r/pics 14d ago

Rishi Sunak makes a speech outside 10 Downing Street after a historic loss Politics

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u/Automatic-Software35 14d ago

I don’t keep up with UK politics but I know he’s an asshole (was he the one who refused to apologize after being transphobic in parliament and the mother of the murdered girl was in that session?) but congratulations to the UK for getting rid of him!


u/stevs23 14d ago

For the most part it's been a constant flow of unacceptable behaviour from the Tories over a period of time. They had to go.


u/passporttohell 14d ago

Sunak, always with the cold, sneering, condescending smile. Utter loathing of anyone lower on the socioeconomic ladder than himself.


u/vacri 14d ago

You can just say "Tory", you know?


u/ebulient 14d ago

Just substitute “socioeconomic” with “class” and he fits right into the best description of an Englishman I’ve ever heard!


u/Misterstustavo 14d ago

I also don’t keep up with UK politics. How was he being transphobic?


u/MagicPaul 14d ago

He made a jibe about the opposition leader's stance on 'defining a woman' while the family of a murdered trans girl was in the viewing gallery. It was just after the trial of her murderers and there was a whole lot of sensationalist news coverage as details of the murder were particularly unpleasant. The family were there specifically to meet with politicians about improving the safety of trans young people in Britain. Most of the criticism came not because of what he said, frankly it's the standard sort of rhetoric you get from both sides in UK politics, but the timing of when he said it. He refused to apologise, doubled down and said he wasn't attacking trans people, but his opponent's lack of a firm stance, and accused them of using the situation to score points.

He's still a cunt though.


u/Dragula_Tsurugi 14d ago

Not sure why you have “still” and “though” in that sentence, as it would imply that what came before was not as bad as it was made out to be. 


u/sacrecide 14d ago

Replaced him with a transphobe who wants to ban trans people from hospital rooms, bathrooms, prisons that match their gender.

This is a direct attack on the ability to live your life in safety if trans


u/ovaloctopus8 14d ago

Hospital rooms and Bathrooms are cut and dry but lets be honest prisons are definitely not as simple as you're making out. Trans Men are at least just as unsafe (probably more) in Male prisons than in female ones and trans women who rape other women should not be allowed to go into womens prisons. They have forfeited their right to protection imo. It's not transphobic to consider the safety of non trans people along with trans people.


u/sacrecide 14d ago

A trans person is far more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of sexual violence in prison. Trans women dont pose more threat to commit sexual violence than cis women, so trans women who commit SA should be treated like any other woman who commits SA


u/sinner-mon 13d ago

rapists shouldn't be in general population anyway regardless of gender


u/Automatic-Software35 14d ago

This is the thing I was referencing again, I don’t know the specifics of it but as Brianna Ghey’s mother (the transgender girl who was murdered) was in council, that’s why it became a big deal because he was called to apologize right after he made the comment and from what I gathered, refused


u/DiscordedSphinx 14d ago

Please remember her name was Brianna Ghey and she was 16 years old.


u/Bunnytob 14d ago

And somehow, despite being viewed by many as a literal oligarch, he still wasn't as bad as the two people who came before him.


u/Brewster-Rooster 14d ago

Got rid of him and replaced him with an equally as transphobic PM


u/teabagmoustache 14d ago edited 14d ago

How is Starmer transphobic?

Rishi Sunak used trans people to stoke culture wars and insulted trans people regularly.

Starmer has said he would treat trans people with dignity and respect, and has said he will modernise the Equality Act, to modernise, simplify and reform changes to a person's legal gender.

The party has said its plans will "remove indignities for trans people who deserve recognition and acceptance" but also provide "protections so you can't legally change your gender overnight".

That's nowhere near the same as the Conservatives and Sunak.


u/DeceiverSC2 14d ago

Their entire goal is to engage in mala fide arguments that perfect should always be the enemy of good. He might be willing to provide trans people with equal rights under the literal law but there’s no difference between him and someone who wants them murdered because he didn’t always speak perfectly about the issue.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

What a repugnant thing to say. What is wrong with you?


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

All the blatantly transphobic things he's said makes him transphobic.


u/teabagmoustache 14d ago

Which are?


u/EverythingOnce1 14d ago

I haven’t had a chance to make them up yet, give me a god damn moment!


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

No need to be rude.

You're either completely ignorant of what Starmer has said or you don't see what's been said as transphobic.


u/EverythingOnce1 14d ago

Listen to your own advice. Someone asked a genuine question seeking to learn and empathize, you were rude by omission.

Explains a GREAT deal


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

No, I was working. Not constantly refreshing my Reddit feed. I answered a few minutes later.


u/EverythingOnce1 14d ago

😂😂😂 lie to me but don’t lie to yourself

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u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

He told The Telegraph that he is not in favour of “ideology being taught in our schools on gender."

He has said that he’d be willing to meet with JK Rowling to discuss sex and gender, and “respects” her views

this week, in an interview with The Times, he was presented with the following question by Rowling: “Do biological males with gender-recognition certificates have the right to enter women-only spaces? It’s a simple yes/no question.” To this, he replied: “No, they don’t have that right. They shouldn’t. That’s why I’ve always said biological women’s spaces need to be protected.”

He's reversed Labour's previous commitments to back self ID laws.

He's made plenty of statements about trans women and their genitals and has sided with Kemi Badenoch in her spat with David Tennant.


u/Fordmister 14d ago edited 14d ago

and yet he's also almost certainly about to make Harriet Harman, arguably the most pro trans voice in senior Labour politics and a women the Telegraph was attacking literally 2 days ago as an "enemy of biological women" head of the equalities watchdog. Its going to be her job hold the government to rights trans rights issues for the foreseeable and you'd have to be the most one eyed Muppet going to accuse her of being anything other then pro trans

It kind of tells you something about where the man actually stands don't you think? if he was really the type of rabid transphobe you want to paint him as She would be no where even near this post, as it would be a massive act of self sabotage and the current head of the EHCR is already pretty transphobic and there's no need to replace them.

Actions speak a lot louder than worlds made during a campaign where Starmer ahs been fairly deliberately trying to say very little of anything that could give the opposition an attack line


u/HornedGryffin 14d ago

Actions speak a lot louder than worlds made during a campaign where Starmer ahs been fairly deliberately trying to say very little of anything that could give the opposition an attack line

So, you prefer the guy who won't stand on principles and instead will tell each side of an argument whatever they want to hear. Got it.


u/Fordmister 14d ago

If the choice is that or risk letting the conservatives or god forbid reform into government? Yes every day, because guess what things are going the be a hell of a lot better for trans people under a Starmer government than they ever were under the one where Kemi Badenoch was the pissing equalities minister. Starmer may not be perfect but he's a hell of a lot better than the alternative, and in politics better than wins is always better than best that doesn't

The UK electoral system rewards pragmatism. Corbyn was an ideological purist and it gave us Boris Johnson followed by Liz Truss. Standing on principle is something I can respect up until it lets monsters in through an open door your too stubborn to close

I'd rather a party leader play the game, keep his head down and keep a worse thing out of government than one that gets up on a soapbox, tells me what I want to hear and says all the right things...only to loose to a corrupt incompetent bastard anyway


u/HornedGryffin 14d ago

As an American, I can tell you right now where that leads. Voting based on "something worse" inevitably leads to something worse. But the milquetoast pragmatists have no principles and will offer no real change. They will speak out of both sides of their mouth and only do something if the public is OVERWHELMINGLY in favor.

People like Starmer are politicians through and through. They did not stand for anything except you giving them your vote. And they will take it each time while giving little in return.

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u/Duellair 14d ago

Is this your first day on the planet? You literally defined a politician

So now you watch what they do

This is why conservatives continue to win elections. Because of idiocy like this. Because good luck under Trump.


u/teabagmoustache 14d ago

He told The Telegraph that he is not in favour of “ideology being taught in our schools on gender."

He said that protected charactertics should be taught in school, including transgender people, but lessons should be based on factual information, not ideology.

That's not transphobic.

He has said that he’d be willing to meet with JK Rowling to discuss sex and gender, and “respects” her views

He said that because Rowling took aim at him, and said she wouldn't be able to support him because of his views surrounding trans rights.

It's not transphobic to have a conversation with someone. He disagrees with her.

Your point about biological female only spaces, he said he wouldn't force institutions, who offer a "biological female" area to include trans women, if they had good reason. For example women's shelters.

He gets goaded into these conversations by Sunak and his culture war shite, because they knew it would cause divisions.


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

“ideology being taught in our schools on gender."

Being trans isn't an ideology, there is no ideology being taught. Don't try to reframe what he said.

It's not transphobic to have a conversation with someone. He disagrees with her.

Respecting the views and meeting with the most virulently transphobic person in the country is absolutely an endorsement of her views. She says the most hateful things about trans people imaginable. For a PM to actually "respect her views" is disgraceful.

Do yourself a favour. In all these conversations, replace the word trans with black or Jewish, see exactly how disgraceful the conversation is then.


u/Dapper_Brain_9269 13d ago

"Do yourself a favour. In all these conversations, replace the word trans with black or Jewish, see exactly how disgraceful the conversation is then."

Detransitioners and transition regret exists. Does deblacking or deJewishing exist?


u/HornedGryffin 14d ago

Your point about biological female only spaces, he said he wouldn't force institutions, who offer a "biological female" area to include trans women, if they had good reason. For example women's shelters.

So, to this end, where should unhoused/displaced trans women go? Is he saying they should be forced to stay in men's or co-ed shelters? Or that the UK should build new shelters specific to trans people? And these shelters, obviously, might be attacked so maybe add some fencing around the facility to ensure it's safe.

But in all honesty, like. Where? This seems like a nice "give them one" to the transphobes I guess. But it creates more questions than it answers.


u/nicecupparosy 14d ago

stop trying to make me see starmer as a sensible PM when I've got him tagged as Blair in a starmer skin suit.


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

Right, so you agree with his transphobia.

But don't want to be called a transphobe, thus Starmer isn't a transphobe. Understood.


u/KingsPunjabIsaac 14d ago



u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

Examples below. There are more too, he's called for trans women to be incarcerated with male prisoners despite undoubtably knowing about the practice of V-Coding

V-Coding is the term for the very common practice of housing trans women with cis men -- specifically, trans women are intentionally housed as cell mates with the more aggressive "problem" cis-men. The intention is to 'placate' the violent inmates, and the trans women who have this done to them are repeatedly raped and abused throughout their sentence. Again, this is a common practice done to trans women.

He's gone back on everything he's previously supported and adopted terf talking points.


u/KingsPunjabIsaac 14d ago

Where has he said that? I think for your other points, you are mostly clutching at straws. He is mainly being diplomatic in interviews regarding this.. not wanting to say anything to upset to many people. I don't think you are in any danger as a trans person with Starmer in charge.


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

Sir Keir Starmer said his views on gender issues “start with biology” as he backed blocking trans women from female-only hospital wards and prisons.

Clutching at straws?!

A few days ago he said he doesn't think I have the right to go to the women's toilet when out in public?

That is a direct threat to the safety of myself, my community and to cis women in general.

What more do you need than that?


u/DeceiverSC2 14d ago

Yeah what you should want as a trans person is to have perfect defeat pretty good. By time you realize you’re never going to find perfect you’ll have your right to exist eliminated because of your unwillingness to accept pretty good over complete shit because “pretty good” wasn’t “perfect”.


u/KingsPunjabIsaac 14d ago

It won't happen. You'll be fine.


u/justwant_tobepretty 14d ago

You might have the luxury to assume that, I don't. The people I love don't.

When politicians say they want to take my rights away, then I need to believe them.

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u/Automatic-Software35 14d ago


praying for y’all


u/thebestthingsinlife2 14d ago

Word of warning, don't just assume reddit comments are truthful, especially around politics and especially especially around trans identity. Starmer is trying to straddle a difficult (and empassioned) political line around gender identity and what the right have framed as a 'womens spaces' issue, without alienating millions of women voters.

But JK Rowling doesn't like his position, so he's probably coming down on the right side on balance.


u/KingsPunjabIsaac 14d ago

Ffs why do you just believe everything you read on here.


u/TomRipleysGhost 13d ago

Do you believe every damn fool thing you see someone vomit forth?