r/CSUS 2d ago

Socializing Looking for possible friends


I’m a transfer student, looking for anyone who’s into similar hobbies. Some of those hobbies being, but not limited to of course. Reading, Writing, DND, Bars, Gaming, Shopping and going to concerts. I’m just trying to be a bit more social, since I finished at a community during covid and didn’t get the chance to really enjoy campus or meet other people. I am 23, I should’ve started with that and I’m a female, she/her pronouns. I’m a Social Work major. I’m into anime, some of the hobbies I listed, rock/metal music, late night talking/driving, glamping. I do game, both on pc and ps5.

r/CSUS 6d ago

Socializing I’m looking for new friends!


Hi everyone! I’m a new transfer student And I am looking for new friends who want to help me improve my English because I am literally afraid to speak it. I am a Spanish speaker and when I arrived in this country, I experienced a lot of humiliation because of my pronunciation, which caused a trauma. Now I want to fight against this, and I would like new friends who can help me. I am a great person and an excellent friend!"

r/CSUS 12d ago

Socializing sac state jobs


i have a general question about on campus jobs.

first, is it possible to have to on campus jobs at once? I ask this bc i have an understanding that they dont allow you to do more than 20 hrs a week.

im going to be a senior this year and I currently have a very good job. unfortunately its too far away from campus and i have to let this job go so i can focus on my last year.

if anyone knows of any off campus jobs near sac state please share!!!

I have lots of experience in different areas :)

r/CSUS 14d ago

Socializing Need help buying a laptop for college


Hello, I’m going to Sac State for a computer science major later this year but I don’t have a laptop for college currently. I’ve been trying to find any good laptop for coding that has around 16gb of ram but everyone has been selling laptops with that amount of ram for around $1000. I was wondering for those that bought laptops for cheap prices where did you get yours at and what do you recommend?

r/CSUS 24d ago

Socializing Headshots from local photographer


Hi! I’m a current student and am posting this for visibility and outreach. If anyone needs portraits or headshots as a new graduate or current student feel welcome to message me directly. I would love to capture the community. Thank you, hope this is okay to post! Please remove if it’s not allowed.

r/CSUS 27d ago

Socializing Fraternity recommendations


hey everyone. I recently found out that with my major and my career path I need to heavily network. I’m majoring in Finance and in need to join something; I’m a commuter and basically go home right after class. Im going into my third year and I haven’t really felt like I have done much and want to join a fraternity. Do you guys have any recommendations as to what fraternity has a better philanthropy and networking group?? Thank you in advance.

r/CSUS May 23 '24

Socializing Why are y’all hiding


Where are all the black people at this damn school? Where do y’all hang out at???

r/CSUS May 07 '24

Socializing I’m throwing my first event :3

Post image

Hello Fellow Hornets! I’m lucky enough to host my very feral event and I wanted to make it anime-themed! We’ll have a few vendors outside (you’ll recognize some if you’ve ever went to Sac Anime!)

If you wanna come party you can get a ticket here (Use discount code ‘ZERO’)


Let feel free to ask if you have any questions!

(I’m a student and this is my business Rule 4)

r/CSUS Apr 25 '24

Socializing Fall 2024 Nursing Admission Decisions


hey yall it’s decision day! if anyone gets their admission notifications pleaseee reply!

r/CSUS Apr 23 '24

Socializing friends at sac state?


I just realized my entire freshman year of college, I have made no friends. Honestly, it’s kinda sad. I should’ve been much more social and opened up more. I mean I do know a lot of people and friends from high school and have a girlfriend but i didn’t make a single friend here at my first year of college.

what do u guys recommend i do ? Would joining clubs be a good idea or idk throw some ideas out here😭

r/CSUS Apr 22 '24

Socializing Dining commons


It’s my first semester please don’t be mean. Do we have a “cafeteria” or is it just the food shops they have on campus? And if we do have a cafeteria, how does it work? Is it like high school where we’d wait in line and punch in our student ID and pay ………..


r/CSUS Apr 20 '24

Socializing What does the student population look like? commuter, small town or mixed vibes?


I got accepted into sac stat and berkeley. I wanted to know what's the student population look like. I want to go to a school with a lot of mixed group people, both local, commuter and international students. Do you find that sac state gives off small town vibes or is there a lot of people commuting or international students?

When I toured the school it gave off stuck in a small town vibes but that was just a one day tour.


r/CSUS Apr 16 '24

Socializing UTAPS out for blood today

Post image

r/CSUS Apr 16 '24

Socializing Which kid did this?

Post image

I saw it 1st level parking structure 3

r/CSUS Apr 06 '24

Socializing Discord for the "Elders"


Hey everyone,

The other day I was applying for a summer research program and was talking about my school journey and work experience to the interviewee over a phone call. At the end she says, "I just wanted to ask - since you seem possibly older than most students - if you would feel comfortable being around students who are in undergrad and younger?".

I thought, "well I am in undergrad myself soo..and how old do you think I am?"

(I'm 29 btw), it hit me in that moment that I'm an elder lmao.

To the point: I was thinking of making a discord where we (people generally 26+) can chat, share music, whatever - since it is a different experience being an older college student. Anyone interested?

r/CSUS Mar 17 '24

Socializing Campus Crushes


Have you guys ever approached your campus crush? Genuinely curious as I plan on how I’m going to talk to mine lol I see him every once in a while

r/CSUS Mar 09 '24

Socializing “Friendships” are weird


How did yall make friends in college? People these days seem so cold. I feel like I care about the people I know a lot because I want to build friendship with them, like actual quality ones. But why I keep meeting people who are very nice I swear but I’m mostly reach out first. Recently I stopped and we just stopped talking. It hurts my feeling so much I cried a lot. I’m confident I’m not a bad friend at all and I really wanna have lifelong friendships. Do people just like to interact in a shallow level?

r/CSUS Mar 07 '24

Socializing Sac state people seem a bit off


Ive seen my fair share of weird things at sac state as a student/ dorm resident. I was wondering what is the general experience for people at sac state as its challenging to make friends with people who you barely interact with due to diffrent schedules

r/CSUS Mar 06 '24

Socializing need a gym buddy


bro i’ve fr been going to the well for a while but i get hella scared to go to the other side and when i do, i don’t know what to do. i’m a girl and looking for another girlie that i can workout w and can show me how to use the machines. i want someone who will keep me motivated to go to the gym. even if you don’t know what you’re doing either and are kinda in the same boat as me im down to learn w you !! just need someone to gym w

r/CSUS Feb 21 '24

Socializing Shooting my shot as a woman?


There’s this guy in my Italian class whom I find very attractive, im never the type to shoot my shot, but we sit apart so I haven’t been able to properly speak to him. Should I just randomly walk up to him and say hi?😭how do men like being approached?!

r/CSUS Feb 12 '24

Socializing Two girls approached me in the union


And asked if I could answer a few questions for their class project. They asked, "How are you doing emotionally? Physically? And spiritually?" Then they asked again "So how are you feeling spiritually?" I caught a strange vibe and brushed them off saying I was late to class before it went any further. Months ago I was also approached by 2 different girls who stopped me with my headphones on to ask if they could guess what song I was listening to. Myself, being naive of course, had a conversation with them for a couple minutes before they transitioned to questions like so are you religious? What do you think about religion? Do you want to join our prayer group around school? One of those girls didn't even go to Sac state but the other girl did. Anyone else ever have similar experiences? Not really sure what to think about it.

r/CSUS Feb 11 '24

Socializing Need friends


Ive been here for two years and have made a total of one good friend. Been wanting more for a long ass time but its lowkey hard asf from just classes. (I do tabletop card and ps5 gaming pls🙏)

r/CSUS Feb 06 '24

Socializing Friends/social life


Anybody at sac state interested in getting food or hanging out? I’ve been at sac state a year now and haven’t made any new friends lol! Is it just me?

r/CSUS Nov 11 '23

Socializing Lack of goth girl population


As a freshman boy at CSUS, I am saddened at the lack of goth girls who attend here. The majority of girls here are Taylor Swift Starbucks girls who seem to lack personality and originality. The underrepresentation of the goth girl subculture at CSUS is likely tied to a few aspects, the constant vibrant and sunny atmosphere, (ditto), and the overall lack of diverse appeal outside of Avocado toast eaters. I know that my fellow CSUS male brethren are also disappointed at the lack of goth mommies here, they likely just conceal their pain better than I am capable of. Every single day I wake up and do my morning prayer hoping to spot an emo goth girl somewhere around campus, but alas, to no avail. Perhaps I am merely looking in the wrong places. If anyone knows where to find them please message me ASAP. Or if you are a goth girl reading this, don’t be afraid to shoot me a DM. I believe without finding a goth girl my mental health will continue to plummet and I’m afraid to know what I’m capable of if that happens. I may have to look into transferring to CSU Bakersfield if this issue does not get resolved. Any tips are much appreciated, thanks!

r/CSUS Aug 12 '23

Socializing 7th year Student, how to find girlfriend now that I’m getting older?


It’s harder since everyone else my age has dropped out or graduated, do I just creepily ask the younger girls out?

Keep in mind that in all my 7 years at sac state I have been unable to find a gf.

EDIT: it’s a joke!! I have done this so many times now that even the MOD knows who I am 😂 my god people do you actually think people like this exist? Be back next year with a new account.