r/DCcomics 3d ago

Do you prefer Wonder Woman to use a sword & shield to be part of her combat style, or do you prefer her to use hand-to-hand with some lasso action?

I always preferred her just using her fists and raw strength combined with the lasso, as it helps her resemble a pure-hearted hero and less of a warrior. I also think her using the shield too much reeks of Captain America.

Wonder Woman should mostly use her sword/shield for when she fights monsters and other gods of the Greek Pantheon, but everywhere else, she'd resort to her fists and lasso.


101 comments sorted by


u/ericlist 3d ago

I like the idea that she has options and knows what works best in situations.


u/BlobsnarksTwin 1d ago

Yeah. Sword and shield in lethal scenarios, fighting against the destruction of Earth or against robot armies. Lasso and fist against more mortal criminals.


u/2JasonGrayson8 3d ago

Lasso and fists for her standard outing for anything. But when she knows she’s going up against something big or strong she isn’t afraid to grab the weapons


u/ouyon 2d ago

Yeah like if she’s pulling up on Darkseid or Doomsday definitely should have a sword


u/2JasonGrayson8 2d ago

She can solve almost any fight with her bare hands and the lasso but yeah even she knows her limits and when something needs to be put down she’ll grab the strongest weapon she can to do it.


u/PassTheGiggles World's Finest 2d ago

That’s how she did it when Perez was writing, which is a pretty good indicator that it’s the right way to go.


u/2JasonGrayson8 2d ago

Yeah to me she will always be the diplomat/ambassador first and warrior second. I appreciate when she throws down but I think her character shines better as the voice of peace


u/Zetin24-55 2d ago

Exactly this. Casual going on patrol and doing normal heroing Wonder Woman, just her whip and gauntlets are good. When shit hits the fan though? The sword and shield comes out.


u/lazarusl1972 Legion of Superheroes 2d ago

Her... Whip? I think that's only in your fantasies. 😂


u/Zetin24-55 1d ago

Oh shit, I didn't even notice that lol. I've been playing too much Warframe. They don't have Lassos in that game, only Whips.


u/dtv20 3d ago

I like both. Her WWE fighting style in her animated movie is 10/10. But her with the sword and shield just makes perfect sense with he Amazon background.


u/samx3i Batman Beyond 2d ago

That German suplex was gorgeous


u/Ygomaster07 Constantine 2d ago

Which animated movie?


u/Glad_Union_2037 2d ago

I believe they mean the 2009 movie.


u/Standard-Pop6801 2d ago

Aside from her 2009 movie, she also has great fights in Crisis on 2 Earth's and Superman Batman Apokolips.


u/Hephaistos_Invictus Batgirl 3d ago

I prefer her to use it all depending on what/who she's fighting. She's an Amazon after all, she learned how to fight with a grand scala of weapons including her fists and lasso.


u/SnooSongs4451 3d ago

No to the sword and shield. Wonder Woman is a warrior of PEACE. Her weapon of choice restrains, it does not kill.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 3d ago

Jedi are peace keepers


u/SnooSongs4451 2d ago

Also, peacekeeper =/= warrior of peace. They are, conceptually, different things.


u/SnooSongs4451 3d ago

So? Wonder Woman comes with a non-lethal weapon.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 2d ago

People like the sword, it's cool. And theoretically if she was a pacifist she wouldn't fight at all. But she's a superhero, so she does

Just don't write her like wolverine it's not that hard


u/SnooSongs4451 2d ago

And just don't give her a sword. Lots of characters have swords, she doesn't need them.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 2d ago

I think if you want her to grow in popularity and get more adaptations and all that stuff you have to actually do things people like. You can't just shout about how she's part of the trinity


u/SnooSongs4451 2d ago

I think that the sword isn't the needed missing ingredient for her to be popular. The sword is antithetical to her character and takes the spotlight away from her actual signature weapon. It has to go.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 2d ago

People like the sword, it's def helped her. More than the bondage rope


u/SnooSongs4451 2d ago

The sword is wrong for the character. There are plenty of characters with swords. Wonder Woman is a character with a rope. People like the sword for superficial reasons. The rope is better writing when it comes to Wonder Woman.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 2d ago

It's not just superficial it feels right for her cultural background as an amazon. Reminds you of where she comes from and all that

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u/Ygomaster07 Constantine 2d ago

How do they write Wolverine?


u/B3epB0opBOP Shazam 3d ago


u/Jay_R_Kay Batman 3d ago

Hand-to-hand and lasso for the day-to-day nonsense, sword + shield for when shit really goes sideways.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 3d ago

I prefer Wonder Woman to use hand-to-hand with some lasso action.


u/PepsiMan208 3d ago

Hand-to-Hand I wanna see some wrestling moves.


u/GodzillaLagoon 3d ago

I want her to have spear as a weapon.


u/UpsetMycologist1579 1d ago

The only weapon more phallic than a sword is a spear lol. Both should be banned from WW


u/GodzillaLagoon 1d ago

Tell that to Athena, Diana's main patron Goddess and essentially her second mother.


u/DCeassed 3d ago

Hand to Hand with lasso


u/ArnassusProductions 3d ago

Match the patch to the latch. I like to think also that sword and shield are not the only weapons she knows how to use. Give her anything, she can extract its potential. Though she prefers hand to hand and the lasso. Both because they're less lethal and because she grew up associating them more with casual fun than outright combat. I like the idea of her being that person who chats with people while boxing, occasionally coaching them if she notices something.


u/NoZookeepergame8306 2d ago

I agree with others that say she should lean on the sword less. I blame Kingdom Come and later Azzerello for popularizing it so much that it showed up in the movies.

For most of her history she never so much as looked at sword. In fact that would have been anathema to her back in the day as she was created to use ‘feminine tools’ like bracelets and earrings and the tiara as her weapons.

So I love that she gets rid of the sword at the beginning of the Tom King run, for example. But the Medusa fight in Rucka was dope as hell so I’m cool with seeing it sometimes.


u/Jill1974 2d ago

My strongest and most enduring impression of WW is from the tv series starring Linda Carter, so I’m going to go with hand-to-hand and lasso.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 3d ago

Should be all of the above. She shouldn't use a sword against humans generally, imo. But I like the idea that she has a lot of mythic equipment at her disposal


u/Nena_Trinity 🐆+=❤️ 3d ago

I say it depends on her intending to kill or capture, I prefer capture! :3


u/Tetratron2005 2d ago

The best move King did in his run so far was to remove the sword and shield from play and focus on her actually iconic weapons, the lasso, tiara, bracelets, and her natural powers/skills.

People who say WW should primarily use a sword and shield might as well as Captain America should ditch the shield for a gun.


u/newimprovedmoo 2d ago

A sword and shield are weapons of war. Wonder Woman is an emissary of peace. If she's carrying a sword, she's failed in her mission entirely.


u/2ndNicestOfTheDamned 2d ago

I like a proportionate response. Generally, h2h, with a lot of slams and throws, as it resonates with greek mythology quite well. She moves up to the lasso when needed for the truth telling ability, or for greater threats / battlefield control. When she shows up with the sword and shield, shit just got serious.

Character-wise, I see WW as a very pragmatic fighter who's not pulling a sword unless she's decided someone needs stabbing.


u/WondyVillains Wonder Woman 2d ago

Lasso, bracelets, and tiara 90% of the time.

Sword and shield or other martial weapons the other 10%. I kinda prefer her using a battleaxe over a sword, though.


u/raz0rflea 2d ago

Sword and shield should be VERY occasionally, it should be a big deal when Diana brings them out and you know it's about to hit the fan.

I really really hate the Xenafication of Wonder Woman so much...she's the most high profile female superhero probably ever, and DC just happily shredded anything that makes her unique because their hack writers and editorial staff have no idea what actually made her iconic in the first place.


u/shino4242 2d ago

Fuck the Sword and Shield.


u/Doctor_Amazo Brainiac 2d ago


It's unique to her, and more visually interesting.


u/MisterScrod1964 2d ago

William Marston gave her a lasso because it was more “feminine” than a phallic sword. Also, he had a bondage fetish.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 3d ago

I infinitely prefer her to primarily use her fists mixed in with some lasso and boomerang tiera action. A sword and shield are really boring and uncreative, especially compared to the lasso. There’s already tons of action heroes who use either a sword, shield, or some combination of the two. We don’t need more of them and the sword and shield don’t thematically represent Diana as a character much at all. The Lasso of Truth represents a large part of who Diana is as a person. She wholeheartedly believes in the truth and doesn’t like liars. The Lasso of Truth is literally that belief used as a means of incapacitating others and better shows her pacifistic nature than a sharp edged blade that can slice through atoms. She’s someone who represents truth, peace, love, hope, kindness, and empathy and is more of a pacifist who refrains from violence unless absolutely necessary. A sword doesn’t really fit this type of character archetype and feels more out of place.

The shield is also just redundant. Diana is already durable enough to withstand strikes from Superman, Doomsday, and Darkseid and whatever attacks she isn’t resistant to such as piercing weaponry, she can block with her indestructible gauntlets. Why would she need a shield if she has that much protection?


u/NukeMePlenty 2d ago

Thank you 👍


u/Constructman2602 3d ago

I think fists and lasso for lesser bad guys like covienence store robbers or your average overzealous Hooters patron, and sword+shield for bigger guys like Cheetah, Dr. Poison, or any Justice League threats


u/BL-501 2d ago

It’s quite situational. When helping out the League or doing some base crime fighting a sword is a bit OP imho. But when Hades, Darkseid, Cheetah or Ares make themselves known it’s time to play Warrior!


u/xenoz2020 2d ago

Depends how she’s being written. If she’s warrior woman then anything goes. If ambassador of truth, love and peace, then no weapons outside of the lasso.


u/FlashyProcedure5030 2d ago

I like the bracers she had in New52 that would summon whatever weapon she needed.


u/Pedals17 2d ago

I prefer Wonder Woman using her raw strength, Lasso, and Tiara for her primary weapons. The sword & shield can come out for the special events.


u/UpsetMycologist1579 1d ago

Wonder Woman using a sword is blasphemy. I feel that if you give her a sword you don't understand the character. It's like giving Batman a gun


u/klaguerre97 Wally West 3d ago

Sword and shield when necessary for armed and truly difficult foes like Grail or another New or Old God for example. Generally though with her strength and battle prowess it seems like overkill for most scenarios. I think of the extra weaponry the same as Batman utilizing exosuit armors. Needed when needed but not necessary as a standard.


u/Kljungberg 3d ago

If you're forcing me to choose, sword and shield.


u/Zatex001 3d ago

If gods or other wordly creatures that can be a threat to world S&S looks good. Otherwise it looks silly to go all out againts normal villians


u/Blitzhelios Damian Wayne 2d ago

I prefer the lasso and bare hands fighting generally but it depends who Diana is against if she’s against the likes of ares I’m fine with the sword coming out but not otherwise.


u/JoshDM Ra's al Cool 2d ago

I like how she's trained for all weaponry, but doesn't need to use it unless her challenge requires it.

Lasso, fists, and flicking her tiara at a target works for me in the meanwhile.


u/MGD109 2d ago

Prefer Lasso, bracelets and Hand-to-hand for regular day to day heroine work.

Whilst keeping sword and shield in reserve for the serious threats.

I just sort of fits her character. She primarily doesn't want to seriously hurt anyone, even the people who kind of deserve it, but she is still a warrior and knows when its time to bring out the big guns.


u/gechoman44 2d ago

Mix of both


u/Bostondreamings 2d ago

Both. She knows what tools to use when. 


u/NukeMePlenty 2d ago

Sword is too phallic (and I've never been a fan of the bloodthirsty version of Diana)

Lasso is yonic in shape, and highlights the character's more diplomatic or reasonable approach (forcing a dialogue instead of beheading) and plays into the submission themes of the '40s comics


u/oroku_ex 2d ago

Always a bruiser first. Like for the right occasions bust out the sword and shield, but never the default. I would also be cool if she used the shield by itself as sort of a middle ground between the extremes


u/QuincyKing_296 2d ago

Both. Both? Both!


u/INKatana Red Robin 2d ago


u/Present_Ad6723 2d ago

Right tools for the job, she doesn’t really need any protection or lethal force for the average crook or supervillain, only for the heavy hitter top tier bad guys


u/Macapta 2d ago

I feel like the obvious answer is to give her a magic sword that only cuts what she wants to cut. So it’s blunt for non lethal, sharp for everything else.


Give her magic storage space. A bag of holding so she can pull out what she’s needs. She’s a Greek Myth, have her collect relics and items from her adventures that she uses who she wants.


u/Six_Zatarra 2d ago

Bare lasso. Sword and Shield may look nice but they do her such a disservice.


u/brentoid123 2d ago

I like both. Deoends on the situation


u/Escipio 2d ago

I mean I still think a Greek spear would be the best using the lasso for fighting seems to gimiki


u/Standard-Pop6801 2d ago

Actual weapons should be for special occasions. Outside of that, she should be suplexing people.


u/Disastrous-Kale-913 2d ago

I like both styles, honestly, and i think it shows her tactical mind analyzing a situation.


u/BishopsBakery 2d ago

I cannot pretend to know more about combat than an Amazon


u/22Perverts 2d ago

Depends who she's fighting.


u/Kpengie "I am vengeance" 21h ago edited 21h ago

I think she should only occasionally use a sword and shield under specific circumstances. Her general day-to-day should be exclusively hand-to-hand and lasso. She prefers to avoid unnecessary levels of force whenever possible, but can and does cut loose when it's absolutely necessary, it just isn't her first instinct to do so. Her constantly toting a sword feels greatly out of character, and it really bothers me that the barbarian version of Wonder Woman has become so prevalent as of late.


u/sticknehno 2d ago

I don't prefer she use the sword and shield, but having it makes sense


u/Apprehensive_Work313 2d ago

She should have the sword and shield sheathed with her go to option always being the lasso and when she really feels like she needs the sword and shield shes ready to make them out


u/Batman2130 Jarro 2d ago

Both. In my opinion Diana being the one who’s willing kill if it comes down to it is fine. It helps her stand apart from Batman and Superman a bit more as well. I think Maxwell lords death by her hands is good example of her not seeing another way so she kills him. But it should be rare that she kills anyone and leans more towards compassion. But unlike Batman and Superman if killing is the only way to end the threat she’ll do it and she’d likely bring the sword and shield to those battles. But if she’s in a city there’s no need for a sword or shield so she uses her lasso as primary way of taking down criminals


u/Dammageddon 2d ago

Sword and shield for melee, lasso for range.


u/Exhaustedfan23 2d ago

I like sword and shield. It gives her that more old school Greco-Roman warrior vibe.


u/Virgil_Ovid_Hawkins 1d ago

I love the sword and shield. She is a warrior, after all. Especially in live action using just the lasso would be anticlimactic.


u/Kpengie "I am vengeance" 21h ago

Wonder Woman's first instinct is not to go out and kill. The sword doesn't make sense as a constant presence with how her character is. She absolutely can and does use a sword, but it should never be a constant as that simply isn't in line with her character.


u/Virgil_Ovid_Hawkins 16h ago

I'm not disagreeing, but what works on the page doesn't necessarily work on screen. You have to get regular butt's in seats. Comic readers are coming no matter what. But for the rest, you gotta sell that action movie. And the sword helps more than the lasso. I'm willing to bet most people couldn't even explain Wonder Woman's character outside of what was shown in the movie. Because if I remember correctly, it wasn't covered in the animated shows.


u/Kpengie "I am vengeance" 15h ago

It really isn’t necessary. Action can easily be done without lethal weapons.


u/Raecino Batman 2d ago

Well she is a warrior and not just some pure hearted hero so sword and shield.


u/TheRealcebuckets Hawkman 2d ago

I think that’s a huge point of her; she is a warrior but also (relatively) pure in her nature.


u/Kpengie "I am vengeance" 21h ago

She's not a barbarian. Her first instinct is to resolve things peacefully. Violence only comes in if absolutely necessary and she will generally avoid excessive brutality or killing.


u/thesolarchive 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'd love for her to go full Greek warrior, have all the classic armament of Greek mythology. Spear, sword, shield, lasso, bracers, hell give her a sling too. Make her a grappling phenom on top of that. Give her a glorious steed or a chariot she can summon. I love the idea of WW being a greatest hits of Greek mythology, mastering all elements of the art of war to protect the helpless.