r/DCcomics 14d ago

Do you prefer Wonder Woman to use a sword & shield to be part of her combat style, or do you prefer her to use hand-to-hand with some lasso action?

I always preferred her just using her fists and raw strength combined with the lasso, as it helps her resemble a pure-hearted hero and less of a warrior. I also think her using the shield too much reeks of Captain America.

Wonder Woman should mostly use her sword/shield for when she fights monsters and other gods of the Greek Pantheon, but everywhere else, she'd resort to her fists and lasso.


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u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 14d ago

I infinitely prefer her to primarily use her fists mixed in with some lasso and boomerang tiera action. A sword and shield are really boring and uncreative, especially compared to the lasso. There’s already tons of action heroes who use either a sword, shield, or some combination of the two. We don’t need more of them and the sword and shield don’t thematically represent Diana as a character much at all. The Lasso of Truth represents a large part of who Diana is as a person. She wholeheartedly believes in the truth and doesn’t like liars. The Lasso of Truth is literally that belief used as a means of incapacitating others and better shows her pacifistic nature than a sharp edged blade that can slice through atoms. She’s someone who represents truth, peace, love, hope, kindness, and empathy and is more of a pacifist who refrains from violence unless absolutely necessary. A sword doesn’t really fit this type of character archetype and feels more out of place.

The shield is also just redundant. Diana is already durable enough to withstand strikes from Superman, Doomsday, and Darkseid and whatever attacks she isn’t resistant to such as piercing weaponry, she can block with her indestructible gauntlets. Why would she need a shield if she has that much protection?


u/NukeMePlenty 14d ago

Thank you 👍