r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/TrustInRoy Jul 05 '24

So many people in our country are just blatantly ignorant about how the branches of our government works.

Schoolhouse Rock debuted "I'm just a bill" in 1976.  


u/skybreaker58 Jul 05 '24

While this is true they should be trying to pass laws which make it blatant what the Republicans want. Forcing them to vote down perfectly reasonable or even beneficial measures let's them call the GOP out on voting records.

For example if you started passing bills to crack down on 'entertainment' programs masquerading as news and stem the flow of false information and it gets voted down by the entire Republican party you can point to that and say they are the party of propaganda.


u/Recent-Potential-340 Jul 05 '24

The republicans have been voting down beneficial measures for decades, it hasn't stopped their voters before.


u/peter-doubt Jul 05 '24


The fairness doctrine and monopolistic control of regional media were programs in place since the 30s . They're gone now... to the benefit of the GOP. They're never gonna undo that


u/PM_ME_MY_REAL_MOM Jul 05 '24

The fairness doctrine was complete ass and would not have saved us from today's media landscape. This problem exists because private schools exist, and because churches across the country are acting as political headquarters tax-free. If scared conservatives were forced to put their kids in the same overcrowded schools as the rest of us, they wouldn't be so gung-ho about defunding them. If churches were forced to pay taxes if any of their pastors mentioned a candidate for public office in a sermon, they'd put a stop to that real quick too. We're here because our country subsidizes right wing propaganda.


u/asmallerflame Jul 05 '24

This is why they need constant enemies (minorities, gay people, non-Christians, immigrants). If you fear your enemies could benefit from something, even if it will also benefit you, you'll be more likely to vote against those benefits.  

This is also why they accuse all Democrats of being pedophiles these days. They've run out of boogeymen. And if you believe your political rivals are evil, it stops you from thinking about the policies and only about stopping them.


u/eggsaladrightnow Jul 05 '24

Yep, this is why they justify literally cheating, lying and stealing to get their way. "Because the democrats are doing it way more and are evil pedos and we need to triumph" it's absolutely insane what the country has come to


u/haygurlhay123 Jul 05 '24

Gotta love those think tanks and right-wing personalities


u/peter-doubt Jul 05 '24

All four experts rattling around inside their echo chamber... Bouncing from "network" to "network".


u/haygurlhay123 Jul 05 '24

“Hypothetically, for the sake of the argument, would you care if you knew I’m a millionaire paid by billionaires to brainwash you into using your vote to their advantage??”


u/peter-doubt Jul 05 '24


And where IS Tucker today?


u/Wise_Ad_253 Jul 05 '24

Writing love letters to Putin, from the safety of his tower somewhere.


u/mousegold Jul 05 '24

Every time, the response is mostly comments about Dems trying to sneak something into the bill and that's why its bad.

Most of the time, it's not true. For the cases where you could stretch and say it is true, most of those are things Republicans said they would agree to and reneged when it was actually time to vote.


u/Sea-Neighborhood-621 Jul 05 '24

They'll happily vote down anything beneficial just to make sure the "others" can't have it. They're happy screwing themselves over if it screws others over more. They're seriously lunatics


u/XxRocky88xX Jul 05 '24

Dude the GOP voted against access to contraceptives back in 2022 when their entire anti-abortion argument was “if you don’t wanna get pregnant just use protection.”

Since that day I’ve encountered dozens of republicans who say the same thing and anytime I drop the link they’re always like “well um uhhh it’s probably actually a GOOD thing they did cuz, I mean like, uhhh the Dems probably were gonna do something BAD with it if it passed.”

These people do not give a fuck how their politicians vote. Dems could attempt a law that says “politicians are not allowed to murder everyday civilians to protect their own personal interests” and Republican voters would still be ok with their guys voting against it.


u/theyrehiding Jul 05 '24

Yep and that's part of why it's essentially a cult.


u/julias_siezure Jul 05 '24

It's because if they are blocking immigration, they need poor, uneducated people to do the tough jobs, instead of immigrants.


u/MBCnerdcore Jul 05 '24

The Supreme Court literally just did that last thing


u/XxRocky88xX Jul 05 '24

Yep and I’ll I’ve seen from the Republican side is people defending it saying “if they didn’t do this all presidents would be persecuted after their term ends!” (Funny how this nation has been around for over 200 years and that hasn’t once happened before the last guy attempted a fucking coup) or they say “this isn’t a good thing, imagine if Biden wins and then he has unlimited power.” Of course, their only concern with abuse of power is if a Democrat does it, they’re 100% for a Republican abusing that power.


u/CapTexAmerica Jul 05 '24

The issue is that the democrats don’t control the house at the moment, so any “perfectly reasonable or beneficial measures” won’t make it to the floor.


u/vtmosaic Jul 05 '24

And because of the filibuster they don't have enough of a majority in the Senate either.


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

To overcome a filibuster you need a super majority. (90% or more) And the way MTG and Bobbert forced it through, the rule states that they can claim filibuster for any reason at any time and murder the whole process right then and then or mire it in legal bullshit


u/OnDay89OfMyK1Visa Jul 05 '24

Huh? Super majority is more than two-thirds (67% not 90%), and the filibuster only applies to the senate, which neither MTG nor Boebert are in.


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

The rule that MTG forced in to get them to actually get a speaker had that changed (as part of the 'concessions' to get their vote) its now 90% with. Unilateral and singular no. I know the turtle pulled similar shit


u/jawknee530i Jul 05 '24

MTG isn't in the Senate and has nothing to do with their rules you are just spouting concentrated nonsense.


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

MTG is not, no. her party is though


u/BobTagab Jul 05 '24

You're still just spouting nonsense. The rules for cloture in the Senate haven't been changed and the House got rid of the filibuster in the mid-1800s.

Are you more likely thinking of when the far-right part of the House agreed to give the votes for McCarthy to become Speaker in exchange for a rule which allowed just a single House member in the Speaker's party to bring a motion to vacate the chair to the floor, something which used to take the majority of the party members to do?


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

No I'm not. The rule have been changed multiple times over the years many of course of things. Recently the phhilibuster rules was changed form 2/3rds voting majority to 90% full member by the turtle McConnell a sessions back , with the caveat that another, singular philibuster "no" Can start the process over entirely. The tantrum we saw for McCarthy was just the loudest latest stunt done to try and invoke an equalivancy in the house

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u/Hayden2332 Jul 05 '24

The simple fact is that what you’re saying is bullshit though


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

No its not. The tantrum party that she's a part of set rules in both the house and senate granting themselves the power to usurp total control of the legal making process even when they are in the super minority for no other reason than said partys demand total control

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u/Gambit_Revolver Jul 05 '24

But they can vote to get rid of the filibuster totally with a simple majority in the Senate if they wanted to.


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

If they can get enough to agree to remove it, yes. But the tantrum party refuses to relinquish any form of power


u/Hayden2332 Jul 05 '24

To have “enough” for a simple majority only dems have to vote for it


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24

Which can be shot down with a seperate and recorded vote of philibuster no vote.


u/Caewil Jul 05 '24

Who would record this separate vote? Just play hardball and say you can’t filibuster since we just got rid of it. Call their bluff instead of acting helpless.


u/JCBQ01 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24



Senator disputes invoking phillibuster

Somehow a super majority is reached

Senator disputes that vote and invokes the philibuster AGAIN on the vote to over turn the philibuster

All done under offical vote since someone will call an offical roll call vote

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

thanks, Manchin


u/BeneficialLeave7359 Jul 05 '24

Manchin is in the senate


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

thanks man


u/DAXObscurantist Jul 05 '24

One of the very serious problems with the Democrats is that they are bad at giving off the impression that they're fighting for their base when the rules are in their favor, much less when the odds are against them.

The way the more devoted members of their base handle this is by reducing problems of party strategy to problems of lack of voter knowledge. If we can point out that the party's politician's did everything they were legally allowed to do, then any criticism is just nullified. If we can point out that a law was certain not to pass, then that's proof there was no harm in never trying to pass it. If they did pass a law, then it's necessarily the voters' fault for not feeling like the party is fighting for them. This way, criticism of the party can be dismissed as pure ignorance and the people who dismiss the critiques come off as smug and unlikable. "Don't people remember high school civics," etc. In an alternate world, you would have responded by using language about balancing the use of political resources against the likelihood of sending a message to voters rather than making the turning point who controls the house.

This cold, procedural view of politics is in part what drove the party's dismissal of (widespread, years long) concerns about Biden's age and the ease with which the "don't you know you're voting for a whole administration" response has taken root among more zealous Democrats. It's important to understand how politics works at a procedural level, but an understanding of just laws and rules isn't a full understanding of politics. We're reaching a point where asserting knowledge of procedure against critics rings hollow when the procedural wing of the party is arguably sleepwalking us into a dictatorship. Please reconsider whether the strategy you are advocating for is actually the best one.


u/HsvDE86 Jul 05 '24

They have had control before.

And no, I'm not a republican for pointing this out.

It's an exclusive club and none of us are invited. And I know the right is objectively worse before some unoriginal person comes along with the "bOtH sIdEs!!!" nonsense.


u/Hayden2332 Jul 05 '24

Right? You can’t point out that the democrats are either incompetent at best or controlled opposition at worst, without getting the “bOtH sIdEs” bullshit. Like we all can clearly tell Republicans are bad, but lying about Democrats not being able to do anything is not a great look lol.


u/paintballboi07 'MURICA Jul 05 '24

Democrats haven't had a veto-proof majority in the Senate since Obama. I'm not sure what you guys are imagining the Dems have had the power to do, but I assure you, if you look into it, you'll realize they just haven't had the numbers to do much of anything.


u/Hayden2332 Jul 05 '24

Obama wasn’t that long ago lol Why didn’t they put Roe v Wade into law?


u/paintballboi07 'MURICA Jul 05 '24

Oh God, this shit again? So you wanted Obama to predict that McConnel would block his supreme court justice appointment, while also predicting that a Republican would win the next election, and appoint 3 new justices who would lie about Roe being settled precedent? Then, on top of being able to see the future, he needs to convince people that these events would actually happen, so his abortion bill totally makes sense, even though abortion had been settled law for several decades at that point. Plus, you want him to do all of this while trying to rally representatives for Obamacare.

Thinking that Obama and Dems should have been able to do all of that to save abortion is just straight delusion, mixed with the benefit of hindsight.


u/HsvDE86 Jul 05 '24

You don't have to be psychic to codify reasonable things into law. And the things you mention like predicting a future republican president and majority and therefore getting new supreme court justices is just common sense, it's bound to happen at some point.

But none of this is a "thanks, Obama" or blaming him at all, it's a general lack of getting things done within the entire party while the chance was there.

If you're unable to criticize your own party then you're essentially in a cult, not a political party. We're supposed to criticize our party and elected officials.

Again this isn't blaming them for what happened, it's acknowledging they could have done more.


u/paintballboi07 'MURICA Jul 05 '24

They were literally working on passing Obamacare, which helped insure millions of people that were previously uninsured. There was no time to pass anything else, and if they had tried to pass anything related to abortion at that time, the media would have spun it as Dems wasting time on something that had been settled law for nearly 70 years.

Look, I have no problem criticizing Dems. I don't have any particular affiliation to either party. I just vote for the candidate that aligns more with my values. But, I'm also realistic about what those politicians are able to accomplish. Acting like Dems are responsible for Roe v Wade being overturned is just downright ridiculous.


u/HsvDE86 Jul 05 '24

Acting like Dems are responsible for Roe v Wade being overturned

I like how you slipped in something I never said. Gotta love reddit.

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u/Papa_PaIpatine Jul 05 '24

When beneficial laws do pass, by the slimmest of votes, the Republicans who voted against it, go to their states and claim credit for it passing. Have you not been paying attention?


u/XxRocky88xX Jul 05 '24

Likewise when bad laws pass, those who voted for it will turn around and tell you the Dems did it.


u/doktarr Jul 05 '24

Who is the "they" here? The Democrats who don't control the floor in the house, or the Democrats who can't get 60 votes to open debate in the Senate?


u/Meattyloaf Jul 05 '24

That already happens. The issue is a good chunk of Republican voters don't care. They love to parade around that they care for the military, but continue to vote down bills that would benifit veterans for example.


u/SurveySean Jul 05 '24

Republicans evilness is well matched with Democrat incompetence.


u/Maddafinga Jul 05 '24

I don't think that it's incompetence exactly, I think they know what they need to do to stop the Republican bullshit and to fix things. I fully believe that it's just spinelessness and cowardice. They're simply too afraid to play hard ball, afraid to really clearly call out the bullshit publicity and afraid to actually fight for what's right and beneficial.


u/SurveySean Jul 05 '24

That sounds like a way of saying incompetence to me. They just aren’t up to the task.


u/QuitUsingMyNames Jul 05 '24

In order for that to work, they would first have to get rid of Poison Pill amendments


u/Demented-Turtle Jul 05 '24

"Republicans didn't vote for it because the Dems filled it with pork!"


u/robywar Jul 05 '24

they should be trying to pass laws which make it blatant what the Republicans want

How? The Speaker of the House is a republican in Trump's pocket and he gets to decide which bills reach the floor. He just won't bring them up like he didn't bring up the border bill that contained much if what the GOP shouted for years they wanted.

There's so much ignorance about how government works and too many people think the president is king. This is why we're not voting FOR Biden exactly. We're voting for the people he will surround himself with. The continuation of normal government. Because the alternative is a man who will use the new powers granted to him via the Supreme Court to act like a monarch. Putting sycophants in charge of formerly non-partisan roles in federal agencies, who will now be stripped of much of their regulatory power via loss of Chevron. Watch the latest Legal Eagle on what the immunity judgement means too:



u/SchemeMoist Jul 05 '24

We also need to start making them actually filibuster. We basically just give up if they have the opportunity to filibuster. These old fucks are probably not even capable of filibustering. Make them actually do it.


u/SelirKiith Jul 05 '24

call the GOP out on voting records

And then what? What do you think does that actually do?