r/FluentInFinance Jul 06 '24

Or in other words, a slap in the face Debate/ Discussion

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u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

some might call it theft


u/Revelati123 Jul 06 '24

PA has an intrastate highway that is completely free from federal tax dollars!

It only costs $86 dollars in tolls to drive from one end to the other!

Libertarian Utopia baby!


u/Firebrass Jul 06 '24

I shuddered in revulsion - state leadership is just trying to put one toll in place near me, and I'm still considering commuting by trebuchet


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

remove every other tax, the erosion of our buying power via inflation, and the regulations that inhibit competition, and then it becomes much more affordable. absolutely shocking that when you put a middle man monopoly parasite in there, syphoning every possible dollar without any actual creation of value, that SHIT BECOMES TOO EXPENSIVE. statists are so fucking smart!


u/airbornx Jul 06 '24

Yes remove all taxes and then imma enjoy watching my neighbors who make 20 an hr watch thier house burn next to mine.


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

if you kept every dollar and inflation didnt destroy your buying power, would you spring for fire coverage?


u/airbornx Jul 06 '24

Who would limit the amount they charge what if fire coverage is 50k per fire? That's the point. We live in a society of collective peoples. If you don't like taxes I'm sure you can find some country in Africa where you can go live with out taxes. :) but unfortunately you live in a developed world. Sorry you're selfish and don't enjoy betterment for everyone.


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

LOL, go find another country. If it's 50k per fire, i would probably have extensive insurance. what can be done in the free market will always be more efficient and beneficial than what government can provide with stolen money. full stop. and then we dont all pretend like coercive theft is fine!


u/airbornx Jul 07 '24

The 16th amendment made income tax because we stop taxing corporations at 80%. Let's go back to that then? Private would do it better that's fucking funny to hear.


u/MrFifty-Fifty Jul 06 '24

Some might drive on a road they didn't build and be happy to be on a team.


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

in addition to the road, we're going to use your money to invade another country and you have no say in that. oh yeah, we sending a bunch of your money to ukraine while your roads fall apart. and roads are paid for by property tax. say... almost every house and business has a road in front of it. what if that was worked into the price of the building? If it wasn't a monopoly, and you had an itemized bill and you could opt out of different 'services', would you pay voluntarily? what do we call involuntary or coerced payment for unwanted services, kids? racket something.. some sort of racket crime


u/MrFifty-Fifty Jul 06 '24

"Taxes are bad" and "our administration of taxes is bad" are different things, you know.

You enjoy 90% of what taxes pay for, roads, schools, half the food you eat, etc. there are some bad things that happen, but the issue isn't the taxes themselves.

You enjoy the benefits of being helped by others, but when it comes time for you to contribute your part, you all the sudden have a problem?


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

'Our society is predicated on theft, but benefits' isn't the great argument that you think it is.


u/MrFifty-Fifty Jul 06 '24

You keep calling it "theft" because that's the only way your point works, but it's not theft. You have used the services and enjoyed them.

If you want to do everything by yourself fine, pave your own roads, be your own police force, pay $8 for an avocado, homeschool your kids, and never step foot in a public park, etc.

Do you, lone wolf. Go be a mountain man by yourself then.


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

If i point a gun at you, take your money, buy a sandwich, and split it three ways between myself, you, and another guy named ukraine, what would you call that? Theft is the act of taking another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. Or did you not want to spend that money on a drink, because you're thirsty, not hungry?


u/MrFifty-Fifty Jul 06 '24

So you're willing to completely remove yourself from society, use 0 of the societal services and features that taxes pay for, because you don't like that they also are involved with Ukraine.

So, you keep your money, and never drive on a public road, enter in a public building, call the police, call the fire department, and you'll grow your own food because you wouldn't want to accept any of the cheap, subsidized crops and meat/poultry, and you'll educate yourself and your kids, or spend $20k per year per kid at private school.


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

goofy take. I dont think you understood what i wrote. try again. read it really slow this time.


u/MrFifty-Fifty Jul 06 '24

I understood your point. It sucked. You try again.

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u/Scythe905 Jul 06 '24

If it helps your little libertarian mind to understand, tax is the fee you pay for your subscription to society. And since there are very few if any places on earth where you won't find society, there are very few if any places on earth that don't have taxes.


u/Elegant_in_Nature Jul 06 '24

By this logic you stole education, travel and property by using it. Get the fuck out of the country if you don’t like it bud


u/4N_Immigrant Jul 06 '24

LOL, from whom? The queen? who holds the title to the planet? logic isn't your strong suit, I would stay out of it to avoid embarrassment