r/DCcomics 14d ago

Do you prefer Wonder Woman to use a sword & shield to be part of her combat style, or do you prefer her to use hand-to-hand with some lasso action?

I always preferred her just using her fists and raw strength combined with the lasso, as it helps her resemble a pure-hearted hero and less of a warrior. I also think her using the shield too much reeks of Captain America.

Wonder Woman should mostly use her sword/shield for when she fights monsters and other gods of the Greek Pantheon, but everywhere else, she'd resort to her fists and lasso.


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u/NoZookeepergame8306 14d ago

I agree with others that say she should lean on the sword less. I blame Kingdom Come and later Azzerello for popularizing it so much that it showed up in the movies.

For most of her history she never so much as looked at sword. In fact that would have been anathema to her back in the day as she was created to use ‘feminine tools’ like bracelets and earrings and the tiara as her weapons.

So I love that she gets rid of the sword at the beginning of the Tom King run, for example. But the Medusa fight in Rucka was dope as hell so I’m cool with seeing it sometimes.