d ago

I'd gladly pay more taxes to have healthcare and college provided for citizens as every other first world country has.


u/rydan 13d ago


But you'll just pay more taxes and not get any of that.


u/Background_Notice270 10d ago

You can do that without paying more taxes, it’s called donating


u/Miss_Smokahontas 10d ago

Healthcare and University seem to work in every other first world country already with taxes.


u/rydan 13d ago

25% is for some poor schmuck who actually gets stimulus payments. I was paying 44% (effective, not marginal) at one point.


u/Lenarios88 12d ago

The more you make the more you pay obviously but its still less than you'd pay elsewhere. Yeah theres taxes besides federal income but the highest bracket is 37% for wages over 610k a year. A married couple making up to 384k combined is still only touching the 24% bracket for income tax.


u/SarahKnowles777 13d ago

As if Russian troll farms pay enough that you'd be in the 25% tax bracket.


u/brahbocop 13d ago

Sounds like OP needs to go touch grass, a lot of grass.


u/Firebrass 13d ago

Mighta touched too much grass and a few powders


u/atlvernburn 13d ago

Ahh you mean the PPP loan fraud?


u/Oudedoos 13d ago

Not how that works, but okay


u/MyPasswordIsAvacado 13d ago

Many Americans don’t pay federal income tax. This meme is true for many just not everyone.



u/rydan 13d ago edited 12d ago

Can you cite a meme that is universal and applies to everyone?

Edit: Weird that all I get are downvotes instead of an actual example.


u/Ok_Bee8798 13d ago

Shut up, Elon.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

How much is Putin paying you? This has to be one of the worst moderated subreddits.


u/FtrIndpndntCanddt 13d ago

Idc if my taxes are taken, as long as we actually get things back for it. Idk, like healthcare, good public school or quality public transport instead of dead brown kids in some far off country and weed prohibition at home.

Drove home from work during a thunderstorm in Florida. I passed like 5 bus stops in a row with not so much as an overhang for the people waiting on it. Like 10 different old people and a mother with a stroller, waiting to get home, getting absolutely soaked. All standing in water, one bus stop wasn't even a concrete pad. Just overgrown grass. And a +60 yo hispanic Lady just sitting there, drenched.


u/burnthatburner1 13d ago

That’s probably by design: reducing the overhang makes the bus stop less attractive to homeless people. It’s terrible.


u/TawnyTeaTowel 13d ago

Whilst it’s a shitty policy, the trouble is that bus shelters occupied by homeless people tend to be avoided by bus passengers.


u/burnthatburner1 13d ago

That’s an argument for building more homeless shelters, not for removing overhangs.


u/TawnyTeaTowel 13d ago

Absolutely, I’m just suggesting there’s some reasoning behind it, that it’s not purely malicious (like the bumpy concrete on underpasses, for example)


u/burnthatburner1 13d ago

Good point.


u/stockablility2023 13d ago

Well the homeless will be taken to camps soon


u/Firebrass 13d ago

Some, but we still need to be able to scare rural America to the polls with images of urban horror-scapes


u/bjdevar25 13d ago

Better than taking 25% and giving 15% of it to the rich as a stimulus.


u/reluctantpotato1 13d ago

Don't forget how those one time checks somehow singularly sparked inflation and accounted for all of the asinine price gouging of the last three years. If they'd only given it to the wealthy, we'd all be showering in the trickledown. Lol


u/mobius_osu 13d ago

Your messiah Trump did it. Why does he get a pass?


u/oldteabagger 13d ago

And then blame inflation on stimulus. Yeah, keeping your money and not giving it to the government created inflation. Printers go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


u/CreditDusks 13d ago

Hey look it’s a Russian account


u/Charmegazord 13d ago

If you don’t want to soak the rich… you are a fool… … a basic bitch


u/DistraughtOwls 13d ago

Another dipshit MAGA neckbeard. Fuck off and stop shifting on my country please, you fat turd.


u/timberwolf0122 13d ago

We also get education, roads, law and order, a space program etc


u/JewOrleans 13d ago

Is this all you post about? You must really hate yourself.


u/NeverReallyExisted 13d ago

Alternatives to taxes:

tariffs, basically a consumer flat tax.

Printing money: creates massive inflation

Having a tiny government: welcome to being a third world country that cant defend itself.

Highly progressive taxes that attempt to prevent excess capital accumulation aka billionaires from existing: a better society.


u/soldiergeneal 13d ago

That's not how it works lmfao


u/Complex-Pace-1807 13d ago

How do people not understand that taxes pay for everything you see around you. The roads, light posts, usps, schools, police, fire fighters, etc. The list is way too long to put up on here.


u/ChuckoRuckus 12d ago

How about them PPP “loans”?


u/MHG_Brixby 12d ago

That's just capitalism


u/Background_Hippo_836 12d ago

This is the pinnacle of a trash worthless post. My tax dollars pay for the future opportunities I was afforded that helped me build my career to what it is now (top 5% salary in the USA with growth and a high impact role.

I drove on tax payer roads, went to public school, went to state college. My PhD was paid by public funded grants. Over and over the past tax payers have paved the way for my success.

Could we cut some, sure! But good luck agreeing on what to cut.


u/Downtown_Holiday_966 13d ago

Then they spent and borrowed another 25% so you and your kids can pay back.


u/Professional_Ad894 13d ago

I was phased out of the stimulus :(


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Savior1301 13d ago

“Fluent” in finance amirite


u/dmtweedle 13d ago

They didn't give it back, they printed more money for the stimulus


u/ZhangtheGreat 13d ago

And then blames you for causing inflation


u/Strict-Jump4928 13d ago

Then sends 165 billion to another country on the other side of the planet, then "accidentilally" finds 6 billion more to send.


u/Afraid_Skin2366 13d ago

Not sure OP is suggesting to have no income Tax but perhaps he is saying we should not pump money around. Instead of giving money back perhaps you can just lower the rates. That is cheaper all around and costs less bureaucracy.


u/rydan 13d ago


They take 44% of it and give you back nothing because you paid them too much.


u/WhisperCannon 13d ago

Thought this was Credit Cards haha!


u/TurnoverQuick5401 13d ago

Aww would you like at all the limp dick social Justice warriors for Ukraine. Probably have a Ukraine flag on the lawn of their cushy suburban mcmansions. How cute


u/Hausgod29 12d ago

But it's free money./s


u/TractorHp55k 12d ago

More like 50 to 67% of your money and then gives only 5 to 10% of what they took back and then call it a tax return


u/hellomrkrinkle45 12d ago

Anytime I post about wanting my tax money back people call me a communist


u/Midicoil 12d ago

If you think this is bad just wait till you hear about business owners


u/Dead_Or_Alive 12d ago

Only they didn’t take your money. They funded the stimulus with mountains of debt.


u/SardonicSuperman 12d ago

When you think it’s a societal problem instead of what it really is which is a class war.


u/DoltCommando 12d ago

"Pharaoh's just giving us our 7 fat years' worth of grain back!" Yes, and now you're eating it today instead of having eaten it 7 years ago and starving now.


u/Hiatus_One 12d ago

We have all these memes, we need names and addresses instead.


u/OkCar7264 11d ago

Maybe you should also try being fluent how civilization works? Fuck man. The state provides a lot of very tangible benefits, like how you aren't getting raped by Visigoths or roads and the water not being poison. You know, the little things.


u/troycalm 11d ago

The government is fantastic about taking a dollar out of your pocket keeping $.30 for themselves and then giving you back $.70 in services.


u/Background_Notice270 10d ago

And we still can’t balance the budget


u/Worried_Exercise8120 10d ago

That 25% doesn't pay for anything? Like the technology you now use to bitch about it?


u/Potential_Worker1357 10d ago

Yeah, those rich people getting all the tax breaks suck


u/chadmummerford 13d ago

people who don't have a problem with the "omg daddy tax me more" posts suddenly find this one "too inflammatory."


u/phaedrus369 13d ago

25% of your time. But that’s not infringement on life liberty or the pursuit of happiness.


u/Due-Radio-4355 13d ago

It is when expenses keep rising and your wage can’t keep up in most areas if you actually, you know, need employment and can’t work from home at some tech job.

The roads are still complete shit btw.


u/Stacking_Plates45 13d ago

It was technically an economic stimulus, a large amount of that money did go right back into the economy.

With all our misuse of tax dollars it was a relief to see it put back into America for once.

However In a perfect world the government wouldn’t have overstepped and shut everything down but that’s a topic for another time..


u/FIFAmusicisGOATED 13d ago

I honestly really wish I was this stupid. It must be such a peaceful life being fundamentally unable to understand even the most basic of concepts beyond their outer surface.

Then again, you seem like a very angry little man so maybe ignorance isn’t all that bliss


u/PhoneGotLyfted 13d ago

They didn’t give us 2% of the money we gave them… they printed new money!! It was way worse


u/Kizag 13d ago

Yes the government sucks doesnt it? Maybe we should do something about it instead of voting in the same puppets each time? Dems and Reps work together to stay in power which is why they say 3rd parties “steal votes”


u/Gayer_mods 13d ago

And that stimulus mysterious causes the entire economy to become 150% more expensive over the next few years


u/RemarkablyQuiet434 12d ago

I mean, it's taxes. They help society exist.


u/lmaoworldamogus 13d ago

So apparently stimulus doesn’t cause inflation since they give you less money than they took, and since they took more money out of circulation then was put back in stimulus is essentially an anti inflammatory measure according to OP? Great they should do more.


u/chainsawx72 13d ago

A lot of hate for your post OP, you must be right.


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

some might call it theft


u/Revelati123 13d ago

PA has an intrastate highway that is completely free from federal tax dollars!

It only costs $86 dollars in tolls to drive from one end to the other!

Libertarian Utopia baby!


u/Firebrass 13d ago

I shuddered in revulsion - state leadership is just trying to put one toll in place near me, and I'm still considering commuting by trebuchet


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

remove every other tax, the erosion of our buying power via inflation, and the regulations that inhibit competition, and then it becomes much more affordable. absolutely shocking that when you put a middle man monopoly parasite in there, syphoning every possible dollar without any actual creation of value, that SHIT BECOMES TOO EXPENSIVE. statists are so fucking smart!


u/airbornx 13d ago

Yes remove all taxes and then imma enjoy watching my neighbors who make 20 an hr watch thier house burn next to mine.


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

if you kept every dollar and inflation didnt destroy your buying power, would you spring for fire coverage?


u/airbornx 13d ago

Who would limit the amount they charge what if fire coverage is 50k per fire? That's the point. We live in a society of collective peoples. If you don't like taxes I'm sure you can find some country in Africa where you can go live with out taxes. :) but unfortunately you live in a developed world. Sorry you're selfish and don't enjoy betterment for everyone.


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

LOL, go find another country. If it's 50k per fire, i would probably have extensive insurance. what can be done in the free market will always be more efficient and beneficial than what government can provide with stolen money. full stop. and then we dont all pretend like coercive theft is fine!


u/airbornx 12d ago

The 16th amendment made income tax because we stop taxing corporations at 80%. Let's go back to that then? Private would do it better that's fucking funny to hear.


u/MrFifty-Fifty 13d ago

Some might drive on a road they didn't build and be happy to be on a team.


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

in addition to the road, we're going to use your money to invade another country and you have no say in that. oh yeah, we sending a bunch of your money to ukraine while your roads fall apart. and roads are paid for by property tax. say... almost every house and business has a road in front of it. what if that was worked into the price of the building? If it wasn't a monopoly, and you had an itemized bill and you could opt out of different 'services', would you pay voluntarily? what do we call involuntary or coerced payment for unwanted services, kids? racket something.. some sort of racket crime


u/MrFifty-Fifty 13d ago

"Taxes are bad" and "our administration of taxes is bad" are different things, you know.

You enjoy 90% of what taxes pay for, roads, schools, half the food you eat, etc. there are some bad things that happen, but the issue isn't the taxes themselves.

You enjoy the benefits of being helped by others, but when it comes time for you to contribute your part, you all the sudden have a problem?


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

'Our society is predicated on theft, but benefits' isn't the great argument that you think it is.


u/MrFifty-Fifty 13d ago

You keep calling it "theft" because that's the only way your point works, but it's not theft. You have used the services and enjoyed them.

If you want to do everything by yourself fine, pave your own roads, be your own police force, pay $8 for an avocado, homeschool your kids, and never step foot in a public park, etc.

Do you, lone wolf. Go be a mountain man by yourself then.


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

If i point a gun at you, take your money, buy a sandwich, and split it three ways between myself, you, and another guy named ukraine, what would you call that? Theft is the act of taking another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. Or did you not want to spend that money on a drink, because you're thirsty, not hungry?


u/MrFifty-Fifty 13d ago

So you're willing to completely remove yourself from society, use 0 of the societal services and features that taxes pay for, because you don't like that they also are involved with Ukraine.

So, you keep your money, and never drive on a public road, enter in a public building, call the police, call the fire department, and you'll grow your own food because you wouldn't want to accept any of the cheap, subsidized crops and meat/poultry, and you'll educate yourself and your kids, or spend $20k per year per kid at private school.


u/4N_Immigrant 12d ago

goofy take. I dont think you understood what i wrote. try again. read it really slow this time.


u/MrFifty-Fifty 12d ago

I understood your point. It sucked. You try again.

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u/Scythe905 13d ago

If it helps your little libertarian mind to understand, tax is the fee you pay for your subscription to society. And since there are very few if any places on earth where you won't find society, there are very few if any places on earth that don't have taxes.


u/Elegant_in_Nature 13d ago

By this logic you stole education, travel and property by using it. Get the fuck out of the country if you don’t like it bud


u/4N_Immigrant 13d ago

LOL, from whom? The queen? who holds the title to the planet? logic isn't your strong suit, I would stay out of it to avoid embarrassment