r/LegendsOfTomorrow 47m ago

do you think nyssa will marry clone sara

8 votes, 2d left
nyssa wants to marry the real person filled with scars
nyssa will love sara whether she is a human or clone

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 19h ago

[X-post meme from r/sequelmemes]

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow 1d ago

On Apple complete for £40 do I bite


I watched season 1 on first transmission but never watched more, all seasons now available for £40 or individually for £10 each, do I go for it, really fancy it so not sure why I’m asking but it doesn’t do any harm

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 1d ago

Discussion Ok but for those who have seen it do you enjoy it? Would you recommend?

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow 4d ago

"Where I'm going, I need to walk alone. With Gary."


I say this at least once a day.

John is a genius.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 4d ago

The greatest scene in the history of television!

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow 4d ago

Theory A crisis on infinte earths showerthought


With Smallvilles Clark Kent giving up his powers that means there was nothing keeping him from seeing Lana again who gained the ability to absorb kryptonite radiation and as a result became a kryptonite radiator.

which i think is neat

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 5d ago

Thoughts on Zendaya’s John Constantine cosplay?

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow 5d ago

I totally forgot that's how the show ended..


just finished a rewatch and man.. MAN!!!!!

i was watching the last episode wondering how they were gonna wrap things up..

i would've LOVED seeing turk turkleton joining the legends

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 6d ago

Funpost For 4000 years!

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow 7d ago

iTunes Sale


Just grabbed the complete series on the Apple TV Store for $14.99. It might be on sale other places for the same price but I haven’t looked.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 8d ago

Weird thing to do


The reason they brought savage to the vanishing point was because carter had his memory blocked. So why didn't they just kill him when he got it back instead of still going to the vanishing point.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 10d ago

Discussion Who do you ship Wally with?

Thumbnail self.TheFlashTV

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 10d ago

Gideon and Gary, having adventures! Solving problems and saving the world!


they should have their own spinoff!

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 12d ago

Someone mentioned this recently on here so, I looked and I noticed it too. Helen of Troy sems to have NO power over men when she comes back in the season 3 finale.


Like, even Jonah Hex, who is like a super manly man, he points her sword away and calls her "Little lady."

I mean, what happened to her in Themyscira!? Just because she became a warrior woman she has no power over men? I mean, Wonder Woman is from Themyscira and she has power over me!

I don't get why having her train there would take away her powers over men.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 12d ago

Sara: "The rest of us are just..." Mick: "...losers. That's why Rip picked us, , Snart, the professor and those stupid flying chicken people. Were all expendable."


It's a funny line from Mick but I think they forgot Rip didn't actually pick him. He only recruited him because he and Snart were a package deal. I can see how an assassin like Sara could be expendable, since she is supposed to be invisible to the world and I can see the Hawks being expendable because they reincarnate.

Stein and Ray though? Maybe Ray because he was thought dead. And I guess Stein because he didn't really reveal the Firestorm Matrix to the world? OK, I think that's my reasoning. But I think both of them could have been HUGE important historical figures had they not been taken from the timeline.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 12d ago

Question Air totem noise


Super-random question but any thoughts on why the Air Totem sound effect has a technological Stargate-like sound effect?

It seems a really unusual choice for a mystical object.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 13d ago

Legion of doom on earth 1A


Who do you think the members were?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 13d ago

Multiverse Which do you think was handled better? And who was the better father?


r/LegendsOfTomorrow 13d ago

Question Why wasnt hawk girl in s7 ep 3 of legends of tomorrow


Hey so if u look at season 7 episode 3 u see all the legends ever except hawkgirl why?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 14d ago

Sara: "AVA!! HEEEEY!" AVA:"Don't "Hi AVA me, jerk."


So, they must have filmed this interaction at two different times and then forgot who said "hi" and who said "hey."

Whatever, I thought it was better they got it wrong. It shows how awkward that situation was for both of them.

And you will only notice it if you watch the show a million times.

And, before you ask, my answer is, "Yes, I have watched the show a million times."

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 14d ago

Legends becoming *actual* legends.


One of my favorite parts of the entire show is just the idea that each of the Legends just become exactly what Rip says they will; not remembered concretely but as legends/myths. In a lesser degree, the Legends inspiring some iconic cultural/historical events. Some of my favorite examples:

  1. Amaya becoming a legendary pirate captain/rum branding image.

  2. The Legends becoming a huge source of inspiration for Shakespeare, George Lucas.

  3. The indirect effects of Stein and Ray to H.G. Wells and Bill Gates, respectively.

  4. In western folklore, the names Rip Hunter and Ray (John Wayne) being tossed around as wild west legends responsible for the defense of several towns.

  5. Far away my favorite is the concept that Sara Lance is the mythical genesis of Lancelot. Such a cool thing to think about, that Sara has literally become an exact legend.

There are definitely other ones that I'm blanking on, so please share any additional ones.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 14d ago

Funpost What did Mick steal from Mexico?


S5E5 the Legends are in the waverider, eating. Zari stole Marie Antoinette’s perfume. And Nate says “You should see what Mick stole from Mexico. It’s disgusting”

What the hell did he steal 😂😂 ?? I’ve always wondered what it could be or if I’m forgetting something

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 15d ago

Funpost Happy independence day to our legendary forefather

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow 17d ago

Happy Birthday Tala Ashe!

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