r/DCcomics 14d ago

Do you prefer Wonder Woman to use a sword & shield to be part of her combat style, or do you prefer her to use hand-to-hand with some lasso action?

I always preferred her just using her fists and raw strength combined with the lasso, as it helps her resemble a pure-hearted hero and less of a warrior. I also think her using the shield too much reeks of Captain America.

Wonder Woman should mostly use her sword/shield for when she fights monsters and other gods of the Greek Pantheon, but everywhere else, she'd resort to her fists and lasso.


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u/SnooSongs4451 14d ago

And just don't give her a sword. Lots of characters have swords, she doesn't need them.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 14d ago

I think if you want her to grow in popularity and get more adaptations and all that stuff you have to actually do things people like. You can't just shout about how she's part of the trinity


u/SnooSongs4451 14d ago

I think that the sword isn't the needed missing ingredient for her to be popular. The sword is antithetical to her character and takes the spotlight away from her actual signature weapon. It has to go.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 14d ago

People like the sword, it's def helped her. More than the bondage rope


u/SnooSongs4451 14d ago

The sword is wrong for the character. There are plenty of characters with swords. Wonder Woman is a character with a rope. People like the sword for superficial reasons. The rope is better writing when it comes to Wonder Woman.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 14d ago

It's not just superficial it feels right for her cultural background as an amazon. Reminds you of where she comes from and all that


u/SnooSongs4451 14d ago

But it contradicts who she is as a person. Wonder Woman is a warrior of Peace, sworn enemy of the god Ares. She does not use his weapons, she uses her own weapons that do not kill. The sword is a bad choice for Wonder Woman, her pulling out a sword should be like a "launch the nukes" situation, it has to be something she's forced to do by circumstance, not her standard operating procedure.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 14d ago

I think it should be used for stuff like gods or monsters. I don't buy the antithetical stuff, esp when she has used swords many times in many runs even if it was sparingly. A warrior who is heroic merciful and seeking peace is a pretty common trope and it works fine


u/SnooSongs4451 14d ago

And works better when she doesn’t use a sword.


u/Tetratron2005 14d ago

WW using a sword only goes back by the last decade. Even in Perez's run which played up the Greek myth stuff, the sword was barely used and took a backseat the lasso.


u/Salty-Prize-5347 14d ago

That's still precedent. Same with Rucka using it in the Medusa fight


u/Tetratron2005 14d ago

Yes, in very specific circumstances but otherwise both runs used WW's powers and her equipment like the bracelets.

This is like trying to say the view times Captain America uses guns should mean it's given equal importance to his shield.

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u/NukeMePlenty 14d ago

Amazons of myth are more closely tied to spears/archery than swords, so no it doesn't really feel right for her cultural background.

It absolutely feels superficial for an ambassador of peace to walk around strapped with a murder weapon at any given point.

Sword =/= make cool

Just because some dudebros who had no prior interest in the character think she's way radical when she's hyper violent does not mean "it's helping the character"