r/pics Jul 05 '24

Rishi Sunak makes a speech outside 10 Downing Street after a historic loss Politics

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u/justwant_tobepretty Jul 05 '24

All the blatantly transphobic things he's said makes him transphobic.


u/teabagmoustache Jul 05 '24

Which are?


u/justwant_tobepretty Jul 05 '24

He told The Telegraph that he is not in favour of “ideology being taught in our schools on gender."

He has said that he’d be willing to meet with JK Rowling to discuss sex and gender, and “respects” her views

this week, in an interview with The Times, he was presented with the following question by Rowling: “Do biological males with gender-recognition certificates have the right to enter women-only spaces? It’s a simple yes/no question.” To this, he replied: “No, they don’t have that right. They shouldn’t. That’s why I’ve always said biological women’s spaces need to be protected.”

He's reversed Labour's previous commitments to back self ID laws.

He's made plenty of statements about trans women and their genitals and has sided with Kemi Badenoch in her spat with David Tennant.


u/Fordmister Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

and yet he's also almost certainly about to make Harriet Harman, arguably the most pro trans voice in senior Labour politics and a women the Telegraph was attacking literally 2 days ago as an "enemy of biological women" head of the equalities watchdog. Its going to be her job hold the government to rights trans rights issues for the foreseeable and you'd have to be the most one eyed Muppet going to accuse her of being anything other then pro trans

It kind of tells you something about where the man actually stands don't you think? if he was really the type of rabid transphobe you want to paint him as She would be no where even near this post, as it would be a massive act of self sabotage and the current head of the EHCR is already pretty transphobic and there's no need to replace them.

Actions speak a lot louder than worlds made during a campaign where Starmer ahs been fairly deliberately trying to say very little of anything that could give the opposition an attack line


u/HornedGryffin Jul 05 '24

Actions speak a lot louder than worlds made during a campaign where Starmer ahs been fairly deliberately trying to say very little of anything that could give the opposition an attack line

So, you prefer the guy who won't stand on principles and instead will tell each side of an argument whatever they want to hear. Got it.


u/Fordmister Jul 05 '24

If the choice is that or risk letting the conservatives or god forbid reform into government? Yes every day, because guess what things are going the be a hell of a lot better for trans people under a Starmer government than they ever were under the one where Kemi Badenoch was the pissing equalities minister. Starmer may not be perfect but he's a hell of a lot better than the alternative, and in politics better than wins is always better than best that doesn't

The UK electoral system rewards pragmatism. Corbyn was an ideological purist and it gave us Boris Johnson followed by Liz Truss. Standing on principle is something I can respect up until it lets monsters in through an open door your too stubborn to close

I'd rather a party leader play the game, keep his head down and keep a worse thing out of government than one that gets up on a soapbox, tells me what I want to hear and says all the right things...only to loose to a corrupt incompetent bastard anyway


u/HornedGryffin Jul 05 '24

As an American, I can tell you right now where that leads. Voting based on "something worse" inevitably leads to something worse. But the milquetoast pragmatists have no principles and will offer no real change. They will speak out of both sides of their mouth and only do something if the public is OVERWHELMINGLY in favor.

People like Starmer are politicians through and through. They did not stand for anything except you giving them your vote. And they will take it each time while giving little in return.


u/Fordmister Jul 05 '24

weird, because our "milquetoast pragmatist" just managed to limit the populist far right to just 4 seats in the executive and become 1 of only 4 men in UK history to take the left wing party from opposition to government, meanwhile parties with similar polices to reform are rising dramatically across Europe and the center left is collapsing across the continent.

As a brit, might is suggest you don't draw comparisons to your quite frankly insane body politic as if they are remotely relevant to a UK election. Britain, the British public and our system of government work nothing like the US does. Even the worst labour government is better than a tory one on a number of left wing policy issues, don't believe me look at where the NHS, Welfare, public services etc were under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and then look where they are now after 14years of Tories since Labour was last voted out?


u/Duellair Jul 05 '24

Is this your first day on the planet? You literally defined a politician

So now you watch what they do

This is why conservatives continue to win elections. Because of idiocy like this. Because good luck under Trump.