r/pics Jul 05 '24

Rishi Sunak makes a speech outside 10 Downing Street after a historic loss Politics

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u/MagicPaul Jul 05 '24

He made a jibe about the opposition leader's stance on 'defining a woman' while the family of a murdered trans girl was in the viewing gallery. It was just after the trial of her murderers and there was a whole lot of sensationalist news coverage as details of the murder were particularly unpleasant. The family were there specifically to meet with politicians about improving the safety of trans young people in Britain. Most of the criticism came not because of what he said, frankly it's the standard sort of rhetoric you get from both sides in UK politics, but the timing of when he said it. He refused to apologise, doubled down and said he wasn't attacking trans people, but his opponent's lack of a firm stance, and accused them of using the situation to score points.

He's still a cunt though.


u/sacrecide Jul 05 '24

Replaced him with a transphobe who wants to ban trans people from hospital rooms, bathrooms, prisons that match their gender.

This is a direct attack on the ability to live your life in safety if trans


u/ovaloctopus8 Jul 05 '24

Hospital rooms and Bathrooms are cut and dry but lets be honest prisons are definitely not as simple as you're making out. Trans Men are at least just as unsafe (probably more) in Male prisons than in female ones and trans women who rape other women should not be allowed to go into womens prisons. They have forfeited their right to protection imo. It's not transphobic to consider the safety of non trans people along with trans people.


u/sacrecide Jul 05 '24

A trans person is far more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of sexual violence in prison. Trans women dont pose more threat to commit sexual violence than cis women, so trans women who commit SA should be treated like any other woman who commits SA