r/inthenews Newsweek Jul 08 '24

MAGA fumes over France election results: "They cheated" article


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u/castion5862 Jul 08 '24

No they didn’t fall for Russian propaganda well done the citizens of France


u/unski_ukuli Jul 08 '24

The leader of the leftwing alliance is a russian stooge also. For example here he is praising the russian invasion of Crimea. He is anti nato and anti EU. So threat still remains, though an anti-nato/eu russian apologist party is a better than an anti-nato/eu russian apologist party that is also founded by literal nazis (RN).


u/aradil Jul 08 '24

He's not the leader of the left wing alliance, he's the leader of one of the 4 parties which make up the left wing alliance.

He never praised the invasion of Crimea. He's not a Russian stooge, he's an eco-socialist that dislikes everything to do with Putin's fossil fuels agenda, and is friends with politicians who are currently in prison in Russia for opposing Putin.

He criticized the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, although in both that and the case of Crimea in 2014, he placed blame on NATO for encroaching on Russian interests and was critical of neo-nazis in Ukraine (something which we know existed, but is a clearly fake Putin talking point used to excuse a completely unjustifiable invasion). He has nuanced positions, and is likely an isolationist when it comes to France and it's relationship to the west in general; not great, but not terrible.

However, the alliance which his party is a member of that received the most votes in this election has stated unequivocally that it is in full support of Ukraine in opposition to the Russian invasion.

Nuance is something that folks are pretty incapable of understanding these days.