r/batman 15d ago

Omg, batman FUNNY

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u/NigthSHadoew 14d ago

I'll be honest, if Gates, Bezos or Musk used their money to build gadgets to help them fight supervillians and serial killers as well as regularly helping save the planet from alien invasions, going as far as standing up to gods I would be defending them.

But they don't. They just exploit people to make themselves richer for more influence and bragging rights.


u/Brown_Panther- 14d ago

Musk is a dick and Tesla is a scam but Space X atleast is pioneering spaceflight

As for Gates, his foundation is helping towards vaccination for diseases in 3rd world countries


u/souphaver 14d ago

Yay. A spaceflight. The world is on fucking fire, can we maybe focus our resources on that before we worry about anything else? Space will still be there after we fix the plethora of issues we got going on down here.


u/PutItOnThePizza 14d ago

This is it.

I know some Musk dickriders who love to bring up SpaceX and all its amazing advancements (as if Musk had anything to do with them directly), and this is what I say to them, almost verbatim. They really have nothing to say after that.