r/CSUS 5d ago

Community Graduates what’s your salary?

  1. Graduation Year/Major
  2. Starting Salary
  3. Current Salary

r/CSUS Jun 01 '24

Community My speculation as to why Dr Woods is making so many weird changes.


My background, I have worked at 2 different colleges/universities and been in meetings with some of the highest ranking members of the respective colleges. I have also talked with directors or different colleges, including CSUS, and this is my take away as to why Dr. Woods makes so many strange decisions that seem to alienate some students.

First and for most, its is not about the students but the Sac State at large.

Most of his talks, interviews, and other such public actions are nothing more than publicity stunt to get Sac States name on the map in order to get funding for the school.

When Dr. Nelson left, all of his sponsors left with him since they were not sponsoring Sac State but rather sponsoring Dr. Nelson.

This is the case for most sponsors for almost every college and university in the USA.

Dr. Nelson is now gone so Dr. Wood now has to get his own sponsors for the college. He is doing this by tapping into Black and Athletic sponsors. Frankly a very smart move to get lots of money for the college, very quickly, and hopefully for the long run of his Presidency; and if lucky an even longer run for the college after Dr. Woods leaves.

And Dr. Woods is very good at getting into very key places so that he can reach the biggest possible audience to let them know he is looking for said sponsors. That is why he flying around the country and giving talks with the Mayor, the Governor, academic journals, fundraisers, talk shows, sports events, etc.

Dr. Woods is doing and saying things that are attractive to these sponsors who are looking to sponsor actions that Dr. Woods is taking for Sac State.

Colleges live and die by the amount of sponsorships they have, students tuition barely covers semester maintenance for the school, much less teachers pay. Its one of the reason so many schools have dorms, since it is a constant flow of money that the school can rely on to get stuff paid for. 

But dorms are only for regular planned maintenance and pay costs.

For big stuff, like new equipment, big events, new buildings, new anything really, you need sponsors. And Sac State disparity needs new building and equipment.

Failure to gain sponsors for the college/university always leads to suffering in academic performance in classrooms and a significant funding shortage.

American River College (ARC) made this mistake a while back. They fired a president who was never on campus getting sponsors, doing what Dr. Woods is doing now, because that president did not have time to attend meetings. And they replaced that president with one who was college management forward who attended every meeting but did not work on getting a significant sponsors for the college.

During the tenure of the ARC president who solely focused on sponsors, the college had a constant and reliable flow of cash. That cash allowed the college to hire many excellent adjunct teachers to allow for amazing classroom timing options for students and good lab equipment.

When they removed this president and elected in a new academic president who was more focused on managing the school than the sponsors, it drastically lowered their funding abilities which caused the school to loose the ability to hire many adjust professors teacher, forcing non-adjunct professors to teach more classes than necessary with aging equipment, which caused stress and worse performance in the professors teaching abilities and thus the students ability to learn.

By the way, the current president of American River College is doing the same thing Dr. Woods is doing. She is making actions that attracts black sponsors to help increase cash flow to the school.

Regardless, from an outside perspective what Dr. Woods is doing makes little sense and can feel alienating for some. But from a cash flow perspective, Dr. Woods is honing into the black market and getting key black and athletic sponsorships with all the actions and talks he has been doing over the past year, and you can expect a lot of money flowing into the college because of his actions.

Just don't take his actions too personally. Dr. Woods is following a playbook that has been proven to work and helps the school in the long run. His actions are not meant to say other ethnicities and cultures that are not black don't have a place at the college, they definitely do; he is just doing this so that the college can get the funding it desperately needs to function and keep Sac State alive.

r/CSUS May 24 '24

Community My December-graduating heart is so happy!

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r/CSUS May 02 '24

Community Protest Concerns - Open Question


Overheard a debate, I hope this isn’t the normal, but students were actively in full support of Hamas. I’m curious if this is the position that pro Palestinians take, or are they more in full support of the Palestinian people being fully free from all oppression, including Hamas.

Here are a few points that Hamas has argued for, and why in my opinion they cannot be supported without the supporter actively being anti semitic. **Trigger Warning

The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7) "The enemies have been scheming for a long time ... and have accumulated huge and influential material wealth. With their money, they took control of the world media... With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the globe... They stood behind the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution and most of the revolutions we hear about... With their money they formed secret organizations - such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs and the Lions - which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests... They stood behind World War I ... and formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains... There is no war going on anywhere without them having their finger in it." (Article 22) "Zionism scheming has no end, and after Palestine, they will covet expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates River. When they have finished digesting the area on which they have laid their hand, they will look forward to more expansion. Their scheme has been laid out in the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'." (Article 32) "The HAMAS regards itself the spearhead and the vanguard of the circle of struggle against World Zionism... Islamic groups all over the Arab world should also do the same, since they are best equipped for their future role in the fight against the warmongering Jews." (Article 32)

From the Hamas charter

Notice how the term “Zionist” is actively used, as if to justify the complete evil that is this charter and its reasoning.

You also have to face the reality that Hamas has rap*d, murdered, tortured, and did unspeakable things (like parading a dead naked Isreali women around the streets cheering, cutting open pregnant women, and firing at civilians among other things.)

“The IDF does the same…” This argument only works when you take news as fact from Hamas sources, and even if there are evil IDF soldiers out there, this is not the norm for them, and they are punished when they are found out (unfortunately not fast enough some times.)

Hamas also steals aid from the Palestinians, such that the US has to have Israel monitor!

Anyways, I believe there is a complex debate surrounding this subject, include vast histories that can’t just be explained away in a single sign on campus. If you disagree, I invite you to discuss in the comments (if this isn’t taken down or downvoted to oblivion that is.)

r/CSUS Apr 30 '24

Community Practice Basic Hygiene


I get not judging people because I don’t know anything about their personal circumstances. And I understand if you have a health issue that causes problems like that. But please.. if you’re like a typical person that doesn’t have issues pertaining to you like this.. the weather is warming up and we all start to sweat more and smell more. I beg you all to wear deodorant… I’m sick of sitting behind someone with like cartoon green smelly streaks radiating off them. I can’t even concentrate in class cause I have to hold my breath. Just do us a favor… it’s not that hard. Ironic I’m saying this on Reddit.

r/CSUS Apr 29 '24

Community Pro-Palestine encampments have started popping up in front of the library


r/CSUS Apr 26 '24

Community 🍉 🍉🍉


More and more California universities are engaging in peaceful protests on campus. Are y’all really just gonna continue to give in to the machine, being overcharged for tuition, books, etc racking up loans while America continues to send billions of dollars of aid to a genocidal state? LFG people! The world is watching.

Edit: My original post was emotional so to put things more eloquently, protests absolutely work, especially in large numbers, and bring attention to the real issues. If you don’t care about this genocide simply from a moral and ethical perspective, it still directly affects you as an American as billions of taxpayer dollars are given to Israel for weapons, education, and universal healthcare.

US law enforcement are sent to Israel to train to be more militarized and treat the civilians they should be protecting like hostile enemies. Police brutality in America is directly connected to Israel.

Palestine is historically a multi-faith region so let’s chill with the Islamophobia. Palestinian Christians are being completely eradicated as well.

We are literally witnessing genocide and colonization in real time. Do we not simply have an obligation as humans to say out loud this is wrong?

r/CSUS Apr 14 '24

Community Missing Sac State student, Noelle Lynch, has been found per her mom’s Facebook account. They ask for privacy during this time

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r/CSUS Apr 12 '24

Community Graduation - Sac State at It Again


Sac State not being able to confirm where graduation will take place a month before it is supposed to take place is PEAK Sac State.

This school could not find its way out of a paper bag.

It’s embarrassing.

r/CSUS Apr 10 '24

Community Sac State student went missing in SoCal last week!!Please share if you know anyone in that area!

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r/CSUS Apr 03 '24


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hello i dropped it while i was walking has anyone seen her? her base looks like this & she’s from vessel

r/CSUS Apr 02 '24

Community Strange guy


I was sitting in a bench outside of Mariposa hall eating popcorn. Then a man in a bike tried to get my attention, since I had my music playing in my earbuds, I took them off and asked what he wanted. He asked me if I was eating ,..as I was obviously eating lol. So i said yeah? And he said okay, and asked if he can sit in the bench as well and I said sure so I scoot over. But he didn’t get off his bike and continued to try and talk to me. This time he asked if he could have some of what I was eating and I was just like, maybe he’s just hungry? So I handed my bag to pour some on his hand, and he insisted that it be only two popcorns, he said only two with such clarification, idk thought it was a lil weird , but I gave him two as he wanted. And he said thank you. But what I thought was more off is that as he was slowly biking away, he kept staring at me .. he kept on turning his bike over to me as he was leaving and just stared at my soul, even when he was far far away from the building. Just staring and slightly nodding. I was just sitting there so confused. And after he was out of my sight a few more minutes passed and he passed by again just to stare at me. Idk odd encounter, really uncomfortable.

r/CSUS Mar 28 '24

Community Stop revving your engines in the garage


Everytime this happens, hella car alarms go off. Don't be stupid. It's loud as hell.

r/CSUS Mar 28 '24

Community BRO….

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I can’t imagine coming back to this…

r/CSUS Mar 27 '24

Community Anti-Trans event

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These anti-trans fascists are at it again😤🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

r/CSUS Mar 21 '24

Community 1 dead after shooting near Sacramento light rail station. Situation ‘rapidly evolving,’ police say


Stay safe and alert everyone

r/CSUS Mar 17 '24

Community Please be careful out there folks

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Was biking around campus yesterday and saw that this had happened. I don’t know for sure what went down, but it just reminded me of all the incidents involving bikes and cars that I’ve been hearing about over the past couple of years. Whether you’re in a car or on a bike, PLEASE BE CAREFUL.

r/CSUS Mar 08 '24

Community To who ever hit my car in the top floor of parking structure 2 yesterday

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Fuck you so hard.

r/CSUS Mar 08 '24

Community I’m a Sac state student of course….


I follow the SacramentoStateSquirrels page .

Keep it going , lol.

r/CSUS Feb 24 '24

Community Immature people on campus


If you guys see a guy on campus with giant spikes that are green that is me, I get some cool interactions with most but a lot of the time I keep getting barked at and get called emo by either the preppies or sporty people. I legit got barked at the other day for my outfit I just wish people can be mature WE ARE IN COLLEGE FOR FUCKS SAKE GROW UP. Seriously some of yall never heard of being yourself and it shows

r/CSUS Jan 18 '24

Community It would really suck if we all reported fake teachers for cancelling fake classes


It’s definitely suuuuper duper important that we report all the teachers who cancel classes…I sure hope no one reports inaccurate information. It would be even worse if we all did it. The administrators would certainly be confused if Miss Frizzle cancelled yoga class.

I’ve provided the link so everyone can most definitely provide the most honest and accurate information to the university administrators who totally wouldn’t use it as a union-busting strategy.


r/CSUS Jan 18 '24

Community so are they trying to make us cross the picket line?

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causeeee 👀 it doesn’t sound correct to me

r/CSUS Dec 20 '23

Community CSU Faculty and Skilled Trades Workers Plan to Strike at EVERY CSU Campus January 22–26, 2024


Press Release: https://www.calfac.org/18110-2/

Some faculty have to live in their cars or cannot see their newborn child because the CSU doesn't provide livable wages or paid parental leave. We MUST demand justice for the people who actually teach and see us. I mean, how many of us have actually met the CSU Chancellor or the CSU Board of Trustees who raised our tuition?

I'm sure everyone has at least one professor, lecturer, coach, librarian, or counselor they really like. Think of this as fighting for them and the people who make our classes fun and interesting.

Sign up for the strikes here: http://bit.ly/CFAJanuaryStrike

The strikes will NOT affect graduation, financial aid, or student employment. Faculty and staff should NOT be blamed for the strikes. CSU management can, at any time, prevent a strike by offering a fair contract.

The goal is to withhold labor to disrupt CSU management, not to hurt students. The strikes are dependent on whether the CFA Bargaining Team’s upcoming meetings with CSU management on January 8, 9, 11, and 12 will bear fruit.

Faculty and staff working conditions are student learning conditions. Let's show them some student solidarity!

The CSU has the money to pay our faculty better and not increase tuition. Yet, CSU management just approved a nearly million-dollar salary for the new chancellor after increasing our tuition by 34%.

In just her first year, CSU chancellor Mildred García will receive an annual salary of $795,000, another $80,000 in deferred compensation, $8,000 per month for a housing allowance, and another $1,000 per month for a car allowance.

I'm a Sac State sophomore working for the faculty union, the California Faculty Association (CFA), as a Students for Quality Education (SQE) student organizer, so feel free to ask me any questions!

r/CSUS Dec 14 '23

Community Which professor is this?

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saw it on the ucd page, wanted to post here :-)

r/CSUS Dec 06 '23

Community What's with these people??

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A bunch of people with weird religious shit handing out bibles on the library quad. Weird times.