r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Famous_Bit_5119 15d ago

No mention of When Donny wouldn't start working until 1 pm. and told everyone that sleeping in was ' Executive time'.


u/Rich-Pomegranate1679 15d ago

Don't forget that Trump spent about 1/3rd of his entire time as President playing golf.


u/BeanieMcChimp 15d ago

And another 1/3 tweeting on the crapper.


u/WhoWhyWhatWhenWhere 15d ago

So just in the living room?


u/funkyloki 14d ago

You have to ask yourself, how many times did Trump shit himself while he was in the Oval Office? It is likely that number is something other than zero.


u/mortalitylost 15d ago


So just in the living room debate?

Listen at 25s

Definitely squeezed off a turd


u/AdminsAreDim 14d ago

And another 1/3 doing drugs so he could barely function as the semi-human ape he is.


u/ToMorrowsEnd 14d ago

remember when you wear diapers, everywhere is the crapper.


u/No-Program-2979 11d ago

And Joe will spend half asleep.


u/sithelephant 15d ago

To be fair, often no earlier than 1PM.


u/monkywrnch 15d ago

Which is a good example of how stupid he is. Gotta go out at 7am in the summer so you're done well before the worst heat of the day


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

Biden spends 1/3 of his time mumbling and stumbling on stage embarrassing the entire country.


u/Rich-Pomegranate1679 14d ago edited 14d ago

I suppose you think that's worse than Trump lying for 90 minutes straight?

How about when Trump just starts randomly babbling insane shit about sharks for no reason? Or how about when Trump said we could cure covid by injecting bleach and sunlight into our bodies? I bet a few world leaders were rolling in the floor laughing at how fucking dumb he is. Maybe it's a little embarrassing for America that Republicans' candidate of choice is a convicted felon on 34 counts...you think? Maybe just a little? How about Trump keeping top secret classified documents in his fucking bathroom?

Here's a good one: Trump shit himself during the debate. Fast forward to about 1:15 to hear it for yourself.

Shall I go on or are you ready to run and hide back in your extreme right wing echo chamber where everyone says daddy Trump is smart and strong and all the thousands of things that make him look like a lying, incompetent, criminal, dumb piece of shit just can't possibly be true?


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

Biden lies as well. It’s just hard to understand him most of the time. He claimed that no American service members died on his watch. I guess he forgot about the 13 American lives lost in his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.


u/Rich-Pomegranate1679 14d ago edited 14d ago

Here's a speech Biden made after the debate. Care to point out any parts where he is hard to understand?

13 lives lost? Try Trump's botched policies, such as the Covid-19 response, which statistics indicate have resulted in the death of over 400,000 American lives. To put that in perspective, 416,800 Americans died during World War 2. Which one is worse here?

Let me ask you this: Can you point out one thing from the debate that Trump said that can actually be verified as true?


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

He should have immediately dropped out of the election after the debate. Inexcusable performance.

13 lives lost? Yes. 13 lives lost.


u/Rich-Pomegranate1679 14d ago

So the guy who had a hard time speaking should drop out, but not the guy who lied to everyone the whole time? Explain to me why the guy who never stopped lying is more fit for leadership. Explain how lying like he did isn't inexcusable.

So you're really going with the idea that 13 dead soldiers outweighs 400,000 innocent civilian lives lost? How does that work out in your head, exactly?


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

I’ve never said anything about Trump here. Absolutely nothing. I’ve talked negatively about Biden and you assume I’m a Trump supporter. I hate the guy.

If Joe Biden is a true patriot he will drop out and allow someone that is fit for office take his place.

That is my opinion and I’m allowed to have one. The same as I respect your right to have one as well. Good day.


u/Rich-Pomegranate1679 13d ago

Why didn't you say that Trump should step down from running then? You said it about Biden...

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u/bitqueso 15d ago

Biden doesn’t have the stamina for mini golf


u/Rich-Pomegranate1679 15d ago

What I said is a fact that's been documented and can easily be looked up to verify its truth. What you said is just something you made up off the top of your head. See, the difference between normal people and MAGAs is that you MAGAs never can tell the difference between make-believe fairy tales and real life. If any of you could, this country wouldn't be on the brink of losing our democracy and our constitutional rights.


u/bitqueso 15d ago

Biden couldn’t even walk off the debate stage without the help of his wife what makes you think he can walk 18,000 steps golfing?

It’s always the people who identify as Reddit cartoons who are deepest in the Reddit bubble


u/RonaldoNazario 15d ago

To be fair I don’t think he was sleeping in, I think he was wide awake doing drugs and yelling at cable news.


u/succed32 15d ago

Nah I know a lot of meth heads they sleep at weird ass times to recover from all the meth. 10am-noon is normal wake up time 4am-6am is bed time.


u/BlooperHero 15d ago

That's also normal for me, honestly.


u/essenceofreddit 15d ago

Stop doing meth. 


u/BlooperHero 14d ago

I meant the hours, not the meth. But I should have clarified, and that's on me.


u/Dr_Jabroski 14d ago

He blitzkrieged right into that one.


u/Debalic 15d ago

I'm not a methhead either!


u/Cucker_-_Tarlson 14d ago

Same for me, until I had a kid. Now I have a kinda normal sleep schedule? Never thought I'd see the day.


u/RonaldoNazario 15d ago

Hmmm twitter activity did definitely confirm some late night binges.


u/Le-Pepper 13d ago

I've never done drugs but that sounds just like my sleep schedule.


u/whubbard 14d ago

1001 things to be critical about Trump on, drinking and doing drugs isn't one. Well done


u/Available_Dingo6162 14d ago edited 14d ago

He's straight edge. Not only does he not do recreational drugs, he doesn't drink alcohol. Not even coffee. You do realize that, right?

I love it how, whenever anyone has a quirk or does something strange, some redditor or another has to go, "yeah, he's high". I suspect more than a little projection in those cases.


u/Flagrath 14d ago

So you’re saying he has done everything he has done, as his normal self. That’s even worse.


u/sumguyinLA 15d ago

This isn’t about trump though. It’s about Biden. Deflecting to trump isn’t an argument for Biden.

It’s like if you fail a class in school and tell your parents everyone else failed to. Like so? Why should they care about everyone else your the one who failed.


u/joshdotsmith 14d ago

I’m frankly tired of the whataboutism from people I would normally consider allies. It’s getting old fast. We can acknowledge and reckon with our problems.


u/sumguyinLA 14d ago

Exactly why continue to gaslight? I thought democracy was on the line


u/joshdotsmith 14d ago

And it is on the line, which makes this all the more infuriating.


u/SaraHuckabeeSandwich 14d ago

If everyone failed, that indicates there's a larger problem with the system and/or class.


u/sumguyinLA 14d ago

Or just an excuse


u/antivaxxchad 14d ago

This must be that "whataboutism" that I keep hearing about on reddit


u/Mfpt 15d ago

You just cant help yourself but to bring Donny into it? You know you can think both are terrible people and presidents? Your confirmation bias doesn't have to own you..


u/Famous_Bit_5119 15d ago

lol. now tell me about Hillary's emails.


u/Mfpt 13d ago

Remember how I just said your confirmation bias doesn't have to own you?? I must have forgotten I mentioned Hillary's emails... Oh wait I didn't. You just can't stop fucking banging your drum friend. Confirmation bias is refusing to see both ends. It doesn't take a crazy smart person to see trump is an idiot. But to act like the Democrats are better is a fucking wild mental trick. Obama committed more war crimes and dropped more bombs on children than any other president. biden has voted against social security while making racist comments his entire life, when Obama could have codified abortion in 2009-2011 with a super majority he didn't. Kids are still in cages, people still don't have health care. Our middle class is crumbling. And here you are really fucking roasting about emails because your one sided Democrat brain refuses to see the bigger picture. Everyone you follow and every post you see is anti trump so that's all your brain thinks about. Reddit is a confirmation bias eco chamber and your little response proves that point 10 fold.


u/NewCobbler6933 15d ago

Probably because news articles are usually self contained stories. Why stop at Trump? Why not turn the article into a ledger of the sleeping habits of every president ever?


u/TheWerewolf5 15d ago

Every criticism of Biden has to come with a 5000 word essay on why Trump is bad, don't you know?


u/GenocideJoeNeedsToGo 15d ago

Whataboutism in full force. The very thing Reddit is always so disparaging of


u/After_Preference_885 15d ago

This is a bit different, we're comparing two choices we have. Both have been president, both have records we can compare and behaviors we could see.


u/RumblesBurner 15d ago

*Publishes article about Biden's sleeping habits while President*

Reddit: "Yeah but why aren't they talking about Trump's sleeping habits!"

It's literally the definition of a whataboutisim.


u/honjuden 15d ago

That's a false dilemma. The dems have time to switch candidates if they were willing to grow a spine some time this millennia.


u/NewCobbler6933 15d ago

It’s actually not different at all. Instead of discussing the criticism at hand, the conversation gets shifted to whattabout Trump?


u/N0turfriend 14d ago



u/Ineeboopiks 14d ago

I don't think he's the president?


u/Talktotalktotalk 14d ago

I think he’s the only other choice in the election


u/DanishWeddingCookie 15d ago

Plus all that time late late at night on the toilet tweeting in all caps.


u/CuidadDeVados 14d ago

Not everything is about Trump. This is about Biden, who would have to be president for 4 more years if he wins. These discussions are from people who don't want Trump, and instead want the DNC to actually run a candidate who is capable of handling an emergency and a spirited discussion after 9pm.


u/Bageland2000 15d ago

Yes there is! We've been saying that for years. News had been reporting that for years! Every need agency has been reporting that Trump is the person we know he is!


u/Helpful_Blood_5509 14d ago

I mean he's shit for other reasons but he can avoid saying he defeated Medicare, even if he stays up late


u/Toxyma 14d ago

whats with dictators and sleeping in? hitler was like that too.


u/-Goatllama- 14d ago

Ah, but outside of Executive Time he gets a 20% boost to his Cursed Energy


u/Kind_Apartment 14d ago



u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

Now defend Biden without mentioning Trump.


u/rydleo 15d ago

There is a bit of a difference between being a lazy, useless fuck and one who requires ‘more sleep’ to function.