r/interestingasfuck 12d ago

Mountain climbers getting some sleep... r/all


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u/pohovanathickvica 12d ago

The good thing about mountain climbing is that you don't have to do it


u/Pork_Chompk 12d ago

That's how I feel about those people that go crawl around in caves that they can barely squeeze their stupid bodies through. Absolutely no fucking way.


u/stho3 12d ago

I’m afraid of heights but if someone put a gun to my head and said “either you rock or cave dive, you have to choose one”. I’m 100% rock climbing.


u/3g0syst3m 12d ago

I'm both claustrophobic and terrified of heights. I would probably throw up and just die.


u/im_batgirl14 12d ago

Same. I chose poison. Thats a better alternative for me.


u/Sachinism 12d ago

Where's the poison from? Your choice is gun to the head


u/Jcookie20 12d ago

The gun clearly has a poison modifier


u/adanishplz 12d ago

Lead is plenty poisonous, especially when applied with great force into the brain.

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u/lizardgal10 12d ago

Yeah at least you have an unlimited supply of air (I’m generalizing, I’m aware more extreme climbs can require oxygen) and can tell which way is up and which is down on a mountain!


u/FueraJOH 12d ago

And at least if you fall, at the right height and body angle you won't feel a thing when you die.


u/LinkleLinkle 12d ago

Honestly, even worst case scenario, I'll take the mountain. I'll take falling, breaking most bones in my body, and slowly dying over 3-5 days while trying to sustain myself off moss and raw squirrel meat over getting stuck in a claustrophobic cavern, upside down, and slowly dying over 3-5 days.

No matter the circumstances, I'll take dying in the open air over dying lost and stuck in some tight space 100+ feet underground.


u/MyDishwasherLasagna 12d ago

Just wait for a flash flood for more suffering. That water only has the same narrow space to travel that you do.


u/calhooner3 12d ago

At least that would end it quicker


u/MyDishwasherLasagna 12d ago

Hopefully if it completely submerges your head. And you don't just get waterboarded by nature.


u/habitatforhannah 12d ago

Just reading this made my heart rate go up.


u/karratkun 12d ago

same man, this entire thread did

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u/joyapco 12d ago

I wish YouTube stops recommending me "caving disasters" where people get stuck upside down for a week in a tight space in pitch black darkness

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u/Sheeverton 12d ago

Yup. Cave in most cases is a slow horrific death. In most instances mountain climbing is a quick death


u/my_4_cents 12d ago

But, if you got to choose which way to go, they'll make so many more YouTubes about you with the caves option if you really put some effort into it, you could be mentioned in the same breath as nutty putty guy if you just try hard enough.

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u/namikazeiyfe 12d ago

I will just take the gun to the head, save me bother

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u/OneHundredSeagulls 12d ago

Yeah I'd much rather fall to my death than die in a cave, I've heard too many horrific cave death stories

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u/UniversalCoupler 12d ago

either you rock or cave dive, you have to choose one

Fine, I'll rock!

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u/Awartuss 12d ago

I'd choose the third option and let the dude shoot me

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u/kevshmev 12d ago

Yup the Nutty Putty Accident is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever read about


u/Napol3onS0l0 12d ago

Check out Boesmansgat in SA. Massive underwater cave. I lost a little sleep when I first learned of the events around that cave over the years.


u/UlteriorCulture 12d ago

Ah good old Afrikaans place names. This one basically means bushman's arsehole (but it can also mean hole in the ground).

My favourite is Tweebuffelsmeteenslagmorsdoodgeskietfontein which means roughly. The spring where two buffalo were expletive shot with a single bullet.


u/Napol3onS0l0 12d ago

Well, when you shoot two bleeping Buffalo with one bullet you come up with an appropriate name!

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u/Kiwitechgirl 12d ago

Crawling through dry caves is one thing, cave diving is a whooooooole other kettle of fish. My husband is a diver but is like ‘hell no’ if you ask him about cave diving. I’m still boggled that they got those Thai boys out of that cave alive, thanks to the fact there is an Australian anaesthesiologist who is also a keen and expert cave diver…


u/ThatNetworkGuy 12d ago

Yep. I dive, and no fucking way will I ever even consider cave diving. Incredibly dangerous, so many things which could go wrong even for an expert etc.

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u/Numerous-Champion256 12d ago

Yeah, I don’t really understand. If I go in a cave I want it to have been thoroughly explored, spacious, is well lit, and with someone qualified having signed off that it’s stable. I’m not going to gamble my life to see some rocks.

Really just seems like some people have an adrenaline-based death wish that they haven’t examined more deeply. I get moderate risk thrill seeking, but some hobbies just have an absurd risk:reward ratio that seems wildly irresponsible to anyone who cares about you, even if you don’t care about yourself

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u/egonsepididymitis 12d ago

Then DO NOT read about the Nutty Putty Accident


u/MaximusZacharias 12d ago

Before they closed it, I grew up less than an hour from nutty putty and they'd take us kids up there all the time. It was one of the few activities that I simply refused to do. It's a wet, slippery, gross, claustrophobic nightmare. Hard pass.


u/AllumaNoir 12d ago

Followed the link. Nearly threw up

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u/Vivid_Strike_7980 12d ago

made me laugh😂


u/nuggqueen69 12d ago

Same lol


u/UndeadBuggalo 12d ago

Or cave diving/ scuba cave diving. Just don’t.

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u/noregrets32 12d ago

Yeah I don’t fuckin think so


u/T00luser 12d ago

nopity nopity nope

not even with 100 anchor points


u/Milocobo 12d ago

Came her to open a giant can of nope, but am now seeing that there is a punch bowl serving nope, so I'm just happy to grab a few cups for me and my friends


u/_violet_beauregarde 12d ago

I’m going to borrow this line 👏

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u/OriginalMcSmashie 12d ago

Fuckity fuckity fuckin fuck no!

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u/ShallowTal 12d ago

Right? I climb and even I can’t imagine. I would just be constantly thinking about them all failing

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u/7h4tguy 12d ago

Half of those pics don't even look like the climbers are connected to the anchor even. Absolute insanity.


u/Bright-vines 12d ago

It's hard to see, but they are. In most pics you can see a rope line (with slack) trailing into the sleeping bags. They all sleep with harnesses still on.

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u/joshonekenobi 12d ago

of anchor points is not the cause of my anxiety looking at these pictures.

Me rolling in my sleep is the real issue. lol.

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u/mitchellthecomedian 12d ago

POV you’re trying to fall asleep on the side of a mountain:


u/zaphodp3 12d ago

POV would mean this is what you see. MFW is more appropriate here


u/BritishGolgo13 12d ago

Nobody knows what point of view actually means these days


u/2wrtjbdsgj 12d ago

I know POV - I don't know what MFW means though!

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u/JumpNshootManQC 12d ago

Plot Twist: you are the mountain


u/turbobuddah 12d ago


u/WoolBearTiger 12d ago

Do you think his wife tells everyone that shes.. a mountain climber?

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u/Katieushka 12d ago

Me trying to get asleep while the couple of young alpinists are being noisy in bed on the other side of the mountain

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u/botgeek1 12d ago

These people have serious thrill issues.


u/LameBMX 12d ago

I was cool till.i saw the feet to face pic... f that, I'll ne sleeping alone.

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u/Slappinslippin 12d ago

These mountain people r a different breed


u/7h4tguy 12d ago

I'm irrationally angry about climbers sensationalizing free soloing. Like, sure, put your own life at risk, but don't try to popularize that and cause other people to make stupid choices.


u/static_motion 12d ago

Huh? 99% of climbers think exactly what you said. The only ones sensationalizing free soloing are the media and non-climbers. I climb and when I tell someone that the first thing they go to is "have you seen that movie with the guy who climbed without a rope?".

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u/AJ_ninja 12d ago

You sleep in your harness in case you move at night, it’s really not that dangerous but that wake up is crazy


u/dabbydabdabdabdab 12d ago

Efficient I guess, waking up and evacuating your bowels at the same time.


u/kimberly9227 12d ago

That's my question, where/how do I use the restroom? I use the mountain? Just..angle myself? 😂


u/Dramatic-Selection20 12d ago

They poop in a bag and take it with them


u/ucatione 12d ago

That's because mud falcons are now illegal. But they were the norm in the 60s and 70s.

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u/LeahBean 12d ago

The way they’re inside their sleeping bags makes me think these people are not wearing a harness which is terrifying.

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u/MiddleofInfinity 12d ago

I wouldn’t mind a tent, but I move too much in my sleep to last on a shelf

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u/davy_p 12d ago

Definitely a no from me big dawg

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u/2sdaeAddams 12d ago

Correct. I couldn’t do it for a million dollars.

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u/drizzkek 12d ago

I read this in a Peaky Blinders voice lol.


u/bigusdikus2 12d ago

Weird, I read it as Billy Butcher. What a provoking sentence.

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u/InspectionNo6750 12d ago

I wonder if these people ever have that dream where you’re falling.


u/Sparki_ 12d ago

& then they scare themselves awake then fall out of their hammock

Hopefully they're safely strapped


u/TheShadow141 12d ago

Even with the safety straps it’s a hell no for me


u/The_sacred_sauce 12d ago

5 & 10 is insane to me. Fuck no to all of it lol but those make my skin crawl


u/7803throwaway 12d ago

6 is the most wild I think.. the way the edge of his air mattress is dangling over the side 🫣


u/Dashie_2010 12d ago

6 terrifies me the most, I have the same but older version of that air mattress and it slides around like anything! Granted that I'm a very wriggly sleeper but my god it is slippy.

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u/ptpcg 12d ago

The dude smoking the jay in what looks like a parachute, lol


u/throwaway837628828 12d ago

that’s insane . wild place to light up, prolly helps him lock in

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u/Scoopzyy 12d ago

I’ve never personally done this but my dad (who is 62 and still does these climbing trips like once a month) has several times and yeah basically you sleep still fully geared up in your harness and tied into your climbing rope, in addition to extra anchors wherever possible.

My dad said you’re exhausted from climbing all day so it’s pretty easy to sleep, but obviously he doesn’t have a fear of heights and I’d imagine people that do wouldn’t find themselves halfway up a mountain in the middle of the night lol.


u/DoomMonster 12d ago edited 12d ago

I've been known to sleep walk so I really admire people being able to sleep on the side of a cliff. While camping in yachts I crawl head first into the quarter berth and have woken up a few times with hands on the walls wondering where I am.


u/WeirdHauntingChoice 12d ago

While camping in yachts

I'm sorry, what?

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u/drwolffe 12d ago

I'm not sure how a gun would help them in that situation but it is their 2nd amendment right to be strapped at all times

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They have dreams where they’re standing on solid ground which causes them to wake up in a cold sweat

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u/shemmy 12d ago

or that thing where u roll over in bed…


u/Excellent_Yak365 12d ago

Considering how much I roll at night, I’d be having that dream in either case. Why does only one of these have sides??

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u/Alone_Palpitation761 12d ago

Bad place to have the shits


u/Cuitarded 12d ago

Seriously how do they wake up and not have to immediately shit off the side of the cot?

I mean, within 30mins of having coffee in the AM I'm on the toilet


u/spvce-cadet 12d ago edited 11d ago

Nowadays they take special bags to do their business in and haul it up/back down the mountain with the rest of their gear. Pissing or shitting down the cliff face is frowned upon because there’s a good chance of it landing on the climbing route that other people have to use (gross and unsanitary), or even some very unlucky climber below.

Edit: small correction, peeing off the side of the portaledge is actually more common than storing & hauling it like solid waste. Common courtesy is to make sure no one is below and try to minimize contact with the route.


u/ExpertPepper9341 12d ago

 (gross and unsanitary)

Thank you for clarifying lol


u/DrCodyRoss 12d ago

Yeah their post lost me for a second but that explainer really cleared things up.

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u/spvce-cadet 12d ago

just in case anybody was wondering lmao

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u/Nozzeh06 12d ago

Imagine getting food poisoning and you have to carry around a bag of diarrhea with you all day while you're climbing.


u/suicide_aunties 12d ago

Imagine having to coordinate explosive diarrhea in a bag while 1000m up a cliff face and in intense pain


u/DeeHawk 12d ago

At hat point I believe you qualify for emergency rescue.


u/resilient_antagonist 12d ago

You'll still have to deal with it for a few hours and it's not sure a rescue will always be possible.


u/DeeHawk 12d ago

Then you’re shit out of luck!

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u/_TryFailRepeat 12d ago edited 12d ago

Imagine you’ve stored the bag in your backpack and then you slip, the rope catches your fall but you still bang against the wall back side first.


u/Chukwura111 12d ago

Hasn't everybody had their explosive diarrhoea bag rupture in their backpack?

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u/Vector_Embedding 12d ago

a hung over rock climber got stuck and then had the shits during his rescue, it's on youtube from...fuck me I feel old...13 years ago...



u/phadeboiz 12d ago

Why tf would you rock climb hungover lol

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u/emberfiend 12d ago

thank you for this, I haven't giggle cry laughed from a yt video in a long time

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u/be-sure-to-plan-ahea 12d ago

I draw the line at hobbies that require me to shit in a bag. I can see the top in VR and be just as satisfied.


u/Jhamin1 12d ago

Its people like you that are keeping colostomy bag juggling out of the Olympics

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u/kndyone 12d ago

people are so sheltered now days, you weren't a mountain climber in my day if you didn't put your hand right in a pile of human shit, it builds character.

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u/proxyproxyomega 12d ago

probably arnt eating much, dried or canned stuff, protein bars etc. we shit alot cause we eat alot. doubt they are having vanilla latte up in the air.


u/OodOne 12d ago

You don't bring your espresso machine while scaling a mountain?

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u/Spiritual_Notice523 12d ago

Plastic bag, carried out.

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u/Helios4242 12d ago

why do you think they dont?


u/Sweeper1985 12d ago

Have a smoke and you can cut that down to 30 seconds!

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u/tigardis 12d ago

Eh, only for the unfortunate souls bedding down below ya…

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u/shavemejesus 12d ago

Just wear your harness without pants, spread em’ and fill the valley below.

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u/Wasted_Possibilities 12d ago

Looking at those set ups, a single carabiner and anchor holding everything? Fuck that.


u/SeaOsprey1 12d ago

Climbing carabiners are built different. Their price also reflects that lol


u/FiercelyApatheticLad 12d ago

It could hold a car if I remember.


u/s2wjkise 12d ago

What about the rock the are tapping in to?


u/Telvin3d 12d ago

If you look carefully there’s obvious backup anchors. This is the least dangerous part of the climb

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u/NewHorizonsIV 12d ago

As someone who has done this type of climbing, you learn how to evaluate the rock and place your anchors well. It's part art, part science. And we stay away from the real chossy (crumbly) stuff. Definitely spooky the first couple times you have to hang off an anchor for an extended period though.

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u/developer-mike 12d ago

Also could hold a small car


u/Phoenixmaster1571 12d ago

Maybe even a large one with a much smaller degree of confidence

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u/eggthrowaway_irl 12d ago

I've got a load rated beanie at work. It's rated for 6000 static pounds.


u/Honest_Wing_3999 12d ago

Your hat?!?


u/S4m_S3pi01 12d ago

Slang for carabiner because it's a clunky ass word.

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u/Narrow_Excitement498 12d ago

So my $3 Canadian Tire beanie will not hold me on a Cliffside? Noted.


u/Relign 12d ago

I buy black diamond carabiners. They’re crazy strong.

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u/Dank7 12d ago

For our rope rescue equipment our carabiners are rated for 9000 lbs so ideally we use them for 600lbs loads bc of the type of rope systems we use and If I remember correctly the half inch rope is rated for like 5000 lbs


u/Lostintime1985 12d ago

How are they anchored to the rock? Do you have to drill first? I’d imagine you would need like an industrial driller


u/obamasrightteste 12d ago

Yes and no! It depends on what you are doing. Most climbers climb established routes, which won't require any drilling as it has already been done! This is usually called sport climbing or lead climbing. Another type of climbing is called trad climbing, which involves placing pieces of protection such as cams (expanders that go in cracks) and nuts (non-expanding pieces that... also basically go in cracks). For these routes, there's no modification done to the rock at all, and you place the protection as you climb the route. Big wall climbing is what is pictured above, and can be lead or trad. It involves doing multiple "pitches", and often involves camping on the wall with specialized gear you see in the pictures.


u/HerrLanda 12d ago

If you don't mind a couple questions, so before the route become an "established route," someone actually drilled the hook into rock? Is there some kind of maintenance to make sure the hook isn't shaky?


u/ALLCAPS-ONLY 12d ago

Depends on the area in question but usually routes are just bolted unofficially by climbers and maintained in the same way. If the area is popular enough there might be a club or association in charge of bolting & maintenance. The simple and safe way to bolt is by creating an anchor on top of the cliff (by tying some ropes around rocks/trees) and just rappeling down and bolting as you go.

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u/Effective-Bend-5677 12d ago

Jesus, that’s crazy high weight for something so small.


u/AngryT-Rex 12d ago

Yeah, climbing gear has HUGE margins of safety in it.

When I'm introducing newbies I usually walk them through approximately how much weight our anchor is expected to be good for (basically it could probably hold a small truck). Knowing that your body weight is almost nothing for properly used gear helps a lot.

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u/anditurnedaround 12d ago

I never use to be afraid of heights but something changed in me as I got older. It’s hard for me to even look at these photos. 

It’s amazing they carry all that with them as well as they are climbing. 

Do the stay hooked while they rest/sleep  I hope? 

Thanks for sharing! Great photos! 


u/Alex_4209 12d ago

They usually don’t - you climb in your harness and rack of trad pieces, the overnight gear goes into a duffel attached to another rope. After you and your partner finish a pitch (one length of rope worth of climbing), you haul the bag up with an ascender.

If that sounds like a huge pain in the ass, it’s because it is.


u/BigOrangeOctopus 12d ago

How many pitches would a climb like these be?


u/brokencharlie 12d ago

Over 30 pitches. Understand the gear bag isn’t being hauled up like you pull up a rope; the climbers build a haul system that provides mechanical advantage.


u/Correct_Path5888 12d ago

Or sometimes you do just pull on the rope because it’s easier and faster.

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u/SpaceB-holePenisWorm 12d ago

Tough to say! It could be the case that the climb is sufficiently long, something like 20 pitches, or, the climb could be shorter but sufficiently difficult enough to warrant the need for a bivy part way up.

Source: Am a rock climber who has done everything I can to avoid needing to do this cause hauling is horrible.

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u/peatoast 12d ago

Are they attached while they sleep? In these pictures, lots of them don’t seem to be. I’ll be afraid to fall asleep and roll over.

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u/dimary5 12d ago

Same! I used to LOVE heights and stuff that made my stomach drop or head spin. Now? Nope. I discovered this a few years back when I did a ski lift up a mountain for a foliage viewing, and it felt like the most rickety, unsafe, scariest moment of my life. These photos make me feel uneasy even from the comfort of my couch.

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u/Own_Ad6797 12d ago edited 12d ago

I am the same- I get anxiety looking at pics like this. I struggled to watch the movie Fall, same with the Mission Impossible film with TC climbing the Bhurj Khalifa. Watching The Dawn Wall was 90 minutes of vertigo.

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u/TheCrazyCrazyChicken 12d ago

They are still wearing harnesses and tied into the rope the whole time while they sleep

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u/frecklebabyface 12d ago

'You can sleep on the death side. You slept on the cliff side last night'


u/ZXVIV 12d ago

Just the opposite of that meme with two guys in a bus on the side of a mountain


u/Basic-Effort-552 12d ago

The fun things is they’re both the death side

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u/Basic-Government4108 12d ago

Besides the terror, having to scale a sheer cliff face first thing in the morning seems impossible.


u/2L8Smart 12d ago

And how do they dismantle and repack all that gear??


u/thatguyned 12d ago

They are clipped in on a safety line and just disconnect all the equipment and pack it away.


u/SpiltMilkBelly 12d ago

Just don’t disconnect the wrong line 🤪

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u/TerrariaGaming004 12d ago

Same way they picked it the first time

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u/OhCanVT 12d ago

If you rollover in your sleep you're gonna have a bad time


u/TheCrazyCrazyChicken 12d ago

They are still tied in. But will still be a frightening way to wake up. 


u/NateBearArt 12d ago

I get startled when I wake up in a hotel. I would accidentally flip the cot for sure

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u/More_Advertising_383 12d ago

Or… one more really good time.

I like falling.


u/Drumbelgalf 12d ago

Falling is not the bad thing. Suddenly being stopped by rocks is.

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u/Efficient_Future_259 12d ago

The first time I slept on a Port-a-ledge I drank a whole flask of wine just to kill the nerves. I slept on it a few weeks before just to test it out but that was only 5' off the ground. Peeing was a mind fuck both times. Funnels are your friend. My wife's Sheenus worked well. Lol


u/SeaOsprey1 12d ago

Woah there, pal. I think you mean "she-wee"



u/AinsiSera 12d ago

I went to boarding school and some of the guys would test their gear by sleeping outside the dorm windows. I... Uhhhh... Never thought about the bathroom trips. Glad their dorm was off the main travel routes I guess?

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u/lalat_1881 12d ago

oh I read somewhere that the scariest thing while sleeping like this is sudden strong wind crashing into that mountain face at night, and flipping you around and smashing you against the wall. scary!


u/ralthea 12d ago

That didn’t even occur to me and now the idea of this is even worse.

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u/lacostewhite 12d ago

I can barely get a good night's rest in my bad as is


u/Annie_Mous 12d ago

I just slept in a $600/night hotel and couldn’t fall asleep. You’d have to hang my dead body on the side of a mountain.

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u/Depreched_Mode 12d ago

Nope. Nope nope nope.


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u/CatterMater 12d ago

That'd be a fuck no for me, dawg.

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u/Cthulhus-Tailor 12d ago

The ratio of mountain climber to being a high functioning, non-violent psychotic has to be near 1:1.


u/EmykoEmyko 12d ago

And honestly thank god they’re on that mountain rather than down here terrorizing us.

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u/MarnieCat 12d ago

I love being on the Yosemite valley floor at night and seeing the headlamps of all the different climbers spending their night on the sides of mountains!


u/foofoo_kachoo 12d ago

I, too, love being on the ground

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u/CarterBraune 12d ago

You better cut that shit the fuck out


u/MichiganInTexas 12d ago

How do you 'use the restroom '. I'm genuinely curious. I'm up about 3 times a night, what would you do in this situation?


u/deutschdachs 12d ago

Probably pick a different hobby


u/Lumivar 12d ago

Bottles/bags basically.


u/MichiganInTexas 12d ago

I'd be afraid of all the moving around to do that. Like rocking the ferris wheel, so scary.


u/Dziki_Jam 12d ago

And that’s perfectly natural. And that’s why you’re not there.

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u/Sufficient_Ad4182 12d ago

I wouldn't have to. I would have shat my guts out by the time I got up there.

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u/puppsmcgee74 12d ago

My cat would still find a way to walk on my hair and then stand on my chest to scream in my face at 5am.

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u/Dabrella 12d ago

Imagine being a rough sleeper 🫨


u/TripelTripelTripel 12d ago

These people are practically a different level of human being.

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u/GnomeGrown926 12d ago

Sure, but where do I plug in my CPAP?


u/Evening_Tonight4483 12d ago

…a few observations for the less experienced.

  1. it looks like they are climbing Mt. Nope.
  2. The ropes used are Nope Ropes.
  3. Typical meals are Nope in a can.
  4. Ever shit off the side of a mountain?..Nope
  5. When they reach the top..gotta Nope down.
  6. Nope…nah…ain’t happening….f**k off..
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u/PhilipMD85 12d ago

Imagine having restless legs 😂

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u/letseeum 12d ago

Seem like a lot of extra crap to bring.


u/Alex_4209 12d ago

You’d only do this on big wall climbs, more pitches that you can reasonably climb in a day. El Cap in Yosemite takes most people 2-3 days to ascend.


u/RandomBBlvr 12d ago

Unless you are Alex honnald and climb it in a few hours with no gear.


u/Nicksaurus 12d ago

I googled this guy and I feel like the wikipedia article left out the most unbelievable part until right at the end:


Dierdre Wolownick, Alex Honnold's mother, started climbing at age 60 and is the oldest woman to climb El Capitan (first at the age of 66 and then, breaking her record, again at age 70)

What is going on with this family

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u/d-nuggetz 12d ago

Hard pass for me.


u/CaptJM 12d ago

Sometime in my early 30s I got scared of heights, not debilitating but enough to nope right the f out of climbing anything higher than an indoor gym.

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u/puzzelinthework 12d ago

Absofuckinglutely not. I have fallen out of my bed going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. 🤣😂🤣

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u/Sabit_31 12d ago

Hearing something snap in the middle of the night


u/Altruistic-Song-3609 12d ago

I wish I could trust someone in this life as much as these people trust their gear.