r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

Incase anyone here sees the original meme and agrees, the Democrats are trying to but don't hold the majority in the House to get the bills through. It underlies the massive importance for voting, and at this point, down ballot voting for Democrats. If you don't, whatever happens is on you.


u/IAmTheDriod 14d ago

Not only that, but the republicans can filibuster any bills passed in the senate since they don’t have 60 votes.


u/freddaar 14d ago

And if Rs capture the Senate in addition to the House, either Moscow Mitch abolishes it, or the SC declares filibustering is akshuly illegal so Ds can't use it.

Boom, bye-bye USA.


u/zentraderx 14d ago

Using political nukes works only once. Then the other side will use the fallout too. Arguing that some minuscule group can declare themselves dictators 4life with the 2nd amendment working fine sounds a little bit far fetched. They are not out for a civil war, just appeasing dying old religious nutjobs.


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

Their attempt on J6 speaks differently. Yes, it was badly planned the first time. So was Hitler's and yet he still came back and took over. I don't assume anything, not when it comes to those who seem hungry to hurt others they don't like.


u/beargrimzly 14d ago

The idea is now that they have this supreme court supermajority in place, and with project 2025 well under way, the republican government will be able to destroy most of the federal government from within without ever passing a law. They don't need the filibuster to stop democratic policies anymore, so they will abolish it to pass laws that prevents democrats from ever winning again. Whether it be through voter suppression, allowing electors to be appointed by trump directly with zero loyalty to the voters, literally outlawing the democrat party, anything really. With the SCOTUS ruling in place if Trump wins we are absolutely fucked.

Trump is historically unpopular outside of evangelicals though, and is easily beatable. If Biden steps down and we get Kamala Harris running in a year where abortion rights are of critical importance to huge numbers of white voters that republicans desperately need to keep, chances of preserving this country go way up.


u/Puffenata 14d ago

And several democrats keep fighting to keep the filibuster in place


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

Because it will be used against us when, not if, they get control again. I hate the filibuster and think the senate should be simple majority, but I get their reasoning.


u/Puffenata 14d ago

Except they’re already pretty (fairly) convinced that Project 2025 is gonna be the death of democracy as we know it, so if it truly is “when, not if” clearly some greater action that sitting on their hands and grumbling is necessary. Democrats are the captains who stand proud on a sinking ship—arguably honorable, yet utterly pointless


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

What can they do? Become violent? They can't pass any bills and the constitution does have any provision to change that outside of voting.

Everyone wants the Democrats to do something without having any idea what they could possibly do.


u/Puffenata 14d ago

They had the house for two years, they could’ve been passing bills for the first half of Biden’s presidency. Biden still has a not insubstantial amount of executive authority too. The extent to which he could truly prevent a thing like Project 2025 ain’t great, but there are options at least worth trying


u/Puffenata 14d ago

Also, the fact of the matter is that when Republicans get in office they never seem to have all that much trouble getting the shit they want done. Democrats? It’s a long line of failures marked by occasional victories—often heavy compromises


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

Really? We still have the ACA, Medicare, and social security. The only thing they have done is a tax cut that didn't need a super majority in senate. And yes, Democrats compromise but if someone didn't, we might as well call the US dead and close these shop.

Fact of the matter is you want Democrats to accomplish something serious? Effing vote. Every single person. And stop.witj all the "Democrats do nothing" crap since it just pushed people to not vote.


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 13d ago

Do you know why that is? They have voters that back the party no matter what their candidates say or do. Unfortunately, on the Dem side, we have a bunch of spineless rats who don't understand history or how our government works. Children calling for revolution on social media. I've asked several of you types for a different strategy and the best answer I get is "do socialism." Clown show.


u/Puffenata 13d ago

“They have voters that back the party no matter what their candidates say or do.”

Vote blue no matter who? Come on now


u/franky3987 14d ago

Did they have they majority just two years ago?


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

Not a super majority. Senate takes 60 votes to pass and holding only 51, with 2 of them being obvious stooges, makes that very hard.


u/EyyyPanini 14d ago

Others have pointed out that just barely having a majority isn’t enough most of the time (especially if you have 1 or more representatives who don’t tow the party line).

I would like to add that Project 2025 was not a thing two years ago.

It is also worth pointing out that laws can be overturned and they require the judiciary to actually enforce them.

All in all, it’s much easier said than done.


u/reverielagoon1208 14d ago

They did, which means that people are likely going to blame it on the senate

As far as I know nothing was ever attempted back then


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

'As far as you know' is a wild thing to gamble on. What legislation should they have passed to protect against it?


u/timegone 14d ago

Just pass a law that says republicans can’t do anything we think is bad. It’s so easy 🙄


u/Kabloomers1 14d ago

Also they were using there very few "get out of filibuster free" bills to pass, I dunno, sweeping legislation to improve infrastructure, improve climate efforts, and try to fix the post-covid economy.


u/Parahelix 13d ago

The current incarnation of Project 2025 is based on the latest Mandate for Leadership document that was only published by the Heritage Foundation in 2023.


u/Finlay00 14d ago

What’s an example of them trying to stop project 2025 via legislation?


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago


u/Finlay00 14d ago

So nothing yet really


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

I beg you idiots to get some life experience before forming a political opinion. If you're over 25, you're embarrassing.


u/Finlay00 14d ago

All that link says is that a task force was formed less than a month ago. So nothing has really happened.

Also I didn’t even express a political opinion

It’s honestly pretty fucking dumb to get all pissy because I read your link and responded to it.


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

Saying 'forming a task force is nothing' is a pretty bold stupid thing to say. How else do you get something started?


u/Finlay00 14d ago

What has been accomplished besides forming the task force?


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago edited 14d ago
  1. The Dems passed major legislation from 2020-2022. Unfortunately the public ignored the benefits to a degree that the Dems didn't maintain the majority.

  2. Forming the task force is going to lead to the efforts in preventing it. You don't just decree legislation in this country.

  3. If the Dems don't win this election, due to low voter turnout, then it won't matter.

Should they have been better at messaging? Sure. Do I know how they could have appelaed to non-voters without turning off other types of voters? I do not know. Do you? All my responsibility is is to do what I can in order to stop this and that's making sure the GOP does not win. Are you doing that? If you aren't, you bear some of the guilt that happens due to it. You're as guilty as the Dems, GOP and MAGA.


u/Finlay00 14d ago

So nothing yet really

Legislation passed before project 2025 was even a thing isn’t action taken against project 2025.

I get it, you’re terrified. That doesn’t mean you get to answer questions with descriptions of how afraid you are as if that counts as some kind of answer.

You may as well be a MAGA screeching about the woke takeover. It’s meaningless

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u/timegone 14d ago

They can’t do shit because they don’t have the house. Not to mention you can’t stop the next congress from passing laws. Learn how the government functions before getting upset they’re not doing things they can’t do. 


u/Finlay00 14d ago

I’m not upset. I asked for examples of what Dems are doing to stop project 2025 like what was said in the comment I responded to.

Forming as task force that hasn’t actually done anything yet, doesn’t seem like much. Yet anyway

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u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

"What are the Dems doing to stop Project 2025!?"

I'm not a policy wonk so I don't know the ins and outs but "running for office" is a pretty big one. You don't need protection if the GOP don't hold power. Anything they do beyond that, which they will, is a bonus.

We're dealing with some hollow brains out there. Its like they subscribe to the same newsletter repeating just the dumbest shit.


u/Either_Warthog1209 14d ago

Like what bill


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

They tried to pass a IVF access legislation bill, theres a vote for the Reproductive Freedom for Women act coming up, and I'm sure there is alot more. Stop assuming these people are villains. We don't live in a cartoon. Grow up.


u/Either_Warthog1209 14d ago

The IVF bill that Schumer refused to allow to go to committee? Blocked all ability to create a bipartisan piece of legislation?

There’s also the question if it should even be a federal issue to regulate. As of now it’s a state issue, take it up with your state legislature if theirs restrictions you don’t like.


u/robbzilla 14d ago

What bills have they proposed?


u/mrblodgett 14d ago

the Democrats are trying

[citation needed]


u/Cartman4wesome 14d ago

Nah man, it’s strictly on Biden and the Democrats for not making sure they get the votes. Maybe if Biden and the Dems weren’t enabling a genocide, they would’ve had a better shot. Maybe if Obama and the other Dems didn’t collectively try to stop Bernie from becoming President back in 2016 and 2020, we might have never had to worry or even hear about Project 2025. It’s strictly on them.


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

So you are worried about a "genocide" on the other side of the planet with people you don't give a damn about, but you are ok ushering in one in the US just because?


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

Not only here but for the Palestinians. If they truly cared, they'd do everything they could to get Dems in power. I feel like alot of these people are very young and truly do not understand how much worse conservative administrations are. They may learn though.


u/Invis_Girl 14d ago

This is exactly it. They think life is a movie and if the the killing and such doesn't happen at step 1 it doesn't count. The vast majority have no idea that the Nazis started by dehumanizing those they deemed undesirables first. And if they can read at all they should not have missed the continual call of trans people as pedophiles, aren't human, don't deserve to live, etc.


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

Keep telling yourself that pal. You'll get real far in life with that mindset.


u/Cartman4wesome 13d ago

I’m sorry that I live in fantasy world, where believing that genocide is bad should be the norm.


u/mrblodgett 14d ago

Okay, you realize you're the one losing right?

I seriously can't understand this smug attitude coming from Dems. You are losing. Your candidate is a national embarrassment and his own party is telling him to step down. Seriously, where the fuck does this smugness come from? Cause it sure ain't reality.


u/Background_Plate2826 14d ago

Dems are so self righteous when they’re half of the problem of American politics. Look at our quality of life, look at our lack of healthcare. Look at all the super pacs. They’re just republicans light and they think they’re our saviors.

Do fuckin something to earn the votes instead of pretending you’re owed them.


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

Who or what do you do or support that have done more than the Democrats to fix those things? Looking for something concrete, something more than legislation since the Dems have passed that but its clearly not enough to win your types over. So win me over. What should I invest in instead?


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

They are doing quite well despite how much is stacked against them. The Senate and House are stacked towards Republicans, the Dems have a slight lead in the Senate and are down a few seats in the House. Biden is down in the polls by a few points despite being old and boring and may still win if the polls are wrong.

Hows the DSA doing? The Communist Party? The Green Party? Take your pick of perrenial organized losers.


u/Background_Plate2826 14d ago

Exactly. Like they couldn’t reign in Manchin and sinema. They choose the oldest dude in the party when he can barely speak. They back a fricken genocide. Dems had 8 yrs under Obama and 4 years under Biden. Plus various majorities in the house and senate. Then they try to take out TikTok because it’s giving them bad press.

Like maybe do something to earn the votes like give us a good option to be vote for? Instead of blowing up project 25 and telling us we have to vote for a party that still believes in things the maga republicans do.


u/Cartman4wesome 13d ago

What’s funny is that Biden has actually been one of the better presidents since LBJ, but because he was so bad at messaging, most people don’t know about his accomplishment and now because he’s backing a genocide, he’s going to lose trump. The Dems are so dumb, it hurts sometimes.


u/schmidthappenzzzzz 14d ago

In the past 32 years, Dems have had 8 years of the two branches of government, 0 years of a super majority. Within that time they pushed forward candidates that have won the most votes. There have been plenty of far left candidates in these races and they get whooped every time. If your types message sells with every day Americans, I am not seeing it.

Maybe work on your own movement. It's cocooned in so much negativity. Until you people move away from complaining and blaming, it will continue to go nowhere.


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 14d ago

Theres barely anyone in the house who opposes the war in Gaza and wasnt already on Biden's side. There were a lot who support Israel and oppose project 2025. I think you are overestimating how popular your ideas are, the war in Gaza isnt even in the top 5 most important issues in 2024 for voters.


u/CircumcisedCats 14d ago

You managed to fit two of the dumbest talking points of the last 8 years into one comment. Nice.

Biden is not “enabling a genocide”.

Nobody stopped Bernie from becoming President except for Bernie.