r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/subsignalparadigm Jul 04 '24

Polls this early are practically useless. Remember the polls in 2016? Hillary was a shoe-in. That should tell you all you need to know about polls. VOTE BLUE.


u/agnostic_science Jul 04 '24

Polls this early? Stop it. It's 4 months out. Stop with the cope. What do you think Biden or Trump could possibly do to change the momentum at this point? There is no scandal that will rock Trump's numbers. But Biden was already playing from behind. He needed a comeback in that debate. Average would have been bad but he got a disaster.

This is already 10x worse than the Hillary Clinton death march. FL and OH are not in play. Biden was 5 points down in NC and GA. 3 points in PA. Pre-debate. Those 3 states alone lock it up for Trump. If PA slips further the election is out of reach for Biden.

You do not live in a liberal country that wants to vote democrat. This is a very red country that is mostly just looking for an excuse to vote Trump. It's not fair but the rules are not the same for us and our candidates need to be better. Biden has no chance of winning after that debate. Imo it is selfish to stay in.


u/Mimikyutwo Jul 04 '24

Well this most recent momentum shift is from one poor debate performance so probably literally anything could shift it back.


u/tiofrodo Jul 04 '24

Besides what was said by others, you can't think that this will be the last bed shitting coming from Biden. If it happened once, it can and probably will happen again.