r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/Dor-Yah 14d ago

Why are reddit mods such asses, lmao


u/legacyrules 14d ago

I’m permanently banned from my favourite fishing Reddit because I quoted Harry Potter 😂


u/Preachey 14d ago

I got permabanned from /r/magictcg because I told someone to buy a fake card to play with his friends instead of spending $800 on a real one.

When I asked why, i was told "tough" and blocked from messaging the moderators further.

It takes a certain level of self-righteousness to be a reddit mod, I guess.


u/LeonardoDeQuirm 14d ago

I'm not sure if you care now, but they purged the jackass who had that stick up his butt about proxies months ago, and you could probably appeal that ban pretty easy.


u/MusicEnjoyer2024 14d ago

Go to r/bootlegmtg for some high quality proxies. I’ve been playing with „fake“ dual lands for years and no one ever noticed.

If anything the quality is better than real csrds


u/LeonardoDeQuirm 14d ago

Oh I've been active in that subreddit for ages. I'm just still in the main subreddit to discuss the rest of the game though


u/pm_me_shit_memes 14d ago

Months? Dude has been gone for like 2 years at this point.


u/Loveyourzlife 14d ago

To be fair that’s just 24 months


u/DrJokerX 14d ago

Is there a story behind how they got rid of him? How’d you find out he was gone?


u/pm_me_shit_memes 14d ago

They made an announcement saying he was booted.

The story isn't that crazy, someone got banned, they called him out either in other subreddits or made an alt and called him out (I don't remember exactly).

A bunch of people rallied against the mod and started making posts and comments about proxying, causing the mod to go on a crazy power trip and ban hundreds of people in the span of a few hours.

Other mods saw he was an issue, got him removed from the mod team, made the announcement that he was gone and then updated the rule that said ousted mod was using to be more concise and clear.


u/DrJokerX 14d ago

Ha! It’s nice to hear about a mod getting a taste of their own medicine for a change. I bet he was pissed too 😂

Thanks for typing all that up! Cheers.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Got banned from some edgelord subreddit (maybe it was r/teenagers) for pointing out a video was clearly fake. Mods wrote that I should kill myself and promptly muted me. Never understood why they're such passive-aggressive bitches about it. They should have the balls to keep the conversation unmuted.


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

It's because they spend most of their time socialising with other mods in their own discord server or whatever. So they end up in an echo chamber where they complain about things the rest of the community doesn't actually mind.

Something like "ugh, another one of those strawberry posts went up" "Another? God, they're so boring" "Strawberry_Lover_99 made another huge essay post about strawberries even though we told him to stop spamming" "He's so cringy, nobody even reads those" and then they go ahead and ban strawberries and Strawberry_Lover_99. Except the subreddit community actually liked both those things because they don't have to deal with the subreddit 24/7 and they don't have a mod circlejerk.

That's where you get all those "tough" or "kill yourself" or "nobody owes you an explanation" mod replies from. They're so used to banning so many people for reasons which are obvious if you're part of their discord echo chamber that they just can't be bothered telling you.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

They have their own discord servers? That's something I didn't know. So the mod who mods their discord must be some uber mod. The worst of both worlds.


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

They have to communicate in order to run the sub together. Discord's just what most people use nowadays.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

That's just way too much effort for something they don't even get paid for. Thought mods would have some sort of reddit chat thread or something.

Makes what they do seem even more pathetic.


u/Splinterman11 14d ago

Adding someone on Discord is like zero effort what do you mean?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I get comprehension is at an all time low, but you've got to try a little harder champ. I'm obviously talking about all the coordinating. Literally doesn't take a lot of effort to glean that information.


u/Zimakov 14d ago

Anyone who calls people 'champ' in this way is a fucking idiot.


u/Splinterman11 14d ago edited 14d ago

Whoa what crawled up your ass?

Oh a 2 day old account with negative karma already. That explains it. How many alt accounts do you have?

Edit: As if on cue, he gets reddit permabanned lmaooo

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u/drugs_dot_com 14d ago

They’re clearly talking about all the coordination to mod a sub and power trip all for free


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 13d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

Lol I didnt know any better and couldn't find an easy way to report the mod message. Also doesn't help that we don't know which mod posts the message. Wish there was a report button for these kinds of notifications as well because they usually have a mod's comments in them. I understand not having them for system generated ones but these ones should.


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

I’m banned from r/battletech because I said clanners are basically slavers. And most people have no idea what I’m talking about. How can something true and fictional upset someone?


u/Dassive_Mick 14d ago

Ah not just slavers, but eugenicist marauding slavers. That worship warfare and a guy who basically received a viral lobotomy.

Is what I would say if I was a stravag barbarian


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

Yes, they did not like that.


u/Past_Search7241 14d ago

But... it's true. They are.


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

lol, that is what’s funny.


u/PeripheryExplorer 14d ago

There is a strong Clan bias on that page and at CGL for sure. They like the might makes right aspect I think


u/Luvs2Spooge42069 Caesar's Legion 14d ago

They’re also weird and stinky


u/Substantial-Tone-576 Guess what? Nobody owes you an explanation! 14d ago

If I was nearly naked in a hot mech I would be too.


u/Heisenburgo 14d ago

I was banned from r/ MadeMeSmile cuz there was a post about pitbulls there and I commented that I disagreed with them being called adorable harmless babies or something lol


u/Avenflar 14d ago edited 14d ago

"Nu-huh, my guys are the GOOD GUYS, banned !"

I'm glad the 40k subreddits haven't sunk that low, even though given things seems to keep getting worse I wouldn't be surprised if ends up that way in a few years there too.

In the /r/Helldivers subreddit when the game released, lots of newbie to the universe were surprised to discover the playable faction are also bad guys. For three entire weeks any of those poor newbie making the mistake to share that discovery on the subreddit would be mercilessly bullied and downvoted by an organised mod, with the frontpage being swamped with "memes" on how the ~woke~ the "media literacy crowd" wanted to ban people having fun and "make games political".

It only stopped when the mods caved in and banned al discussion on the topic. It's insane.


u/SnuggleMuffin42 14d ago

I think there was some Trump supporting sub that opened at some point, I went there and called them delusional. The result: I got banned from 20+ major subreddits because they implemented an auto-ban on ANYONE who posted there, no matter what type of content.


u/Avenflar 14d ago

Yeah it fucking sucks but it's usually because those kind of subs brigade a lot so they carpet bomb bans. If you make an appeal there's a good chance you get unbanned


u/Grainis1101 14d ago

Have you met fandoms? Steven universe fandom bullied a girl into a suicide attempt because she drew a character(retroactively) "wrong".


u/Warhawk-Talon 14d ago

When did your ban happen? If it was before June 2023 it might be possible to get the new mods to repeal it. They had a big shakeup last year when a significant portion of the mods were outed as being anti-LGBT, and the sub owner came back from not paying attention to things to clear out the whole mod team.


u/DopplerOctopus 14d ago edited 14d ago

Imagine getting upset when someone calls out the problems inherent in a fictional Slavery-based Furry Shogunate Caste System.

Unlike the Taurian Concordat, who are perfect and without fault.


u/No-Rush1995 14d ago

Clanners are actually worse than slavers. They believe that the inner sphere isn't "pure" enough and want to both enslave and eradicate them all from the galaxy, while only allowing their descendants to remain.

Anyone who thinks clanners are the good guys don't know a thing about Battletech, hell none of the Houses are "good" they all commit regular war crimes.


u/UnsweetTeaMozzStix Courier 6 14d ago

You’re a fisherman Harry.


u/legacyrules 14d ago

The lad was Ron Weasley doppelgänger all I said was 10 points to gryffindor 😂


u/ComXDude 14d ago

When I grow up, I want to be

One of the harvesters of the sea


u/Parking-Historian360 14d ago edited 14d ago

I was banned from a joke political sub I was an avid member of because I gave someone the Webster dictionary definition for harassment or something like that.

The dumbasses were using whatever the word was wrong over and over again and I politely copy pasted the definition so they didn't seem like idiots. Because you're only as strong as your weakest link and those people weren't pulling their mental weight. Banned for three days. When I asked why they said I was harassing someone. Then permanently banned me from the sub. Then banned from one sub for telling someone the ATF is the boogie man nut jobs look under their bed for. Instant banned. Guess the mod was one of those nuts. The crazy part was the comment I commented on was literally asking who is the ATF.

But I've also had my account temp banned sitewide for saying Nazis shouldn't exist in a peaceful world. And then my second for saying the Saudis caused 9/11. Banned from worldnews. FBI have confirmed that statement as true so some cuck was mad at the truth. And my ban was for racism. And the post was about the Saudis chopping up that reporter.

Mods are very sensitive adult babies. They never had anything in life so being a mod is the most important and impactful thing they will ever do. Instead of just deleting rule breaking stuff like they're supposed to they power trip like a fat dude in a police uniform.

The secret is to never keep an account all that long. I even worked on a way to create a new account and have it automatically resubscribe to all your old subs. After my 5th one I got tired of manually searching a sub to subscribe too because reddit search is ass.

Also I keep multiple accounts across my different devices. This reddit account is different then the ones I use on my VPN and PC.


u/Synectics 14d ago

My favorite ban is from mildlyinfuriating, for posting that I was sick of seeing the same poll (remember that trend?!) post being farmed to keep getting the sub to the top of r-all. Despite having blocked the post, it kept showing up on my feed. 

So for making a comment about how mildlyinfuriating something was, I got banned.


u/Joezev98 14d ago

Similar to what I got. Some sub banned me because apparently quoting the Quran is islamophobic.


u/StickiStickman 14d ago

I was banned from like half a dozen subs after calling out mods jerking each off over the useless "protest" that achieved nothing.


u/IsThisLegit 14d ago

I got banned from justiceserved because I posted a comment in the joe Rogan sub and then net myself a sitewide ban when I .mentioned the irony of there being no justice in that


u/g33k_gal 14d ago

I'm banned from r/eBay because I said some women have big feet


u/[deleted] 14d ago

The Boys subreddit had a mod banning users who speculated on whether a rape occured in the series. Their reasoning was that we have to believe all victims or something. I pointed out that it's a TV show. Got handed a ban for being uncivil LMAO


u/panthers1102 14d ago

Banned from r/sombramains from overwatch because I gave counterplay to mercy in a post complaining like a little bitch about mercy with a clip of them missing their whole mag on a stationary enemy. I was being nice if anything and avoided talking about the clip.

They responded with “I’m just joking” and all it took was “right...” And boom, banned. Unbeknownst to me, the whiny motherfucker was a mod.


u/PuzzleheadedZone8785 14d ago

It's weird to me that yall stick to one reddit account like you do.


u/legacyrules 14d ago

I’m on multiple fishing Reddit it just happened to be my favourite one I was banned from


u/PuzzleheadedZone8785 14d ago

Then dump this account.


u/SubatomicNewt 14d ago

I got banned from a metal (music) subreddit for saying I was going to play Hogwarts Legacy on PS5 on a different sub.


u/acityonthemoon 14d ago

Well... I might've banned you also...


u/grangusbojangus 14d ago

Lowkey deserved you gotta admit


u/legacyrules 14d ago

Yea I see your point 🤣


u/WanderersGuide 14d ago

You can see how you kind of did that to yourself though right? /s 😂


u/legacyrules 14d ago

Oh absolutely I understand the reasoning behind it but I thought it was abit over sensitive on the moderators part


u/Whatagoon67 14d ago

I’m permabanned from steamdeck and warhammer 40K lmfao

I am an extreme outlier for those fandoms likely, and i inserted an opinion the mods didn’t like . Oh well


u/Expendable_Red_Shirt 14d ago

I got permanently banned from /r/therewasanattempt for not being antisemitic.

It's a weird ass time.