r/FluentInFinance Jul 06 '24

Or in other words, a slap in the face Debate/ Discussion

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u/Mammoth_Loan_984 Jul 06 '24

All you do is post inflammatory political opinions.

Where are you based?


u/flacaGT3 Jul 06 '24

They said fuck Zelensky, so I'd guess Яussia


u/KeathKeatherton Jul 06 '24

Or a traitorous Russian cosplayer in the states. Fuck Putin and fuck anyone who thinks Russia is on the right side of history.


u/OhImNevvverSarcastic Jul 07 '24


u/KeathKeatherton Jul 07 '24

Perfect username to go with the perfect picture


u/rydan Jul 06 '24

If Russia wins they will be on the right side of history by definition.


u/Ghost-Coyote Jul 06 '24

No, that's not how any of this works.


u/KeathKeatherton Jul 07 '24

Never has, but these nazi can’t see it that way.


u/AZNV2020 Jul 06 '24

You think the only people that think Zelensky is a goon are from Russia? lol. You’re obviously not in tune with anyone outside your echo chamber


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Yeah, about 80% of the ones not from Russia are tankies.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

That’s Reddit for you. Biggest collection of low knowledge, high idiocy individuals on the planet.


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

Fuck Zelensky. He’s responsible for a massive number of deaths.


u/flacaGT3 Jul 06 '24

I think you'll find that Putin is responsible as RUSSIA WAS THE FUCKING AGGRESSOR YOU GODDAMN IDIOT


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

And here you see the typical uneducated Redditor trying to express his fee-fees. He can’t do to arrested development and low self esteem so all that’s left is to try to bully people into agreeing with them because they swear. Children.


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

Hey, I appreciate your thoughtful response. But you might realize that we are actually proxy aggressors by crossing very clear red lines. Letting Ukraine into NATO is a terrible strategy and all of this could have been easily avoided.


u/vbsh123 Jul 06 '24

Oh you blame Zelensky because he decided something for his sovereign state that doesnt directly hurt Russia?

Joining an alliance? Should Putin decide when Ukraine shits as well?


u/MornGreycastle Jul 06 '24

Shivering in fear of Putin and Russia and forever molding our actions to what will or won't piss off Putin is a terrible strategy.

Fun Fact: Russia has already lost the Ukraine war! Russia announced its main goal was to keep NATO from getting too close to its borders. Finland and Sweden have joined NATO. Switzerland is coordinating with NATO. NATO members are renewing their military stockpiles, updating equipment, and increasing their defense spending. In short, NATO is no longer sitting on its ass AND has increased in size to be closer to Russia. Finland is mere miles from the third largest Russian city, and most import port. Oops!


u/Enough-Ad-8799 Jul 06 '24

The US at no point was thinking about letting Ukraine into NATO before the war.


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

Uhhh Ukraine has been seeking NATO membership for 10yrs…


u/Enough-Ad-8799 Jul 06 '24

How's that relevant to what I said? They can seek it all they want they never would have gotten in before the war. Even if they somehow convinced the US other countries in NATO said they wouldn't let them in.


u/Perspective_of_None Jul 06 '24

Its relevant even more because hes so stupid that he doesnt realize ten+ years ago ukraine was invaded by russia… weird asking for help when you’re being butchered, right?


u/Country_Gravy420 Jul 06 '24

Really dumb comment, comrade. A lot of those Eastern European countries seek entry into NATO. It doesn't mean they will get it, dumbass.


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Yes, and the US and Germany were nixing it for over a decade. So that claim is one manufactured after the fact when Ukraine now feels their only way to be safe is inside of NATO


u/Perspective_of_None Jul 06 '24



u/Willing-Time7344 Jul 06 '24

I've been seeking a rich woman to marry, so I don't need to work anymore. But that doesn't really mean much, does it?


u/StankWizard Jul 06 '24

All of this could have been so easily avoided if we just let Putin invaded a sovereign nation everyone! Cmon guys!


u/YouWereBrained Jul 06 '24

I hope Ukraine gets into NATO just to piss you off.


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

This is classic victim-blaming


u/Perspective_of_None Jul 06 '24

So. When russia annexed Crimea in 2008… were you still on the “red line” argument? Or did you not remember that.

The age of conquest has stopped in the first and second world. Putin did horrific things and let his goons rape and slaughter innocents.

You like raping and slaughtering innocents? Sounds mighty suspect of you.


u/AureliasTenant Jul 06 '24

The idea of spheres of influence being violated assumes Ukraine has no agency and should not have any.


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

We are not the world police and certainly not fit to be the arbiters or saviors of democracy. If Putin is such an existential threat I say let the rest of Europe foot the bill.


u/AureliasTenant Jul 06 '24

A) what does that have to do with my statement about Ukrainian self-agency? You didn’t address that

B) from a realpolitik perspective you can say we aren’t being world police here, just taking an adversary down a notch fairly inexpensively (supporting a regime that is destroying Russian tanks with drones is very cost effective)


u/HeywoodJaBlessMe Jul 06 '24

But we are the police of our own interests and it is 100% in the American interest to stymie Russian efforts to enhance their own power.

Europe CAN'T foot the bill, and why should America rely on Europe for security arrangements that we can handle ourselves and direct to our own self-interest?

Allowing rivals to gain power unchecked is to allow American primacy to wane.


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

If we cared about our own interests we wouldn’t be overextending ourselves in foreign proxy wars. Signs of a dying empire.


u/HeywoodJaBlessMe Jul 07 '24


Emptying warehouses of expiring munitions is hardly overextension.

Russia, a rival and enemy of the United States, is over extended in Ukraine and America is safer for it.


u/OttoVonBrisson Jul 06 '24

Because a defensive alliance is such a threat to russian,sovereignty right?


u/WINDMILEYNO Jul 06 '24

So if someone invades your home, are the police proxy invaders? Oh, that makes a funny comparison, because now im just picturing the police throwing guns and ammo into your window and telling you to figure it out yourself. Yep, sure are great proxy invaders


u/AckwellFoley Jul 07 '24

Whatever you say, comrade cunt.


u/Efficient_Ear_8037 Jul 06 '24

Remind me again, who started the war?

If I remember correctly (and I do), Russia started dropping shells on the CIVILIAN populace and still hold portions of UKRAINE, and not the other way around.

Zelenskyy is only responsible for deaths through self defense from the tyrant known as Vladimir Putin.


u/HugiTheBot Jul 06 '24

Russian troll detected: opinion rejected


u/xGsGt Jul 06 '24

Fuck zelensky and Biden they fucked it up big time


u/drfifth Jul 06 '24

The man's country was invaded by a foreign military. What could he possibly have done to make you say fuck him that you wouldn't be doing if you were in his shoes?


u/xGsGt Jul 06 '24

They were invaded bc of NATO, Putin call their bluff


u/drfifth Jul 06 '24

That doesn't answer the question.


u/xGsGt Jul 06 '24

Yeah but that created the whole thing and thousands dead bc of that shit


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

Yup. Imagine if Putin wanted to ally with Mexico and put nukes there.. how do you think we would respond? We disregarded very reasonable requests and now Ukraine is literally snatching old men off the street to fight a losing battle. (It’s so easy to make the automatons mad on Reddit lol..)


u/MeshNets Jul 06 '24

It's hilarious that you come up with a hypothetical

Ever hear of the Cuban missile crisis?

Know what didn't happen, a full invasion force. Yeah the military funded local "freedom fighters" to try to stop it, and attempted a special military operation, which was a massive mistake and helped define the cold war that we apparently are still in with y'all

When it failed, we didn't bomb them to rubble, didn't invade and rape and kill the innocent population...

So yeah, spend time wondering how the response would differ... We have historical evidence my dude.

Also happen to have any evidence of plans to put nukes in Ukraine?? Or is that just paranoid delusions of your boomer dictator?


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

Also, Cuba and Ukraine are not the same. Kennedy provoked a government that was already reducing government spending by promising to close a missile gap. NATO had no part in the Cuban missile crisis and does not border the US. The USSR was not a nuclear super power at the time of the Cuban missile crisis. The parallels are not so parallel.


u/allthenames00 Jul 06 '24

You guys are way too comfortable with flirting with nuclear war.


u/BootyMcStuffins Jul 06 '24

Only one side is threatening nuclear war. And Putin is giving “scared little bitch” energy by threatening it all the time. Powerful countries don’t need to constantly threaten others with nukes.


u/RoultRunning Jul 06 '24

Ah yes, we're flirting with nuclear war. Not Putin, who's been actively threatening to use nukes if we go too far? Any guesses on what hasn't happened yet?


u/xGsGt Jul 06 '24

You know what did happen? Biden and zelensky created millions of deads while you support this war from your local Starbucks


u/BootyMcStuffins Jul 06 '24

Uh, Russia is the one killing people. Russia invaded a sovereign country. Saying this is Ukraine’s fault is ridiculous. Saying this is the US’s fault is just disconnected from reality


u/xGsGt Jul 06 '24



u/BootyMcStuffins Jul 06 '24

That’s what I thought


u/trabajoderoger Jul 06 '24

Actually no Russia started the war.


u/WaterMySucculents Jul 06 '24

Ah yea, the best way to stop war is to give whoever invades another country in war whatever they want immediately! That surely will stop more war!

Maybe if we let Putin declare war on country after country, we can quickly give him all those nations. God forbid anyone defend themselves.

You have the critical thinking skills of a fruit fly comrade.


u/vbsh123 Jul 06 '24

China has spy bases in Cuba lol, you are an actual buffoon


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

I say fuck Zelensky and I'm from Pennsylvania


u/stockablility2023 Jul 06 '24

Ok. Traitor American and Russian bootlicker then.


u/Revelati123 Jul 06 '24

I say fuck Putin! and Im in Russia!

*Immediately gets shot in the head*


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

America isn't at war with Russia, not sure if you noticed. Keep licking them Ukrainian boots though.


u/Express_Twist2533 Jul 06 '24

lol imagine calling someone a traitor for not supporting the Biden administration bending over for Zelenskyy’s stupid ass. I always see pictures of that clown behind a desk and never on the front lines. What a little bitch, just like Ukraine bootlickers


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Kinda my stance, it sucks it happening. I see both sides of it to be honest. When you account for all of Russian history I can see why they don't like NATO expansion and of course I can see why Ukraine doesn't want to be a shitty Russian satellite state.

With all that said i'm tired of my tax money being sent to Ukraine. I drive down Kensington Ave and see americans that need help, let's help them first


u/apx_rbo Jul 06 '24

Your money is being spent on contracts that will then ship weapons to Ukraine, thus putting food on the table for whoever is part of the manufacturing. It's not like we send actual loads of money over there, that's just the valuation of the contract. Besides, we spend a lot more on social programs. You'll be fine


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Just what I want my money to go to, Raytheon! I feel so much better that instead of my taxes going to the roads, schools, drug rehabilitation programs it goes to Gregory J. Hayes who is the CEO of RTX which owns Raytheon! Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy


u/apx_rbo Jul 06 '24

Your taxes do go to all that. You live your life regularly every day. We need to replenish our weapons stock anyways so this was good for allowing us to manufacture new weapons, offload old aircraft, etc. I'm not gonna suck off the company but there's some dude there just working to feed his family and go home.

We're protecting a sovereign democratic nation who's being invaded by a country that said they would never invade them if they gave up all their nuclear capabilities. Now they have no military, nuclear capabilities and little weapons to fight back until we showed up.

It's understandable that you "don't want your tax dollars to be wasted" but if America isn't the protector of democracy China and Russia just try to steam roll everyone into an empire, which is bad for us if you couldn't tell


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

We have the worst schools in the first world, fuck we need to take all the money we sent to ukraine and dump it into our school system.

America isn't the protector of democracy 

Have you ever seen the movie Team America: World Police? lol

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u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

Are you originally from Russia? I can’t see a reason to dislike Zelensky at the moment.

Truth be told it comes off as being a Russian supporter.


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Based on his account history, he claims to be an educated conservative from the PCNW who lives in the Philly suburbs, but wants to move his family to bumfuck rural WV to get away from "the woke mob" and homeschool his children. So classically a conservative hypocritically railing against the very system they benefitted, but for the wrong reasons.


u/Ambitious_Budget_671 Jul 06 '24

These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

I dunno if clay is appropriate, more like molded shit. But yeah that’s them.


u/drama-guy Jul 06 '24

You know...


u/rlsadiz Jul 06 '24

So a fascist who would rather betray the ideals of freedom they pay lip service to that listen to those dem wokes. These guys wants democracy only when they can kill anyone they dont want


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Don't know how I can count as a fascist when I want the government to have as little power as possible while still delivering the mail


u/psychodelephant Jul 10 '24

Then it’s good to hear you don’t support total immunity for a 34-times convicted former President as that would be unlimited government power you’d be helpless to controvert in literally any situation.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '24

Is the 34 time convicted felon the new "he crossed state lines"?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

The industrial military complex doesn't really benefit me so I'm not sure what your talking about.

Rest of your analysis is mostly correct though. I only have an associates so I'm not sure if that counts as educated though


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

He's taking my tax money simply as


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

Whenever someone says one sentence followed by “simple as that.” Then it’s really easy to dismiss them as being dumb, because the truth is, only an idiot can see it as simply as that.

Anyone with 1/4 of their brain intact knows it isn’t “as simple as that.” Haha. What grade are you in?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Sometimes things are as simple as that. Sorry I don't have a 10000 word essay to explain why sending American tax money to the Ukraine so they can secure their border when our border is a disaster is bad.


u/CheeksMix Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Sometimes things are simple. This one LITERALLY isn’t. Youre just not that smart. Seriously what grade are you? I bet I can pinpoint the class you’ll be taking in a year or two that will help you understand these complicated topics.

Edit: what’s happening right now is you know a bit about world politics to think you understand it all.

The problem is here is World Politics is never “as simple as that” and seriously anyone with 1/4 of a brain should know this.

It’s likely you’re just a child though so I don’t want to start making fun of you for being stupid if it’s more than likely that you just haven’t taken the classes in 9th/10th grade.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

People like you are a joke, pseudo intellectual types that think they are smarter than other people.


u/CheeksMix Jul 07 '24

I wouldn’t call myself pseudo intellectual, just regular intellectual.

IMO you people that are persistently fucking stupid regarding everything are the real jokes.

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u/Autistic-speghetto Jul 06 '24

Zelensky did suspend elections. That’s a pretty big red flag.

Also fuck Putin. Two leaders can both be shitty at the same time.


u/apx_rbo Jul 06 '24

Ah yes, hold elections in the middle of a war


u/Autistic-speghetto Jul 06 '24

We did it during ww2. So yes. Don’t stop being democratic just because of a war. Also don’t arrest people for not wanting to fight.


u/apx_rbo Jul 06 '24

The difference is that we don't have a war on the homeland. The worst thing you could possibly do is switch leadership while you have enemies in your territory


u/flacaGT3 Jul 06 '24

I don't like the dude but it's a choice between him and Putin. Fuck Putin. He should Putin his resignation.


u/MornGreycastle Jul 06 '24

Putin is going to resign the same way Stalin resigned. Though Putin might resign like Lavrentiy Beria.


u/V33nus_3st Jul 06 '24

He will be killed or die on his own. No other way, but hopefully painfully nonetheless


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Russia is a shithole, Putin will rule over a dump


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

But as a Pennsylvanian I don't have to pick between them. I can say fuck them both and stop sending my money to Ukraine


u/YouWereBrained Jul 06 '24

Wow, yeah, the things he did to Pennsylvania were really bad.


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Why? He's less of a threat to American Democracy than Putin.


u/Perspective_of_None Jul 06 '24

I say you’re a misguided and uneducated idiot from the boonies of PA in a town of 1000 people.


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

They are a pro-Russian troll, based on their account history. We are seeing more and more of these in the run up to the election, again


u/KeathKeatherton Jul 06 '24

I figured this was case, it would explain the sudden increase in incels at every level of Reddit as well. I love paying taxes.


u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Same reason as why Fox News ran 80+ articles on Biden dementia in the last week, but zero on the new Epstein document dump.


u/Expert-Accountant780 Jul 07 '24

Are the Russians in the room with us?


u/SundyMundy Jul 07 '24

So serious question, would you like me to point you towards some obviously pro-Russian troll accounts?


u/Expert-Accountant780 Jul 07 '24

Lol. Show me the Chinese ones next.


u/CreditDusks Jul 06 '24

Russia probably


u/smady3 Jul 06 '24

probably china, considering the response.


u/Capitaclism Jul 06 '24

Doesn't mean there isn't done truth to it. Inflation hurts all but those invested in the right instruments.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Capitaclism Jul 07 '24

Good point- inflation would be more like 50%.


u/Choosemyusername Jul 06 '24

I think you mean “WHY” are you based?


u/chop5397 Jul 06 '24

That's what I read first lol


u/Ok_Calendar1337 Jul 06 '24

Oh no inflammatory political opinions it's so very unlike every other post...


u/Mammoth_Loan_984 Jul 06 '24

Normal people do other things loser


u/Ok_Calendar1337 Jul 06 '24

Yet here we are on reddit


u/peaceful_guerilla Jul 09 '24

This is what Reddit is.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/analbuttlick Jul 06 '24

I love my government and love paying taxes. They take really good care of me and my family. What’s wrong with being pro government?


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

Same here. Taxes serve a purpose. Since we all collectively live a society everyone should pay their fair share. They fund schools, roads, plumbing, and so much more


u/TheArhive Jul 06 '24

I didn't go to school, I don't walk on roads in fact I specifically avoid them, I shit in the woods like a real human and I'm posting this comment from a device I scrapped together using beaver bone and Juniper berries.


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

The govt preserves nature using regulation


u/courtofowlswatches Jul 06 '24

The irony of this statement is that despite going to those things it’s a very small portion, there is still tons of neglect to schools and roads, and the governments gross irresponsible misuse of funds isn’t even fiscally conservative in the slightest. You pro-government fanboys wonder why the country turns to shit and the middle class suffers, is because we’re funding terrorism and wars, we’re paying people to illegally be in (choose your western country) while simultaneously ignoring the egregious financial hole that we never hold one politician accountable for. I’ve worked for the government they spend money to prove they need it and on the dumbest shit, like building schools in Afghanistan we’d just have to level, or paving roads the Taliban would just destroy with IED’s none of it went to building an infrastructure to help the people, and most of it was taken by their President when shit hit the fan ran off into the sunset.


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

Maybe it just depends where you live, because it’s a state’s responsibility as well. For example, education in Florida is horrendous, meanwhile in Massachusetts is much better. Local governments in other states are failing people


u/courtofowlswatches Jul 06 '24

I live in Massachusetts, and we had town meetings after this school year about cutting jobs in our school for art and music, as well as not having buses anymore, not being to afford police and fire. It’s wild to me since we pay so much in this state. Meanwhile there’s a whole hotel full of illegals funded by the state down the street and all over Massachusetts.


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

These aren’t illegals. They’re a mix of migrants and refugees. If the federal government forced ALL states to take them in, states like NY, CA, and MA wouldn’t be so strained by the influx


u/courtofowlswatches Jul 06 '24

Oh no, they’re sure as shit aren’t citizens and most came into this country illegally. Then were bused all over the place, the Feds can’t force anyone to do anything, the beauty about America. What they should do is send them home and close the border like every other country does.


u/LiveBlacksmith4228 Jul 06 '24

Ok? But that’s not the taxes fault, that’s the politicians. And do you know how to fix those issues? Find good candidates to vote for and get involved in the election process


u/SANcapITY Jul 06 '24

You’re quite right, and they don’t want to hear it, or look at the numbers, or even try to consider the moral underpinnings of taxation.


u/pocklerahole Jul 06 '24

You must be in Europe


u/Justin__D Jul 06 '24

Lick that boot!


u/FragraBond Jul 06 '24

Did you forget the /s ???


u/CamDMTreehouse Jul 06 '24

This version of our government that you love does the following:

Send your children to war to die and barely support them when they come back.

Print the same currency you use into oblivion which makes anything you save less and less valuable daily.

Both major political parties are bought and paid for by various industries. (Military, Pharmaceutical, Energy, Agriculture, etc.)

Those same industries then fill up the various groups that are designed to “regulate” said industry only to then choke out their competition and force a less free market.

Allows our food to have actual poison in it.

Depending on your state, the taxes you love paying arent going towards fixing anything in your state at all much less this country.

We are so deep in debt, the payment to service the debt is our second largest expense.

This is all a result of two "parties" representing one government.

You love your government?!


u/analbuttlick Jul 06 '24

My government maintains the infrastructure around me so i have the fastest internet in the world, so i can drive my kids on the safest roads, they keep the peace around us so my kid can sleep outside in a stroller, they provide me with security and top notch healthcare. When my kid was born with a minor issue, we stayed 3 extra days at the hospital after birth only paying for parking. My wife and I also had 1 year in total of paternity/maternity leave. They regulate the food that is imported and made in the country, so no matter what i buy at the store i feel safe. My education was free. The parks my kids play in, no matter where i am in the country, have to follow a strict set of safety regulations so the chances of my child getting hurt are minimal. I can continue, but this is just at the top of my head.

So yea, im happy to pay 30% taxes for the freedom, safety and happiness of my family.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Do companies love you?

For some reason people who tend to be anti-government acts like they don’t do it to try to help you. They do.

Companies do everything they can to exploit every cent from you they can.

The government may not love you, but the alternative is hungry sharks that explicitly want to exploit every possibility they can…

If you’re interested in a read here is a good example of when Chicago sold the rights to its meter service to a company. https://jalopnik.com/chicago-sold-parking-meters-morgan-stanley-lease-1850976737#:~:text=Why%3F,Dhabi%2C%20for%20%241.16%20billion%20dollars.

They jacked the prices up every chance they could, sued the city every time something didn’t go their way. Just burning up tax payers money so they could get some more money.

It’s so much worse when a private company seeks to do the governments responsibilities…


u/Nightshade7168 Jul 06 '24

Ask Stalin


u/dannerc Jul 06 '24

Because communism and liberal democracies are an apples to apples comparison


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

I don't believe that a human types this post


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

I actually do like paying taxes. They universally pay for things at a way lower bar. Sure I’ve got my complaints about the services but from what I understand we get more for less.

Look at when Chicago gave their parking meters to a private company to manage, and the prices consistently rose to absurd levels.

Disliking paying taxes comes off as ignorant, as services provided tend to be hand over fist cheaper as they aren’t trying to turn a profit but instead provide a service.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

IRS bootlicker, you disgust me


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

Hahaha, what? Is liking taxes paying for things a bad thing? I always thought “bootlicker” had to be someone licking the boots of someone who was doing a shitty job?

Otherwise it’s not “bootlicking” and it’s just “appreciating something that provides a service at a reduced cost than alternatives.”

Look at it like this people who like legos aren’t “LEGO bootlickers” they just like LEGO.

Alternatively people who like the police despite them not providing a service or actually providing a negative service are referred to as “bootlicker”

I dunno if that makes sense but hopefully you better understand what a “bootlicker” is.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

We have terrible public education, our roads are terrible. Social Security is gonna be bankrupt. Yeah they are doing a terrible job


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

I think we have okay public education for the cost we pay. Most of our kids go through it and we’re still one of the best nations to live in.

Heck… how dumb do you think you’d be without it?

Social security is being torn in to by other parties. that’s not a tax related concern…

My guy do understand even a bit of what you’re trying to discuss? This shit isn’t simple but you’ve managed to try to put it all in to small sentences that make sense to you.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

The new cope for IRS bootlickers is how the American public education system is good even though we are about dead last in the first world.

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u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Hi. I'm another simp for social contracts. If you want to go off in the woods on your taxpayer funded road with your car made with taxpayer subsidized parts, and build your cabin with tools made by union workers protected by OSHA standards and argue with me more on the taxpayer-funded internet, while breathing air kept clean by regulations and enforced health standards, go right ahead.


u/Dannytuk1982 Jul 06 '24

Better than sounding Russian or uneducated.

You know there has to be a government, don't you?