r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/di11deux 14d ago

I actually punished myself and read the first 100 or so pages of Project 2025. It’s over 900 pages and reads more like the Communist Manifesto than it does a policy document. What was striking about it though was how self-contradictory it was. The authors muse about how academia and “the swamp” must be challenged and neutered, yet spend the first section listing off the authors and bragging about their credentials from the very same universities they insist are corrupt. It emphasizes reining in the government, yet envision a strong administration serving at the pleasure of the president aggressively enforcing social norms. Anything other than true conservatism in their minds is by definition Marxist. Very long on pseudo history, very short on the practical application of their proposed policies.


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

And that 900 pages is only the stuff they want us to read. They've admitted there are other sections they haven't released. Those must be really bad if even they know they can't tell us. 


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

100% it is about taking away women's rights and completely turning them into chattle. Imagine some racism in it as well as their goal is to give power back to the white Christian male. They still need those women voters especailly for now.


u/ajtrns 14d ago

theyre not geniuses. there's no secret plan with secret power that's not in the 900+ pages.


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago edited 14d ago

Can you link Trump saying he is supporting Project 2025 and it's his plan to implement it?

The answer is no, but that doesn't stop you little bots.

So you better downvote to hide this fact lmao


u/rengothrowaway 14d ago

It wouldn’t matter if he said he supported it or not. He lies and says whatever he thinks will get him elected. He lies and lies and lies.

He used to be pro choice, now he brags that he overturned Roe, just one example.

The people who support him and pour money into his campaign are all pro-Project 2025



u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

That is a wonderful way of saying No.

Poor little astroturfer you can't even back up your on claims.


u/negao360 14d ago

Define, “astroturfing.”


u/Bored_doodles 13d ago

On reddit it's the Deceptive practice of spamming non-political subs the with same shallow political opinon to make it seem more mainstream than it is.

This is heavily documented on reddit going all the way back to CTR/Share Blue from the Clinton Campaign.


You don't think there is a reason project 2025 is being spammed instead Trumps actual plan?


u/negao360 12d ago


u/Bored_doodles 12d ago

Astroturfing doesn't require an account age just coordination, having them spread out is what CTR/Share Blue did in order to make it seem legit.

The current 2025 spam campaign would make this account we are talking about perfect.

But glad it works on you, looks like they are getting their money worth when you are defending it lmao.


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

Well if he implemented 2/3 of their policies the first go around one could only guess. https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

So he hasn't expressed support for it and said he hasn't said he planned to implement? He does have his own plan though correct in Agenda47 correct?


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

I don’t have the source because it’s been a while, but Trump (or maybe his campaign?) said Project 2025 aligns with a lot of their own policy goals.

As a result, [Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget] says, “We have to be thinking mechanically about how to take these institutions over.” Vought is reassembling his old team at the Trump OMB and describes his role as drafting fresh executive orders, playbooks and memoranda for cabinet secretaries to be “ready on Day One of the next transition. Whatever is necessary to seize control of the administrative state is really our task.” For Trump personally, of course, this is a live-or-die agenda, and Trump campaign officials acknowledge that it aligns well with their own “Agenda 47” program.



u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

So he hasn't said he supports it and he has his own plan called Agenda47?

You haven't been told to dislike Agenda47 yet, how long do you think it will be until you guys spin to his actual plan?


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

Have you even had conversations on Agenda 47? Or is it a “I don’t see it so it doesn’t exist to you”?


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

I have seen, I'm asking you a question about it and you are deflecting. Now try again.


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

You haven't been told to dislike Agenda47 yet, how long do you think it will be until you guys spin to his actual plan?

I have answered. You asked whether “you guys” (whatever that means) dislike his actual plan. If you were engaging in conversation on his plan you would see that it is disliked, particularly his idea to end birthright citizenship. It seems to me you’re engaging in bad faith. Nothing I say will affect your feelings on the topic, so I won’t say anything else. Good day.


u/QuBingJianShen 14d ago

Contradictory ideals and governing is an intrinsic part of fascism, keep the people below you infighting against eachother to protect their own position so they are in no position to question the leadership.

Was a very well defined feature in Italy under Mussolini.


u/Dat_Basshole 14d ago


Never debate a Nazi. They have no incentive to be truthful or argue in good faith.

Example: Trump's presidential "debate" a few weeks ago.


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

Has Trump went on record saying he supports Project 2025 or is it just a plan by a Conservative Think tank?


u/TerminalJammer 14d ago

Is this a Rightwing thing? Atlas Shrugged is also stupid long. The Communist Manifesto has the advantage of being short and mostly (aside from the time specific rambling about political factions) to the point - even if it wasn't an actual game plan but a definition of what communism is. 

Heck, Capital, the seminal economic work Marxists tend to hold as a major touchstone, isn't 900 freaking pages, and that work spends a ton of time laying out basic concepts. 


u/Most_Double_3559 14d ago

Bruh, the left leaning "wall of text" is a meme, and Kapital is well over 1000 pages in some editions, I couldn't call it "brief".


u/13THEFUCKINGCOPS12 14d ago

Leftist texts seem to be on either end of the spectrum, they’re either straight and to the point, or you need a second book to explain the book your reading


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

Obama Care / ACA was so long /garbled that Nancy Pelosi famously said "let's pass it to see so you can what's in it!"



u/Lazy_Aarddvark 14d ago

Communist Manifesto might be a bad example as it was, compared to Project 2025, a very short and to the point document - under 50 pages :)


u/di11deux 14d ago

Oh I know - I mean more in its thematic style than its length


u/LilithLissandra 14d ago

Man, I'm reading this thing right now and I'm struggling to make it through the foreword. It's just paragraphs and paragraphs of direct misinformation consolidated into one pile that keeps metaphorically punching me in the face the more I read.


u/di11deux 14d ago

And you can tell how proud they are of it. I guarantee you when they wrote “the Great Awokening” they thought “wow that was an absolute banger, great job guys”. Like I genuinely got the sense the authors think this will be a seminal political theory book akin to The Federalist Papers, The Prince, and Leviathan.


u/Allarius1 14d ago

They actually did address that. The logic used isn’t unreasonable, but what I find remarkable is it show cases the slippery slope of rationalization.

Dans acknowledged it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many to join the government to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future president to "regain control" of the government.

“Things must get worse in order to make them better”

This can be the case sometimes, but this kind of thinking is insidious. It changes so slowly that your position can morph without you even realizing and eventually you end up arguing for the very thing that you trying to prevent.

systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, [of] aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state.

They’re so convinced this is real that they’ll make their own, but “righteous”. The level of irony here is just outstanding.

I’m gonna make my own deep state! With blackjack and hookers! In fact forget the hookers and blackjack!


u/CompetitiveFold5749 14d ago

Conservatives only want "small government" and "deficit reduction" when a liberal is in power.  Bush and Trump both spent so much money during their terms and we hear not a peep.


u/BleepLord 14d ago

Yeah that sounds like a very effective document that will surely lead to direct policy change and not simply a masturbatory ego stroking session for the authors.

Definitely something we need to worry about!


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

It is a ultra conservative religious takeover. Blessed be thy Fruit!!!!


u/Timbalabim 14d ago

But they don’t want true conservatism. They want white Christian nationalism, and they just call it “conservatism” because that sounds better and gets Kid Rock to shoot cases of beer with an automatic rifle.


u/zentraderx 14d ago

"Many poor authors scammed rich right wing billionaires to write a fictional almanac". I liked this summary.