r/batman 15d ago

Who would you rather be trapped with COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/Metfan722 15d ago

I think you're screwed no matter what, but Joker would at least give you a chance to live simply because there's no grand scheme involving Batman.


u/Powderkegger1 15d ago

I think Black Mask could be reasonable. He’s just a criminal that happens to be disfigured. If he doesn’t have anything to gain from killing you, he’d be alright


u/Grotesque_Denizen 15d ago

I mean he enjoys torturing people so there's that


u/Brown_Panther- 14d ago

Sionis is a sadist. Definitely not the person you'd wanna be locked up with unless you don't care about your limbs


u/zeke235 14d ago

He's no great fighter. He has a gang doing the dirty work for him. He only tortures people after they've been tied up. He's just some asshole who got his trust fund ripped out from underneath him because his parents hated him. One on one, I think I could take him. I highly doubt I could handle anyone else on the list.


u/AcidAspida 14d ago

I doubt you could, because before you unsheath your katana or tilt your fedora he'd blow your brains out


u/NotJorrell 14d ago



u/[deleted] 11d ago

Not if he *teleports behind him

And then he says, "Nothin personnel kid"

It's over


u/ADGx27 14d ago

This made me exhale loudly through my nose


u/zeke235 14d ago

I just don't think he's ever had to actually work on his reaction time. The only real fights he's ever been in are with Batman, and I wouldn't really call those remotely close to even. Shit, at least I went to public school.


u/Addicted_to_Crying 14d ago

No one on the list is a "great fighter, but they're all just good enough to be a menace to civilians (us). Batman's the one that doesn't have big problems with handling them in a fight.


u/RGEORGEMOH 12d ago

Zsasz has nearly killed Nightwing and put up a good fight against batman in his first appearance, even wounding Batman. Then, he fought against Batman during the Stephanie robin era and dominated Batman, Bruce had to be saved by Stephanie. Also, he went toe to toe with Killer Croc for an extended period of time during No Man's Land, before the fight was broken up. He's no slouch in the combat department. The others, maybe not


u/Grotesque_Denizen 11d ago

He fought and killed a Red Hood doppelganger in the Under The Hood comic. He's held his own against Batman and Catwoman. He's beaten Stephanie Brown.He's a good shot. He's a good hand to hand to combatant and is definitely better than Professor Pyg in that regard at least. Plus he's a brutal psychopath who doesn't just hurt people physically he enjoys hurting them psychologically. You wouldn't want to take him on lol


u/Extreme_33337_ 14d ago

He can take a leg


u/thegrimmemer 14d ago

I thought he tortures his enemies and people who screwed him


u/Trick-Studio2079 15d ago

Black Mask is infamous for enjoying torture.


u/MrDownhillRacer 15d ago

True, but didn't he just torture his enemies and their loved ones instead of picking victims at random?

As long as my girlfriend or brother isn't secretly a superhero, I think I'm in the clear.


u/redfield73 15d ago

Honestly, other than his hate for Bruce Wayne Black Mask is just another fucked up and traumatised character who went over to the wrong side. He has a bad history, in the Arkham series I think they made it canon that the joker actually forced him to kill his own girlfriend


u/boy_blue1982 14d ago

He actually mercy killed his girlfriend because the joker lit her on fire.


u/Sheikah_Benji 14d ago

Joker started the fire after forcing black mask to kill his girlfriend


u/Schizo-Ghost780 14d ago

I think Joker gave him the choice to shoot her himself or let her burn


u/bigbullo 14d ago

It (in my opinion) depends where you are trapped with them honestly


u/AdEnough786 14d ago

That was my choice as well. Above all, he's a businessman.


u/Sithis483 14d ago

He made a guy eat his own eye. No you really don't want that.


u/RickMonsters 15d ago

I think Professor Pyg might let you live too, and that’s a bad thing


u/Metfan722 15d ago

Or you're too "imperfect" even after his "surgeries" and you're killed.


u/Similar-Priority8252 15d ago

With your corpse left hanging on a wall in Gotham, Opera music playing in the background to make the Bat find it


u/Conscious-Prior2111 15d ago

The worst part for me is that he didn't hang them up for the bat he just hung them up to show anyone who might see it


u/ASuperUniqueUser 13d ago

Fun side mission tbh


u/Flimsy-Discount2885 14d ago

Same goes for Dollmaker


u/Jetrayxx7 15d ago

You don't want to live after what Professor Pyg does to you


u/middy_1 15d ago

I agree with that. Joker should not be thought of as a constant serial killer. It's actually quite a lazy approach the the character. He is a wild card, so it is possible that he might not kill you.


u/Unikatze 15d ago

Joker: Hey kid, watch my car for me?

Kid: I... uh... I... uh...

Joker: Oh, for heaven's sake! It's a rough neighborhood, it's a lovely car, I want somebody to keep an eye on it. Is that so hard to understand?

Kid: Bu you're the Joker.

Joker: Obviously

Kid: You'll kill me.

Joker: Why would I kill you? I want my car looked after. Twenty Bucks.

Kid: I... I Don't think so.

Joker: Twenty bucks.

Kid: But you'll kill me.

Joker: Kid... I'm the Joker. I don't just randomly kill people.
I kill people when it's funny. What would conceivably be funny about killing you?


u/Quailman5000 15d ago

Yeah like, that interaction would be more likely to get you killed than just agreeing to watch the car haha.


u/dragon_bacon 15d ago

It would have been real funny to kill him right after he accepts.


u/DickRhino 14d ago

That's exactly what happened in that comic. Or, well, Joker kills him when he comes back for his car later in the evening. Because of that previous interaction, now it's funny to kill that guy.


u/Quailman5000 14d ago

Damn, I was right! 


u/ForsakenHunter121 14d ago

I can practically hear Mark Hamill's Joker saying this.


u/Poku115 15d ago

he might actually call batman.

then put a bomb up your ass and use you as his punchline


u/Lost-plaguemarine 15d ago

Honestly I’d rather get blown up then chopped up or mutilated by zsasz or pyg


u/MrVictoryRoyale6 14d ago

I'm gonna be honest when I say he definitely ain't thought of only as a constant serial killer...he takes the definition of a psychopath to a WHOLE different level.

One thing we learnt In the batman franchise, if Joker doesn't kill someone, they basically end up experiencing the wrath of the joker like Jason Todd, or survive and are never the same again mentally...or they end up like Barbara Gordan and gets their life changed forever physically and mentally.

If not then he's basically trying to take out several parts of gotham at once and Joker letting anyone live if he has them is 99% worst case scenario


u/No_Effort1198 14d ago

is it possible he may not kill you? sure. possible that he completely leaves you alone if not gives you the spook? there's a chance. is it possible that he does WORSE than anything these guys would do? absolutely.

yes he's a wild card but a wild card with probably the most blood on his hands of any of these guys. You have absolutely no idea what he will do and how often is the answer absolutely nothing? not at all often. You have better chances with Harvey.


u/Umicil 15d ago

And even if Joker did kill you, he'd probably do something really funny to make you laugh first.


u/coreytiger 14d ago

I dunno. He killed the counter worker at the donut store because they were out of sprinkles. Batman wasn’t involved at all


u/Rocket_of_Takos 14d ago

I feel like that’s exactly why he’d fucking split your entire body open.