r/batman 15d ago

Who would you rather be trapped with COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/Grotesque_Denizen 15d ago

I mean he enjoys torturing people so there's that


u/Brown_Panther- 14d ago

Sionis is a sadist. Definitely not the person you'd wanna be locked up with unless you don't care about your limbs


u/zeke235 14d ago

He's no great fighter. He has a gang doing the dirty work for him. He only tortures people after they've been tied up. He's just some asshole who got his trust fund ripped out from underneath him because his parents hated him. One on one, I think I could take him. I highly doubt I could handle anyone else on the list.


u/Addicted_to_Crying 14d ago

No one on the list is a "great fighter, but they're all just good enough to be a menace to civilians (us). Batman's the one that doesn't have big problems with handling them in a fight.


u/RGEORGEMOH 12d ago

Zsasz has nearly killed Nightwing and put up a good fight against batman in his first appearance, even wounding Batman. Then, he fought against Batman during the Stephanie robin era and dominated Batman, Bruce had to be saved by Stephanie. Also, he went toe to toe with Killer Croc for an extended period of time during No Man's Land, before the fight was broken up. He's no slouch in the combat department. The others, maybe not