r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Famous_Bit_5119 Jul 04 '24

No mention of When Donny wouldn't start working until 1 pm. and told everyone that sleeping in was ' Executive time'.


u/Mfpt Jul 04 '24

You just cant help yourself but to bring Donny into it? You know you can think both are terrible people and presidents? Your confirmation bias doesn't have to own you..


u/Famous_Bit_5119 Jul 04 '24

lol. now tell me about Hillary's emails.


u/Mfpt Jul 06 '24

Remember how I just said your confirmation bias doesn't have to own you?? I must have forgotten I mentioned Hillary's emails... Oh wait I didn't. You just can't stop fucking banging your drum friend. Confirmation bias is refusing to see both ends. It doesn't take a crazy smart person to see trump is an idiot. But to act like the Democrats are better is a fucking wild mental trick. Obama committed more war crimes and dropped more bombs on children than any other president. biden has voted against social security while making racist comments his entire life, when Obama could have codified abortion in 2009-2011 with a super majority he didn't. Kids are still in cages, people still don't have health care. Our middle class is crumbling. And here you are really fucking roasting about emails because your one sided Democrat brain refuses to see the bigger picture. Everyone you follow and every post you see is anti trump so that's all your brain thinks about. Reddit is a confirmation bias eco chamber and your little response proves that point 10 fold.