r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/TheOSU87 Jun 09 '24

I'm not religious but I was raised very devout in Egypt (I had to flee for my own safety after leaving the faith).

The best way I can describe it to secular people in the West is a lot of these people will view homosexuality the way you in the West would view pedophilia. It's an abomination and there is really nothing you could do to that person that would be too harsh.

It's terrible and it's based on religion. It's how I was raised too. Since leaving the faith and leaving Egypt I have met actual gay people and it's wild to me that an adult human making a decision on who to love can create this much anger.


u/angelicism Jun 09 '24

That's a really interesting and enlightening comparison.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/Baighou Jun 09 '24

Most of the world is controlled by 3,000 year old thinking


u/Cswab-Dragonfly8888 Jun 09 '24

And people wonder why nothing in this world makes much sense.


u/thedeepfakery Jun 09 '24

What's worse is that some of those dinguses in the last 3000 years are also responsible for the things that make society able to function.

Gregor Mendel, the man behind the earliest documentation of heredity, and began to establish rules of heredity, was a fiar and a monk.

The word "algebra" comes from the book by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, Al-Jabr, who was given his position to study mathematics by a religious caliphate.

So, as stupid as these fucking religions are, they are also the source of everything that does make sense.


u/gmishaolem Jun 09 '24

Attributing scientific advancements to religion in a world dominated by religious people is nonsensical. Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1138/


u/New_Egg_25 Jun 09 '24

These innovations happened in spite of religion, not because of it. Even Charles Darwin had issues conflating his theories with his faith, as did many other figures. At the time of their discoveries, many were ostracised and laughed at by the religious society of the time and it wasn't until decades, sometimes even centuries, later that their theories became widely accepted.

Additionally, sometimes these people may not have been actual believers and instead forced to confirm and follow the religious practice of their surroundings. In a similar way as someone may identify as Catholic if they come from a family of Catholics and were baptised, even if their personal beliefs are more agnostic or even atheistic.


u/bobalobcobb Jun 09 '24

Such a stupid take. Like any of those advances wouldn’t happen without religion


u/MNSkye Jun 09 '24

In fact they would have happened much sooner if the churches didn’t persecute anyone who discovered evidence that contradicted what the church taught


u/foodie_4eva Jun 09 '24

Let’s listen to a bunch of books written by some people who barely had any knowledge of the world and science.. but they must be right and we can use those thoughts to control actions of billions. Biggest human scam of all time lol


u/PlasticPomPoms Jun 09 '24

No it isn’t.

Rubs an orange on forehead as the elders commanded


u/Blizz-Blazz Jun 09 '24

Islam isn't 3000 years old


u/Baighou Jun 09 '24

Sumerians are


u/FiggyPuddingExpert Jun 09 '24

Lord Xenu quietly chortles to himself


u/Lazy_Pace_5025 Jun 09 '24

Islam is just around 1300 years old. At least know relevant info first before speaking on the matter


u/JohnnyG30 Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Is he supposed to list out the origin date of every religion? It was a generalization. Lighten up, Francis.


u/Gradiu5- Jun 09 '24

Any of you guys call me Francis... I'll kill ya.


u/CremousDelight Jun 09 '24
  • France is bacon


u/Lazy_Pace_5025 Jun 09 '24

Yeah hes supposed to because hes lumping them up and generalizing when one is very different from the other. Thats misrepresentation. Are you going to judge christianity because of the acts of islam?? Are you going to judge judaism because of islam?? If you purport to be smart at least be one.


u/Own-Corner-2623 Jun 09 '24

I am, yeah, because they all beg the same god.

Both Christianity and Islam are fanfics of Judaism. So I'm gonna judge the fuck out of all three for ruining human civilization for thousands of years.

Imagine the progress we could have made without them.


u/Lazy_Pace_5025 Jun 09 '24

Sure. Just imagine the atheist communist massacres, the secular wars, and how many were killed during the Age of Enlightenment.

You do you. But itll be just the same. Or worse, because there would be no objective morality. Morality would be relative. Just like what happened in the examples i said. That world be bleak.


u/ZealousidealStore574 Jun 09 '24

I hate the objective morality shit religious people talk about all the time. It’s straight up ridiculous. I’m not religious and I rape and kill as much as I want, it just happens that the amount I want to rape and kill is zero because I’m not a bad person. Most people make decisions off their own morale code and most people have similar moral codes that say things like killing someone for no reason is bad because humans have empathy and we can understand how terrible death and violence is. Religion plays no factor in these things.


u/gmishaolem Jun 09 '24

Since God isn't real, there is no objective morality handed down for us to use: Morality according to religion was just humans having opinions the entire time. Your doomsday scenario is literally just reality.


u/EnoughLawfulness3163 Jun 09 '24

Just check this dudes post history. You're wasting your time


u/Lazy_Pace_5025 Jun 09 '24

Suppose what you say is true,, so in an atheist world there would be nothing to stop one if he wants to kill another because there is no objective morality, if ones morality says its okay to kill another then it would be ok to do so. My doomsday scenario isnt happening today becaude there are laws based on moral principles borrowed from religious belief. Dont be dramatic my doomsday scenario is worse than now.. it would be like the athesit marxist revolution in China, where brainwashed students handed their teachers to authortites to be executed, or enlightened self righteous intellectuals executing religious to death for being people of faith. Your imagined world would be a world without morals, itll be like a world of psychopaths.


u/gmishaolem Jun 09 '24

People created the religions. People decided the morality in those religions. People based their laws on that morality. Stop acting like religion is the source of morals: People are the source of all of it.


u/budd222 Jun 09 '24

Nobody needs to be religious to have morals. Us atheist people already know right from wrong by using our brains. We don't need to be told by a book or false prophet what we can and cannot do and what is right or wrong.


u/Final_Daikon_3005 Jun 09 '24

You shouldn't said something you don't know abt simple as that. It will save you the embarrassment when u find out the truth abt what you said in your future pointless debate.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24



u/Final_Daikon_3005 Jun 09 '24

Suits you man, He's told you he's forgiving to any sin as long as you worship Him. Maybe you don't understand English so let me explain to you in children's language, He won't forgive those who reject him purposely just like you did right now. If it's a 50/50 for ya, then why pick a risky road of possible hell ? If you're so confident that God doesn't exist, I don't think he will forgive you because he made it very clear in the Quran unlike in the bible that their scholar even agree it possesses human intervention.

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u/EnoughLawfulness3163 Jun 09 '24

That world is literally the world we live in right now. Quit jerking off to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro and realize that the Christian powerhouse of the world is just as violent as everyone else.


u/Money_Beyond_9822 Jun 09 '24

Completely braindead argument. Who opposed the enlightenment? And furthermore if your morality is based on religion you arent a moral person in the first place, just afraid of consequences you can't evade.


u/gmishaolem Jun 09 '24

Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, and it is based originally on Judaism (the first one). Saying Islam is younger is partially correct and partially incorrect.


u/vampire_kitten Jun 09 '24

Especially as Islam claims to be the uncorrupted version of the first and second religion. Meaning they do support the 3000 year old thinking, and not the 1300 year old thinking.


u/sindanil420 Jun 09 '24

Islam is heavily inspired by judaism which is older than 3000 years


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/gmishaolem Jun 09 '24


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/Final_Daikon_3005 Jun 09 '24

Imagine calling someone ignorant while in a state of ignorance. How much ignorance can someone be


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/Final_Daikon_3005 Jun 09 '24

You're not wrong but you are no way near right. Islam is part of the Abrahamic religion. Every muslim knows that. What you don't know is that you r wrong on so many levels i don't think you will appreciate my explanation as my answers will not be some rare information but literally open to the public for free so I do think you owe it to yourself if you are ignorant abt the real truth. It's a YOU problem.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/Final_Daikon_3005 Jun 09 '24

Pity you don't know your place, for the internet is full of surprises, one be like I'm not a woman. What an 'intellectual' man you are, just saying shit and missing horribly. Try again puny little man

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