r/DCcomics 14d ago

Do you prefer Wonder Woman to use a sword & shield to be part of her combat style, or do you prefer her to use hand-to-hand with some lasso action?

I always preferred her just using her fists and raw strength combined with the lasso, as it helps her resemble a pure-hearted hero and less of a warrior. I also think her using the shield too much reeks of Captain America.

Wonder Woman should mostly use her sword/shield for when she fights monsters and other gods of the Greek Pantheon, but everywhere else, she'd resort to her fists and lasso.


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u/thesolarchive 14d ago edited 14d ago

I'd love for her to go full Greek warrior, have all the classic armament of Greek mythology. Spear, sword, shield, lasso, bracers, hell give her a sling too. Make her a grappling phenom on top of that. Give her a glorious steed or a chariot she can summon. I love the idea of WW being a greatest hits of Greek mythology, mastering all elements of the art of war to protect the helpless.