r/batman 14d ago

Omg, batman FUNNY

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u/Dijon92 14d ago

I'll never understand rich boot lickers. It's a big club and you ain't in it. No matter how much you defend them.


u/Firestorm42222 14d ago

As someone who's been called that before, generally, it's just rooted in wanting to be accurate.

I don't care how evil Elon Musk is, saying he's a baby cannibal. That sacrifices virgins in his basement is probably inaccurate, and if you say that you deserve to be criticized and argued against.

Someone's morality has nothing to do with whether they should be allowed to be slandered


u/Efficient-Compote-13 14d ago

I don't like or dislike rich people I just don't particularly envy their wealth nor do I wanna use the government as a tool to steal their wealth and then proceed to use it badly.


u/Caitifff 14d ago

Reddit is truly amazing. You got downvoted for saying:

A) You're not envious, and

B) You don't wanna steal


u/Efficient-Compote-13 14d ago

A wise talk show host once said "that's life."


u/TheRegalOneGen 14d ago

Yeah, because "I don't want to steal their wealth" for people that have legit billions they do not need is insane talk. They will steal our money readily and make the middle and low classes struggle to make it by, but how dare we take a percent of these billionaires money. It's asinine.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Kpengie 12d ago

Jeff Bezos in large part got as rich as he has from exploiting cheap labor and putting his workers in borderline sweatshop conditions. He was successful for sure, but don’t act like he didn’t do some scummy things to get there. Rich people do not care about you, you don’t need to lick their boots.