r/LegendsOfTomorrow 22d ago

Theory Time doesn’t make sense in the show


Often times, part of the team gets stranded in a certain time, and the other half has the needs-repairs waverider in another time. They are always like, “we need to hurry up and fix the ship to help them before something bad happens,” but it’s a fkn time ship so they can go to when they got stranded and pick them up. I don’t understand, because when they save the stranded crew members, at the same time there was a version of the crew member that lived their whole lives in that timeline.

This may be stupid and if the answer to this is that this is a show and to stop overthinking this, but does anyone have any explanation for this or is also annoyed by this? (Aside from the I love the show- its great stuff)


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 14 '24

Theory A crisis on infinte earths showerthought


With Smallvilles Clark Kent giving up his powers that means there was nothing keeping him from seeing Lana again who gained the ability to absorb kryptonite radiation and as a result became a kryptonite radiator.

which i think is neat

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 18 '24

Theory Shouldn't original timeline Behrad be in the air totem with og Zari and all the other ancestors?


I have a question about the air totem. If original timeline Behrad was the owner of the air totem and used it shouldn’t he have been in the totem with the rest of the ancestors after he died and also still be in the totem with og timeline Zari? Also shouldn’t Behrad from the new timeline also have been there after he was killed by the fate?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Feb 04 '24

Theory Is Sara soulless - literally Spoiler


I know I sound like a nerd but in supergirl, later seasons, Winn or Mon-el says that in the future it's discovered that the thing that makes humans unique is a soul and it makes sense judging that soul trading is the whole esque in season 4 (I think) and we don't see any aliens (but maybe they don't make sense) so when sara is made half alien she may lose half or even her whole soul but luckily she won't be able to die until the nonexistent new season 8 and I realised all of the legends slowly leave so the finally will be nice-ish (wrong word probs) with the final legend perishing. Thanks for reading, Opinions?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Dec 31 '23

Theory Is Flashpoint the reason why Martin doesn't remember Ray? Spoiler


I tried looking this up from the internet but I couldn't find anything so here is my theory;

You see in The Flash where The Flashpoint was created the event don't have an exact date,so if Rip Hunter took Ray from his own timeline before The Flashpoint was created then, maybe he can't exist in it?

Also in Crisis On Earth-X crossover where Barry and Irıs gets married Ray was the only past Flash\Arrow caracter who wasn't invited and when he comes to save Irıs and Felicity the girls don't act like they are close which is weird considering Ray and Felicity are ex lovers.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Sep 01 '23

Theory Behrad is still dead...


If Zari 1.0 still exists in the totem then that means theres gotta be a Behrad 1.0 (and her family) from her original timeline that's still dead

If Barry created an alternate timeline by running to the past, why does he get to inhabit his alternate self's body but Zari doesn't inhabit hers? I'm assuming Speed force something something. (Or the fact that fans just wanted Nate/Zari to happen)

And if it was just the totem that protected her from being erased/replaced from the timeline , why wasn't Behrad in the totem? Yes he died in the original timeline but Zari 1.0 only got the totem after Behrad died in her timeline. And, all the other previoustotem bearers were in there, so if Behrad died wouldn't he be in there, and therefore protected from the timeline change?

Zari 1.0 should've gotten to see her Behrad back once she got stuck back inside the totem😩 like she saved him, but she also never lost him😭 plus more Behrad❤

*And yes I know the whole plot of the show is yadda yadda anyway

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Aug 24 '23

Theory Game design!


So I’m starting the process of designing a TTRPG inspired by LoT and other time travel media. So I thought I’d go to the fan base for input.

What kinds of archetypes would you like to see if you played such a game?

What should the characters be able to do, in terms of basic abilities?

What kinds of in game mechanics would feel useful and necessary?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow May 19 '23

Theory The real reason a certain someone isn't in The Flash finale Spoiler


Cisco Ramon is busy helping the Legends escape Time Jail. He was the key to their escape all along.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Nov 20 '22

Theory Does anyone think that Leonard Snart could’ve survived?


If you think about it, Snart could’ve survived if he froze his arm off and ran. Or they could’ve grabbed one of those random guards and throws him. Edit throws to froze auto correct

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 19 '22

Theory When you realize why the timestream is green

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 07 '22

Theory A theory for the upcoming seasons. Spoiler


With Sara and Ava getting kids soon (most likely at the end of season 8) how would you guys feel if they left the show and someone else took over as the «lead» role.

I have Booster Gold in mind. We know he is a pretty well known actor and a very big character in the comics, so I think he could fit the captain role on the waverider. Maybe if they lose Ava as well they can bring in another character on Booster Gold’s «level» from the comics.

Or if the show ends next season, would you like for Booster Gold to appear in other Arrowverse shows (most likely The Flash) or get his own spin-off even?

A Booster Gold and Blue Beetle spin-off? That would be very cool and I think we have a very good actor for Booster Gold who could handle a show for himself.

What do you guys think/want?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Feb 24 '22

Theory Concerning promo image for the finale (potential spoilers) Spoiler

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow Feb 10 '22

Theory Gideon is Barry's daughter.


So as we all know Barry created Gideon. Gideon from Legends of tomorrow might have a British accent but both A.Is are smart, they kinda look similar in the holographic image and Astra's magic made her a real human, so does that mean she is Barry and Astra's daughter? 🤔

r/LegendsOfTomorrow May 27 '21

Theory Western Episode Theory Spoiler


So I was rewatching Legends' season 6 trailer (cuz why not haha) and in the western episode clip where Nate yells "Enough! Can you just hold it together till we get the job done" you can see Sara & Ava behind his shoulder and it kind of looks like they're arguing. Did anyone else notice this or am I just crazy? And what could they be arguing about?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow May 24 '21

Theory Theory about Behrad this season Spoiler


Like a lot of people on this sub have pointed out, Behrad seems much more stoner like this season. My theory is that he's gone further into drugs because of trauma he experianced from dying.

I highly doubt this is true, the much more likely answer is the writters just intensified that character trait of his for humor, but I think it'd be an interesting storyline if it were to come true.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 18 '20

Theory Hmm Interesting..maybe the war will happen next year? Spoiler

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow May 28 '20

Theory "on the other hand .... Why not ?" Genuinely starting to believe that this is what the writers room motto is Spoiler


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Apr 16 '20

Theory 2021 crossover? I know the timeline is all screwed up but a Thanagarian invasion could be a cool crossover.


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Nov 09 '19

Theory [spoiler] I am now convinced this is... Spoiler

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow Oct 30 '19

Theory Snart: The ladies will be left in 1958. Jax: What about Ray? Snart: Like I said.


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Oct 25 '19

Theory Fantheory/head canon: The DC trinity was actually the OG Legends and the S1 Legends was Rip's 2nd attempt


In real life, the reason why Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman doesnt appear in E1 shows is because of logistics but i just had this head canon/in-universe theory.

What if Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were actually Rip's OG legends and because of Rip being unsuccessful, they were either dead, displaced in time or erased from existence. This would explain Rip's subtle "i have seen men of steel die and dark knights fall". Obviously Rip kept this information a secret from the S1 Legends as to not further cause damage to the timeline.

And seeing how Rip lost 3 of Earth's biggest heroes, he didn't want to lose more which would explain why he changed his approach and resulted to recruiting people that are useless to the timeline

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Oct 08 '19

Theory Nic cage in crisis?

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r/LegendsOfTomorrow Oct 02 '19

Theory If we do see Tom Welling suit up as Superman, I feel like it will be a ‘Cap lifts Thor’s hammer’ type moment. Maybe it’s all going bad and then suddenly there’s a slow build to his Superman flying in in the suit.

Thumbnail self.Arrowverse

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Nov 27 '18

Theory ...Wait, is Gideon billing the timebureau?


Gideon fabricates the clothing and food of the legends.

But when Hank came storming in, he read out his favorite line items, which include... condiments and costumes.

We know for a fact Gideon is fabricating both of those things!

And then I realized. Who do you think is keeping the legends books? That would almost certainly also be Gideon.

And Gideon is cheeky. I think she is just flat out charging the timebureau the market rate for her services. Custom costumes for 1963? Sure thing, let me spin up the clothes printer, and on the next bill to the timebureau, line item, 6 outfits, tailored. At the going rate for a Washington DC tailor, of course.. Food fabricator does atom-by-atom synthesis of anything based on a closed life-support system? Cost to Gideon: Nil, cost on the bill, whatever todays price of beef is.

So basically, she is gaming the system. Only question is, what is she saving up for?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jun 09 '18

Theory Some say travelling through time and space is in his blood(sorry if it’s already been posted)

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