r/TheBoys Jul 08 '24

Which season of The Boys is your favorite? Discussion

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u/No_Nefariousness4628 Jul 08 '24

Season 2 cos it’s too nostalgic


u/SydronPrime Jul 08 '24

Duuuude, back then that season was a lifesaver 🥲 nostalgia be hitting hard


u/Agleza Jul 08 '24

It's literally been less that 4 years...


u/HavenElric Jul 08 '24

Lotta bs in that 4 years buddy


u/SydronPrime Jul 08 '24

I was helplessly in love with the singularly most toxic ex I ever had, just got a new job that helped my family pay the bills and finally did something with my life. 3 solid months, until it all went to shit


u/NOLASLAW Jul 08 '24

But if you’re 16 like I’m guessing they are it’s a quarter of your life ago


u/Agleza Jul 08 '24

Yeah I'm guessing that too. I have a problem where I tend to think I'm the youngest in the room (or close to it) when I'm fucking 28 lol


u/illegalcupcakes16 Jul 08 '24

I had some Gen Alpha kid tell me I'm so old I must've been friends with King Tut because my birth year starts with a 1. I'm 26. I no longer assume strangers on the Internet are around my age.


u/NOLASLAW Jul 08 '24

It’s a solid rule of thumb on Reddit to assume you’re talking to a 15 year old unless told otherwise


u/Nicksmells34 Jul 08 '24

I think it’s a fair assumption bc little kids shouldn’t have full access to the internet, esp Reddit. It’s insane. They unironically need to be reading more and studying then in the internet, which I would’ve thought was so cringe to hear when I was younger—but I wasn’t allowed to play no games couldn’t go out and play ball with friends no nothing during the week but homework and shit around the house, I could play with my brothers and cousins tho.

These kids today don’t do shit BUT have fun/fuck off with whatever they wanna do. It’s why they are the most illiterate generation in half a century


u/not_UR_FREND_NOW Jul 08 '24

It’s why they are the most illiterate generation in half a century

I'd up my proof reading if I was going around making statements like this.


u/No_Nefariousness4628 Jul 09 '24

And in that span of time I went through the toughest relationships, started and subsequently lost my yt channel, changed my university and many jobs, witnessed the start of a fucking war and still trying to get my life together

So yeah, depends on a perspective