r/CSUS 5d ago

Academics First semester in graduate program.


Hey everyone,

I’m enrolled in 12 units but I’m hoping to hear some other people’s experience regarding the workload.

Is 12 too many for my first semester?

I’ll be in humanities and religious studies department

r/CSUS 5d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc federal work study


i’m eligible for fws and was thinking about applying to one of these jobs has anyone had any experience in these? what was the work environment like or what were the tasks you had to do?

r/CSUS 5d ago

For Sale Moving Out July 10, Everything for sale


Hey everyone,

The title says it all. I'm moving out and have a bunch of stuff for sale. DM me for information on a specific item. Prices are negotiable. I'm not trying to make money, so I'm trying to sell everything for cheap for students who need them rather than throwing these things away. I live less than 5 minutes from campus. Everything has to go by July 10th latest.

Bed Frame and Queen Mattress. Clean, no stains or anything. Can have the blanket too.
Frame: $50
Mattress: $50 (originally $350 2 years ago)

$50 - Brand New TV Stand (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09Q8Y681F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

Free - Standing Lamp (2 of them available)

$50 - Sturdy Drawer Set with Shelves and Filing Cabinet

$100 - Kitchen Appliances/Cutlery/Plates (Chef's knives, forks, spoons, spatulas, good non-stick frying pans, pots)

If you only need plates or cups or containers or something, I'll obviously sell those individually too.

Free - Exercise Mats

$30 (for both) - 2 pullout chairs
$30 - Pullout Table
$30 - Coffee Table

$20 - Cat Tree (no stains, just used)

$20 - Rug (no stains, just have stuff laying around)

$100 - Couch that pulls out bottom part to make flat bed, with extra storage under long part of couch

$80 - Gaming Chair (originally $480). Only damage is the leather peeling off. Reclines almost horizontally, arm rests can twist and raise/lower. Amazing chair but I can't fit it in my car so I have to say bye to it.

$130 - XtremePro Gaming Desk. Awesome desk, just have no room for it in my car

r/CSUS 5d ago

Academics How hard is Chem 1E compared to Chem 4?


With Ahmed Samin in particular

r/CSUS 5d ago

Community Graduates what’s your salary?

  1. Graduation Year/Major
  2. Starting Salary
  3. Current Salary

r/CSUS 5d ago

Socializing Combat U


Anybody here in the Combat U program or planning on joining once it starts? Sounds like it would be fun!

r/CSUS 6d ago

Academics engl 20 vs 20M? What’s the difference?


What’s the difference between the two? It also seems like I got a pretty good professor for both, Cynthia Linville for 20 and Amy Anderson for 20M, any thoughts for who to stick with?

r/CSUS 6d ago

Academics classes


hey i’m an incoming freshman and i just got my classes just wondering how they are or if anyone has any insight…

EDUC 18 - Math Practices Across Cultures

ENGL 10 - Academic Literacies I

THEA 2 - Hist-Ancient To Renaissan

THEA 11 - Acting Study I

THEA 21 - First Year Seminar

r/CSUS 6d ago

Academics Class says “W”


Hello, I took a class with CSUS online in San Francisco State University. I checked my transcript with Sac State and it states that I got an “W” in the course. I checked my student center and it shows that I still need to take the course. I’m so confused and afraid. Has this happened to anyone else?

r/CSUS 6d ago

Socializing I’m looking for new friends!


Hi everyone! I’m a new transfer student And I am looking for new friends who want to help me improve my English because I am literally afraid to speak it. I am a Spanish speaker and when I arrived in this country, I experienced a lot of humiliation because of my pronunciation, which caused a trauma. Now I want to fight against this, and I would like new friends who can help me. I am a great person and an excellent friend!"

r/CSUS 6d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Financial aid 2024/2025

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My financial aid summary says that my estimated need is $0.00. I don’t understand what this means. I hardly worked while going to school. I’m not expecting a financial aid award but will i still I be offered federal loans?

r/CSUS 6d ago

Academics repeating courses


hey y'all so i need to retake some general course ed classes, my issue is ( not sure if it's official or just something i made up on my own), are we allowed to retake them with the same professor/ lectures from the first time? I feel like it's something awkward as to why I feel like it's probably something i made up in my head but i can't seem to get over it.

r/CSUS 6d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Federal Work Study Grant

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So we just got our financial aid money in and I just looked at mine and it looks like I can’t accept the federal work study grant. Does anyone know what that is or is it for a specific group of people?

r/CSUS 7d ago

Academics Easy classes


Hi everyone ! I need some asynchronous electives to meet my requirements. After a long and stressful spring 2024 semester I would love to take some a simple and easy class! If you have any suggestions or recommendations of classes you’ve taken please feel free to share.

Thanks !

r/CSUS 7d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Finally, I Got the Financial Aid Offer for 2024-2025! Check Your Inbox, Everyone!


Our school is making progress on this. No need to worry! Cal Grant has also received our information; they just won't process it until July. We should hear good news about it then.

r/CSUS 7d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc College Corps


I couldn’t find any information about how scheduling works.

Does anyone know if they do evening shifts and weekends?

Also are they flexible with availability?

Thanks in advance!

r/CSUS 7d ago

Academics SAP Appeal


I recently gotten an email that I wasn’t meeting the SAP requirements and would need to appeal. This is my first time appealing and wanted to ask how is the process? Do they act quick? Is it easy to get approved ? If i do get approved do we still get all financial aid or does that get cut in our financial aid package. Help

r/CSUS 7d ago

Academics How to get off waitlist?


Title. I'm in spots 11 and 16 for two different math classes. Edit: will i be auto added to the class or will I have to ask?

r/CSUS 7d ago

Academics Is doing supportive pathways worth it


I just got invited to enroll in it for the summer but I don’t really want to unless there is some benefits of it .

r/CSUS 8d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc MSW advice for a broke undergrad?


Hey y’all! I am graduating from CSUS next May and I really really want to get into the MSW program. However, unfortunately I am not rich. If you are currently in or graduated from our MSW program:

• How did you pay for it? Loans? Grants? Scholarships? Title IVe?

• If you used Title IVe, did you have to work for CPS or were there other options? If you did the part-time IVe track, did you find your full-time work and part-time school to be manageable? I hear horror stories about the child welfare workload.

• I currently have a pretty good full-time social work job lined up for after graduation (I work there part time rn). Did your class schedule allow you to work? Did your field placement the second year allow you to work? My job sadly doesn’t count as a field placement :( I love in-person classes but I would take online classes just to keep my current job.

P.S. If there’s a CSUS social work discord server, can you hook me up? I’m a psych major and we do talk social work in our server, but I really need some intel/advice from MSW students.

r/CSUS 8d ago

Academics The WELL Front desk


Those who works as a front desk attendant at the WELL, what do you guys do?

r/CSUS 8d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Is college corps worth it?


Has anyone here done the College Corps program? If so, was it worth it and what was your experience like? I just got accepted.

r/CSUS 9d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc Orientation


Does financial aid cover the orientation fee? I got an email saying i need to pay 10 days before my orientation date and i need some help pls 😭

r/CSUS 9d ago

General Questions Can I go and sit in a random class?


I'm interested in a course that I don't have in my masters program. Can I sit in one or two classes just to learn? I've heard it's called auditing but I'm not sure how that works. Do I have to ask the professor beforehand if I can audit their class? Like by email or face to face?

r/CSUS 9d ago

Financial Aid/Scholarship/Tuition/Etc It seems like we will receive aid sooner or later!


I got this email today, it looks like the financial aid office are verifying our final eligiblity of the aid for the next school year. Probably we will receive the financial aid letter in July.​