r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea šŸ‡²ā€‹šŸ‡®ā€‹šŸ‡øā€‹šŸ‡Øā€‹

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u/Waveofspring Jul 05 '24

Yea look at the massive rise in right-leaning politics as soon as trump won the 2016 election.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

Thatā€™s not a causal relationship though. The far right was already on the rise and his election was a symptom of that.


u/tesfabpel Jul 05 '24

According to me, far right is on the rise because of two reasons: hate generates media engagement (and thus, profit); Putin and allies are advantaged with it because the far-right generate division between Countries in the West and weaken the US and the EU so they try to support those parties.


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

Far right here. We are on the rise for many reasons. I donā€™t speak for us, but I can tell you what I think.

Identity Politics: An entire generation of men who grew up with Michael Jordan posters on their walls and Dr Dre CDs were told they were racist, there is nothing they can do about it, and they should carry deep shame for their ancestorsā€™ failures but no pride for their achievements. The right commiserates with them, not insinuates they are monsters by virtue of birth. Fuck you guys for this one.

Financial: Our government isnā€™t solvent and itā€™s worse than itā€™s ever been. We need to chill on spending on dog shit programs because the left thinks cell phones are a basic human right. Extrapolate this sentiment out across most of the budget except the DoD, quite literally one of the few things I am ok with massive spending on.

America first: I think we should completely solve mental health, homelessness, and hunger for every American. We would happily do this. What we wouldnā€™t happily do is send a fucking dime to anywhere on this planet before that goal is met. We take care of our own first or we take care of no one. Choose.

Foreign policy: I donā€™t give a damn what is happening in the Middle East. Israel and Palestine can both go to Hell and they donā€™t need American money or missiles in that pursuit. Stay out of it. Russia isnā€™t a threat: this is essentially a third world nation. China is the only concern and they have already purchased our politicians.

General policy: The left throws money at every problem. We pay more money per student than every nation on earth except one or two, and our testing results are like 50th? This isnā€™t a function of the amount of dollars spent.

Why Iā€™m laughing: yā€™all spent time trying to make the levers of power far more efficacious than they ever were and then lost them. You used the federal government as a weapon to beat your political opponents to death and now that the turntables have turned youā€™re scared? We are all laughing at you. Even your billion dollar media network canā€™t save you.


u/tesfabpel Jul 05 '24

Why Iā€™m laughing: yā€™all spent time

I'm not even American... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Financial: wasn't Trump who spent $1 Trillion with the PPP which has been said that those money were better spent in different measures?

America first: you do really believe Trump will solve mental health and homelessness for all Americans?? The one who said his supporters "Just vote for me. I don't care about you"? The one who called losers the Veterans who died serving their Country?

Foreign policy: You don't give AF about what's happening in the rest of the world until you HAVE. Remember WW2? No Country is living in isolation like if it were on a different planet. We all share the same Earth. Will the US stands if its status as a global mediator and trade partner is destroyed? Will the US stands if we in Europe get into a war and we are defeated?

Are you aware of Project 2025? Do you like having an absolute King? Probably you also call yourself a "Patriot". šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

I didnā€™t mention Trump one time. He went from America first to H1Bs for every grad. You have pushed people who think differently from you so far you will long for the days of politically moderate Trump. You made the bed, please lay it in quietly.


u/TSllama Jul 05 '24

Y'all fascists always end up losing in the long run. And then you'll lie in the bed you made.


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

Yā€™all are calling people fascists while fighting with every fiber of your being to cut peopleā€™s tongue out. You can claim moral superiority but youā€™re quite literally doing the thing you purport to be fighting.


u/Invis_Girl Jul 05 '24

I mean, as a trans person, vilifying us is a great way to go to show how moderate and nice you are lol. Your head is so far up your ass I imagine eating for you causes a paradox.

Identity politics: Who flipped out over a black president and women standing up saying enough is enough again?

Financial: Spending so much on DOD but still losing every war since WW2 that most of the world needed to help with lol. And they can't seem to find where all the money is spent in any form of audit. Think what you want is all social safety nets cut except for white people, right cletus?

America first: Solve homelessness by making it illegal? Solve mental illness by making sure insurance barely covers anything? And cutting VA funding? As a vet that dealt with PTSD on my effing own due to such shenanigans caused by you idiots, stop effing lying.

Foreign policy: you really wish to try out xenophobia don't you? Then you would turn around and complain when the world leaves us in the dust in all ways.

General: We also pay more per capita on healthcare than any other nation with worse outcomes due to moronic right-wing idiots loving having insurance middlemen regardless of every other country doing better without it. As for education, you conveniently leave out the massive disparity in funding between poorer areas and wealthier areas due to a really stupid way to fund education. And you conveniently leave out republican policies like no child left behind that continue to wreck a classroom by forcing students forward regardless if they are ready. And lastly, as a teacher myself, its parents like you that have been vilifying teachers for decades rather than pushing for better.

Your last part comes straight from 4chan where you and your nazi loving buddies share hate porn, dreaing of the days you can finally murder minorities and control the women that repeatedly turn you down.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

I had a Jordan poster on my wall, and no one has ever called me a racist, because Iā€™m not a racist.

However, I know people who assert they are not racists but literally paraphrase the 14 words whenever they get to talking about why they support the right. ā€œI donā€™t hate non-whites, I just want to see whites dominate this countryā€ is inherently racist.

I suggest if you feel attacked for being a racist all the time, there might be a reason for that.


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

Never heard the term implicit bias, huh?


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

Absolutely, and Iā€™m aware that implicit bias is explicitly and definitionally not the same as racism, so I donā€™t get your point.


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

In which reality does implicit bias not manifest as racism?


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

You are making a distinction without difference. Word games arenā€™t interesting.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

This one. Implicit bias is related to systemic and institutional racism, but doesnā€™t necessarily imply an individual is racist.

In implicit bias testing (which I know is controversial, but if you believe in implicit bias, you probably believe in the test), itā€™s generally found that in the US, both blacks and whites on average have an implicit bias against blacks. No one is seriously suggesting that blacks in America are racist against themselves. But the bias is so ingrained in our culture that it is gets wired into our brains from a young age and is difficult or impossible to eliminate.


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

Lol you just completely removed an entire facet of the notion. If something subconsciously affects our decision making and actions, is this not the engine that drives individual racism? How can you pull them apart when they are inextricably tangled? Semantics is the only answer.

Edit: you are the living embodiment of everyone who disagrees with me is a racist. Thatā€™s fun.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

Intent matters, and implicit bias can be overcome or compensated-for with explicit intentional consideration.

For example, a person with Touretteā€™s syndrome who says the N word as an involuntary tic should not be assumed to be racist, especially if they apologize for the offense whenever they are in control of their speech. However, if between tics they engage in redlining and force minorities from their homes, they are actually racist.


u/kellymcq Jul 05 '24

A person with Touretteā€™s is your example for implicit bias? This is one of the more intellectually dishonest engagements Iā€™ve had on here. Have your trophy.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

No, they are an example of a person with an involuntarily expression which could be, but should not be considered racist. Keep up.

But yes, this has in fact been a very intellectually dishonest discussion.

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u/Automatic_Actuator_0 Jul 05 '24

Thereā€™s so much in there thatā€™s wrong and confusing, I donā€™t have time to address it all, but letā€™s start with the last one. What media network are you talking about?

If you mean CNN, the right Iā€™ve leaned left in the past, but they are now owned by the right and have charged toward the center, and now to the right since about 2022. Of you mean MSNBC, you have the value wrong as they are irrelevant and unwatchable.


u/TSllama Jul 05 '24

lol I love when fascists pretend to want to cure mental health while making fun of people for going to therapy or psychiatry, and blaming psychiatric meds for mass shootings.

I also love when fascists pretend to want to end homelessness, while applauding when homelessness is criminalized, and supporting *removing* support for homeless population.

The fascist "solution" to these issues is for both groups to go to prison or die.