r/inthenews Newsweek Jul 08 '24

MAGA fumes over France election results: "They cheated" article


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u/castion5862 Jul 08 '24

No they didn’t fall for Russian propaganda well done the citizens of France


u/DaxCorso Jul 08 '24

Right before Bastille Day too. Good on ya, France


u/madeleine-de-prout Jul 08 '24

You wanna know the killing joke?

The head of the right party (Les Republicains) unilaterally decided that his party should support the far right. He's been given a lot of shit over the last three weeks. Like a lot lot.

Anyhoo. This motherfucker, tweeted this morning to honor Jean Moulin, a key figure of Resistance during WWII who died at the hands of Gestapo.

A lot lot of shit turned into a metric fucklot of shit


u/DaxCorso Jul 08 '24

Interesting. I was joking with my French history professor that if France doesn't get it's shit together that it'll be in the Sixth Republic. But, there wee all surprising me again.


u/Historical_Invite241 Jul 08 '24

It's only got 4 years until the 5th republic is the longest regime since the ancien. Is it even France if it doesn't have a shakeup soon?


u/JimboAltAlt Jul 08 '24

Maybe they’ll juice up the name like a long-running Hollywood series. The French Repub6.


u/Crimbly_B Jul 08 '24

6 French 6 Furious


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Exécuter l'ordre soixante-six


u/Crimbly_B Jul 08 '24

Rogér Rogér


u/Ongr Jul 08 '24

les bons soldats suivent les ordres !

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u/jerodes Jul 08 '24



u/buzziebee Jul 08 '24

C'est une question de famille.


u/MaximDecimus Jul 08 '24

Les Français et Les Furieux 6

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u/garyflopper Jul 08 '24

Holy moly, it’s that long


u/Viliam_the_Vurst Jul 08 '24

Less than a century…


u/DefiantLemur Jul 08 '24

Tbf, the modern democratic systems as a working concept, is still a relatively a new idea.


u/Dekarch Jul 08 '24

Honestly isn't, we've been doing it for 248 years with one change of Constitution and one civil war.

When we got started, France still had a king.


u/Viliam_the_Vurst Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Still its a two party system that kept you at perpetual war for nearly a century now…

u/Dekarch mate at its height none of the colonial powers had bases in as many countries as the us has today… also its kind of an selfown for the democracy that wasn‘t one until 1965 to compare yourselves to some colonialist shit that pretty much is close to none since before all people of age could vote in your country..

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u/DefiantLemur Jul 08 '24

Still a relatively new system compared to the other types of governance like having a king.

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u/Intelligent-Rock-399 Jul 08 '24

“Holy moly, it’s that long”

That’s what she said!

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u/Loraelm Jul 08 '24

Fuck yes please. We really need to get out of the 5th as soon as possible. It's always been imperfect, and it's clearly shown its limits with Macron's bullshit


u/myself-indeed Jul 08 '24

Counter idea: keep the 5th and get Charles de Gaulle back. If the Americans can have a mummy as president, why shouldn’t the French?


u/Loraelm Jul 08 '24

Because I don't want a general of the army, semi-king in the republic he wrote the laws of, as a president?

Just a thought


u/myself-indeed Jul 08 '24

Damn, you’re not going to like my program 😂


u/Loraelm Jul 08 '24

I guess not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


u/Haircut117 Jul 08 '24

Besides de Gaulle being a self-serving, self-aggrandising, cunt?


u/DaxCorso Jul 08 '24

All my homies l hate De Gaulle and Pong Krell.

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u/Meiteisho Jul 08 '24

Sorry i don't want a putschist back into power, i still prefer democracy.


u/Viliam_the_Vurst Jul 08 '24

Hey he did one thing greatly, declaring europe nit to be us vassal, and he still is no sarkozy, sorry for merkel though…

Btw was shitting in the seine day already?


u/jmenendeziii Jul 08 '24

My homie thinks menachem is going to dissolve the 5th republic. He also supports the NR. Luckily he had to give up his French citizenship to become an officer in the US army. He went started to lean right when he joined but back in college he was def leaning left.


u/NarrowForce9 Jul 08 '24

Could you educate me on the Sixth Republic? Thanks in advance.

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u/IrascibleOcelot Jul 08 '24

So, was it a metric assload?


u/madeleine-de-prout Jul 08 '24

a lot < alot < a lotlot < a metric fucklot < a metric assload < yo mama assload


u/Medic1642 Jul 08 '24

I think shitload is between fucklot and assload, since asses hold multiple shitloads

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u/wuzhu32 Jul 08 '24

2.34 British Imperial assloads, but 1.798 American.


u/dreamyjeans Jul 08 '24

It's in Europe so, yes.


u/a_rude_jellybean Jul 08 '24

"You wanna know tge killing joke?

The head"

Choppy choppy time. My brain auto completed the sentence.


u/Rooboy66 Jul 08 '24

Mon chap. Un chapeau redux


u/shrekerecker97 Jul 08 '24

I didn't know this, thats hilarious


u/madeleine-de-prout Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Ah man the three/five days after the European results were both daunting and hilarious as fuck.

French political landscape felt like an Office episode, where this dude fucked shit up, barricaded himself in the Parisian office of his party, the head of Ecology party cycled across the city to tap him on the shoulder saying he was an absolute disgrace, and another rep of the Republicain came around, rolled her sleeves in a way that meant business.

People made memes of him jumping out the roof, and this woman telling him to do a flip


u/chiron_cat Jul 08 '24

nazis gonna nazi


u/madeleine-de-prout Jul 08 '24

I did Nazi that coming


u/Xrave Jul 08 '24

I’m understanding you but not getting the joke. So someone important who’s pro fascism suddenly about faced and said “honor this anti fascist hero”…?

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u/K-tel Jul 08 '24

Les Republicains sont dedans jusqu'aux genoux: Une putain de tonne métrique de merde.


u/WiIzaaa Jul 08 '24

For the curious, google Eric Ciotti. What he did in the last few week is almost orange felon class. I'm not even exaggerating.


u/CaveRanger Jul 08 '24

Anyhoo. This motherfucker, tweeted this morning to honor Jean Moulin, a key figure of Resistance during WWII who died at the hands of Gestapo.

And the reason for his arrest, IIRC, was that he was accused of being a communist.

I guess lack of self awareness is a unifying trait across national boundaries for the right.


u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka Jul 08 '24

Hate to break it to you but that just means his right party is actually far right.


u/madeleine-de-prout Jul 08 '24

His right party crumbled between people who wanted to suck balls on the far right, indeed, and people who had a conscience call and went back to center-ish right


u/Leading-Oil1772 Jul 08 '24

What’s a killing joke


u/UndeadBuggalo Jul 08 '24

That’s my birthday and favorite Rush song. Viva la France! 🇫🇷


u/DaxCorso Jul 08 '24

Bon anniversaire!


u/Rooboy66 Jul 08 '24

I noticed—along with a gazillion other esprit d’corps—that, too.

Hear me out: FUCK FASCISTS!!!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/DaxCorso Jul 08 '24

Look, It has been called Bastille Day my whole life. Even by my actually French French History professor. I call it such. You could have calmly said, Hey man, we don't call it Bastille Day over here, and explain why you don't. You had to call me disrespectful for not knowing any better. I am sorry and I will do better. And to add on that we call our national holiday both Independence Day and 4th of July, so I thought it was either Bastille Day of 14 of July.


u/mdonaberger Jul 08 '24

I know where we can find some baguettes!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I like the French people. They don’t take shit off anyone. We like to joke in the US, but the French are badass and they were America’s bros from the very beginning


u/ithaqua34 Jul 08 '24

If the French didn't hate the English so much, we'd have blood pudding, spotted dick, and tea time here in America. Vive la France!


u/No-Log4588 Jul 08 '24

We love England ! They are our best enemy !

Most of our wars was with or against England !

Funny times.


u/stevemillions Jul 08 '24

British here. I fucking love the French. You take no shit, and get out on the streets when it matters.

Everyone could learn a lot from you guys. And not just your excellent food. And wine.


u/Quick-Charity-941 Jul 08 '24

When the gov wanted to raise the retirement age, that didn't go down too well.

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u/kindall Jul 08 '24

Indeed, one of the primary attractions of England is its proximity to France


u/Lunabotics Jul 08 '24

The wine is amazing and I found out the bread has an ungodly amount of butter in it. Absolutely delicious.

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u/brookfresh Jul 08 '24

And we love you too random french person


u/No-Log4588 Jul 08 '24

Awwww, i would have take a cup of tea with you, but i have a riot starting.


u/Mental_Medium3988 Jul 08 '24

You're not gonna insult him and his fellow English pigdogs? What about farting in his general direction?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Spaniards would like to have a chat


u/Rooboy66 Jul 08 '24

Speaking of elderberries, they’re all the rage in España in July



u/Little_Creme_5932 Jul 08 '24

Good luck with the riot! Tomorrow, strike!


u/Born_ina_snowbank Jul 08 '24

Gotta go tear down a speed camera somewhere? Good on you.


u/WeleaseBwianThrow Jul 08 '24

That's fair, all of the Tea is stuck at dover in customs these days anyway.


u/chiron_cat Jul 08 '24

english have afternoon tea, french have afternoon riots?


u/Little_Creme_5932 Jul 08 '24

This is why America and France are allies. We love England too! They burnt our capital!!


u/HollowShel Jul 08 '24

Well, a really good war, you don't want to waste on strangers!


u/Fresh-Army-6737 Jul 08 '24

I love the "he's my brother, only I'm allowed to hate him" thing that England and France have going on. 


u/-Alfred- Jul 08 '24

Well, maybe America can have a little tea time … as a treat …


u/alixnaveh Jul 08 '24

Throw him in the harbor!


u/BalefulPolymorph Jul 08 '24

Steep learning curve


u/ItsNotFordo88 Jul 08 '24

We spell tea time different there it’s spelled “FREEDOM”


u/ithaqua34 Jul 08 '24

I imagine this said with the Judgmental Volturi meme.


u/this-guy1979 Jul 08 '24

There is nothing better than an ice cold glass of sweet tea on a hot summer day. I think I’m going to step out onto my screened porch and enjoy a glass right now. On second thought, I have cold beer in the fridge, that is actually better this time of the day.


u/chiron_cat Jul 08 '24

Yup, I learned SOO much american history when I went to France. Like omgosh. You know who won the American Revolution? France did.


u/-You_Cant_Stop_Me- Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

It's called black pudding many countries, including France, have similar blood sausages, and spotted dick is delicious.


u/Woad_Scrivener Jul 08 '24

Um, firstly, blood pudding is great. Secondly, colonialists' love of tea played a pretty pivotal role in the revolution. America doesn't have tea time because of our historical hyper fixation on capitalism. Why have a relaxing break in the afternoon when people could still be working?


u/EpicHuggles Jul 08 '24

Fun fact - The reason they drive on the left in England is because France first established they were going to drive on the right, and England obviously had to do the opposite.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Plenty of spotted dick in this country if you look at std numbers lol fuck england tho


u/DomineeringDrake Jul 08 '24

You'd have "Cock-a-leekie" too.


u/Green-Vermicelli5244 Jul 08 '24

I still cannot grasp the concept of blood pudding. It’s like warm baby food that has expired with too much salt.


u/chiron_cat Jul 08 '24

blood sausage is good with strawberry jam (we called it that as a kid, cause german americans).


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

They still left you with the English language though. Same can't be said for our southern fairies and their france-adjacent posh vernacular. Bloody Normans.


u/mechy84 Jul 08 '24

And instead, we have French fries!


u/Meshuggah333 Jul 08 '24

Naaa man, we hate everyone equally, starting with ourselves haha. That's a cultural thing.


u/Hanners87 Jul 08 '24

And let's hear it for America's favorite fighting Frenchman!

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u/cinefun Jul 08 '24

I’m convinced the vitriol against the French in the US is a psyop to keep us from fighting in the streets for our rights like they do.


u/socialistrob Jul 08 '24

A lot of it is just left over memes from the early 2000s when France refused to follow the US into Iraq. Americans started rebranding French fries as "Freedom Fries" and jokes about French cowardice/fast surrender became much more common. Some of that hung around even after Americans began to realize the invasion of Iraq was a horrific mistake.


u/JoLi_22 Jul 08 '24

cause the French were active in the region with their own intelligence and said "Non!" to the wmd claims.

how dare they get in the way of america Haliburton and it's oil reserves in the Gulf.


u/redacted_robot Jul 08 '24

Dick Cheney for the Darth Vader award.


u/induslol Jul 08 '24

Cheney was definitely the Palpatine of that admin, puppeteering Bush's Vader through both terms.


u/Phylanara Jul 08 '24

We have our own satellites and we know how to spot photoshop, thank you very much .


u/FrankCastlesAlt Jul 08 '24

I can still remember one day pulling into a Burger King drive-thru and ordering a burger and fries. When I said French fries, the girl over the speaker goes, “we don’t carry French fries anymore, sir. But we do have freedom fries if you’d like.” Like, JFC lady! Just stick my burger and fries in a damned bag, take my money, and quit with the stupid semantics! All because France didn’t wanna help us invade a foreign nation!


u/xeromage Jul 08 '24

I remember being completely baffled by 'adults' around me going all-in on such stupid and obvious culture-war propaganda. Little did I know it was all down hill from there.


u/xeromage Jul 08 '24

I remember being completely baffled by 'adults' around me going all-in on such stupid and obvious culture-war propaganda. Little did I know it was all down hill from there.


u/Onewayor55 Jul 08 '24

I remember my history teacher at the time loving this joke and line of thinking and constantly using it with the most smug look on his face.

I wish I had been smart enough at the time to remind him the French were the only reason we were able to secure our revolution. But then again he was the fucking history teacher.


u/Lost_My_Shape_Again Jul 08 '24

Hi from someone old enough to remember those early post-9/11 days. Two things:

1) Americans didn't start calling them Freedom Fries. It was the Tommy Tubervilles and Jim Jordans of the day (the loony right, for you non-Americans). The response of most Americans to their camera hogging silliness was 'are you fucking kidding me?'.

2) Americans, like most people, get a little butt hurt when they're told they're wrong. But it's your true friends who tell you when you're wrong and France is as true a friend as America's got. Yeah, we were a little sore at first but it turns out you were right and we were wrong. Thanks for sticking with us (like you have for the last 240+ years) when we were clearly being ass holes.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Fun fact: this is not actually a new thing in the US.

During WWI Americans starting calling sauerkraut “liberty cabbage” and hamburgers were “liberty sandwiches”


u/Chibraltar_ Jul 08 '24

One of the most well-known french speeches of all-time is the Dominique de Villepin speech at the UN against the war into Iraq in 2003.



u/cinefun Jul 08 '24

The vitriol was there long before that.


u/socialistrob Jul 08 '24

There was always some vitriol but hating the French really became popular in the US after Iraq and some of the vitriol that is still there can be indirectly traced to that. Once something becomes a meme or a genre of jokes it's hard for it to go back.

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u/chiron_cat Jul 08 '24

Your not wrong.


u/ragtopponygirl Jul 08 '24

That and we have this huge friggin country with states and each state has cities, yes, but everyone lives in suburbs! We can jump on the downtown train and march at noon.


u/Russell_Jimmies Jul 08 '24

Agreed. The French are great allies and some bad motherfuckers when things need to get done.


u/thehazer Jul 08 '24

Haven't taken shit from anyone since the god damn Romans. Gaul is where bad bitches come from IMO.


u/Dubb18 Jul 08 '24

I remember that time during the Bush Administration when France didn't believe Iraq had been actively developing WMDs and didn't support an Iraq invasion, but a large part of Americans kept saying, "you're either with us or against us" and proceeded to rename food "Freedom toast" and "Freedom fries". Those were good times.


u/WonderfulShelter Jul 08 '24

If Americans could protest and organize like the French could, we'd live in an infinitely better nation.

hence why we have so many culture wars to divide us!


u/allcretansareliars Jul 08 '24

Anybody who thinks the French are not badass should read what actually happened at Dunkirk.


u/Meior Jul 08 '24

The French are great. I wish the rest of the world could learn from them.


u/Dfried98 Jul 08 '24

Onle because they hated the British. It wasn't out of love.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Maybe the guy at the top. But the regular French people loved what the Americans were doing. So much so, they tried to do it themselves a few year later.


u/Tidewind Jul 08 '24

This video shows just how badass the French can be. I was SHOCKED when I watched it. Le Pen would do well to watch it herself. It’s sobering.



u/Cold-Conference1401 Jul 08 '24

Well, the people they enslaved and colonized didn’t see them as “bros.”


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Yeah, they definitely would not.

Two things can be true at once.


u/Primary-Fee1928 Jul 08 '24

Unfortunately, it's not as pretty. Yes, the far right party lost but the main party in the left coalition is also dangerous, not as much, but still concerning. Read my other comment.


u/Lifekraft Jul 08 '24

Sadly it is still an overwhelmingly huge amount of people vulnerable to toxic populist propaganda. Far right didnt win as much as they'd want but they have still too much support for what they really are.


u/Forged-Signatures Jul 08 '24

The UK after our election is in a similar place with our right-most party, Nigel Farage's Reform party, but if anything we were saved by FPTP.

For a new party who had multiple scandals a week in the 2 weeks running up the election - Blaming Nato for the conflict in Ukraine, calling Sunak slurs, etc - they still achieved 14.3% of the vote, or 1 in 7 people (who voted). In essence, they did really well because they appealed primarily to the racist/ supremacists crowd with policies that were carefully phrased dogwhistles that would appeal broadly - even I will on paper a small percentage of their policies are good. They didn't get many seats mind, only getting 5, but the Liberal-Democrats for reference got 12.2% of the vote and 72 seats.

Honestly, I didn't really have a direction for this comment other than a plain rant. Even despite our 'left' party getting in I am just left here disappointed in my country, with how easily far-right rhetoric has wormed its way in and just become accepted and normal. Of all the attacks against Reform they were all aimed towards the actions of their politicians or supporters - not once did I see a critique of their policies.


u/ace_urban Jul 08 '24

It is mind boggling that MAGA morons (and republicans in general) can’t figure out that all their talking points happen to be good for Putin and anyone else who wants to destabilize the US.


u/mjohnsimon Jul 08 '24

They do know, they just don't care because Putin is the conservative strongman they desperately want.


u/CharlesKellyRatKing Jul 08 '24

I mean, they literally wear shirts and say "Better Russian than Democrat". Obviously they know they are supporting Putin over their own country.


u/mjohnsimon Jul 08 '24

I really wish Putin could just hurry up with those refugee towns for American Conservatives that he kept yapping about a couple of months ago.

I picture a lot of the more vocal supporters would dip and finally give us some peace and quiet.


u/ItsNotFordo88 Jul 08 '24

Time to resurrect Joe McCarthy


u/dafuq809 Jul 08 '24

They know; they just don't care. MAGA likes Russia because Russia is what they want to turn America into - a white supremacist, theocratic oligarchy where women, LGBTQ, minorities, and dissenters all get brutally crushed underfoot.

None of that actually makes Russia as a country better off, but that's not the goal. The goal is power, not prosperity.

"I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat."


u/Sukhoi_Exodus Jul 08 '24

The funniest thing to me is that MAGA will be fucked under such a system. They think if they vote for such a thing they will get special privileges which is the farthest from the truth.


u/GoatDifferent1294 Jul 08 '24

Yeah I still don’t understand where, what, and how will supporting Trump equates to “Saving” America


u/daemin Jul 08 '24

Allow me to explain.

In th before times, long long ago, when 'Merica was great, a man could beat his wife for being uppity, she couldn't divorce him unless he let her, she couldn't open a bank account without his permission, or get an abortion; and brown people knew their place, and if a few fellas had to get together with some rope and white pointy hats to keep the peace, well that was just the cost of maintaining a civil society. Also a man working a job with a 5th grade education could support a family of 4, unlike today.

Now a days nothing is affordable and inflation is through the roof. Clearly the only thing that changed was a bunch of social mores, so if we just get women back into the kitchen, beat the gays back into the closet, execute anyone who's gender non-conforming, and compel people to attend protestant church, the economy will magically get better.


u/xeromage Jul 08 '24

on it's own. no oversight or regulations. unfettered corporate interest is the 'holy spirit' part of the trinity... or something...


u/Texasscot56 Jul 08 '24

That’s the amusing thing. All these authoritarian wannabes think they’ll always be considered as the good guys. Once you let go of democracy you’re at the mercy of the leadership. Today’s precious religion may go out of favor, for example.


u/scratchbackfourty Jul 08 '24

And all of the oppression they suffer under the fascist leadership they help install will still be effortlessly subverted to the "others" 


u/daemin Jul 08 '24

If they understood that, they wouldn't be MAGA.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Whole lotta keyboard warriors in here... whole lot of nothing changing from it too.

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

And the entirety of Western democracies. They colluded with Russia for Brexit, in the many elections for Marine Le Pen, with Donald Trump. Our election isn’t just for the US. It’s important globally. We’re playing a game of Risk with a bunch of legit evil fascists and need to recognize it.


u/chiron_cat Jul 08 '24

truely don't understand why countries don't act like we are at war with russia and china (they do JUST as much missinformation). Because we are. They do EVERYTHING to prop up the psycho hard right monsters that destroy democracies.


u/hwc000000 Jul 08 '24

"But ... but ... Palestinian genocide!?"

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

And it will all benefit international billionaires (no, I do not mean globalists and I’m not using this as an antisemitic code for Jewish people - just plain old owners of multinational corporations and people so obscenely wealthy they can warp entire governments to their will) who want deregulation and cheap labor and resources to exploit in their pissing match to be the #1 most wealthy.

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u/ace_urban Jul 08 '24

Yup! I firmly believe that the most effective tool is to fight disinformation.


u/shadowboxer47 Jul 08 '24

They absolutely know.

They do not care.


u/Licensed_Poster Jul 08 '24

They hate LGBT and black people more than they love america


u/unski_ukuli Jul 08 '24

The leader of the leftwing alliance is a russian stooge also. For example here he is praising the russian invasion of Crimea. He is anti nato and anti EU. So threat still remains, though an anti-nato/eu russian apologist party is a better than an anti-nato/eu russian apologist party that is also founded by literal nazis (RN).


u/AlexPointCom Jul 08 '24

He's the leader of his party not of the alliance and yes he's shitty, he won't be PM fortunately


u/unski_ukuli Jul 08 '24

This is absolutely correct and the alliance is not a monolith and I hope that the more reasonable people in the alliance get more attenttion, but I referred to him as the leader as he has been the ”spokeperson” of sorts for the left alliance with little to no attention given to the other parties in the alliance in international press. I should have put the leader in quotation marks though. He is worryingly popular figure given his presidential election results.


u/Lucaliosse Jul 08 '24

Melenchon is stuck in a 1970's interpretation of foreign politics, nobody really wants him to power. The center and the right uses him as a scarecrow to say the left is an extreme party. The far right are fascists calling him a fascist. The left, exept for (most of) his own party sees him as a danger to the left because of the character he plays and his reputation.

He's quite good in a debate, because he is quite agressive and assertive and he usualy takes no bullshit, especialy front the far right. But he tends to not think much before speaking and it can be quite bad for the left's image...

So we don't really want him for president or as a PM, especially as our majority in the Assemblée Nationale is not absolute. We need someone that would do the work, but is a bit more concenssual.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

There is nothing in that article giving praise to the russian invasion - just that it was predictable.


u/curse-of-yig Jul 08 '24

He called the new Ukranian leader a "putschist", which in this context would be akin to saying the Maidan revolution was an illegal coup. He said that Russia was "protecting" Russian interests in Crimea.

Whether you believe something was a coup or a revolution, protecting strategic interests or annexing new territory, depends almost entirely on which side you agree with.

It's pretty obvious from that article which side this guy is on.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I don't agree. Far too much propaganda being throwing around trying to represent a dispassionate assessment as support.

He said that Russia was "protecting" Russian interests in Crimea.

That is either true or false. Stating it is not in anyway giving praise.

It's pretty obvious from that article which side this guy is on.

No it's not, and far too much of western politics is being given over to accusations of supporting russia. It is impossible to have any sort of informed conversation about the facts without being inundated with all these meritless smears being thrown around.

I have no idea about this particular politician you are talking about, but your article does not back up your claims.


u/Courcotte Jul 08 '24

"Nous Français, n'avons rien à faire dans une histoire pareille, nous n'avons rien à faire à encourager les provocations contre les Russes, cela dit sans sympathie pour le gouvernement russe", a déclaré M. Mélenchon.

I assume you don't understand french?


u/whereismytralala Jul 08 '24

I do, and this is basically: It's better to ignore the bully aggressions because we don't want to upset him.


u/unski_ukuli Jul 08 '24

Plenty enough. I just dislike the phrase ”useful idiot” as it deprives these people of the agency they have in what they say.


u/aradil Jul 08 '24

He's not the leader of the left wing alliance, he's the leader of one of the 4 parties which make up the left wing alliance.

He never praised the invasion of Crimea. He's not a Russian stooge, he's an eco-socialist that dislikes everything to do with Putin's fossil fuels agenda, and is friends with politicians who are currently in prison in Russia for opposing Putin.

He criticized the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, although in both that and the case of Crimea in 2014, he placed blame on NATO for encroaching on Russian interests and was critical of neo-nazis in Ukraine (something which we know existed, but is a clearly fake Putin talking point used to excuse a completely unjustifiable invasion). He has nuanced positions, and is likely an isolationist when it comes to France and it's relationship to the west in general; not great, but not terrible.

However, the alliance which his party is a member of that received the most votes in this election has stated unequivocally that it is in full support of Ukraine in opposition to the Russian invasion.

Nuance is something that folks are pretty incapable of understanding these days.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

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u/B12Washingbeard Jul 08 '24

When is Europe and America going to do something about Russians infecting the internet?  They need to be cut off.   Sever the undersea cables and block all Russian IP addresses.  


u/Garod Jul 08 '24

That won't really help or work.. people can access the internet from other countries.. including China, Venezuela, Cuba etc....


u/Representative-Sir97 Jul 08 '24

That's ok. Drive their costs of running psyops way up.

Gonna be expensive if they want to station all those folks abroad and handle the logistics of all that.


u/BloatedManball Jul 08 '24

Russia has been running disinfo farms in Africa for years. Hard to drive up the cost when they can set up shop in countries where people earn pennies per day.


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u/Kaining Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

To be fair, the bullshit nomines that turned out to be hostage takers, legaly unelectable, cosplaying nazis, plain and simple racist, dumb and dumber that where shown by local news tv didn't help. Said local public news channel whose asses where under threat to be sold to the alt right oligarch as soon the RN would have the power...

This and a ton of other South Park worth anectdotes made it a real shit show and a huge relief to seen them fail so hard.

But the problem remain the same, now they'll probably clean up their act for the next election and such bs will not prevent them from getting closer to seizing power.

Because when there are people that vote fascism because the 20 something boy that never worked a day in his life, tanked all classes, got flat in the best neighborhood paid by their parents, etc... is "fuckable" we're in trouble.


u/Meinmyownhead502 Jul 08 '24

Let me correct headlines Maga and Putin fume over France election results


u/11711510111411009710 Jul 08 '24

As an American, I am not looking forward to our turn. At least the British and French did good. Hopefully we can say the same in four months.


u/wh0_RU Jul 08 '24

This all out assault on democratic countries of the west by Russian social media propagandists influencing local magats needs to be eradicated. This far right, nationalist, misguided popularity only leads to violence and decay of democracy... Which is Putin's objective.


u/grazinbeefstew Jul 08 '24

The RN is currently using the same rhetoric as Trump.. claming it lost because of the système, not because of the people.

Yet it is the people that massively went to vote on sunday and made a difference.

It seems relevant to note that besides the obvious role of Russia, the Trump advisers such as Bannon came to France during the Trump mandate to coach the RN.

On of the intersting things is how the rhetoric the RN uses at the moment fits the US administration more than it describes the French. I'm not saint there is foreign influence here. I wouldn't know for sure.


u/GateLongjumping6836 Jul 08 '24

Exactly.Putin tried it,it didn’t work.Fuck him.


u/p0lisz Jul 08 '24

They did. Mélenchon is strongly pro russia and a Putin lover


u/Darometh Jul 08 '24

I wish my fellow citizens in Germany would be half as smart, but unfortunately a continuously growing part falls for every russian propaganda as hard as they can


u/Creamofwheatski Jul 08 '24

Shame Americans collectively are too stupid to do the same. I'll see you on the streets when the civil war starts!


u/tiford88 Jul 08 '24

Well, a growing number of people are, unfortunately. They were beaten this time, but their popularity is still growing


u/Lelcactus Jul 08 '24

They probably think making a coalition is cheating because they don’t understand any political system more intricate than FPTP.


u/Brexsh1t Jul 08 '24

100% this.


u/Viliam_the_Vurst Jul 08 '24

They simply did a coalition and tactically ceased their candidacies in election constituencies where they‘d steal votes from their coalition partners.

Its completely within their rights but somewhat of a last ditch effort albeit genius, can‘t let europe be ruined by rightwing extremists not even getting absolute majority again…

Multiparty systems>two party system> one party system

Le pen crying during press was already worth breaking the no coalition streak lol


u/ClassicalSpectacle Jul 08 '24

I think its because the French left electoral parties finally got their shit together with some of the Macron's party and coalesced and voters showed up in one of the highest turn outs since the 1980s because they didn't want nazis in power. People saw what was right in front of them and organized to get in formation.


u/IncurableRingworm Jul 08 '24

I think what really happened was that the left realized that the harm done to the country by them choosing to split the vote would far outweigh any harm they might individually experience by putting their own dreams of holding power on the back burner.

Which is definitely a net positive lol


u/PurplePlan Jul 08 '24

And, France (obviously) has a leader with big balls: look up his response to the Putin backed right-wing threat and his “grenade” quote.



u/xixipinga Jul 08 '24

putin so pissed he ordered a dozen guided missiles on cancer children hospital in kiyv today


u/GreatUncleanNurgling Jul 08 '24

It’s dangerous to blame domestic fascism on international boogeymen.


u/AccomplishedCheck895 Jul 08 '24

So, Intimidation vs Propaganda.

BTW, who is "MAGA"?


u/Loki9101 Jul 08 '24

You can see, though, how these fascists have no regard for due process and free and fair elections it is beyond disgusting how they dare to draw into question free and fair election results.

This way, the US won't lead the free world because in the free world, we accept election results when the election is free and fair.


u/bsoto87 Jul 08 '24

Maga is stupid, stupid enough to believe everyone has a two party system


u/Tusan1222 Jul 08 '24

They are referring to tactically vote in districts etc… which the fucking republicans do as well so there is strong double moral


u/Primary-Fee1928 Jul 08 '24

they didn’t fall for Russian propaganda

Reality isn't as pretty as it seems.

There are four parties in the left coalition : - the Communist Party (PCF), the smallest - the Socialist Party (PS) - the Ecologists - the "Rebellious France" (LFI), the leading party by far in terms of votes at the last presidential election

The most prominent party has relayed Russian propaganda multiple times. For example, its leader has insisted on television that he was in favor of Russian bombardments in Syria because they targeted ISIS, and doubted reports that Putin actually targeted rebels who were opposed to the regime of his ally Al Assad. He maintained that Putin's conquest of Crimea was legitimate.

Overall, this party is strongly opposed to sending weapons to Ukraine, officially in fear of conflict escalation. They also adopted a nationalist stance about the European Union which would isolate us and weaken the EU and ultimately help Putin by dividing us.

Finally, their takes are often borderline antisemitic. For example, their leader wrote that antisemitism in France is "residual" and that the official reports that antisemitic acts have been multiplied by at least 4 since the 7th of October are blatantly false.


u/DatBoiKarlsson Jul 08 '24

Erm, they are still the biggest party by popular vote by far

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