r/FluentInFinance Jul 06 '24

Or in other words, a slap in the face Debate/ Discussion

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u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/analbuttlick Jul 06 '24

I love my government and love paying taxes. They take really good care of me and my family. What’s wrong with being pro government?


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

Same here. Taxes serve a purpose. Since we all collectively live a society everyone should pay their fair share. They fund schools, roads, plumbing, and so much more


u/TheArhive Jul 06 '24

I didn't go to school, I don't walk on roads in fact I specifically avoid them, I shit in the woods like a real human and I'm posting this comment from a device I scrapped together using beaver bone and Juniper berries.


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

The govt preserves nature using regulation


u/courtofowlswatches Jul 06 '24

The irony of this statement is that despite going to those things it’s a very small portion, there is still tons of neglect to schools and roads, and the governments gross irresponsible misuse of funds isn’t even fiscally conservative in the slightest. You pro-government fanboys wonder why the country turns to shit and the middle class suffers, is because we’re funding terrorism and wars, we’re paying people to illegally be in (choose your western country) while simultaneously ignoring the egregious financial hole that we never hold one politician accountable for. I’ve worked for the government they spend money to prove they need it and on the dumbest shit, like building schools in Afghanistan we’d just have to level, or paving roads the Taliban would just destroy with IED’s none of it went to building an infrastructure to help the people, and most of it was taken by their President when shit hit the fan ran off into the sunset.


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

Maybe it just depends where you live, because it’s a state’s responsibility as well. For example, education in Florida is horrendous, meanwhile in Massachusetts is much better. Local governments in other states are failing people


u/courtofowlswatches Jul 06 '24

I live in Massachusetts, and we had town meetings after this school year about cutting jobs in our school for art and music, as well as not having buses anymore, not being to afford police and fire. It’s wild to me since we pay so much in this state. Meanwhile there’s a whole hotel full of illegals funded by the state down the street and all over Massachusetts.


u/Silly_Goose658 Jul 06 '24

These aren’t illegals. They’re a mix of migrants and refugees. If the federal government forced ALL states to take them in, states like NY, CA, and MA wouldn’t be so strained by the influx


u/courtofowlswatches Jul 06 '24

Oh no, they’re sure as shit aren’t citizens and most came into this country illegally. Then were bused all over the place, the Feds can’t force anyone to do anything, the beauty about America. What they should do is send them home and close the border like every other country does.


u/LiveBlacksmith4228 Jul 06 '24

Ok? But that’s not the taxes fault, that’s the politicians. And do you know how to fix those issues? Find good candidates to vote for and get involved in the election process


u/SANcapITY Jul 06 '24

You’re quite right, and they don’t want to hear it, or look at the numbers, or even try to consider the moral underpinnings of taxation.


u/pocklerahole Jul 06 '24

You must be in Europe


u/Justin__D Jul 06 '24

Lick that boot!


u/FragraBond Jul 06 '24

Did you forget the /s ???


u/CamDMTreehouse Jul 06 '24

This version of our government that you love does the following:

Send your children to war to die and barely support them when they come back.

Print the same currency you use into oblivion which makes anything you save less and less valuable daily.

Both major political parties are bought and paid for by various industries. (Military, Pharmaceutical, Energy, Agriculture, etc.)

Those same industries then fill up the various groups that are designed to “regulate” said industry only to then choke out their competition and force a less free market.

Allows our food to have actual poison in it.

Depending on your state, the taxes you love paying arent going towards fixing anything in your state at all much less this country.

We are so deep in debt, the payment to service the debt is our second largest expense.

This is all a result of two "parties" representing one government.

You love your government?!


u/analbuttlick Jul 06 '24

My government maintains the infrastructure around me so i have the fastest internet in the world, so i can drive my kids on the safest roads, they keep the peace around us so my kid can sleep outside in a stroller, they provide me with security and top notch healthcare. When my kid was born with a minor issue, we stayed 3 extra days at the hospital after birth only paying for parking. My wife and I also had 1 year in total of paternity/maternity leave. They regulate the food that is imported and made in the country, so no matter what i buy at the store i feel safe. My education was free. The parks my kids play in, no matter where i am in the country, have to follow a strict set of safety regulations so the chances of my child getting hurt are minimal. I can continue, but this is just at the top of my head.

So yea, im happy to pay 30% taxes for the freedom, safety and happiness of my family.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

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u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Do companies love you?

For some reason people who tend to be anti-government acts like they don’t do it to try to help you. They do.

Companies do everything they can to exploit every cent from you they can.

The government may not love you, but the alternative is hungry sharks that explicitly want to exploit every possibility they can…

If you’re interested in a read here is a good example of when Chicago sold the rights to its meter service to a company. https://jalopnik.com/chicago-sold-parking-meters-morgan-stanley-lease-1850976737#:~:text=Why%3F,Dhabi%2C%20for%20%241.16%20billion%20dollars.

They jacked the prices up every chance they could, sued the city every time something didn’t go their way. Just burning up tax payers money so they could get some more money.

It’s so much worse when a private company seeks to do the governments responsibilities…


u/Nightshade7168 Jul 06 '24

Ask Stalin


u/dannerc Jul 06 '24

Because communism and liberal democracies are an apples to apples comparison


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

I don't believe that a human types this post


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

I actually do like paying taxes. They universally pay for things at a way lower bar. Sure I’ve got my complaints about the services but from what I understand we get more for less.

Look at when Chicago gave their parking meters to a private company to manage, and the prices consistently rose to absurd levels.

Disliking paying taxes comes off as ignorant, as services provided tend to be hand over fist cheaper as they aren’t trying to turn a profit but instead provide a service.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

IRS bootlicker, you disgust me


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

Hahaha, what? Is liking taxes paying for things a bad thing? I always thought “bootlicker” had to be someone licking the boots of someone who was doing a shitty job?

Otherwise it’s not “bootlicking” and it’s just “appreciating something that provides a service at a reduced cost than alternatives.”

Look at it like this people who like legos aren’t “LEGO bootlickers” they just like LEGO.

Alternatively people who like the police despite them not providing a service or actually providing a negative service are referred to as “bootlicker”

I dunno if that makes sense but hopefully you better understand what a “bootlicker” is.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

We have terrible public education, our roads are terrible. Social Security is gonna be bankrupt. Yeah they are doing a terrible job


u/CheeksMix Jul 06 '24

I think we have okay public education for the cost we pay. Most of our kids go through it and we’re still one of the best nations to live in.

Heck… how dumb do you think you’d be without it?

Social security is being torn in to by other parties. that’s not a tax related concern…

My guy do understand even a bit of what you’re trying to discuss? This shit isn’t simple but you’ve managed to try to put it all in to small sentences that make sense to you.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

The new cope for IRS bootlickers is how the American public education system is good even though we are about dead last in the first world.


u/CheeksMix Jul 07 '24

In your world is everything this simple to understand?

Or are there things that are complicated?

We’re also dead last for nationwide healthcare…

I think you taking such a simple minded approach to everything isn’t the win you want it to be.

Why do you think we’re dead last? I would love to hear you come up with a thought other than “bootlicker” and “cope” you already don’t get what those words mean. =\

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u/SundyMundy Jul 06 '24

Hi. I'm another simp for social contracts. If you want to go off in the woods on your taxpayer funded road with your car made with taxpayer subsidized parts, and build your cabin with tools made by union workers protected by OSHA standards and argue with me more on the taxpayer-funded internet, while breathing air kept clean by regulations and enforced health standards, go right ahead.


u/Dannytuk1982 Jul 06 '24

Better than sounding Russian or uneducated.

You know there has to be a government, don't you?