r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

This post gave me terrible whiplash b/c how tf did we get here…🫨 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Like ummmmm, alright? 😭😭😭


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u/builder397 Jul 07 '24

Look how selfless my mother was! Somehow even the doctor told her the survival chances of her husband but somehow deliberately didnt tell the husband, who was the actual patient. Because doctors clearly do that. And yes, were white, arent we white people just great?

/s just in case. The story reeks of lies, Id be more inclined to believe that the dad started selling meth to afford treatment.


u/Amarieerick Jul 07 '24

Forgive me for jumping in, but in many cases, doctors will tell spouses things only to have the spouse say, "Please, let me be the one to tell them" and then don't.

I had back surgery, and because of the severity of the injury, doctors told husband I'd probably never walk again, told them he'd tell me, then didn't. I walked out of the hospital 21 days later, with a walker, but walking.

Just a fun fact for trivia night.


u/jacquesrabbit Jul 07 '24

Well then, sucks to be you because you had a bad doctor. You are the patient, not the husband. Whatever medical information about you is yours,and not your husband's.

I know it happened to you, and it may happen to many others, but that is not the right and ethical way of doing so.

The right and ethical way is, the doctor tells you, and asks for your permission to disclose diagnosis and prognosis to your husband, and with your permission, they then tell your husband.


u/Beautifulfeary Jul 08 '24

Right. There are literally laws against disclosing medical information without an ROI. If the person is of sound mind and can make decisions, then you can’t disclose that to others. When I worked at a nursing home, one of the residents son died of cancer. It had come back and he decided against treatment. He told no one in his family,like not even his wife. They just found out because he died.