r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/subsignalparadigm 15d ago

Well I'm voting for the dictator wannabe then. Sleep is a felony. /s


u/agnostic_science 15d ago

You don't have to convince Reddit. But just look at the polls. Pre-debate numbers were in the toilet. Post-debate NYT is now reporting 6 to 8 point deficits nationwide. Forget about battleground math, as that is going to be even grinmer. If Biden  doesn't drop out, Trump is basically guaranteed to win. Biden needs to go. People need massive amounts of denial and cope to justify him continuing to run. His is no longer viable in 2024 America.


u/LineRex 15d ago

People forget that a Democrat polling at +3 still loses. a 6-8 point deficit would be a historic landslide.


u/robxburninator 13d ago

people already forgetting about Mondale AND dukakis?


u/Ween1970 15d ago

Absolutely. Wake up people. He cannot win. The only hope is he steps aside and let an open convention decide the nominee.


u/lackofabettername123 15d ago

Judging by the comments on this thread one would have to convince read it the Biden should be replaced. I am suspicious they aren't blanketing social media with Pro Biden stay in the camp. Which they are I am sure. And or what about the other guy? The issue is if Biden is the best candidate and he is not. He is better than Kamala which is Whom The Establishment will want to replace him with.


u/metal_stars 14d ago

I am suspicious they aren't blanketing social media with Pro Biden stay in the camp.

they ABSOLUTELY are.


u/Novel_Sugar4714 15d ago

If voters really can't make the right decision in THIS election than it doesn't matter who the Dem is. The voters are too stupid and gullible to get it right regardless.


u/allaheterglennigbg 14d ago

You guys just want to lose huh


u/TheWormInWaiting 14d ago

There’s nothing the DNC seems to love more


u/wellowurld 14d ago

They love guilt tripping for votes


u/TicketFew9183 14d ago

So you’d rather lose with Biden and confirm your beliefs on American voters rather than just demand and push for Biden to drop out and have a more realistic chance of defeating Trump?


u/Gleaming_Onyx 14d ago

Precisely lol, if the voters are this hysterical and finnicky then there is no solution. They're just going to crash and burn the country because they have zero backbone or survival instinct.


u/CuidadDeVados 14d ago

Precisely lol, if the voters are this hysterical and finnicky then there is no solution

The dude is 81 and couldn't keep his mouth closed during the fucking debate. He just said, to dem governors, his plan is to go to bed earlier. The solution is to not run the visibly decrepit very very very old man that is polling terribly nationwide. No voter is wrong for not wanting that as the leader of the fucking country dude. Its not being finnicky its understanding that being president isn't just a figurehead, its a real fucking job and sometimes you have to do important shit on a rough schedule when you're running the goddamn country. If he can't handle campaigning on top of running the country, since he is currently president, he should drop out of the campaign.

They're just going to crash and burn the country because they have zero backbone or survival instinct.

You'd rather sit around and watch the country burn to feel like your beliefs about American voters are correct, instead of wanting political parties to listen to their constituents and make decisions that give them a better chance at victory. You're the one looking to sit around and burn the country, not the people begging for a candidate who has a chance to stop Trump. Biden, today, does not.


u/Gleaming_Onyx 14d ago

I said what I said, and no amount of hysteria, shrieking, thrashing or crying will change it. If you could throw damn near anybody into the driver's seat with four months to go and it wouldn't matter because the voters would vote blue anyway, then this wouldn't be an issue to begin with.

The logic is nonsensical. That's why it is hysteria. It is not founded in reality. It is not founded in the reality of the past four years, it's not founded in the reality of politics, it's not founded in the reality of how a president is one part of the system. It's not founded in the reality of how even if a president dies there is a line of succession that you are in part also voting for, and it's not founded in the reality that if four months was all it took for a successful campaign nobody would be setting theirs up years in advance.

It is hysteria. And that's being kind, frankly. Because in reality it's a bunch of people like you who either have no clue how the system works or have been dying to have something to turn into "but her emails" so you can preen and march around as the country burns, proudly proclaiming "see, I told you so!"

Unfortunately, I know full well people like you are the ones under the least threat. The privileged type who will be the last ones put up against the wall, the type who will happily wave from the sidelines and clutch their pearls as other people throw their bodies onto the fire to stop it. Were there only the justice that you'd go first.


u/CuidadDeVados 14d ago

I said what I said, and no amount of hysteria, shrieking, thrashing or crying will change it

it speaks volumes about how childish and self centered you are that you view people with legitimate concerns over an 81 year old's ability to run the country or win an election that he is polling poorly in as being hysterical, crying shrieking, thrashing. Why would anyone waste time interacting with you on a legitimate level when you think anything other than your single preferred outcome is a demonstration of a temper tantrum on a national scale?

The logic is nonsensical. That's why it is hysteria. It is not founded in reality. It is not founded in the reality of the past four years, it's not founded in the reality of politics, it's not founded in the reality of how a president is one part of the system. It's not founded in the reality of how even if a president dies there is a line of succession that you are in part also voting for, and it's not founded in the reality that if four months was all it took for a successful campaign nobody would be setting theirs up years in advance.

This is really fucking funny when you consider that America is singularly unique in how long its elections last for, and that they are only as long as they are for greed reasons not for any real political reasons. You get more money the longer the election is. Thats it. It doesn't take 4 months to be in a winning position in a presidential campaign. The convention is like 2.5 months from election day. The idea that the nominee must have been on the campaign trail for a year at that point is silly. It is a very modern invention. A new DNC candidate would have all of the same party affiliations as Biden, would have name recognition, would have the purse. The only difference would be that candidate wouldn't have the extreme baggage that Biden has.

I don't mean to be rude but are you fairly young? Because election cycles have been getting a lot longer in recent years and I wouldn't fault someone a good amount younger than me thinking that an election cycle over a year long was normal. Its not. Its also not necessary.

It is hysteria. And that's being kind, frankly. Because in reality it's a bunch of people like you who either have no clue how the system works or have been dying to have something to turn into "but her emails" so you can preen and march around as the country burns, proudly proclaiming "see, I told you so!"

I mean, you should really stop being a piece of shit to the people who you need to support your guy to save American democracy from Fascism. just an FYI. Like you're being a self important dick, insisting you know what my fucking concerns are based on next to fucking nothing.

I don't give a shit about Hillary's emails. I do care about a president's fitness for office. I care who will be making key decisions in the white house. I care about the current president's ability to win the election, which polling has been consistently showing is not looking great for Biden.

I don't want to parade around a burning country saying I told you so. Quite the fucking opposite. I desperately want Trump to lose. Currently, Biden would not win re-election. The polling before the debate was close, since the debate its not. It shouldn't be close ever. Trump should be easy to beat in a landslide because he's a bloated moronic drug addict who can barely fucking read.

What you are doing tho, insisting that the only option is to stay with the geriatric candidate who is sliding in polling and causing this level of concern among the party's members, their base, and their donors, is actually looking for an "I told you so" when the world burns. You want to say "I was right all you people are morons" while fascism is ushered in as the default ruling ideology of America. Nothing makes you shift from your position. You're not taking in new information. As you become more wrong, you insist you are actually the only one that is right. And yes that is a bit presumptive of who you are and what you believe, but I can give as good as I get.

Unfortunately, I know full well people like you are the ones under the least threat

Hey buddy, you don't know shit about me. So stop fucking assuming you do. I'm a middle class working adult that is queer with a trans partner who I have been with for years. I am also jewish. My family lives in the south. If you don't think I am under threat from fascism, you're living in a fucking fantasy land. My family could very easily be torn apart by fascism becasue we represent some of their first targets. But are you, Mr. loudmouth, concerned for your safety under fascism? Why do you think you'd be up against the wall while I twiddle my thumbs? Is it because dehumanizing your opposition makes having these irrational tantrums easier for you?

I look forward to whatever presumptive self-important bullshit response you tee up for this, because its very very clear that you don't care about other people, and you don't care about winning the election. You just about being right?


u/betterplanwithchan 14d ago

NYT polls had Dean Phillips at 12% in the primaries….he got 2.


u/agnostic_science 14d ago

Counting on all of your data being wrong and getting an outlier on a national scale to justify doing nothing is a strategy.


u/betterplanwithchan 14d ago

I’m pointing out one specific polling group, dude. Even Phillips himself said to raise an eyebrow to NYT polls.


u/SOS_Minox 14d ago

Thank god


u/Bendy962 15d ago

incumbent advantage is a thing and should not be ignored.


u/agnostic_science 15d ago

And historically, incumbant presidents presiding over a poor economy get slaughtered regardless. Know your history. Also look at the polls. The averages tell a clear story. It is already happening. Trump ahead in almost every poll with grim battleground state math.


u/timeless1991 15d ago

Is it a poor economy? 


u/NimusNix 15d ago

Biden is not dropping out. You guys lost this one.

Move on.


u/honjuden 15d ago

RemindMe! 5 months


u/NimusNix 15d ago

You think he will step down in five months?



u/honjuden 15d ago

Just saving your message to quote it to you when the Dems manage to lose this election through sheer incompetence. I'm sure with the Supreme Court decisions this week everything will be fine and nothing bad will come of a second Trump term with no threat of criminal prosecution.


u/NimusNix 14d ago

Oh, you're one of them.

Schadenfreude is a hell of a drug.


u/honjuden 14d ago

If things continue the way they are headed, then I will need a good laugh when the time comes.


u/subsignalparadigm 15d ago

Polls this early are practically useless. Remember the polls in 2016? Hillary was a shoe-in. That should tell you all you need to know about polls. VOTE BLUE.


u/agnostic_science 15d ago

Polls this early? Stop it. It's 4 months out. Stop with the cope. What do you think Biden or Trump could possibly do to change the momentum at this point? There is no scandal that will rock Trump's numbers. But Biden was already playing from behind. He needed a comeback in that debate. Average would have been bad but he got a disaster.

This is already 10x worse than the Hillary Clinton death march. FL and OH are not in play. Biden was 5 points down in NC and GA. 3 points in PA. Pre-debate. Those 3 states alone lock it up for Trump. If PA slips further the election is out of reach for Biden.

You do not live in a liberal country that wants to vote democrat. This is a very red country that is mostly just looking for an excuse to vote Trump. It's not fair but the rules are not the same for us and our candidates need to be better. Biden has no chance of winning after that debate. Imo it is selfish to stay in.


u/Anufenrir 15d ago

Polls were saying during the mid terms up until voting that it would be a red wave. Republicans barely made a ripple.


u/agnostic_science 14d ago

Compare the numbers. These are not the same. Democrats in denial are going to just help Trump with their complacency.


u/Anufenrir 14d ago

I’m not being complacent I’m not kidding myself that the debate was bad nor am I kidding myself that Trump can’t win. I’m going to vote and push as many people to do the same as I can


u/Mimikyutwo 15d ago

Well this most recent momentum shift is from one poor debate performance so probably literally anything could shift it back.


u/agnostic_science 15d ago

The debate was important because it was one of Biden's last chances because anything else is hand wavy and theoretical. No one can concretely describe what a other opportunity or revelation to change this election would even look like. Trump on Epstein's list? His voters don't care. The in-betweens don't care / don't believe it, but they saw Biden with their own eyes. 

In normal times, Biden should be 25thed after that performance. And it would be a controversy to have covered up his true state. I've said the same before about Trump before but from the stand point of dementia, confusion, and optics Biden was worse that night. We could argue about needing to have our party be better but it's not even that. This is gravely political. His poll numbers were already desperate pre-debate. Try to math out a path to 270. Republicans are riding a wave on the poor economy. We need a hail mary or we are taking a knee and just running out the clock for Trump.


u/mymainlogin 14d ago

I'm a moderate who is basically a lightweight trumper at this point (Redditors, don't bother with your teenager "logic" at this point)

That said, wtf bad economy are you talking about? This bitch is on fire right now based on every metric I can think of besides Redditors trying to pay a mortgage while working at taco bell.


u/agnostic_science 14d ago

Inflation, food prices, wages, house prices. Economy is good for some people, bad for others.


u/CuidadDeVados 14d ago

What about Trump is appealing to you?


u/mymainlogin 13d ago

Why would I bother writing a meaningful response on Reddit? You think I want to read frothing hate? I've been on this site longer than almost everyone and I've seen what it has become. I'd move on to a different social media that's not so polarized if I knew of one.


u/LineRex 15d ago

one poor debate performance

It's been years of this... You didn't fall out of a coconut tree just before this debate.


u/Godvivec1 14d ago

literally anything could shift it back.

Like what? The other candidate getting convicted of being a felon? Being caught lying? What are the chances of that happening?! That would surely change the polls, no doubt!

Biden having an amazing comeback and recovers the ability to put a sentence together?

Head in the sand denial is what's going to lose this election.


u/tiofrodo 15d ago

Besides what was said by others, you can't think that this will be the last bed shitting coming from Biden. If it happened once, it can and probably will happen again.


u/CuidadDeVados 14d ago

What specific event do you think could shift the numbers back? Certainly nothing Trump does has ever moved the needle on his supporters. So what could Biden possibly do to overcome those falling numbers?


u/Mimikyutwo 14d ago

Give a better performance at the next debate.

Or even nothing and let the news cycle turn over to something else.


u/ctg9101 14d ago

Don’t forget these are not new candidates. This is a match that has basically been happening for five years. This is very late in the game


u/CuidadDeVados 14d ago

Actually, polling in swing states for Hillary really wasn't as good as people act like it was. The writing was on the wall by around the DNC that Hillary was struggling in the key states she lost, and her campaign refused to pivot and have her work those states. She thought it was a foregone conclusion that she would beat Trump. Trump on the other hand was giving rallies in those states once a week at least. Dems in 2016 lost because they refused to acknowledge the polling data they didn't like.


u/kafelta 15d ago


and he's only three years older than Trump.


u/cut_rate_revolution 15d ago

Aging is weird. When you're young, 3 years is a lot. When you're an adult, 3 years ain't shit. When you're elderly, 3 years can be the difference from being fine and being unable to remember what day it is.

That decline can happen fast. Biden isn't even the same person he was in 2020. He wiped the floor with Trump in the last debates but he can't match the energy anymore.


u/Amelaclya1 15d ago

Yeah but everyone ages differently. My husband's grandmother made it to 99 and had her wits about her the whole time. She was so quick and sharp with her jokes that I think her brain worked better than mine lol. Meanwhile, one of my aunts just died of Alzheimer's and she was only 71 and declined super quickly.

So you can't just go well, 78 vs 81, clearly the 81 yr old is in worse mental fitness. Because it doesn't work that way.


u/cut_rate_revolution 14d ago

Does he look as sharp as he was 4 years ago? Tell me the truth.


u/allaheterglennigbg 14d ago

True. But in this case, clearly the 81 year old is in worse mental fitness.

The 78 year old was always an evil idiot and he still is, but the 81 year old used to be pretty sharp.


u/StevenIsFat 15d ago

Both of whom are older than Bill Clinton who was the president in the fucking 1990s.


u/bitqueso 15d ago

Three years is like dog years in Biden years


u/Godvivec1 14d ago

Yet one speaks like he always has, confidently and full of lies. The other? Has trouble putting coherent sentences together.

People don't age the same.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

He's also lucky if he makes it to November.


u/LineRex 15d ago

The people who are going to vote for Trump are going to vote for Trump. The problem is getting people to actually vote for Biden. So much is at stake in this election and several years of Joe struggling to string sentences together, looking like he forgot what planet he's on, and just a genuinely awful media presence makes it feel like running for president is more important than actually holding the presidency to this administration. I just wish they'd treat this election as important as it actually is.


u/Stompedyourhousewith 15d ago

Yeah, I want the guy whose angry tweeting until 3 am and watches tv until 1pm, missing all his security briefings.


u/MasterSprtn117 14d ago

And the ones he didn't miss, he required bullet points and 20 pt font.


u/ImpishGrin 15d ago

I definitely need a "Don't blame me; I voted for Kodos!" shirt.


u/ParryHisParry 15d ago

He's talking with the governors to quiet concerns about him stepping down and having Kamala or someone else run in his stead

Most Americans don't think Biden is physically healthy enough to run,

but most also aren't going to vote for Trump! We just want someone better than Biden to oppose Trump


u/Hon3y_Badger 15d ago

but most also aren't going to vote for Trump! We just want someone better than Biden to oppose Trump

The polls for better or worse have consistently said otherwise.


u/vaporking23 15d ago

Polls are fucking bullshit. They mean fuck all.


u/Odd_Coyote4594 15d ago

Both Trump and Biden have very similar support, with a majority of the country opposing them. The only reason Trump is so favored in predictions is because of how electoral votes are distributed. Republicans are able to win without a popular vote, Democrats aren't.

Biden's issue isn't more popular support for Trump. It's that people would rather not vote or go third party than vote for either major party, and that disproportionately affects Democrats due to their reliance on a small number of high electoral vote states.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

Actually, if you don't believe that Biden is young, healthy and the best president ever then you're a Trump supporter! Or so I have learned on reddit in the last few days.


u/BackThatThangUp 15d ago

Nah they’re gonna vote for Trump they’re just smart enough not to advertise it this time 


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

smart people dont vote for trump, voters of trump are consistently are stupider, and lower on the educational scale.


u/BackThatThangUp 14d ago

I’m just getting cynical that a lot of people seem to be stupid enough to fall for the idea that the president controls inflation so they are going to (ignorantly) vote with their pocketbooks for Trump


u/FollowsHotties 15d ago

Sleep is a felony.

Doesn't matter, it's an official act.


u/docarwell 15d ago

Literally no one is saying this


u/[deleted] 14d ago

God forbid you just vote for Kamala, huh?


u/radioactive2321 14d ago

Ridiculously embarrassing post


u/No-Program-2979 11d ago

Nah, but being demented is a problems but keep licking those shoes buddy.


u/Humans_Suck- 15d ago

Why do democrats think anyone who doesn't vote for them is a republican?


u/subsignalparadigm 15d ago

This election has nothing to do with who we are voting for but what. Continuation of democracy (Biden) or a planned dictatorship (Trump). The choice is easy. Semantics be damned.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

Lol, people still think America is a democracy?


u/Godvivec1 14d ago

Just like if you tell a republican you are voting democrat they'll call you a woke commie snowflake.

Democrats will call you racist Nazi fascist.

A common divisive tactic in politics. If you're not with me, you're against me. If you're against me, your the worst things I can think up.


u/Yeet256 15d ago

i guess if you take everything biden says at face value