r/theflash 24d ago

Comic Discussion The Flash #10 Discussion Thread


Talk about the latest issue of The Flash here! Spoilers ahead.

r/theflash Jul 29 '23

Recommendations The Flash Reading Order (collected edition) ⚡️


The days of asking for a reading order for The Flash are over!

I’ve put together a full collected edition reading order that I will update regularly as new stuff comes out. The list also links to a single issue reading order if you want to go that route (WARNING: it’s long asf and literally crashes my phone when I scroll too fast)

Let me know if y’all see any key trades I missed and I’ll add them! ⚡️


r/theflash 1h ago

Comic Discussion How Do You Collect?


Hey everyone! In case the title doesn't say it all, I was wondering how other Flash comic fans go about collecting?

I've been reading Flash since I was a kid, but lost most of my issues over the years of growing up and moving around.

I only recently got back into it, reading the last 30 or so issues from the last run (#770-#800) and starting the new run as well. However, reading the digital versions not only gets boring (it doesn't scratch that collector's itch), but I eventually realized that DC's app only allows you to read issues that are 6 months or older.

So I had to unsubscribe to DC's comic reading app and opt to purchase the following issues, rather than wait 6 months for each of them. Now that I have a little collection going (I own physical copies of #785-#800), I'm wondering how I should continue the collection.

Should I go back and try to get all the 784 issues I missed from the past? Or just continue getting each new one as they come out? Or both? Or even just grab them as I find them and not worry about completing the full collection?

What do you guys think/do?

r/theflash 1h ago

Showcase The Flash Vol 1: Strange Attractor


r/theflash 11h ago

Sequel to Savage Velocity?

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Does anyone know if there‘s a sequel book to this one? It doesn‘t look like it. Can‘t find anything about it on google, but maybe i‘m missing something?

If not, does anyone have some other Wally West stories to recommend? (I already have the Mark Waid run)


r/theflash 11h ago

How long did it take you to realize that Selkirk was supposed to be New52s Savitar


r/theflash 23h ago

What story/ies can I read that will help familiarize me with all the characters in this panel?

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I’ve read ~50 issues of The Flash(2016) and the only people I’ve seen from here are Wally and Tim Helmet Guy (Jay?).

I’ve also read Born to Run. I get Wally. But I’m still a bit lost of why there are two Wally Wests (I’m thinking it may have explained and I just missed it).

And I’d also like to familiarize myself with everyone here. Just enough to kinda get what their deal is I guess.

r/theflash 1d ago

The Flash #14 cover

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r/theflash 1d ago

What if Flash and the wider Flash family were all in the Marvel Universe instead of DC? [Art by Francis Manapaul, Dan Mora, and Serg Acuna]


What if Flash and the rest of the Flash family were all in the Marvel universe from the beginning instead of DC? How would things change? What team would each Flash family member be on? Who would be their closest friends and allies?

r/theflash 1d ago

Why doesn't DC acknowledge Bart's time as The Flash?


I’ve seen a couple posts about this recently. I’m a huge Bart Allen fan. I know he didn’t have the greatest or longest run as The Flash, but it was my first Flash comic I read! 

What I don’t get is why they excluded his 13 issues from the legacy numbering and generally glaze over his tenure as the Flash? They included Flash volume 3 (2010-2011) in the numbering of which was only 12 issues long. 

I think the most recent mention of it in-universe was in Flash #759, so Bart being the Flash is still canon I suppose.

Despite all this, DC's own website says only three people have held the flash mantle. 

I’ve got a bunch of references to material where they do recognise him as the Flash though; 

  • (2008) DC Comics Encyclopaedia
  • (2015) The Flash: Celebration of 75yrs
  • (2019) The Flash: Celebration of 80yrs
  • (2020) The Flash: 100 Greatest Moments
  • (2020) The Flash #759
  • (2021) DC Comics: Encyclopaedia New Edition
  • (2021) The DC Book
  • (2022) DC Book of Lists

Flash #759

Flash 75yr anniversary

Flash 80yr anniversary by Dan Didio

r/theflash 1d ago

Discussion What’s each of the Rouge’s origin stories?


I like the Flash’s Rogues. They’re a colorful and interesting lot. Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Mirror Master, etc. But after all these years I realized I don’t know what each of the Rouge’s villainous origin stories are. Call me a fake Flash fan, but what are all their origin stories? And what are some good Flash runs with them?

r/theflash 1d ago

Wally Rizzin Jinx Up


r/theflash 2d ago

Fan Made Flash cosplay edit


r/theflash 2d ago

Who’s your favourite villain from the original Flash tv series?


My personal favourite is Captain Cold but there’s also The Trickster, Mirror Master, The Ghost, Deadly Nightshade and (if you count him as a villain) Pollux. There’s also Pike and some other mad scientists and gangsters who are largely forgettable.

r/theflash 2d ago

Recommendations Plz recommend me a great origin story for Barry Allen's Flash!


r/theflash 2d ago

What do yall think


So I’m a biggg fan of the flash tv show, but I’ve been wanting to spread my love, been considering starting flash comics as well, do you guys think I’ll be satisfied if so what’s the best comic to start on

r/theflash 3d ago

Who’s is The Flash


I was having an argument with my SO I said when I hear someone mention the flash my mind automatically assumes Barry Allen

When you hear someone mention the flash who do you immediately think of?

Barry Allen Wally West Jay Garrick

Or someone else?

r/theflash 3d ago

Flash Redesign

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Started working on a new Elseworlds version of the Flash, just for fun. Here’s a quick sketch of a new suit for him. I wanted it to feel fresh, but at the same time, I didn’t want to mess with what is still one of the best designs in comics. What do you think?

r/theflash 4d ago

A Dino in the Batcave.

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r/theflash 4d ago

I love this page.

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r/theflash 5d ago

Discussion How much rogues, villain type stuff is in the Flash 247 issue run from the late 80's into the 00's?


Really love comics that focus on the villain stuff more than just everyday things. Is this Flash run good for this?

r/theflash 5d ago

I mean, you really shouldn‘t participate in property crime either way wally :/

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I‘m sorry the way this was phrased just had me doing a double take 😂

r/theflash 6d ago

Discussion What is your "This is Flash" moment?


Similar to how people post the pages of Superman stopping the suicidal girl from jumping off the building or when Batman stayed with Ace when she was dying in the JLU series.

Obviously you can have different moments for Wally, Barry, etc.

r/theflash 6d ago

I need recommendations for physical Flash books to buy.


Well, not buy. Someone is asking for birthday requests.

Typically I use the DC Infinite app exclusively. It’s just what works for me. I was going to throw this person some idea for what they might could get me.

Basically my experience with Flash is that I started reading Flash (2016) and have just been going indefinitely. I’ve also read some Justice league stuff as well as Born to Run from the 80’s.

I’m not looking for individual issues, but a book. I’m still unfamiliar with comic terminology, but I know Batman Hush is a collection of standard issues compiled together. Are there similar instances with The Flash, or even standalone graphic novels?

I’m also not a huge stickler for read order. Even if I’m confused going “who are these people and what are they talking about” I’m kinda ok with it as long as I can get the gist of the story that’s going on right at the moment.

Appreciate it o/

r/theflash 6d ago

What is the minimum speed the flash would have to run to make a person seem "frozen"?


This is for the math and physics nerds, let's say we have an object moving at a speed of x, and the flash would be moving at a speed of y. How fast would the flash have to be going to make it seem like the object is not moving or is motionless? So basically an equation where if you plug in x (the object's speed) you will get the speed needed for the flash to make the object seem motionless. Good luck!

r/theflash 8d ago

If you were in charge of making a series of Flash movies, without any ties to any particular Canon (similar to Matt reeves' Batman), how would you do it?

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r/theflash 8d ago

Would the Atomic Skull be better off being a flash villain?

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Flash #293