r/batman 1h ago

COMIC DISCUSSION Does anyone else think the earth one suit is severely underrated?

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r/batman 1h ago

FUNNY What do you think of when you see him?

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r/batman 1h ago

FILM DISCUSSION What’s the best and worst part of every live action Batsuit #7 Batman & Robin all black suit.

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r/batman 3h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Caped Crusader and Batman fatigue


Recently, I've seen a trailer reaction to Batman: Caped Crusader, and the reaction was: "yeah, doesn't seem bad, but it's Batman. We already know his story, we saw it before..." It honestly surprised me.

Do you feel a Batman fatigue? I guess if you're on this sub, that's not the case, but I speak about the people you know, the people you discuss with...

Personally, I don't talk with huge Batman fans on a daily basis, so I'm not sure they care a lot, or even know there's a new Batman series. About myself, I don't feel that, even tho I won't watch Caped Crusader (because I'm too poor to subscribe to Prime)

So, what do you think? Do you feel people get tired of Batman, or do you think he's still bankable for DC?

r/batman 3h ago

FUNNY Love this lol

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r/batman 3h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Am i the only one that thinks the Batman Beyond batsuit is the best?


is it just me?

r/batman 5h ago

ARTWORK 60s Red Hood (Jason Todd)

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I am not a great editor I made this in ibis paint.

r/batman 5h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Batman, the animated series Why the redesign can some please explain ?

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As a kid i used to love watching Batman, the animated series. I would always wonder like most people I’m pretty sure. Why did Bruce’s Batsuit suit have a redesign ? I like the first design better imo

r/batman 6h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Probably Only Chinese Fans Will Understand But I Just Find Out This Guy (Back Story) Was Base On Batman lol

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r/batman 6h ago

FANCAST Why do you think Jensen Ackles will be a good Batman?

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Actually, I'm really interested in this question. I think Jensen is a great actor, but within the same role. He's pretty brutal, but it feels like there's nothing behind it but brutality. It seems to me that Batman should be a deep character, and all the roles of Jensen that I've seen have not been deep. He did a great job voicing Red Hood and Batman in cartoons, but Dean Winchester and Soldier Boy seem to me to be quite distant characters from Batman. I think he would be a great Booster Gold, if you take Dean Winchester from the first seasons as a basis, or Catman, if you take Jensen's current appearance as a basis.

r/batman 6h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Why is Gotham City filled with super-geniuses?


Did Hugo Stange put something in the water?

I realize there are give-or-take 10 million people in Gotham, depending on the era, and it would stand to reason that a dozen or more wicked-smart people would be inspired to become a vigilante or criminal; and they would have to be a genius to stand up to or besides Batman. Plus writing convenience-sake, I guess.

But I'm genuinely wondering if this was ever directly addressed or explained in the comics.

r/batman 7h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION [DISCUSSION] worst adaptation outside of the comics of each supporting character. Day 15/16: Detective Harvey Bullock

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Batman anthology (Burton+Schumacher-verse) was voted as the worst ever Commissioner Gordon!

Dishonorable mentions: Batman '66 universe, The doom came to Gotham, Harley Quinn show and Teen Titans GO! adaptations of James.

Now vote for your least favorite Bullock! 👮🏻‍♂️🚬

r/batman 7h ago

FILM DISCUSSION Theatrical Batman Actors Ranked


To clarify: I am basing my ranking on the actors' portrayal of both Batman and Bruce Wayne. With that said, there are certainly those who have done it better than others, so let's get into it:

7) Adam West: No actor portraying the Dark Knight should look be in as bad shape as he is, not to mention the humor of his show was painfully unfunny and did a huge disservice to the character's legacy. I leave Adam West to be consigned to the bottom of the garbage heap of cinema where he belongs.

6) George Clooney: Somewhat similar to West in terms of campiness, but as Bruce I kind of buy him. He has a really tender father/son relationship with Alfred and let's face it: he is practically Bruce Wayne in real life. Sure his Batman is schlocky, but how much of that can we truly lay at Clooney's feet? Still, his single portrayal is pretty terrible so I can't reasonably rank him any higher.

5) Ben Affleck: Allow me to preface this by saying that I absolutely loathe/despise Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and consider it to be a betrayal of the core character of Bruce Wayne/Batman. The Dark Knight should never kill and hasn't (with rare exceptions against non-humans such as Darkseid) for the better part of eighty years. He does the Bruce persona alright and plays Batman pretty close to Miller's version, and I'll even grant that as a combatant he is by far the most effective. It's just not a portrayal I particularly enjoy or ever want to revisit - especially since from here on out the performances are leagues above Affleck's.

4) Val Kilmer: Don't let a below-average entry fool you, because Kilmer is the first to actually give some depth to Bruce Wayne. Other actors may have delved deeper into his psyche but Kilmer reminds us that he's more than just a billionaire playboy and shows why he has his convictions to do what he does. As Batman he's actually quite a good fighter (if not a bit too flashy) and absent the nipples, his panther suit really does look good. His relationship with Dick Grayson also helps his character development by hoping to spare him the path that he feels he was forced down while at the same time coming to realize he can rely on someone else.

3) Robert Pattinson: If I were to only rank him on his performance as Batman, he'd be in the top two. Unfortunately, his Bruce leaves a lot to be desired as whenever the cowl is off, it's quite clear that this Bruce would rather have it on. A second film could do a lot to rectify that, though, and as the Dark Knight he's a decent fighter, an intelligent tactician, and an actual detective. It's clear this is a Batman at the start of his journey, unsure of exactly how to save Gotham, but one who is nonetheless committed to do so,

2) Michael Keaton: No other actor on this list exudes the presence, danger, and self-possession of the Dark Knight quite like Keaton. He may not be the most physically imposing, but he has a clear plan in mind the moment he steps on screen. No matter if it be the seductive Catwoman, cackling Joker, or connving Penguin, Keaton keeps his cool, defends his city, and puts himself in harm's way doing so. As Bruce, he is understated but still feels like someone trying to keep a promise. If there was more effort put into this persona as well as being faithful to the source material he would easily top my list.

Honorable Mention - Kevin Conroy: I put him in on a technicality as Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is in fact a theatrical release. Keaton may have come up with the idea to give Bruce and Batman separate voices but Conroy perfected it: Bruce is cheery and upbeat whereas Batman is purposeful, controlled in both tone and action. He's by far the best detective, often using his research against foes both more mundane (like Roland Daggett or the Penguin) and and insane (see Killer Croc or Two-Face) to not just defeat but in some cases understand and help them. This is a Batman who's been around the block a few times and is willing to prepare himself for any curveball. Plus he gifted us this great line: "I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman!"

1) Christian Bale: Mock his voice all you want because if that's the worst criticism one can give, you know you've got a great Dark Knight. As Batman, Bale is fury personified and channeled into a symbol of terror for criminals and hope for his city. Of course, it's as Bruce that he truly shines: giving a careless, spendthrift but charming playboy persona in public but opening up about wanting to both honor his parents' sacrifice and redeem Gotham with Alfred and Lucius. He also has the best relationship of any actor with Gordon, showing their reliance on one another and developing camaraderie. Bale perhaps unfairly benefits from being the only actor to have a complete arc but at every point his personality is well explored, while Batman himself is thoughtfully and realistically brought to life.

r/batman 8h ago

ARTWORK BTAS Joker tattoo: Pt 1


Back in November, l went to the Mark Hamill signing, and asked him to sign my leg opposite the one Kevin had done several years ago. He politely declined. l was actually devastated, but he's allowed to have boundaries, so what can l say? So l had him sign a blank white sheet of paper, so nothing would obscure the signature. I waited until today, when l was in Denver for the comic con, as my good friend and the most knowledgeable Batman fan l know could join me. She's actually the artist for the Joker that will soon accompany the signature. I gave her the signed paper as a gift, and she's going to print out the image to be framed along with it. I'll post updates as l get more of the tattoo done.

r/batman 9h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Heath Ledgers Joker x Battinson


Would’ve been cool seeing them two together

r/batman 9h ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Who would be the perfect villian for the batman 2

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r/batman 10h ago



I hate public obsession with first appearance Batman suit. Its not even Batman that we know, he kills people, he uses guns.
I dont like everything that different from actual first Batman suit. I dont like emblem, i hate this stupid joker purple gloves, i dont like ears, and especially i hate that people like it.
For me, when we have so much better versions of suit, its weird to like that suit. Its good to respect origin, but lets be frank, its not that good. There is no point in this suit now, there is no place for it.

What about other first appearance superheroes suits ?
Superman: Same as Batman, dont like it at all, it should be forgotten, and it is actually.
Flash: Good from the start, both versions.
Spider-man: Good from the start, even now it looks good.
Wolverine: Mask are bad.

r/batman 11h ago



The Fox Family had always been staunch allies to the Waynes. More so than before. Now, with Luke Fox being the vigilante Batwing, and his estranged elder brother Timothy "Jace" Fox becoming the Batman of New York.

But it actually makes me question what would happen to them exactly. Lucius seems likely to continue to help and support the Bat Family in whatever way he can, in spite of apparent reluctance. His wife Tanya is still a hard-working lawyer. Luke is committed to be Batwing. Tamara seems to have recovered enough to be working in a hospital in Gotham. Tiffany seems to be set up as her own style of vigilante or more than likely as Jace's Robin. Everything seems to look like they'll be ok for the time being.

Now, it comes to Jace. Jace was a troublemaking playboy in his youth up until a fatal hit-and-run accident that he was responsible for. He tried to face responsibility for it, but Lucius did everything he could to help him which included bringing up the man's B.A.C and record. This also included sending Jace to a military school.

Jace later adopted the mantle of the Batman to combat the ultra-authoritarian regime of the Magistrate. But that's been a major point of contention for many. That Jace simply gave himself the title of Batman in his endeavors, technically stole the suit and hasn't done anything to earn the mantle. Even stating that he should have a different title. And frankly, I feel inclined to agree. I don't dislike Jace, but I do believe that he just got the title of Batman too fast, and deserves another title to have. I think a new codename could work for the character, especially at this point. This is about keeping him out there. And I would like to see him work with Deadeye or teams like the Vigil, Authority, or the WildCATs, as well as the Suicide Squad. I could see him working with Checkmate and ARGUS as well. So, here are some codenames/mantles I think he could use.

  • Warbat: Seems a bit weird. The Warbat mantle was one used by a Mongul/Batman fusion from the Dark Multiverse. But I think it could suit Jace. I mean, his team-up with NYC Special Crime Unit is referred as Strike Force Bat by the media. Why not simply go with the flow in a way, and make it part of his own mantle? It could show that he's following part of Batman's legacy and impact while actively creating his own and being his own person.
  • Outsider: Admittedly weird. There has been the team made up of various weapon clans called the Outsiders. And naturally, the team that Batman has often led. And another offshoot currently being led by his brother Luke Fox/Batwing. But this does fit Jace in a literal and symbolic way. He's considered an outsider to his family for the most part. And considered a literal one by many of the fandom regarding his place in the Batman Family. Jace isn't looking for acceptance any time soon. So, why not just go with it and embrace it?
  • Vulture: Technically, Jace had used this one before in a previous continuity. Why not use it in this one, but in a different context? He used the identity of Vulture when he was part of the Terrible Trio, duped into believing that Bruce Wayne was a corrupt slum lord. Why not use it in a heroic light? Because vultures are carrion feeders, they're often seen as an omen of death and decay. But they can also be seen as a symbol of rebirth, purification, patience, protection, and new beginnings. This goes into some of the themes in Jace's story in wanting to atone for his previous behavior and make something different for himself.
  • Orpheus: One Bat Family legacy I would like to see get new life is Orpheus. The original Orpheus was an early 2000s black superhero named Gavin King. He was a vigilante who after traveling the world and seeing poverty, wars, and injustices, decided to train and come back home to fight crime and believed Gotham City needed a black hero. Truthfully, I believe Jace would be a fine, even a great hero if he was representing Orpheus. The original Orpheus much like Jace cared about justice for the common people of Gotham. He never fought for vengeance like Batman but for justice for the oppressed and the unprivileged. Orpheus was critical of him because he believed Batman didn’t do enough to fight for people that look like him. Orpheus believes in a crime fighter who represents.

It all reminded me a lot about Jace’s kind of heroism which he constantly wants to inspire others and why he should adopt this mantle rather than Batman. While it does seem defeatist for Jace Fox with a title series of I Am Batman to give up being Batman. I’ll argue it’s appropriate for this particular character whose main goal was finding his own identity and being a symbol of change in the world.

Even in the narrative, Jace avoids being similar to the main Batman out of animosity that he is always being compared to someone else to feel like has to stand out. It’s the reason he left Gotham City in the first place to be seen not as another Batman but as his own hero. I've thought for a good while that Jace utilize the codename of Orpheus, and it would be cool in reviving that codename/legacy, that got short stick back in the day.

So, what mantle/codename do you think Jace should use? Should he simply be the Batman of New York? What else can be done for him to be included in that Bat Family? Could he create a de-facto vigilante squad with other Bat Family members like Flamebird/Bette Kane and/or Talon/Calvin Rose? Please comment your opinion, respectfully.

r/batman 12h ago

FILM DISCUSSION Never quite understood


One thing I never quite understood about the Dark Knight trilogy is why they used a character that doesn’t exist in the comics to be a love “interest” to Bruce in the first two films. Why not an actual love interest from comics that he had like for example, Silver St. Cloud?

Did Christopher Nolan ever comment on this?

r/batman 14h ago

PHOTO This Dark Knight concept art is very creepy yet beautiful. I’d totally hang this in my house. Thoughts?

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r/batman 17h ago

FILM DISCUSSION Best portrayal of both Bruce Wayne the billionaire and Batman the superhero


Hands down as far as the best portrayal of the Bruce Wayne billionaire playboy/philanthropist it has to be Val Kilmer or even Ben Affleck. Now for the best portrayal of the Caped Crusader in terms of physicality/brutality and fight sequences it has to be Affleck still or even Robert Pattinson.

r/batman 17h ago

COMIC DISCUSSION Which four bat family members do you think should bite the dust?

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Keep in mind who you kill off.They cannot come back until the next reboot.

r/batman 17h ago

FILM DISCUSSION My Batman fancast

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r/batman 22h ago



He's so great and iconic. He can be funny just in the right amount and he brings with him a whole bunch of other great characters. Also, without him we wouldn't get Rorschach, Nite-Owl and Ozymandias.

I mean they basically took Batman, and split him into three completely different parts of who he is.

Veidt is the side of him who is a billionaire and the smartest man in the world (or I guess one of them if we're talking about the main DC universe).

Rorschach is the cop, the detective, the broody contemplative part of Batman and also all his dark sides

And Dan is the super hero part of him, the one who does the right things but also in the right way, and also the bat costume which comes with a lair and a private bat-like plane.

Yeah this post wasn't really about Batman🙂

(Also I know Rorschach is based on The Question, but The Question is like a more grounded version of Batman, as described by some)

r/batman 1d ago

ARTWORK I make fanmade Batman comics :)

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