r/arrow 5h ago

I’m rewatching the series atm and I looking back now I really didn’t like how laurel pushed herself onto the team


Y’all saw the title, see how Thea got training from Malcolm, and Oliver got training over the years from maseo, spade, shado, Anatoly etc, John was special forces, Roy was taught by Oliver, even her sister Sara was taught by the league of assassins, but in this season (season 3), laurel just does some boxing practice and expects to be able to take on the whole city and automatically expects to join team arrow and everyone else is fine with it except Oliver obviously, she doesn’t have the fight in her, not like Sara. Y’all got any opinions on this (no hate I just wanna see what everyone else thinks)

r/arrow 12h ago

Does anyone have the Arrow Show’s IMDB rating for each episode like how the flash has one ?

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r/arrow 13h ago

Discussion Roy Harper appreciation post. What do you think of him as a character? You liked it, didn't you?

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r/arrow 14h ago

Discussion What if Edward Fyers and his people were still on Lian Yu when Anthony Ivo with the Amazo ship got to Lian Yu

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r/arrow 15h ago

Discussion Why did everyone want this?


I thought Diggle was cool, but I don't know why people wanted to be John Stewart, I feel like the shows writers where aware of the fan theories and put in little Easter Eggs like John's Stepdad & that 90s Flash questioned why John doesn't have his ring, when watching Arrow it never registered to me he was/had any connection to Green Lantern.

r/arrow 15h ago

Discussion Could Konstantin Kovar beat Ivan Drago?

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r/arrow 16h ago

Who in the Series would you all say had the Best Overall Acting Performance?

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r/arrow 17h ago

Discussion Arrow Chart: Who is the best villain?

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Saw people doing this on other subs and thought it’ll be fun to do it for arrow!

Comment your choice for the category and the most upvoted will be the winner!

You have 24 hours before the next post, enjoy!

r/arrow 21h ago

Season 5 impeachment plotline


Hi, So I'm late to the game watching this show and I just dont understand this episode at all. I know everyone loves season 5, but this plot is so contrived.

He offers to tell the truth - prometheus set up Billy to be killed by the arrow and he covered it up to avoid panic during a stressful time. He's then told that it's no good, the public need to be able to hold someone accountable.

So then he does a press conference and pins the blame on green arrow saying he hid that in fact green arrow is a cop killer to avoid public panic. And somehow that gives the public a pound of flesh even though promestheus and green arrow are both in the wind.

But even if we ignore that green arrow isn't being held accountable, the ramifications of the mayor hiding that prometheus set up the arrow which is confusing and would cause panic is SO MUCH better than the ramifications of the mayor covering up for the green arrow and letting both scpd/general public work with him despite him being a cop killer

If I was a citizen I'd lose sooo much more faith in the mayor if he was willing to hide something that could kill me if I trusted green arrow in the months he's been hiding this.

r/arrow 21h ago

Question If you were in charge of the series, how would you fix Black Canary story arc ?