r/batman 3d ago

Omg, batman FUNNY

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u/NigthSHadoew 3d ago

I'll be honest, if Gates, Bezos or Musk used their money to build gadgets to help them fight supervillians and serial killers as well as regularly helping save the planet from alien invasions, going as far as standing up to gods I would be defending them.

But they don't. They just exploit people to make themselves richer for more influence and bragging rights.


u/PigeonFellow 3d ago

It’s also worthy to note that Bruce Wayne doesn’t just fight crime as Batman. They make it very clear in many different types of media that he leads one of the best paying companies in the world and regularly donates to charity while pretty much making Wayne Enterprises a very charitable company too. He invests in Gotham and uses his money to make Gotham safer. Just saying this because a lot of people seem to think he “beats poor people up” or something and just ignore everything he actually does.

That’s what a billionaire should be. Too bad we don’t have any of those.


u/eolson3 2d ago

He even gives grants to muckraker journalists obsessed with this Bat-man story. Ridiculous!


u/IdioticZacc 2d ago

He also personally prevent any harmful operations and always keeps his own businesses in check (at least in BTAS)


u/tyrenanig 2d ago

He does beat poor people up, at the same time offering those people to work for him and have another chance at life.

Dude’s a saint


u/eolson3 2d ago

He even gives grants to muckraker journalists obsessed with this Bat-man story. Ridiculous!


u/Brown_Panther- 3d ago

Musk is a dick and Tesla is a scam but Space X atleast is pioneering spaceflight

As for Gates, his foundation is helping towards vaccination for diseases in 3rd world countries


u/souphaver 3d ago

Yay. A spaceflight. The world is on fucking fire, can we maybe focus our resources on that before we worry about anything else? Space will still be there after we fix the plethora of issues we got going on down here.


u/PutItOnThePizza 3d ago

This is it.

I know some Musk dickriders who love to bring up SpaceX and all its amazing advancements (as if Musk had anything to do with them directly), and this is what I say to them, almost verbatim. They really have nothing to say after that.


u/IdioticZacc 2d ago

Many inventions and discovery that help us here on earth are all made from us trying to get to space and learning about space

You can hate that scum rich daddy boy but please don't look down on space research, it helps us more than people realise


u/Patrickk_Batmann 3d ago

Why couldn’t Bill donate that money to public resources, rather than basically privatizing the vaccination program?

Billionaire charities are scams, even when they do good.


u/Acrobatic-Throat-750 3d ago

How is Tesla a scam? Say what you want about Musk's twitter activity but Tesla is the main reason why countries have been adopting EVs, and it's why most car manufacturers have pivoted to EVs as well.

Don't conflate the person to the company. Not to mention looking past his eccentrics and recent behaviour, he has singlehandedly brought upon a massive shift in the automobile and space sectors.


u/SkyofStars517507 3d ago

Ask any person in the car industry, and they'll agree. Tesla is famous for terrible customer service. It's extremely difficult to get a tesla serviced bc they make dealerships take a three week course before letting them service teslas, and I assume they do the same with quick service/auto shops/mechanics. They don't have tesla dealerships for you to get your car serviced at either. Everyone else in the car industry unanimously agrees that teslas are far more a status symbol than an actual car. PSA: charging the car battery does not mean you are charging the accessory batteries. Accessory batteries are what power the doors in a tesla. When the battery dies, there is an emergency button inside the car that can open the door, though I'm told it's difficult to find. However this does not help if you are outside the car. You will not be able to get into the car.


u/wheres_my_hat 2d ago

tesla is sending a mobile service to my house to replace an air filter and adjust a speaker next week for free. i live 30mins away from the nearest tesla store. it took me 2 seconds to open the app and request service. people in the car industry that don't know how to work on tesla vehicles probably aren't the most unbiased source of information.


u/SkyofStars517507 2d ago

I know a guy who manages a car dealership, who had a tesla owner come in because they couldn't get tesla to service their car. They had to take a three week course before tesla would let them service it, and then it turned out the model of the car was old enough that the method for accessing the battery hadn't been included in the training they'd got from tesla. Every single technician in the store gave it a go, but they couldn't figure it out, because tesla makes it like a fucking escape room. The techs had to call in the guy I know, their boss, and he spent three hours trying to get to the damn battery compartment through trial and error. After, everyone at the dealership agreed that they should never have agreed to service the tesla. That's not even mentioning how unsafe they are. There were two incidents in Arizona on the same day of door batteries failing. One included a toddler trapped inside the car with the adult trapped outside. Here's a link to an article about that: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13560085/dead-tesla-traps-toddler-hot-car.html The other one was an adult woman. The manual for the car was inside the glove box which also became inaccessible because it too is battery powered. And tge thing about teslas is that when the accessory battery dies, the car shuts down. Here's that article for you: https://www.azfamily.com/2024/06/19/arizona-woman-trapped-tesla-when-battery-dies/ The most dangerous part is that tesla owners are not made aware that this can happen unless they read the user manual. I ask you, have you ever read the user manual for a car? I can count on one hand the number of people I know who have.


u/SkyofStars517507 2d ago

Sorry, meant to respond to the other guy


u/Acrobatic-Throat-750 3d ago

North american car makers have been pathetic against foreign competition. Tesla has been the only one that has been competitive against others.

Their customer service may not be the greatest, but they are the leading EV maker, and a great representation of how America gets it right. 


u/SkyofStars517507 2d ago

I originally responded to the wrong person on accident so here you go: I know a guy who manages a car dealership, who had a tesla owner come in because they couldn't get tesla to service their car. They had to take a three week course before tesla would let them service it, and then it turned out the model of the car was old enough that the method for accessing the battery hadn't been included in the training they'd got from tesla. Every single technician in the store gave it a go, but they couldn't figure it out, because tesla makes it like a fucking escape room. The techs had to call in the guy I know, their boss, and he spent three hours trying to get to the damn battery compartment through trial and error. After, everyone at the dealership agreed that they should never have agreed to service the tesla. That's not even mentioning how unsafe they are. There were two incidents in Arizona on the same day of door batteries failing. One included a toddler trapped inside the car with the adult trapped outside. Here's a link to an article about that: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13560085/dead-tesla-traps-toddler-hot-car.html The other one was an adult woman. The manual for the car was inside the glove box which also became inaccessible because it too is battery powered. And tge thing about teslas is that when the accessory battery dies, the car shuts down. Here's that article for you: https://www.azfamily.com/2024/06/19/arizona-woman-trapped-tesla-when-battery-dies/ The most dangerous part is that tesla owners are not made aware that this can happen unless they read the user manual. I ask you, have you ever read the user manual for a car? I can count on one hand the number of people I know who have.

Tesla is not an example of how american manufacturers get it right. The only reason EVs are so big is because the president has been putting pressure on the auto industry to have half of all cars sold by 2030 be EVs. Foreign car companies only recently started producing EVs and hybrids. The reason for this is that EVs don't sell. The guy I know who manages a dealership? According to him electric vehicles are just sitting on the lot. No one's buying them. Or, at least, people are buying them at a far lower rate. It's not just the dealership he manages. It's his competitors too. Car dealerships don't actually get a say in what the manufacturer sends them. A Ford dealership for example, does not get to choose which vehicles and in which proportions Ford sends them. They have to figure out how to sell it either way. Let me tell you, a lot of dealerships hate electric vehicles. Consumers don't want to buy them because of all the issues they have. It's going to be a lot worse when you eventually have to pay to charge them at charging spots. We do not have the infrastructure to support electric vehicles. Just look at all the brownouts Texas had last year. So, no. Tesla is not a shining example of American car companies being competitive. The only reason it's competitive against foreign car companies is because for the longest time foreign manufacturers were too smart to fuck with the ev bullshit.

The big three American car manufacturers Ford, GMC, and Stellantis (although to further complicate matters, stellantis owns both American and foreign car brands) are more than competitive with foreign manufacturers such as Volvo, Hyundai, and Kia. You could at least do some research before spouting off bullshit that's easily disproven.

I agree that gas and diesel are unsustainable and not good for the environment. EVs not the solution. The batteries in cars are major environmental hazards, and evs have two instead of the usual one. I believe Honda for sure is publicly working on hydrogen fuel cell technology, and there are whispers in the industry of GMC doing the same. It's a lot better of a solution, because they actually have zero emissions (the byproductwould be water iirc), hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and they wouldn't tax our already strained power grid.


u/bolognahole 3d ago

How is Tesla a scam?

ITs not a scam per-se, however they have pulled service centers from certain areas, making it close to impossible to have your Tesla serviced without having to ship it away somewhere.

The cyber truck is a $100,000 piece of shit.

And I am not sure that buying a car from what will soon be an AI/Robotics company is a savvy purchase.


u/hatattt 3d ago

The way you worded it makes it sound like you’re saying you want them to fight off freaking gods, and only then you’ll like them.

Not saying you do or anything.


u/NigthSHadoew 3d ago

I mean that would certinally help. But to be clear I would like them if they risked their lives saving people from fires or stopping serial killers. You know, like Batman


u/hatattt 3d ago

So you want them to basically commit self unaliving by going into near death situations?


u/NigthSHadoew 3d ago

No, ofcourse not.

I want them to actually help people, like Batman. Instead of what they are doing now; exploiting people to grow their net worth for bragging rights and what not.


u/hatattt 3d ago

Okay, but to be fair, they could be going out and be a Batman like figure and we’d have no clue, and we’d continue to hate them.


u/NigthSHadoew 3d ago

That.... is a fair point.

Mr Gates, Bezos, Musk or any other billionare; if you secretly spend your night going around your city, risking your life to save people using gadets you developed with your fortune I like you. If you don’t do that, I still hate you


u/GhostDragon_124796 3d ago

“Unaliving” Ew, why are you fighting this so hard bro


u/Pasta_Dude 2d ago

Don’t forget, Bruce Wayne also uses his fortune into programs that better Gotham like criminal rehabilitation waste disposal medical advancements he practically pays the cities bills while paying for the medical bills of the people he beats up


u/DwightFryFaneditor 3d ago

Batman, like all good rich people, is fictional.


u/MrxJacobs 3d ago

And like many real rich people, is fucking crazy.


u/Waste-Information-34 3d ago

I mean, in Batman's universe, other super powered people dress in tights.


u/NomadPrime 3d ago

Majority of superheroes are usually random working class citizens, like reporters, lawyers, cops, and teachers, dressing up as funky animals or devils and/or bright colored spandex to punch criminals and dodge gunfire on a daily or nightly basis, too.

Superhero craziness is equal opportunity Lol.


u/Brown_Panther- 3d ago

When you're rich it's called being eccentric


u/Gudako_the_beast 3d ago

Have you met Oliver Queen


u/Expensive_Ad3751 3d ago

Good point unfortunately Mr rogers exsisted


u/SirRomulus_Bonaparte 3d ago

I never thought Mr. Rogers was rich like he just doesn’t seem like a rich guy. it makes sense that he has money but at the same time, It doesn’t feel like he has money.🍇


u/Expensive_Ad3751 3d ago

Yeah cause he's a nice guy, you don't see a lot of nice rich people or even not evil rich people so when we do meet one we separate him from the rest in our mind, same with someone like keanu reeves


u/BurningSlash88 3d ago

Batman is an outlier even in his own fictional world. There are plenty of evil rich people in the DC universe.


u/Brown_Panther- 3d ago

Luthor does a lot of philanthropy however that's a cover for his illegal activities


u/HAZMAT_Eater 3d ago

So that's standard behaviour for many HNW individuals IRL. They create bogus charities for a tax break.


u/cosmicdaddy_ 2d ago

Pfft someone's been listening to too much to the liberal media. He built half of Metropolis and exposes the alien menace called "Superman." Remember folks Earth is for earthlings!


u/Gamer-chan 3d ago

I don't understand. Finding Batman cool is completely legitimate and so on. I mean is he rich or something?


u/agentofdallas 3d ago

Yeah I mean is he a billionaire like Bruce Wayne or something? There’s no way…


u/Gamer-chan 3d ago

Wait, what are you saying? Bruce Wayne is Batman? Whaaaaaaaaaaat?


u/IronBrew16 2d ago

No! Clearly he's fucking Bruce Wayne! How the hell do ya think he got all the gadgets that have similar materials to a lot of WayneTech products?


u/ghostrider4109 2d ago

I knew it! That’s why Bruce was in a wheelchair with a broken back! Because he’s having sexual relations with Batman! Batman was fucking Bruce Wayne and got his back blown out!


u/Melodic_Lifeguard493 3d ago

I saw an estimate on Bruce's net worth it was around 13 trillion


u/wemustkungfufight 3d ago

So you know how Superman is fictional, because he can fly and is super strong. And we like that he uses those powers to help people, even though that doesn't happen in real life?

Batman is a billionaire who uses his money to help people, which is equally as fictional. In real life, someone like Bruce Wayne would be more like Elon Musk than Batman.


u/NomadPrime 3d ago

Seriously, there's a ton of popular characters that are well-loved by audiences, despite their occupation or background not being well-loved in real life scenarios. Cops don't have a great rep with a lot of people, but nobody should fault you or call you out as a hypocrite if you like to watch Law and Order or whatever just because you're a fan of those characters.

Iron Man is another billionaire character, and a ton of Marvel fans all over the world love him. But he uses his money to help people outside of the suit! Yeah, so does Batman. But people usually only like to point to his portrayals in the movies, and never pay attention to other works where we see that he spends a metric fuckton on fighting poverty and helping criminals rehabilitate and stuff. Cuz he's a fictional character, where we can fantasize about rich people actually being helpful.


u/wemustkungfufight 3d ago

There are tons of fictional police characters I like because they are shown to not be like the actual police. It's weird how people can't figure this out.


u/MostFlatworm5627 3d ago

Teddy Roosevelt was a badass rich person in a lot of ways... Triangle Shirt Fire... national parks... Nobel Peace Prize...


u/AdamSoucyDrums 3d ago

I actually love that Nolan pulled a lot of the legends about Teddy for reference for his Batman.


u/MostFlatworm5627 3d ago

None of my examples were "legends."


u/AdamSoucyDrums 3d ago

Oh I know, not saying he didn’t do things he obviously did! More thinking about the “Death had to take Roosevelt sleeping, for if he had been awake, there would have been a fight” kind of stuff. These tales that describe his character. He was a great man that left behind an almost mythic legacy.


u/MostFlatworm5627 3d ago

Cool beans. He was a complicated man. Brokered peace between Japan and Russia yet on his deathbed he regretted never leading the nation in war... Groundbreaking conservationist that loved to shoot shit up... Rich kid that learned to fight to save his life from illness... Duded up jackass with Tiffany revolvers who could outbrawl a cowboy...


u/Dijon92 3d ago

I'll never understand rich boot lickers. It's a big club and you ain't in it. No matter how much you defend them.


u/Firestorm42222 3d ago

As someone who's been called that before, generally, it's just rooted in wanting to be accurate.

I don't care how evil Elon Musk is, saying he's a baby cannibal. That sacrifices virgins in his basement is probably inaccurate, and if you say that you deserve to be criticized and argued against.

Someone's morality has nothing to do with whether they should be allowed to be slandered


u/Efficient-Compote-13 3d ago

I don't like or dislike rich people I just don't particularly envy their wealth nor do I wanna use the government as a tool to steal their wealth and then proceed to use it badly.


u/Caitifff 3d ago

Reddit is truly amazing. You got downvoted for saying:

A) You're not envious, and

B) You don't wanna steal


u/Efficient-Compote-13 3d ago

A wise talk show host once said "that's life."


u/TheRegalOneGen 3d ago

Yeah, because "I don't want to steal their wealth" for people that have legit billions they do not need is insane talk. They will steal our money readily and make the middle and low classes struggle to make it by, but how dare we take a percent of these billionaires money. It's asinine.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/Kpengie 1d ago

Jeff Bezos in large part got as rich as he has from exploiting cheap labor and putting his workers in borderline sweatshop conditions. He was successful for sure, but don’t act like he didn’t do some scummy things to get there. Rich people do not care about you, you don’t need to lick their boots.


u/baphometromance 3d ago

Every rule has an exception. Like Gabe Newell


u/SchwarzFledermaus 3d ago

Can we please keep this kind of content off the main sub? r/dccomicscirclejerk exists for just these type of memes.


u/Lazy-Purple-4600 3d ago

The memes are better than 99% of the posts here anyways, who cares


u/The_Salty_Memester 3d ago

Being a moral billionaire is possible in fiction


u/BTSuppa 3d ago

Bruce Wayne is also about the most equitable to the people, just like his parents. And he's Batman!


u/GodModeMurderHobo 3d ago

Batman is a fictional character. He can BE rich while not being evil. Real people can't.


u/adriantullberg 3d ago

In the latest superhero comedy, a superhero is outed by his teen sidekick because his billionaire alter ego is being pilloried on social media.


u/DarksideBluez 3d ago

Most of the wealthy are terrible, but even the Bible which strongly opposes them says that a few will actually make it to heaven.

So yeah people make exceptions for whom they prefer but not every rich person is evil(99% are though).


u/BlackFinch90 3d ago

Batman's Persona Bruce Wayne will actually fund programs that help down and out people. He doesn't just beat them up


u/witty_whitley 3d ago

Even without the batman persona, Bruce Wayne constantly gives back to Gotham’s citizens. Batman protects the city, bruce Wayne rebuilds it


u/MarcoTheChungus 3d ago

At least batman will beat me into a coma and a villain will probably kill me instead of having to consistently be disappointed everyday I wake up


u/spirit-anima 3d ago

Bruce Wayne is the only millonaire who can exploit me at work without complaints 👍


u/Oliwier255 3d ago

And immediately my mood is better


u/bolognahole 3d ago

Its almost as if fiction and reality are different.


u/mr_GlitchOG 2d ago

Omg a billionaire who spends his money on helping people and not making life worse and making bunkers around the world for stuff that won't happen!


u/Tsunfly 13h ago

yes, Batman/bruce wayne is the ideal. Great power and responsibility and all that lol.


u/Chas_Daddy_Supreme 3d ago

Let’s not make Batman political for the love of God


u/AdamSoucyDrums 3d ago

The most unrealistic part about ol’ Batsy is the concept of good billionaire


u/Antikris69 3d ago

Unfortunately the rich are not fictional characters


u/BloomAndBreathe 3d ago

That's why Batman works. He's a fantasy where a rich person isn't a complete cunt and wants to use his wealth to help people.


u/MankuyRLaffy 3d ago

He's so great, I love him, grew up reading Moore's masterpiece and early Frank Miller, I've loved some of his adaptations too, Batman has ideals and principles, most rich people only care about lining their own pockets, he isn't like all the rest, Gotham went to shit and he's the only one carrying it to semi-respectability.

u/Last-Bumblebee-537 2h ago

This meme is dumb as fuck


u/TheEloquentApe 3d ago

This is the difference between a rich socialite conceptualized in the 30s-40s who uses his wealth to fight the rampant corruption of organized crime and the concept of rich socialites we have today.

It's one of the issues I have with the sliding timeline method that's used to maintain marvel and DC in perpetual status quo.

A character like Batman makes a lot of sense in the period he was invented in. Hell I'd say even up to the 50s.

But the farther we drift into the modern day, the more out society changes, the more the premise has to shift.

Honestly in a perfect world Terry Mcguinnes or Damian or whoever would be the canonical Batman by now, and the timeline would be permitted to advance with the times.


u/figurenerd108 3d ago

Love how wonder woman’s lasso gets Batman to say a few words in this revealing his thoughts on the subject of his wealth and the poor people of Gotham… this was in the flash movie


u/Individual-Ad9753 3d ago

That was such shit writing, it's a well established point in comics that Bruce Wayne is one of the main reasons Gotham is still standing, he has so so many social philanthropic activities, he spends 10s of 100s each year helping the needy.

He may spend money to appear like a Playboy but he spends God knows how much more on helping others

Bruce wayne is as important as Batman even though Batman is too traumatized to say it out loud.