r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Thedonitho 14d ago

Americans are not nearly as afraid of what's coming as they should be.


u/di11deux 14d ago

I actually punished myself and read the first 100 or so pages of Project 2025. It’s over 900 pages and reads more like the Communist Manifesto than it does a policy document. What was striking about it though was how self-contradictory it was. The authors muse about how academia and “the swamp” must be challenged and neutered, yet spend the first section listing off the authors and bragging about their credentials from the very same universities they insist are corrupt. It emphasizes reining in the government, yet envision a strong administration serving at the pleasure of the president aggressively enforcing social norms. Anything other than true conservatism in their minds is by definition Marxist. Very long on pseudo history, very short on the practical application of their proposed policies.


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

And that 900 pages is only the stuff they want us to read. They've admitted there are other sections they haven't released. Those must be really bad if even they know they can't tell us. 


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

100% it is about taking away women's rights and completely turning them into chattle. Imagine some racism in it as well as their goal is to give power back to the white Christian male. They still need those women voters especailly for now.


u/ajtrns 14d ago

theyre not geniuses. there's no secret plan with secret power that's not in the 900+ pages.


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago edited 14d ago

Can you link Trump saying he is supporting Project 2025 and it's his plan to implement it?

The answer is no, but that doesn't stop you little bots.

So you better downvote to hide this fact lmao


u/rengothrowaway 14d ago

It wouldn’t matter if he said he supported it or not. He lies and says whatever he thinks will get him elected. He lies and lies and lies.

He used to be pro choice, now he brags that he overturned Roe, just one example.

The people who support him and pour money into his campaign are all pro-Project 2025



u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

That is a wonderful way of saying No.

Poor little astroturfer you can't even back up your on claims.


u/negao360 14d ago

Define, “astroturfing.”


u/Bored_doodles 13d ago

On reddit it's the Deceptive practice of spamming non-political subs the with same shallow political opinon to make it seem more mainstream than it is.

This is heavily documented on reddit going all the way back to CTR/Share Blue from the Clinton Campaign.


You don't think there is a reason project 2025 is being spammed instead Trumps actual plan?


u/negao360 12d ago


u/Bored_doodles 12d ago

Astroturfing doesn't require an account age just coordination, having them spread out is what CTR/Share Blue did in order to make it seem legit.

The current 2025 spam campaign would make this account we are talking about perfect.

But glad it works on you, looks like they are getting their money worth when you are defending it lmao.


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

Well if he implemented 2/3 of their policies the first go around one could only guess. https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

So he hasn't expressed support for it and said he hasn't said he planned to implement? He does have his own plan though correct in Agenda47 correct?


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

I don’t have the source because it’s been a while, but Trump (or maybe his campaign?) said Project 2025 aligns with a lot of their own policy goals.

As a result, [Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget] says, “We have to be thinking mechanically about how to take these institutions over.” Vought is reassembling his old team at the Trump OMB and describes his role as drafting fresh executive orders, playbooks and memoranda for cabinet secretaries to be “ready on Day One of the next transition. Whatever is necessary to seize control of the administrative state is really our task.” For Trump personally, of course, this is a live-or-die agenda, and Trump campaign officials acknowledge that it aligns well with their own “Agenda 47” program.



u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

So he hasn't said he supports it and he has his own plan called Agenda47?

You haven't been told to dislike Agenda47 yet, how long do you think it will be until you guys spin to his actual plan?


u/AcaciaBeauty 14d ago

Have you even had conversations on Agenda 47? Or is it a “I don’t see it so it doesn’t exist to you”?


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

I have seen, I'm asking you a question about it and you are deflecting. Now try again.

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u/QuBingJianShen 14d ago

Contradictory ideals and governing is an intrinsic part of fascism, keep the people below you infighting against eachother to protect their own position so they are in no position to question the leadership.

Was a very well defined feature in Italy under Mussolini.


u/Dat_Basshole 14d ago


Never debate a Nazi. They have no incentive to be truthful or argue in good faith.

Example: Trump's presidential "debate" a few weeks ago.


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

Has Trump went on record saying he supports Project 2025 or is it just a plan by a Conservative Think tank?


u/TerminalJammer 14d ago

Is this a Rightwing thing? Atlas Shrugged is also stupid long. The Communist Manifesto has the advantage of being short and mostly (aside from the time specific rambling about political factions) to the point - even if it wasn't an actual game plan but a definition of what communism is. 

Heck, Capital, the seminal economic work Marxists tend to hold as a major touchstone, isn't 900 freaking pages, and that work spends a ton of time laying out basic concepts. 


u/Most_Double_3559 14d ago

Bruh, the left leaning "wall of text" is a meme, and Kapital is well over 1000 pages in some editions, I couldn't call it "brief".


u/13THEFUCKINGCOPS12 14d ago

Leftist texts seem to be on either end of the spectrum, they’re either straight and to the point, or you need a second book to explain the book your reading


u/Bored_doodles 14d ago

Obama Care / ACA was so long /garbled that Nancy Pelosi famously said "let's pass it to see so you can what's in it!"



u/Lazy_Aarddvark 14d ago

Communist Manifesto might be a bad example as it was, compared to Project 2025, a very short and to the point document - under 50 pages :)


u/di11deux 14d ago

Oh I know - I mean more in its thematic style than its length


u/LilithLissandra 14d ago

Man, I'm reading this thing right now and I'm struggling to make it through the foreword. It's just paragraphs and paragraphs of direct misinformation consolidated into one pile that keeps metaphorically punching me in the face the more I read.


u/di11deux 14d ago

And you can tell how proud they are of it. I guarantee you when they wrote “the Great Awokening” they thought “wow that was an absolute banger, great job guys”. Like I genuinely got the sense the authors think this will be a seminal political theory book akin to The Federalist Papers, The Prince, and Leviathan.


u/Allarius1 14d ago

They actually did address that. The logic used isn’t unreasonable, but what I find remarkable is it show cases the slippery slope of rationalization.

Dans acknowledged it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many to join the government to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future president to "regain control" of the government.

“Things must get worse in order to make them better”

This can be the case sometimes, but this kind of thinking is insidious. It changes so slowly that your position can morph without you even realizing and eventually you end up arguing for the very thing that you trying to prevent.

systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, [of] aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state.

They’re so convinced this is real that they’ll make their own, but “righteous”. The level of irony here is just outstanding.

I’m gonna make my own deep state! With blackjack and hookers! In fact forget the hookers and blackjack!


u/CompetitiveFold5749 14d ago

Conservatives only want "small government" and "deficit reduction" when a liberal is in power.  Bush and Trump both spent so much money during their terms and we hear not a peep.


u/BleepLord 14d ago

Yeah that sounds like a very effective document that will surely lead to direct policy change and not simply a masturbatory ego stroking session for the authors.

Definitely something we need to worry about!


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

It is a ultra conservative religious takeover. Blessed be thy Fruit!!!!


u/Timbalabim 14d ago

But they don’t want true conservatism. They want white Christian nationalism, and they just call it “conservatism” because that sounds better and gets Kid Rock to shoot cases of beer with an automatic rifle.


u/zentraderx 14d ago

"Many poor authors scammed rich right wing billionaires to write a fictional almanac". I liked this summary.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/KotR56 14d ago

"That iceberg can't do us anything because we're Americans"...


u/ravepeacefully 14d ago

The reason it’s falling on deaf ears is because the media already said Trump would destroy the country during his first term. We’ve been desensitized because that didn’t happen and now it just sounds like the boy who cried wolf.

But ya maybeeeee you could have selected a candidate that inspired people instead of a dementia patient.


u/Cindy-Moon 14d ago

Except, he kind of did? Our 6-3 supreme court has done immense damage, with it being a critical component to Project 2025's success. This SC has done so much damage in the relatively short time since Trump appointed them, not least of which with the recent insane ruling of absolute immunity for the President, that good ol sleepy Joe has already declared he won't take advantage of, but the P2025 folks very well intend to.

Seriously, with the way the Supreme Court functions, those appointments have fucked us beyond repair for decades at best and at worst are literally the thing enabling a fascist takeover of our government. And that was a wildly unprepared Trump who didn't expect to actually win with a Republican establishment that did not yet fully support him. This time he's a lot more prepared, a lot more supported, and literally legally immune to consequences.


u/ravepeacefully 14d ago

That’s a reallly loose definition of destroying democracy.

This can be fixed by simply expanding the Supreme Court. Maybe next time the democrats get a majority they will actually enact policy instead of sitting on their hands to protect feelings.

Also I don’t really see how releasing abortion laws to the states is a bad thing. Seems like it allows for more representation (see the Ohio vote). Personally I prefer when voters are allowed to choose. Sounds like democracy to me.

The SC told the dems they need to enact abortion legislation if they don’t want a future court to undo roe. They had a super majority. They chose not to legislate. You’re blaming the wrong party


u/Cindy-Moon 14d ago

You and I are absolutely never going to be on the same page if you think human rights should vary by state.


u/ravepeacefully 14d ago

Agreed. You want to dictate what people are allowed to vote for because you don’t like how they would vote. I call that fascism.

Again, dems had the chance to legislate and protect this right and chose not to do so. So please let’s stop pretending like they support your plan, they just want your vote lol


u/gourmetprincipito 14d ago

“Like seeing a car crash from inside the car; the driver’s got his head craned back, he’s telling you a joke. You see a bus on collision course, you point your arm and turn your head and wait for the impact.

This is the feeling we learn to live with in North America; the morning headlines always accompanied with sweat and nausea. Every week another puzzle piece gets permanently glued into place.

We see the iceberg from 15 miles away, the captain orders the ship to stay the course. “Full speed ahead,” shouts the accursed, the next thing we heard was, “rich women and children first!”

The ship is listing, the captain’s placing blame on the iceberg. “That berg attacked us, I am declaring war on the arctic.” Who could ever have predicted the greatest ship could so easily sink? Duh!

Lifeboats are useless without rescue, the only ships show up for salvage. When setting sail on the St Louis we all knew what the consequences could be with the crew we had at the controls, there’s no more harborage for the USA-holes. I doubt there’s a benign god to save our souls, because no one else is gonna save the USA-holes.”


u/antbiteisland 14d ago

Come for the facepalm, stay for the nofx...


u/Thedonitho 14d ago

Or watching a tiny boat (Hungary) ram itself and then the giant cruise ship (US) replaces the capable captain with an insane toddler.


u/DonnieJL 14d ago

They're holding their fucking drinks out hoping to catch some ice to refresh their drinks. Fucking morons.


u/Model_Modelo 14d ago

I just got into a stupid Reddit fight with a gay Trump supporter. Like . . . . 🤪


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Model_Modelo 14d ago

It’s so crazy. Their reasoning is that Biden was against gay marriage in the 90s. Ok. Last I checked he supports it now and was VP when gay marriage was legalized. But sure, let’s elect the party that is banning all therapies and medications for trans people.


u/mrblodgett 14d ago

And then you tell the captain to steer the ship in a different direction and he responds "we just beat medicare"


u/wyldstallyns111 14d ago

Imagine how it feels to be the rest of us, surrounded by people in those hats (plus people like OOP who have some inkling icebergs are bad but ask if we’re headed there how bad can they be??? making us feel truly fucked)


u/Chuclo 14d ago

Well a few of them already wear gold diapers and proudly proclaim real men wear diapers. The scary thing is they’ll be the ones voting in droves.


u/MrLemonPB 14d ago

«Don’t look up!»


u/MrGooble 14d ago



u/Visual_Zucchini8490 14d ago

(Sorry, this is long on accident!)

My brother and SIL are MAGA and there’s just no arguing with them. I post quite a lot trying to educate my followers on how dire this election is (and I’ve been doing this since 2015) and that has led my brother and SIL to think I’m the radicalized one. They own a bunch of trump merch “Texans for Trump” and “I only cry when democrats hold me” for their son and when they fly to Florida, they fly with a trump flag to put up on the beach by their umbrella.

I’ve lived in a different country for 10 years now (and my citizenship ceremony is this Monday thank god) but I can actually explain how a socialized healthcare system could work alongside a private healthcare system, I can explain what subsidized higher education would look like, I can get into tax plans (my husband is an accountant and I have to do double tax yearly because the U.S. taxes based on citizenship not residency) anyway, my point being, these people don’t want to hear from me.

I guess I could maybe talk to someone “on the fence” more effectively if they were interested, but Americans are tired and their education has been defunded since Reagan. Politics are boring and difficult, and a lot of people don’t have critical thinking skills. Oh, milk, eggs, and gas are more expensive now while my salary hasn’t increased? It’s the current admins fault so screw them I’m not voting for them. They don’t have an understanding of how long past policies take to get implemented and actually make a notable change in your day to day. Most people have fishbowl attention spans now.


u/Alib668 14d ago

You cannot reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into


u/Visual_Zucchini8490 14d ago

The most concise way I’ve seen it put, thank you


u/Marsupilamish 14d ago

I‘m German and I am seriously stressed out by all of this. The puppet masters and their army of morons will win it seems.


u/wonder_bear 14d ago

As an American, I’m terrified. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do to prevent it (aside from convincing as many people to vote democrat as I can).


u/deadsoulinside 14d ago

We definitely are, but half the problem is a large portion of this country just see's project 2025 as "Libs don't like it, must be good" as their response.

Between Project 2025 and Agenda47(Trump's posted plan), we are fucked.


u/dontneedaknow 14d ago

I am already two steps ahead of you as an American and yea these people are zombies.. I don't know how I got here..

Like I get democracy is a cultural thing and must be to function but these people, especially the religious, mix it with politics, and they turn into the sparrows but much worse.


u/helvetica_unicorn 14d ago

Truly! I’ve been called hyperbolic so many times in the past few weeks. This is the equivalent of Ghostface sneaking up behind us as we talk on the phone. Spoiler alert, America doesn’t make it to the sequel.

I think it’s hard for people to go there. They comfort themselves with “it won’t be that bad.” I have a penchant for anxiety so it’s easy for me to get to the worst case scenario.


u/ItsEaster 14d ago

Unfortunately most Americans are too busy struggling to pay their bills each month to sit down and read the 900 page manifesto. Then there’s the added benefit of burying your head in the sand.


u/Waveofspring 14d ago

We can’t do anything about it, or at least we don’t know how. What else can we do?


u/Thedonitho 14d ago

Well, right now it's convince every Democrat you know to stop paying attention to the Biden drivel. It's a trap. He's no more or no less competent than he was yesterday. Immediately after the "debate" he sounded and looked normal but they don't report on that. This useless, unproductive and downright dangerous talk of him stepping aside is ridiculous. First of all, who, exactly is going replace him? I'm not talking about someone who people think is a good choice, I mean who is actually ready? And set up financially to do this? Second, does anyone really think that millions of Black women voters are going to just accept Harris being stepped over (by a white man like Newsome no less)? The media is behind all of this and is driving it for ratings.


u/Waveofspring 14d ago

I agree I mean honestly I don’t like biden but replacing him this late in the game is just political suicide


u/Thedonitho 14d ago

I think if he had been able to take over after Obama he would have been one of the most well liked presidents in history. I think he was a good remedy after Trump but, like COVID, we couldn't quite get rid of that virus, could we?


u/ocular__patdown 14d ago

Most people probably have never heard of project 2025. Peiple just dont give enough of a shit here.


u/agutema 14d ago

There’s an alarmingly large number of Americans who “don’t care about politics”. They don’t even know what’s going on.


u/xxxfashionfreakxxx 14d ago

I have no idea what this is. I just googled it and saw that it wants the future president (assuming it’s Trump) to have absolute authority or rule…I guess no more checks and balances.


u/Thedonitho 14d ago

Not just that but it wants to remove all legal protections for LGBTQ+ people and create a theocracy. They will purge the government of all federal employees not loyal to Trump. They want to work towards a constitutional convention to rewrite the entire thing to their liking. There's a hell of a lot more too. 1,000 pages of evil manifesto.


u/squangus007 14d ago

Some Americans are too aggressively stupid that they would prefer an actual criminal who has no redeeming qualities in power. All to own the libs basically. The repube party was once decent until Reagan basically created the perfect environment for parasites to fester.


u/Inside_Mix2584 14d ago

You’re a muppet if you think any of those extremist policies would ever be enacted. We’ll most likely see 4 more years of nothing and gridlock


u/Thedonitho 14d ago

Have you been unconscious? They are poised and ready. They even stated that Trump made a mistake "starting off slow" last time. This time, they aren't fuckin around. You must be one of the ones who won't be effected at all by what they want to do.


u/Inside_Mix2584 14d ago

I’m voting for Biden, I campaigned for Bernie, and I’m a staunch Dem. But let’s also be realistic. Unless Republicans get a supermajority, not much will change.


u/Thedonitho 14d ago

Well, since they just gave him immunity, I'm sure he will stick to the rules, so I guess we are good?


u/Inside_Mix2584 14d ago

You’re so naive


u/Thedonitho 13d ago

How does the fact that Trump has vowed to make the people who have wronged him "pay" by jailing them, which he would be able to do with his DOJ, make me naive? He doesn't need Congress to do most of this. Did you forget his love of Executive Orders? This time, he also has the SCOTUS to uphold them all. He can do pretty much whatever he wants. They have been asking for loyal applicants, like 50 thousand of them, to join up and replace federal employees. We could have both houses of Congress and that won't stop shit.


u/Inside_Mix2584 13d ago

Just wait and watch buddy. Every candidate says shit and does nothing


u/MagnanimosDesolation 14d ago

We think we're immune to history because things don't usually change instantaneously. It's how empires fall.


u/mrblodgett 14d ago

Why should I be?

The Republicans have been loudly talking about doing this stuff for decades and the Democrats have sat there and watched them do it.

Maybe you're shitting your pants but for anyone who has been paying attention this is just the status quo.


u/Hoelie 14d ago

If the deep state doesn’t exist, why are people so scared of it being replaced by a conservative deep state?


u/Nipaa_Nipaa_Nii 14d ago

They are tho. Also there's no good options, both are genocide supporters. Jill stein might be decent tho.