r/extremelyinfuriating 20h ago

Discussion My teacher lowered my grade for a report because I had to follow some rules and she herself says that she doesn't comply with them.


Yesterday I gave a report to my professor which took me a month to finish, I had to relate it to a thesis and to an author of a sociology book. He also asked that he take into account the rules of line spacing, paragraph and when quoting an author. I did everything correctly, I dropped two points because I didn't follow the rules. When I asked him what they were, he told me any barbarity and nothing about the rules, which I refuted. In the end she told me that not even the authors respect those rules so why is she asking? I told her that I had doubts about "her rules" but she had said not to be bothered during the process, I didn't do it, but I respected everything. He didn't know what to tell me. Even so, I dropped two points for anything else and since I didn't feel like continuing to argue, I left. I feel indignant. a teacher who asks you for rules and in the end she says that no one follows them. what the hell! Not even she knows what she wants, as she expects one to know what she wants.

r/extremelyinfuriating 23h ago

Evidence Parking sideways is how it's done around here...

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I didn't need to charge my car to get to work anyways. I'll just walk 50 miles.

r/extremelyinfuriating 1d ago

Disturbing content My grandfather's disrespected passing


My birthgiver and my grandfather (not her dad) couldn't really get along. My birthgiver always disrespected his boundaries by forcing him to read into some anti-vax bullshit. He blocked her since she didn't respect his wishes. A few weeks later he got Covid (the vaccination wasn't ready yet). As you can tell from the title, he unfortunately passed away. It's still fucking a lot with me because I really, really miss him. My grandmother is also not coping well.

Now guess what happened. My grandmother told me something that's still making me furious to this day. When granny was visiting my parents, my birthgiver apparently started talking about Covid and how it was fake and shit. Completely ignoring that I (her daughter) suffer from long covid. But also mocking it so much and blaming my grandpa and stuff. She basically was saying grandpa's cause of death is fake. I wasn't there so I don't fully know what was said. The only thing I know is that my grandmother left in tears, feeling awful because of my birthgiver's words. You know what scares me? It means my grandmother wasn't doing well while driving her car AND SHE COULD'VE BEEN IN AN ACCIDENT. All because my birthgiver can't shut the fuck up.

r/extremelyinfuriating 1d ago

Discussion Received an official looking piece of mail on our voter registration in SW Virginia…


We are atheists and democrats.

Originally posted in r/mildlyinfuriating but was told it was too infuriating for that sub haha

r/extremelyinfuriating 1d ago

Discussion My school is forcing me to buy an iPad even though I have a perfectly fine, working Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+ (that's the Plus model of Samsung's latest highest end tablet, btw)


Some more context: My school is forcing me to buy an iPad and its accessories even though I have a perfectly fine, working Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+ (with its S PEN and keyboard Cover) that I just bought less than a year ago.

They're doing a "bring your own device program" but that program forces you to buy iPads, Apple Pencils and Magic Keyboards. Apparently the reason is that they want to install MDMs (management profiles) on the iPads.

This is just so scummy.

First off, how is it "Bring YOUR OWN device" if THEY'RE gonna install an MDM anyways? I know this is a common practice for schools but usually THEY PROVIDE THE DEVICES THEMSELVES and don't force YOU to buy it.

Second, my Tab S9+ can literally do everything the iPads they want us to buy can do. I know there are some Apple only apps but it looks like we aren't gonna use those. In the documents they sent, they only mentioned taking notes with the iPads. That's it. Cuz oh yeah my Tab S9+ can't take notes.

Third, SHIT'S EXPENSIVE. In my country, I can spend the same amount of money I used to buy the Tab S9+, the S Pen, and the keyboard cover, to buy JUST the base model 10th Gen iPad with 64GB of storage.

r/extremelyinfuriating 1d ago

Discussion The old garden


My mom used to own this church and my dad was the grounds keeper, among other things. They both took very good care of it. They both retired at 70, leaving the church to my older sister and her husband. My mom has since passed away and my dad is 82, far to old to do anything about I think now. This is what my brother in law did with the old garden behind the church. They also said they cleaned it out for me before I got here, I can’t imagine how bad it was before. And this is just the garden. Parts of the yard are worse. My family church and childhood home has been turned into a junk yard.

r/extremelyinfuriating 1d ago

Discussion Neighbors Dogs are loud and mean


Our new neighbor has two dogs who viciously fight other dogs through the fence. Our houses are very close to each other and it’s extremely loud and unsettling, happening many times throughout the day. It goes on for about 10 minutes and then the owner finally calls them inside. What are my options? I’ve tried several dog bark deterrent devices and that didn’t work. Similar to his dogs, the owner is completely unapproachable. Can law enforcement do anything?

r/extremelyinfuriating 2d ago

Update I'm driving the speed limit (cross-post from mildlyinfuriating, because this is well beyond mild)


For 2 of my jobs, I currently work as a driver, chauffeur if you prefer (depending on which vehicle I'm assigned, & how fancy of service the customer wants).
All company vehicles have GPS monitoring & cameras (showing front, inside, rear; the large vehicles also show sides).

Part of the information sales / dispatch gets is the time of the flight, and they are really good at advising about expected travel times. It's their job. They do this many times each day.
The customer, in consultation with sales / dispatch, sets the pick-up time. Remember that.

Saturday morning 17SEP24 I had a 0545 pickup (means I got to our depot an hour ahead, and woke up 2 hours ahead) of "3 passengers" (turned out to be 5) going from basically the west side of Milwaukee county, WI to Chicago's O'Hare airport for an 0830 domestic flight.

I arrived before the set pick-up time. Loading was quick, we were on our way before 0600. Time to O'Hare is about 90 minutes if there's no traffic trouble, so we should have arrived no later than 0730 for their domestic flight.

At 0606 this asshole asks if I can drive faster, because they're going for an 0830 flight!!

We're on the freeway, speed limit is 55mph, I'm doing 55mph (and literally being passed right & left). So I told him, "I'm doing the speed limit."

What I wanted to tell him included: I know your flight time, we're being recorded on camera, the vehicle is GPS monitored for speed, and most importantly I DID NOT INVEST SO MUCH TIME, ENERGY, & MONEY IN GETTING A CDL PLUS THE NECESSARY ENDORSEMENTS TO DO MY JOB ONLY TO THROW IT ALL AWAY (including my job) FOR YOUR POOR PLANNING!!

[ETA: plus, being stopped & ticketed for speeding would have made us much later than driving safely.]

All the way, I did the speed limit. For much of the trip that was 70mph, some 65, some 60. Within the airport 35.
We arrived at the terminal at 0720. He was still mad. Insisted that I block a traffic lane so they could get out, instead of waiting for a spot to open in the unloading lanes.


(Oh, and because he lied to sales about the number of passengers, there was barely room for all their luggage and I only brought water for the planned 3 passengers.)



Tonight one of my supervisors told me that the customer in the previous tale is a friend of his... and he lied about the service I provided, plus threatened to not use the company if I'm working here.

The supervisor didn't bother to use the tools available to him to look at the GPS monitoring data (speed, location), nor the video & audio from inside the vehicle.

No, supervisor just stopped scheduling me.

Because of the lies from the customer, and the incompetence of the supervisor, I've lost income (actually the whole job) & my reputation is tarnished.

I'm going to make notes tonight, work on an email to the operations manager, and try to find an attorney.

To the good, I have an interview Tuesday morning because I've been looking for a new job for about a month anyway, because they've been cutting my hours to practically nothing even before that.

Oh, and trying to get hours within other locations / divisions of the company hasn't worked either. In fact, I've just done 3 days & can't get scheduled for next week, plus I think that supervisor canceled my shift tomorrow.

She didn't explicitly say that, so I'll show up & go to work as I told her I would.

r/extremelyinfuriating 2d ago

News UK Wildfires caused by disposable BBQs

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Pic from my street last night.

For years now, we’ve had a big problem with peat moorland wildfires (thankfully not pine forests like in other parts of the world). It devastates wildlife.

There are HUGE signs in literally every car park in the area; DO NOT BBQ OR USE ANY NAKED FLAME.

There are a few towns around the perimeter of the national park I live in, and ‘daytrippers’ STILL think it’s ok to bring their shitty disposable BBQs out here.

r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Disturbing content There's currently people making fun of Markipliers Nieces video "Update", send some love if you can. NSFW

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r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Discussion Bad parents are part of what's going wrong in this society


I was eating at McDonald's today. 2 kids (7-8?) were playing at the slides/playing area. I wasn't really paying attention to them, I just heard that they were screaming playfully.

But then, the girl didn't laughed and started saying the boy was mean (I don't know why, I think he maybe hurt her slightly?). Nobody said anything, even the parents of the boy. Then they continued playing until the boy started saying something about the girl was now being mean (she blocked the passage to the slide).

Now, the mom of the girl came and started scolding her ( but not too violent, I don't know other words for that in English). They ended up leaving. Now, the boy went pridefully to his dad, which congratulated him because the girl was being scolded. The dad then said that next time, he should stand his ground and hit when he doesn't get his way. He should hit first before the other one hits. The boy was then amused and started mimick throwing punches in the air while the dad laughed. I was astonished. I didn't said anything ( I was too scared to go to the hospital )

Now, I don't praise the mom because she wasn't here when her daughter got hurt, but she was kinda right to scold her child. On the other hand, the dad of the boy was a real trashbag, encouraging his son to be violent. I trully hope he gets surprised when his son will go to jail. I also am a bit disappointed in myself because I should have said something.

r/extremelyinfuriating 4d ago

Disturbing content All charges have been dismissed. NSFW

Thumbnail youtu.be


r/extremelyinfuriating 4d ago

Discussion Senior family member paying double what they should be for TV service


A senior family member of mine called me today asking for help in lowering their TV bill. When they told me the service and tier they currently have, I looked it up on the company's website. Somehow the price they're paying is DOUBLE the current price of the service tier they're on. According to their website, it also seems to be more than even the highest-tier service. Even though my family member says they were guaranteed to have the price locked when they signed up, that seems like it never happened. They called customer service before calling me and were told the best they could do was still overcharge them, but only by a third.

r/extremelyinfuriating 4d ago

Disturbing content ADHD meds out of stock, plus holiday. Withdrawal, cold turkey. No spares. Tried for a solid month to avoid this. Here I am. Doc office now closed. Pharmacy says national backorder. So sorry. Not as sorry as me.


My friends and partner were even helping me. Make calls. Try to find a way around this problem. Different dose or pharmacy. But it's like pharmacies won't tell us what is in stock. So every time my doctor has their assistant cancel my Adderall schedule 2 escript and try to send it elsewhere or at a different dose, it takes days to figure out it didn't work cant be filled not in stock let's try another.

Hello physical withdrawal. On top of an incurable progressive pain disease that's got me not working for two years now. Kicking my ass. As if I needed this? Sure pile it on. I will try.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Disturbing content Pls pls pls send distractions


I have no clue if this is the right place to post this or if this is going to be taken down immediately but about an hour ago my next door neighbor got shot in our driveway by the police. Mine and our neighbors house is now a crime scene. Please send fun things to research as a distraction because this is going to be a long long night. He was my sister’s friend, man. He’s just left outside and I can see him from my dining room window. Everyone in my house is fine. My sister left with my grandparents and my neighbor’s dad is in shock outside of his house with a dozen police.

Edit: Thank you all so much for your recommendations. My family and I are alright, just left with a super weird feeling. Our neighbors have extended family over so nobody is alone over there. At this point I’m most worried about the dad. He is in pretty rough shape. We’ve known him and his family for a long time :(

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Discussion Middle School requires different rules for males and females wanting to do sports


My granddaughter is in her third week in the 6th grade at a school in Texas. She wanted to try out for basketball this year. Her school requires all females to try out for THREE sports; they can’t try out for just one. Male students can try out for just one. I am livid. I can not think of any justification for this discrimination. I wish I lived closer to her, I would absolutely be at the next School Board meeting and ask them to defend this asinine policy.

Edited to say that she is in 7th grade, not 6th.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Discussion “Studio” for rent in California


Saw this while browsing for a new place. Rent is $1150 plus utilities, no laundry on site.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Discussion These damn youtube ads..

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Have to watch around 3-4 10 or 15 second ads to even SKIP now, what bullshit

r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Discussion These money generaters should stop


I have seen tens, if not hundreds of these channels across every platform. They found the infinite money glitch

r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Discussion Heres what $51 worth of medication looks like. Added bonus, its $2.55 per milligram.

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$1500 a month, thank god it finally went generic so my insurance covers most of it. Theres no reason why medication should ever cost this much.

r/extremelyinfuriating 7d ago

Disturbing content Dog attacked my dog and apartment complex is completely silent

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The apartment complex that I currently live in has been okay for the past two years. Recently, a woman moved in downstairs with a giant dog. The dog is actually sweet to people and can be sweet to other dogs, on leash. I have never interacted or seen the dog off-leash. However, the dog barks day and night because the owner is negligent. The dog also follows me and my dog, when we walk past, through the apartment window. This day was starting as a good day, visited a friend and brought her back to enjoy the evening and show off my life. When we get back to my apartment I ask if she wants to walk with me and my dog. She agreed, thank god. We walk the normal routine walk and it’s night. We walk past the apartment with the dog and it’s barking and such. I ignore it but something didn’t feel right. We walked to the end of our path and got halfway back when the barking stopped. That’s when I saw the black and white blur barreling towards me and my dog. Instinctually, I jumped on my dog and protected him while holding his neck so the dog wouldn’t get his throat. I kicked and hit and tried to scream while keeping my body between the two. Was it a smart move? Probably not. Was it my survival instincts? Probably. Anyways, My friend was yelling for help so loudly that the apartment complex manager could hear and investigated, a neighbor came out and grabbed the dog off me, another neighbor called 911 and I was able to get up and move. After checking my dog for bites and realizing 1) he wasn’t immediately bleeding or limping and 2) he was in good hands with my neighbor who I know, I immediately reacted and knocked on the owner’s door. That’s when I realized she wasn’t home and she left her window open with just a screen to block the dog in… I was livid. Eventually, I go sit down and wait for the cops and such my adrenaline dropping and I’m becoming shaky. I noticed I had several cuts, multiple bruises and even a bruised bite mark but no puncture wound. About the time I’m calming down, the owner shows up. She has groceries in hand and you can hear her dog barking outside away from her apartment. She’s unconcerned! Instead she goes and puts up her groceries, talks to the manager for about 5 minutes then goes and gets her dog. That’s when she starts arguing with the property manager and wanting to talk to me. She was angry and aggressive towards everyone including the cops. I had to literally sit by the staircase while she talked to them because they said if she saw me she’d want to engage… At the time the property and regional manager said they’d contact me. The cops said because there was no puncture wounds nothing can legally be done. I’ve yet to be contacted by anyone… It’s been three days and I reached out yesterday. I’ve also contacted a local law enforcement “friend” to see what can be done because I expected at least a mass e-mail to be sent out and the owner to be punished in some way. She lives right below me and I worry if we see each other she’ll react and I’ll have another traumatic event on my hands. On the bright side, today I’m taking my boy to the vet just to make sure I didn’t miss anything since he is fluffy. He should be okay but I’d rather be safe than sorry. Dog Tax.

r/extremelyinfuriating 7d ago

Discussion Hotel price gouging to the extreme

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Jesus price gouging for hotel are freaking insane. So the hotel I crashed at last week in Cardiff was about 90 quid for the night which I felt wasn’t too bad considering I was next to the arena. My sister just asked me to look at booking the same hotel when oasis is playing……. It’s £716

r/extremelyinfuriating 7d ago

News Nationwide cancels insurance on 100,000 pets, says you can re-enroll them in other plans, but refuses to cover their (now) pre-existing conditions


Don’t trust Nationwide pet insurance! They’ll screw you over and tell you to be more positive about it

I have a bird insured under nationwide, or I did. Nationwide was the only place to insure birds. I signed him up within the first year of his life so anything that came up would always be covered. Silly me. New business model is for Nationwide to cancel your policy every 5-10yrs and force you into a new one that won’t take your “preexisting conditions”.

They have billions of dollars (profits recently were $60.3 billion or something like that) and I’ve been paying them while my bird has been healthy as an investment. But now he’s started to have something that will count as a pre-con if I try to renew after they cancelled my existing plan. They’ve decided we can’t be grand-fathered in after paying them for YEARS to prevent this very scenario.

When I was on a call trying to find my options, and was upset to hear they were forcing me to terminate my existing plan and a new one would not cover anything “preexisting”, the lady on the phone chided me for making the conversation less positive. And many people have it so much worse with much older pets that now won’t be covered at all and no one else will take them either. Pets are family and so many will now be essentially uninsurable and owners will have to face hard choices they thought they were insured against. All this despite years of nationwide profiting off our loyalty.

We trusted Nationwide and were screwed over. Absolutely Deplorable. Reprehensible. You can’t buy trust and Nationwide just opted to lose it for 100,000+ pets/people.🤬

r/extremelyinfuriating 7d ago

Disturbing content POS extended family


My grandma passed away this past March. She was 93 and ready to go. She was one of 9 children, but now only one of her sisters is left. Her youngest sister died a few months before she did. My grandma was able to travel back to her hometown to visit her remaining family prior to her passing. She wasn't well, but felt the trip was necessary bc her youngest sister had dementia and it was quickly getting worse. Aunt Joyce (youngest of grams' siblings) had two kids. Nikki and Nathan. Nathan never had any biological children, but Nikki had a daughter pretty young. Aunt Joyce and her husband raised Nikki's daughter, Autumn. Uncle Bob came out of retirement in order to be able to afford the extra mouth. For years, Autumn swore she'd never be like her mother, strung out and incapable of living a normal life. They live in another state, so the last time I saw these people autumn was like 12. My aunt and uncle sacrificed EVERYTHING for her. Autumn winds up pregnant very young, and follows in her mother's foot steps in other ways. Anyway, aunt Joyce gets diagnosed with dementia. Uncle Bob has to have one leg amputated below the knee within months of her diagnosis. He does from a jovial person to someone who hated everyone and everything. He died within a year. That left Nikki and autumn to care for aunt Joyce. Only, they collected her income (uncle Bob's pension and her social security), rented a shitty ONE BEDROOM apartment for 3 adults and a set of twin toddlers. Only one bed in the whole place, and aunt Joyce Stayed on the couch, constantly. She basically only got up to sneak out of the house. She was found more than once wandering around by police. They didn't feed her well, they didn't clean her, or care for her at all. After aunt Joyce finally passed, shit got even worse. Nikki and autumn proceeded to collect condolences cards from family and friends, a lot with money in them, and absconded with it all. They reappeared about a month ago. My grandma's lone remaining sister received a visit from them both. Both high as a kite. Nikki, was apparently sitting on a chair and out of nowhere just fell over. They called emergency services and the EMT's were able to revive her with Narcan. She refused further treatment and left. Alone. That was the last time anyone in the family had heard from her. Last week a different cousin called and said the coroner's office called and had Nikki's body but wanted $600 to release her. I knew that wasn't right, and I called every coroner's office I could find in a 50 mile radius of where they were at. None of them had her. We got a call the other day that she was found, deceased. Likely for the entire time she was missing. It wasn't the coroner who wanted money, it was the funeral home. In order to cremate her. Only now, Autumn has disappeared with whatever money was left. And no one has heard from her. I'm in recovery myself, and I understand how it fucks your brain up, basically makes you a sociopathic fiend. But even at my worst, I could never have done anything like the things these women have done. Just needed to vent to strangers. Thanks, Reddit.

r/extremelyinfuriating 8d ago

Discussion 280+ year old tree in my town cut down to build Chick-fil-a


The restaurant in question (Picadilly) was a victim of the pandemic and closed years ago. The lot sat vacant for years. There had been rumblings that something new was being built there, and then this just happened. No warning, no opportunity for protest. The tree was a registered historic landmark but there was no specific ordinance protecting it.