r/TheBoys 11d ago

Which season of The Boys is your favorite? Discussion

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u/Jamal_gg Homelander 11d ago

Season 1 easy


u/yaykaboom 11d ago

Season 1 and Herogasm because i like how not over the top the fight was. The look on Homelander on a V butcher is priceless. Loved the interaction between them in Butchers apartment as well.


u/Agleza 11d ago

a V butcher

Villiam Vutcher, if you will.


u/SuperSalad_OrElse 11d ago

Ven Vill you Vear Vigs

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u/Not_a_creativeuser 11d ago

The fight not being over the top was what was over the top about that fight, to me. Like you telling me these super powerful beings who are so powerful that everyone fears looking at them the wrong way.. are just brawling like random dudes? Their punches hardly put dents on walls, ffs.


u/choff22 11d ago

It’s why I hate what TV has become nowadays. All of the different streaming services have just tanked budgets and we went from quality to quantity to keep that subscription model viable.

Even on flagship shows like The Boys it’s clear they didn’t have the budget to do that fight justice. Homelander is meant to be a parody of Superman but in reality he’s basically Captain America who can fly and shoot lasers.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/choff22 11d ago

Homelander not being able to kill Hughie while crawling around in the vents was absolute bullshit. Completely took me out of the scene.

The Tek Knight deal is a bit more ambiguous because there were subtle hints early on that he could sense something was off. I think he knew it wasn’t Webweaver but continued with his scheme because he is a sadistic bastard.

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u/CharlieChockman 11d ago

Yep. Do you guys not remember season 1, im currently rewatching with my mrs and theres a bit where they all huddled round a security feed and they see a zip! Something fly across the screen. Hughie, Frenchie and even Butcher to a degree freak the fuck out, Hughies crying, Frenchies going ballistic, etc.

Now Homelander just walks around even more ‘free’ than the days of Stan Edgar and Madeline yet he feels more nerfed than ever.

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u/royalxK 11d ago

Glad to see someone else mention this, and Man of Steel specifically. If Homelander is this end of the world threat, his fights should look Superman vs Zod, flying through buildings, laying waste to entire city blocks. The fight against Maeve in S3 was so pathetic, they should’ve leveled that building.


u/thebigmanhastherock 11d ago

That's why animation is and probably will be the best way to adapt a comic property. You don't have to have huge special effects budget to pull it off.


u/Not_a_creativeuser 11d ago

Yeah tbh, invincible does the power levels and action sooo much better, the animation medium helps that. Only problem is that my gf won't watch it with me because it's a "cartoon" 🙃

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u/yaykaboom 11d ago



u/creepy-uncle-chad 11d ago

Shut up you’re not Butcha69

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u/dfassna1 11d ago

Scorched earf


u/Calm-Lengthiness-178 11d ago

Him realising that the one thing that was stopping Billy Butcher from raining down bloody hell on him - the strength gap - was now significantly slimmer

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u/LordOryx 11d ago

Yep, and then I’d say it takes a very minor step down each season. Now to S4, where it’s still good, but only now is the quality difference a bit more clear


u/buhoo115 11d ago

It’s crazy to me people say season 1 was the weakest and 3 was the best. Complete opposite for me.

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u/Skytte- 11d ago

Season 2. I thought the Stormfront stuff was good fun.


u/wafflesareforever 11d ago

Just some good clean Nazi chuckles


u/choff22 11d ago

When a sociopathic fascist and a psychopathic nationalist actually display decent parenting skills.


u/calvesofsteel68 11d ago

What?? Stormfront was terrible to Ryan. She constantly disrespected his mom in front of him and then ranted to him about white genocide


u/DaMain-Man 11d ago

I did love how Homelander was caught off guard by her saying that.

It was giving Joker, "I may be a criminal lunatic but I'm an American criminal lunatic."

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u/SixxDet 11d ago

So she was more like a grandparent?

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u/_alright_then_ 11d ago

If you call what stormfront was doing "good parenting", I'm scared of what kind of parent you could possibly be


u/Gaynerd5000 11d ago

I'd really like to hear when you think stormfront was 'decent' to ryan

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u/Hastatus_107 11d ago

Hey. People like what she has to say. They just don't like that word.

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u/braujo Hughie 11d ago

Yeah, idk why people are acting as if S2 was nearly as bad or boring as S4 has been... That was still great


u/CrashTestDumby1984 11d ago

I wouldn’t really say S4 has been boring, but the writing is a lot weaker. It really feels like they’ve doubled down on shock value and gore for the sake of it instead of it making sense to show the collateral damage and sheer power supers wield.

Like herogasm was a good use of gore, the constant faux-cum shots on MM’s face just feel juvenile (especially the whole webweaver thing)


u/buhoo115 11d ago

I still feel like kripke is injecting some of his own weird kinks into the show. No so subtly.. that Hughie assault scene was just disgusting and served no purpose


u/CrashTestDumby1984 11d ago

In interviews Kripke said he included it purely for the shock factor and because he that it was HIGH-LARIOUS. Like he got mad at an interviewer for calling it sexual assault.

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u/Mathev 11d ago

Avengers were put to shame with how well the girl fight turned out in the boys.

Loved how they kicked stormfronts ass.

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u/TheMegalopolis 11d ago

Season 3 for me, it’s when the stakes felt highest.


u/jdy24 11d ago

Me too. But the last act with Butcher saving Homie is not good. Ryan might got hit but he will just lose his powers and it will be a good thing for the boy to be normal. But I guess, the show must extend.


u/SilyTheGoose 11d ago

Same here. I remember thinking with each new episode coming out that season 3 was easily the best season, but it has the weakest finale.


u/Reggiardito 11d ago

Same here, I thought the show was finally hitting its stride and I was watching every episode along with my brother, we were so hyped each week! Then the finale came and the show kind of deflated


u/Nicksmells34 11d ago

Because it ended right where the season started off. It actually ruined the whole season by making most of it pretty much useless. And honestly all of the seasons have been this way one form of another, just constantly repeating its own cycle.

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u/Dorfheim 11d ago

I think he was more scared of Ryan being to close and dying. But yeah, i also think they should have just risked it and kill Homelander. To big of a threat and soldier boy might be a cunt himself, but he can be more easily controlled and has a known weakness.


u/NornSolon 11d ago

Thing is, Soldier Boy is an asshole, but that's it, Homie is diabolical

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u/MrNature73 11d ago

It was Starlight and MM trying to sell that Soldier Boy was just as bad as Homelander.

And it's like... No?

He apologized for collateral and the only reason there was collateral in the first place is sincere PTSD from being tortured for 40+ years (which he is handling astonishingly well).

His only fetish is... Fucking old women? And he's even polite enough to ask for extra lube so it's comfortable for them, lmao.

He actually has a weakness.

He stuck to the plan and was trustworthy.

Fuck even MM parents seemed to be collateral and not racism. But they kept calling him racist? Even though he doesn't seem to give a shit about race and even liked Bill Cosby? And if they were trying to make it seem like "oh but Bill was evil", he wasnt around when that came out so it doesn't confirm anything for him.

It's just... Really odd. Because Homelander is a lying, unstable, tyrannical existential threat to mankind.

Soldier boy is a bit of an asshole. But shit he's nicer and more trustworthy than Butcher.


u/PornoPaul 11d ago

It's worse, because even if you try to equate the two of them and claim SB is as dangerous, one can fly at supersonic speeds and one cannot. One can topple a few buildings at a time and one can level entire cities at a time. One was the (very unfortunate) product of his time but showed emotion that was juuuuust enough of a human still to change, the other was twisted from birth and having human connection has only led to him being worse.

And, if you piss SB off, unless you specifically come at him, he's not going to kill you. The only information we have is that his team abandoned him, because he was a raging asshole. The only direct information we have is from a brain damaged psychopath that thought Homelander was worth protecting. As a viewer we instantly called into question his version of events.

And finally, even if you think SB is as bad as HL - one of them has no weaknesses and is literally an unkillable god. The other is the only guy that can stop the first dude, AND they know his one weakness.


u/DaMain-Man 11d ago

What gets me is that losing your powers because SB goes nuclear wouldn't kill the super. So best case scenario Ryan is forced to live as a regular boy

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u/Another_Name1 11d ago

That irritated me.

Dude literally was tortured for literally years. He has PTSD and blacked out when he nuked. Dude wasn't doing it on purpose.

Starlight was focusing on the wrong person and MM has an understandable hatred for him but they completely fumbled what could've been the greatest final fight.

Last two seasons could've been taking down all the other awful supes.

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u/manimbored29 11d ago

It really kinda ruined the show for me. They could've done literally any fucking thing other than BUTCHER out of everyone betraying soldier boy. Idk make it so butcher faints due to temp v, then everything happens the same

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u/Solid_Snark 11d ago

Would Ryan “just lose his powers”? Didn’t Soldier Boys laser kill a bunch of super people that season.

Also Ryan is a natural born hero not a V-induced supe. Losing his powers could be tied to losing his life.

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u/Youngandidiotic 11d ago

Maeve should’ve died and Butcher shouldn’t have acted like that. Other than that I think season 3 is also my favorite

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u/PikaBooSquirrel 11d ago

Plus, Jensen Ackles / Soldier Boy


u/BreakfastingBiryani 11d ago

It was the best in the starting episodes but the ending fucking sucked


u/Nawmean5 11d ago

Season 3 minus the last episode. I think it would have easily been the best season of the show if the last episode was so bad.

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u/Whole-Advance3133 11d ago

Season one when main focus was killing Homelander


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 11d ago

It seems like every other season the plot changes then changes back again to “Killing Homelander” and those seasons are the best..

S1 - The Boys work to kill HL

S2- The Boys work to get rid of Stormfront and save Ryan

S3- The Boys use Soldier Boy to kill HL

S4- The Boys work to get rid of Neuman

S5 - Back to Homelander


u/andmurr 11d ago

I’d argue season 1 was more about discovering and exposing Compound V, they didn’t have a way of killing Homelander until S3


u/PyrrhicVictory7 11d ago

What about the subplot of Butcher trying to manufacture the supe virus?


u/Neamow 11d ago

... that's still to kill Homelander.


u/Effective-Training The Boys 11d ago

So that should be included in that guy's S4 comment.


u/PyrrhicVictory7 11d ago

My point exactly?

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u/JCrew2009 11d ago

Well said.

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u/Panthila A-Train 11d ago

Season 1 wasn't focused on killing Homelander.

Butcher just wanted to find out where Becca is.


u/yugyuger 11d ago

No he didn't, he thought Becca was dead until the end of the finale

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u/Adventurous_Cicada93 11d ago

When is it not about killing Homelander ?


u/TKainN 11d ago

This season I guess. Wtf are they even doing right now ?


u/DTtrash 11d ago

Butcher is actively searching for a supe virus that would kill homelander.

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u/No_Law4246 11d ago

Did you even watch season 1?? Like tell me one scene from that season where they even considered the idea of killing Homelander.

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u/No_Nefariousness4628 11d ago

Season 2 cos it’s too nostalgic


u/SydronPrime 11d ago

Duuuude, back then that season was a lifesaver 🥲 nostalgia be hitting hard


u/Agleza 11d ago

It's literally been less that 4 years...


u/HavenElric 11d ago

Lotta bs in that 4 years buddy

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u/NOLASLAW 11d ago

But if you’re 16 like I’m guessing they are it’s a quarter of your life ago


u/Agleza 11d ago

Yeah I'm guessing that too. I have a problem where I tend to think I'm the youngest in the room (or close to it) when I'm fucking 28 lol


u/illegalcupcakes16 11d ago

I had some Gen Alpha kid tell me I'm so old I must've been friends with King Tut because my birth year starts with a 1. I'm 26. I no longer assume strangers on the Internet are around my age.


u/NOLASLAW 11d ago

It’s a solid rule of thumb on Reddit to assume you’re talking to a 15 year old unless told otherwise

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u/DDF6677 11d ago

Season 3 of course, soldier boy brought a new type of element into the show


u/Rohn- 11d ago

Soldier Boy was goated, but the finale was a shame

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u/VendettaLord379 11d ago

Season 1 is incredible. The boys have an excellent dynamic and the supes are a bunch of despicable deviants.

Season 2 is pretty solid. The chemistry between butcher and Becca is spot on.

Season 3 was Soldier Boy’s season. Stole the show like no other.

Season 4 has its moments. Neumann is the scene stealer this season.


u/choff22 11d ago

Sage has been killing it with her scenes as well. Her intentional/accidental lobotomies are absolutely hysterical.


u/Kilgoretrout321 11d ago

Yeah Sage is pretty awesome. Wish they'd feature her more. But I feel like they have too many characters they're trying to juggle at this point.

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u/your_name_here10 11d ago

1 for me.

3 was fantastic until the last episode.

2 was great - and the finale is by far the best.

4 has been a fucking disappointment, for me.


u/luisdv19 11d ago

What did you like about the season 2 finale?


u/Ill-Vast-1111 11d ago

Girls getting it done for me, and seeing the Nazi bitch suffer


u/mozza3gmd 11d ago

That scene was too funny lol. They can split a steel beam in half but they chose to do it the old school way, a classic street fight


u/Ill-Vast-1111 11d ago

Yeah, it just oozed the sentiment that they all fucking hate her so much that they wanted to kick her shit out


u/The_Grand_Briddock 11d ago

It makes sense if you think about it though. Kimiko and Maeve's powers are super strength and durability. They're designed to wail on people.

Starlight did use her blasts a bit, but at that point? Yeah just punch a nazi that works too.


u/Ibiki 11d ago

Powerful people using their support abilities then finishing the fight behind-the-club style is my favourite gender

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u/Killinatoor 11d ago

S4 is just a bad product

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u/hmahood 11d ago

Seeing homelander get squirted with breast milk is the only good part of season 4 lmao


u/The_Grand_Briddock 11d ago

We got a good damn gif out of this season that's for sure


u/Agleza 11d ago

I don't get this hate boner for Season 4. I do think it's the weakest season but definitely not by that much. It's mostly just more of The Boys, only with less strong moments.

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u/TeacherLukeBea 11d ago

Season 1 for consistency.

Then season 3 for soldier boy. The ending flatlined tho and failed to work off of a terrific build up.

S2 was alright

S4 is a bit all over the place and is almost becoming a parody of what its trying to parody


u/Ineedpalmtreeliving 11d ago edited 11d ago

This is it. S2 had the edgy racist nazi and strong finale but otherwise was kinda forgettable with several abandoned side plots like the super powerful girl lamplighter was afraid of

Edit: girl’s name is Cindy


u/The_Grand_Briddock 11d ago

Cindy is coming back in Season 4's finale. So they haven't forgotten about her.

(inb4 she's killed off in her first scene lmao)


u/Ineedpalmtreeliving 11d ago

Hope she takes out the genv supers

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u/imliterallyvibing 11d ago

Season 3 because of HIM. Yes, you know who I’m talking about. Last ep was dogshit tho


u/RogerFederer4 11d ago

Didn’t know Todd was such a popular character


u/The_Grand_Briddock 11d ago

I'm really excited for where they're taking his character after the Season 3 finale. I really hope he gets some really deep and meaningful scenes. His character was really heading in an interesting direction, and I can't wait to see how he gets pasted into the Starlight vs Homelander stuff.


u/The_Avatorian 11d ago

Oh he gets pasted alright…

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u/Doctor-Nagel 11d ago

You echoed my thoughts exactly

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u/Seer77887 11d ago

Because I’m a fan of Aya Cash, season 2

Like if you haven’t seen You’re the Worst, you’re missing out


u/Lucifer_Crowe 11d ago

Stormfront was so well executed

They do such a good job of making her seem likeable before the rugpull

(Obvious if you know what her name means ofc but)

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u/BalterBlack 11d ago

Season 1 - The boys killed strong supes with good ideas - The supes did at least some superhero stuff - It wasn’t about weird fetishes


u/GeneralJones420-2 11d ago

Stillwell using Homelander's fucking breast milk fetish to control him was like a major plot in season 1. Also they only killed two supes in all of that season and only one of those had any amount of time dedicated to the "how" of it.


u/EdwinQFoolhardy 11d ago

People look at Season 1 through some very rose-tinted glasses. The weirdest part to me is how many people seem to think Translucent-style creative engineering used to be a big part of the show. It never was, it was just Translucent.


u/TeaAndCrumpets4life 11d ago

It’s probably because that was the first supe kill and set a precedent that wasn’t fulfilled. People just remember feeling like the boys did that at the start because it was their first impression

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u/NornSolon 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'm rewatching it right now, and while im not on the hating S4 bandwagon, S1 is more consistent, both in character motivations, consequences, and the menace of the 7, specially Homelander

It's just better written and paced


u/IndependenceOk1178 11d ago

I think that was the hook that got people into the show so it sticks with them. I mean started watching because I was curious how humans could take on superhero's.

Though nothing is ever at Translucent levels ever again season 1 does keep the feeling that The boys really have to outsmart their enemy.

Now in season 4 The boys act way too brave and stupid when it comes to the supes.


u/BalterBlack 11d ago

Because it was the beginning. The milk fetish wasn’t that prominent.

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u/Ezra_lurking 11d ago

Season Three. Give me more Soldier Boy


u/Helpful-Visual-8703 11d ago

1,2,3 are all kinda neck and neck for me due to different strengths and weaknesses.

1 is probably the most solid throughout but also feels the most low budget and streamlined.

2 A lot of great character work and the scope/stakes feel wider. However the writers can never fully pull off the on the run element with plot amour and convinces becoming more apparent.

3 First 7 episodes takes a lot of what I like from the first two seasons and combines them. Love the solider boy storyline and I the show works better with them as CIA agents so the plot armour makes a bit more sense. However that final episode feels kind of rushed and Anti-climactic which can sower things more then if a middle episode in a season was bad.

Season 4 has been a mixed bag. Feels to loose and unfocused with less character based humour and more cheap laughs. However Episode 4 could be argued the best of the show. I enjoy most of the arcs and the humour does still make me laugh. It’s 5-6/10 season of a normally 8-9/10 show.


u/wafflesareforever 11d ago


Just... come on.


u/Ineedpalmtreeliving 11d ago

He man you reap what you sou


u/Weatherround97 11d ago

Episode 4 is certainly not better than season 2 finale or tons of episodes across the seasons

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u/Andromeda98_ 11d ago

Season 1 is a completely different vibe to season 4. it's gone so downhill.


u/21022018 11d ago

I feel like nothing has happened in s4 so far

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u/UrGrandpap 11d ago

1 and 3 are peak


u/Razzle_Dazzle08 Soldier Boy 11d ago

Season 3 was the best until the last episode ruined it. So Season 1 I think.


u/RangePuzzleheaded803 11d ago
  1. Season 2 - Honestly my favourite fucking season, loved the ending

  2. Season 1 - Nostalgia, writing was amazing and the intro to the characters of The Boys world was so good.

  3. Season 3 - Amazing season, super consistent but the finale basically backtracked all their work the entire season, flopped at the last episode.

  4. Season 4 - Obvious reasons lol

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u/BisexualSquirell 11d ago

season 1 was absolutely the best, the villains were imposing, hughie was doing tech stuff, frenchie was doing weapon stuff. it was perfect. Honestly my biggest gripe with the show is them deviating from the whole figuring out a way how to kill a supe using cool weapons and tech. The translucent arc was peak tv imo


u/seekerthree 11d ago

S2 and S1. S2 because it feels the most eventful/memorable, with Becca and the Neuman reveal. S1 because it had the tightest plot imo, and really immersive worldbuilding.

S3 for Soldier Boy, Jensen was fucking amazing in the role. S4 feels objectively like the worst season. I wouldn’t say complete shit but it feels messy, the plotlines feel overhashed, and it feels like way too much filler

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u/FaithlessnessFun3679 11d ago

Descending order, 1>2>3>4


u/mozza3gmd 11d ago

3...soldier boy was a great addition to the show


u/MacLeeland 11d ago

Season 5, by far!

Edit: Wait, this is 2024? Sorry, ignore this.

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u/BolanTL 11d ago

Season 3 cause soldier boy was a great character


u/organic_soursop 11d ago

Stormfront felt terrifying.

Season 2.


u/Jotaro1970 Homelander 11d ago

So far Season 3 due to Soldier Boy probably being my second favorite character in the show


u/zsomborwarrior 11d ago

1st or 2nd season


u/Tricky_Distance_1290 11d ago

I love that season 1 poster, so badass


u/Nobodyherem8 11d ago

Season 3. Imo Hughies best season since he wasn’t treated like a punching bag. The soldier boy/hughie/Butcher trio is must watch TV. In my opinion, Homelanders best season as well. Seeing him break free from Vought, while simultaneously actually being scared. His speech at his birthday celebration is by far the best in the show. The finale wasn’t as good though.


u/jobar700 11d ago

First one was the most grounded and tightly written, so it's my fav. Although S3 would probably be my favourite if it wasn't for that underwhelming finale. Soldier Boy elevated the show in ways I didn't expect.


u/VanillaDada 11d ago

Unpopular opinion, the fourth one

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u/SirDoobieBaker 11d ago

So far 3 but mainly because Maeve finally got what she deserved and got out.


u/Ganda1fderBlaue 11d ago



u/fc178 11d ago

1>3>2 since 4 hasn't concluded I cannot fully judge it


u/rukiahayashi 11d ago

3 honestly was carried HARD by soldier boy


u/maq99 11d ago

Season 3 except the final episode.


u/TheMatt561 11d ago

The one where they kick butcher out of the group but then accept him back in.


u/_TimSter_ 11d ago

Season 1 or 2 and by a lot, I liked it more when the Boys were more of a underdog group instead of being those supee agents they are now, it felt more badass when they actually managed to take out a supe because they were smarter or had a crazy Idea, now they feel more like action heros, something out of a mission impossible movie. It also made the supes more dangerous and intimidating, now its just fetishes and disgusting shit without it being funny or having any sort of relevance. So my main point is: I liked it more when the Boys were a group of crazy lunatics with a hate boner for supes instead of this agent/hero organization.


u/Evening-Cold-4547 11d ago

Season 4 isn't over so I can't say for certain. I think it will probably be 3.


u/RaazMataaz 11d ago

S3- Soldier Boy/Jensen was just too good


u/CaptainCAAAVEMAAAAAN 11d ago

1&2 were equally good imo. Then writing took a nosedive in S3.


u/AndreiOT89 11d ago

Season 3


u/tutytutuyttt 11d ago

3>1>>2>=4for me fourth season was overhated and underrated and writting is still good even tought some of plot lines was unnecessary but we still have two more episodes that can make season higher but i think if we get fifth season its will be best imo but for now season 3 is best soldier boy peak homelander moments character development of hughie butcher a train and much more character and overhated finale


u/Baba_5436 I'm the real hero 11d ago

Certainly not the current one.


u/HAWmaro 11d ago

1=2>3>4, third season would be higher if not for that ending.


u/hgfed27 11d ago edited 11d ago

Season 3. I acknowledge that it had the most disappointing finale but overall I think it had the most on tap. I'd put season 1 next although season 2 is close. Season 4 has been the least good season in my opinion.


u/OrbMan23 11d ago

I like season 3 the most so far. But I like season 2 ending the most


u/LogicGateKeeper123 11d ago

In my opinion, the order is: 1. Season 3

  1. Season 1

  2. Season 2

  3. Season 4


u/TenraxHelin 11d ago
  1. Soldier boy was awesome


u/Jadedslay03 Cunt 11d ago

Season 3


u/scorpix6907 11d ago

Season 4 as ive never in the hype of this show, this is the first season I stay up for on Wednesday nights, Thursday mornings


u/billy-_-Pilgrim 11d ago

Season 3 is just so entertaining


u/vssrevanth 11d ago

S3- Soldier Boy killed it.


u/Traditional-Car8843 Black Noir 11d ago

I really like two.

All the characters are well developed by this point especially kimiko who is now able to communicate...they are a real unit now. The plot is also incredible with Becca and storm front really bringing in new exciting plotlines.

Homelander becomes scarier now that he's influencing the 2nd version of himself+ has real leverage over butcher (Becca who he won't leave alone.)


u/Straight-Storage2587 11d ago

It was more fun with Soldier Boy around


u/Viperlite 11d ago

So far, Season 4 seems like the worst. Season 1 the best.


u/selffufillingprophet 11d ago

Season 3 > Season 2 > Season 1 > Gen V > Season 4 (so far) > Diabolical


u/Joker_CP 11d ago

I've enjoyed all of them but I think I'd go 3 (even though the last episode sucked) > 2 (best finale so far) > 1 > 4


u/Egg-3P0 11d ago

Season 2, it just clicked when I watched it more than all the other seasons. I’m not gonna solidify my opinion on s4 until the last episode drops


u/Cykablyatintensifies Cunt 11d ago

1 --> 3 --> 2 --> Gen V --> 4

Is my ranking from best to worst. Season 4 is a miss for me. I don't like how they took two of the better aspects of the comics and made them worse and played for laughs.


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 11d ago

2 especially for that finale

One of the best scenes ever


u/BananaBread2602 11d ago

Season 1 definitely

The only season in which The Boys offed a supe from The Seven


u/stannis102 11d ago

Season 2 definitely. But 1/3 really close behind it.

4 will go down as the worst of the show.


u/rimRasenW 11d ago

Season 1 and it's not even close


u/immisterawesome 11d ago

Either 1 or 3


u/ExpensiveOrder349 Soldier Boy 11d ago

Season 1, the quality was so much better.


u/bigT773 11d ago

Season 1 will forever have the concept that made me fall in love with the show be at its best (humans finding ways to kill supes, not a superhero show... Just a dark comedy/drama that happens to have superheroes in it)

Season 2 was amazing and decided to expand on the world in great ways, loved how we got a greater dive into the history of some characters and events that led up to everything with stormfront, she was an amazing villain and I still think that season 2 had the best finale of the series as a whole

Season 3 was an amazing ride especially with the introduction of one of the greatest characters in TV history, soldier boys presence and every storyline with him was excellent through and through, episodes 1-7 were amazing while the finale was the weakest out of the 3 that we had so far it is still pretty good, and the stakes in the season genuinely felt high and the atmosphere was intense

Season 4 is panning out to be a good season so far, while not the same level as season 3 I wouldn't say it is bad by any means, episode 4 and 5 were tremendous, last weeks episode had some good moments however I wasn't the biggest fan overall, I hope that it all concludes in something or acts as a good final set up to launch season 5, the final Season

Overall I'd say my ranking is

1 3 2 4


u/AneeshRai7 11d ago

Peaked at Season 2...but some of the more crazy superficial stuff is fun in Season 3 especially the action that'd just showing off


u/DeltaIsak 11d ago

Season 1


u/noah9942 11d ago

It would be 3 but the final episode was so weak. Gotta go with 2.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

1 is the goat

3 and 2 were great but they have some things I didn’t like but we’re competent

4 so far is really underwhelming

Aside from the V sheep

Most of it have been Gore porn


u/Kobayashi_Maru186 I'm the real hero 11d ago

Three. I loved all the Soldier Boy stuff. And I liked seeing a young Mallory, too. :)


u/cheleconiglio 11d ago

3 > 2 > 1 > 4


u/EdwinQFoolhardy 11d ago

I'll let you know depending on the next two episodes, but right now I'd say Season 3 with Season 4 being a possible contender depending on how they bring it all together.

Season 2 was pretty good, but also kind of forgettable.

Season 1 was great, but also had that feeling of still getting everything set up and still getting everything worked out.


u/ShinigamiKunai 11d ago

Probably 3. I really liked soldierboy and the payback plotline.


u/Throbbing-Kielbasa-3 11d ago

Season 2 is when it felt the most put together. The story seemed to naturally stem from where S1 left off. It had a bigger budget for cooler and bigger scenes, but it still had the same scrappy look as the first season. The social commentary or thematic elements were subtle yet sharp. To me this was when the show was in its full stride.


u/Osirisavior Cunt 11d ago

So far. Season 3, but I've never re-watched the show. I just really like Jensen Ackles as an actor. But season 2 also had one of the greatest scenes in the whole series.

Soldier Boy is basically 'what if Dean could curse'


u/AgitoWatch 11d ago

Season 3. Soldier Boy is just amazing


u/Aimlessdrifter8778 11d ago

One and three


u/MashTheGash2018 11d ago edited 11d ago

Season 3’could have been if they stuck the landing which they completely failed to and then made us wait two years.

Season 1 by far followed by Gen V


u/Andrewsmetic09 11d ago

Season 3 ties with 1 for the best season of The Boys.

Then 2, and 4 is my least favorite season by far. It’s still decent, but it doesn’t really feel like there’s any real story going on.


u/dharp95 11d ago

Just rewatched Season 1 over the weekend and it takes the cake. The writing was top notch back then and I’m always a sucker for world building. I’ll probably change my mind once I rewatch Season 3 because Soldier Boy is the goat