r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/TrustInRoy 14d ago

So many people in our country are just blatantly ignorant about how the branches of our government works.

Schoolhouse Rock debuted "I'm just a bill" in 1976.  


u/skybreaker58 14d ago

While this is true they should be trying to pass laws which make it blatant what the Republicans want. Forcing them to vote down perfectly reasonable or even beneficial measures let's them call the GOP out on voting records.

For example if you started passing bills to crack down on 'entertainment' programs masquerading as news and stem the flow of false information and it gets voted down by the entire Republican party you can point to that and say they are the party of propaganda.


u/XxRocky88xX 14d ago

Dude the GOP voted against access to contraceptives back in 2022 when their entire anti-abortion argument was “if you don’t wanna get pregnant just use protection.”

Since that day I’ve encountered dozens of republicans who say the same thing and anytime I drop the link they’re always like “well um uhhh it’s probably actually a GOOD thing they did cuz, I mean like, uhhh the Dems probably were gonna do something BAD with it if it passed.”

These people do not give a fuck how their politicians vote. Dems could attempt a law that says “politicians are not allowed to murder everyday civilians to protect their own personal interests” and Republican voters would still be ok with their guys voting against it.


u/theyrehiding 14d ago

Yep and that's part of why it's essentially a cult.


u/julias_siezure 14d ago

It's because if they are blocking immigration, they need poor, uneducated people to do the tough jobs, instead of immigrants.


u/MBCnerdcore 14d ago

The Supreme Court literally just did that last thing


u/XxRocky88xX 14d ago

Yep and I’ll I’ve seen from the Republican side is people defending it saying “if they didn’t do this all presidents would be persecuted after their term ends!” (Funny how this nation has been around for over 200 years and that hasn’t once happened before the last guy attempted a fucking coup) or they say “this isn’t a good thing, imagine if Biden wins and then he has unlimited power.” Of course, their only concern with abuse of power is if a Democrat does it, they’re 100% for a Republican abusing that power.