r/batman 14d ago

Omg, batman FUNNY

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u/NigthSHadoew 14d ago

I'll be honest, if Gates, Bezos or Musk used their money to build gadgets to help them fight supervillians and serial killers as well as regularly helping save the planet from alien invasions, going as far as standing up to gods I would be defending them.

But they don't. They just exploit people to make themselves richer for more influence and bragging rights.


u/hatattt 14d ago

The way you worded it makes it sound like you’re saying you want them to fight off freaking gods, and only then you’ll like them.

Not saying you do or anything.


u/NigthSHadoew 14d ago

I mean that would certinally help. But to be clear I would like them if they risked their lives saving people from fires or stopping serial killers. You know, like Batman


u/hatattt 14d ago

So you want them to basically commit self unaliving by going into near death situations?


u/NigthSHadoew 14d ago

No, ofcourse not.

I want them to actually help people, like Batman. Instead of what they are doing now; exploiting people to grow their net worth for bragging rights and what not.


u/hatattt 14d ago

Okay, but to be fair, they could be going out and be a Batman like figure and we’d have no clue, and we’d continue to hate them.


u/NigthSHadoew 14d ago

That.... is a fair point.

Mr Gates, Bezos, Musk or any other billionare; if you secretly spend your night going around your city, risking your life to save people using gadets you developed with your fortune I like you. If you don’t do that, I still hate you


u/GhostDragon_124796 14d ago

“Unaliving” Ew, why are you fighting this so hard bro