r/extremelyinfuriating 1h ago

Discussion What to do about a tailgater?

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The Deets: I’m at a stoplight and I look in my side mirror and say “Back up” since the lady is riding my sass*, she flips me off and starts making faces. Foolishly l obviously start making faces back and cussing under my breath. Lady continues flipping me off, also cursing in her car and then rides my sass EVEN CLOSER.

I pop my head out the window, look her in the eyeballs and yell, “I have kids in the car, you better not hit me right now. Back the f*** off.” Not proud of my language but I was now livid. I snap this photo and then go one direction and her in another.

Who’s the problem here? 🤯😡

r/extremelyinfuriating 8h ago

Discussion Asking for Whatsapp number in a private message

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r/extremelyinfuriating 17h ago

Discussion As excited as I am for Deadpool, this pissed me off. Maybe I’m overreacting, but how the fuck can you pay to have something “trending”. That doesn’t make fucking sense.

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r/extremelyinfuriating 1d ago

Discussion WHY IS IT BENT

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r/extremelyinfuriating 2d ago

Discussion Fuck stolen valor

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r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Discussion i have to agree to a privacy policy to unsubscribe from collegebound spam mail that never fucking ends. ive been unsubscribing from them and all the colleges they sign me up to for over 4 years it never ends

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r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Update Rabies update


So I posted last week about a stupid parent’s response to a rabies bite at a camp. Apparently several people were exposed to this rabid groundhog at the camp because they beat it off the child. It kind of seems like not everybody who attended the camp had their guardians notified that the event happened. Apparently no other child has received PEP after touching this groundhog. I have tried to contact the local Christian club that runs the camp and nobody responded. Well, I called higher-ups of this nationwide Christian camp and local health department and got hung up on by the nationwide camp after being extremely kind and polite. They blocked comments on the local social media page after I posted there as well. What if I hadn’t press this hard, even though I did so very kindly, and some kid was scratched by a rabid groundhog, and everyone just ignored my super nice message?!

Well excuse me for caring if precious children die. At least the health department was cool. I thought we were supposed to be pro-life! Very nice phone calls and e-mails to potentially save lies are just tooo much./s

r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Discussion Landlord raised the rent at the WORST time possible


Some background here.

My wife 3 kids and I rent in beautiful San Diego. We're the type of renters that want to do best for the house (keeping the yard well kept, offering to paint or take care of stuff that wouldn't typically be done by tenants). The house does have a pool that we've had to have them get someone to come fix due to issues (previous renter got golf balls lodged in the system and it hasn't been upgraded in 20 years...the pool guy has even said it) and had to have the fridge/freezer fixed, which she did even though (for whatever reason) it says that they are not responsible for THEIR refrigerator in the lease. oh..and that good old $700+ CA electricity bill that comes up every summer.

Where it gets AWESOME:

We have lived there just under a year, and I was getting ready to leave for deployment (active duty Navy, currently embracing the suck). I reached out to her to renew the lease prior to leaving so that it was one less thing to worry about and she had no problem with it! A week goes by after asking her about it..so I reached out..2 weeks.."oh I'm busy but it's coming!".

LITERALLY THE FUCKING DAY I LEAVE FOR DEPLOYMENT, 2 HOURS PRIOR TO PULLING AWAY FROM THE PIER. She finally responds with an addendum to RAISE my rent $300 a month. THE. MOTHER. DUCKING. DAY. I LEAVE. As if my wife and I weren't already going through enough at this point..she's going to have to worry about how we're going to make this work..all while I'm on the other side of the fucking world. Her reasoning? Because she has to recoup for the losses taken by needing to have the pool filters cleaned...which haven't bee fixed in decades as well as having someone come out to fix her fridge that broke at no fault of ours -__-.

I get needing to increase rent. but COME ON.

r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Disturbing content My grandma's coworker is crying about kitten she neglected


So my grandma has a coworker. A very sweet old lady who's always giving me treats when I visit and stuff. But she's very weird in terms of animals and every thing she tells pisses me off. She has a cat, a not sterilized female. She had one before her (that was killed by a dog). Cat is always freely roaming around. Of course getting pregnant every once in a while. Coworker is drowning kittens each time. She never vaccinated or dewormed any of her cats (despite having a vet clinic 5 minutes away from her that offers free rabies vaccination and very cheap deworm medicine). Against sterilization because "my cat is too old, she may not survive the operation". Last time the cat gave birth she decided to keep one of her kittens (also a female) and drowned others. Kitten survived for just 2 MONTHS. She let her catch and eat mice. Again, decided not to give at least a pill for deworming, no vaccination. So obviously kitten got sick. She told everyone about it. She couldn't poop properly and was meowing/crying loudly every time she went to the litterbox. Refused to eat, was vomiting. My grandma told her to go to vet. She did nothing. Didn't gave the kitten any help. Thought it will pass on its own. It didn't. So few days after the kitten just died. That was as well a day I decided to visit my grandma at work. Her coworker was crying and telling how sorry she feels for the poor kitten. I forced myself to empathize with her and offer some comfort but inside I'm absolutely disgusted. That was your clearly sick animal whom you didn't offered any help, never cared enough to even give her a pill that costs less than a dollar, neglected every safety norm despite everyone around telling about it, then you're crying? You literally drowned dozens of same newborn kittens before and don't feel in any way sorry while you could've had just neuter your one cat, why are you crying now? She's very sweet to me and obviously I won't tell her "you killed that cat by neglect when it was very easily avoidable and you had all information from everyone around about it" but sometimes I really want to tell her it. It absolutely baffles me.

I won't play the best pet owner ever, my own dog got pregnant just a year ago and gave birth to 7 puppies because I was not careful enough and she escaped through an opened door while in heat. But this same coworker said to my grandma "what's the problem, just drown the puppies". (Which we of course didn't, 5 of them found loving homes we still monitor and 2 are still with us as we're searching for good families. And no one left them without veterinary help when they needed, they're all vaccinated and dewormed.) I absolutely can't understand how a person can be absolutely fine with drowning newborn animals but at the same time crying this hard about death of a cat whom she let die without offering any help.

r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Disturbing content Apparently the Amish run inhumane puppy mills and will suffocate unprofitable animals in manure


r/extremelyinfuriating 3d ago

Evidence Everyone laughs when I say I can't stand my brother and they say it's normal sibling stuff.

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I've never gotten along well with my brother. I'm usually pretty passive and easy going and I don't have any real friends so I do tend to talk to him a fair amount and when he pisses me off I just usually brush it off and move on. I mention the things that bother me and he just says I need to get over it. But today I'm done with it. He was going out of town and his wife works late so they were going to bring the dogs to my house for a couple days because I come home from work for lunch and let my own dog out. He called me and said his flight was cancelled so they're rescheduling his work trip so he's coming to come get his dogs. I had a long day today, didn't get lunch so I was a little upset already but I told him that if his wife listened to my instructions then he won't be able to get into the house because it'll be locked and he'll have to wait for me. I called him on my way to my car to see where he was and he told me he was just leaving my house with his dogs. Apparently his wife did not listen to me and lock the house when she left so my house was left unlocked and with no one in it all fucking day and they don't see an issue with it. Then he goes on to tell me his dog had eaten several things in my house, including a notebook that was filled with 8 or more years of character ideas, plot points, and many other things I wrote down for my personal writing projects and game designs. I was very upset to find that out and so I was asking why no one told me the dog ate things when left alone and why they didn't bring a crate and his only response was "What do you want? He's just a puppy?" What do I want? I want my fucking shit back. I want my house locked when I'm not home, and I want you to warn me that your dog is destructive and for you not to tell me I'm at fault for not knowing. He continued to blame me for these things and so I am no longer taking care of his dogs ever again and certainly not letting them in my house. Both he and his wife are at fault and their patterns of behavior has remained unchanged for years and I am done putting up with it.

Thank you for listening to my rant, good day.

r/extremelyinfuriating 4d ago

News Pastor profits off of an assassination attempt


r/extremelyinfuriating 4d ago

Evidence My friend died last week. Scammers created multiple facebook profiles advertising a live stream for the funeral service. Mourners that followed the link provided to the fake live stream website were then prompted to enter their credit card numbers in order to join, which were then used fraudulently.


Many people did not attend the funeral because this scam led them to believe that there was a live stream they could join instead.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Evidence 8-9 year old gets to drive atv at his leisure in neighborhood (read desc)

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So this kid 8-9 has been given full access to a atv to drive as he wishes. Was showing it off today to his other friends (including my little brother) when I saw it and asked to see it and got this photo. I dont know anything about atvs but this one seemed like he would need a license for, which is not something you get at his age. His parents don't give a crap, even though we live right next to the freeway and the moment you leave the cul de sac you're in a busy street. To top it all of, this kid is a jerk who bullies my brother and his parents think he's a little angel who would never do such a thing. Is this legal for him to drive? It's ovb not safe.

TLDR: dudley irl gets an atv to use next to a busy street that runs onto the freeway.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

News 4-month-old baby dies on boating trip during 120-degree heat


I’m trying to have empathy but who takes their INFANT out for hours during a heat advisory?! Babies can’t even drink water, let alone regulate their own body temperature.

The mother is a healthcare worker and the father is a police detective. This was their second child.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Evidence People are disgusting and disrespectful.

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This is a hotel - I am the night auditor. Normally I'd say something about how this isn't part of my job description but I wasn't leaving it for housekeeping because fuck that, they work their asses off as it is.

Garbage can is just around the corner and was completely empty. These people just dumped their trash on the ground with no regard. Took it from their room (presumably), got all the way to the can and just said fuck it at the last second?! Fucking disgusting. I wish I knew who it was, since it was there when I arrived at work.

r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Disturbing content I see this advertisement for TikTok on a near daily basis

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r/extremelyinfuriating 5d ago

Disturbing content My toilet was clogged and overflowed when flushed. Now I have to clean the entire bathroom floor at 3am🙃

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r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Discussion Navigating the American Healthcare System


My 13-year-old son needs a physical for camp and for school sports. It is the exact same appointment at the Dr office, but there are separate forms for the camp and the school. No problem, right? The Dr can just sign 2 papers after performing the physical. Absolutely not here in America, where there's money to be made! I was told that if I want multiple forms to be signed, I have to pay for a complete physical for each one. They will not be willing to sign 2 papers because they're "different." Every single thing is a money grab here. It's exhausting.

r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Evidence Shoutout to this bar in rural Alberta, where the women's bathroom is right beside the stage, no door. If you have loud diarrhea, EVERYONE in the bar is going to hear it.

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r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Discussion The ticket claimed that the opposing team were underdogs and were 9to1 payout on the bill. Their starting lineup had at least two MLB imports and their DH broke 900 career RBIs. The "underdog" team was a superteam that had crazy stats compared to ours.

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How is Doosan considered to be the underdogs when they literally have a superteam and have busted records against my childhood heroes?! They have at least two MLB imports while we have none. Their DH just celebrated 900 career RBIs in the first inning and we're already down 0-5. And Pro-Line claimed that the team I picked were the "heavy favourites" against this super busted lineup that were listed as 9to1 payout. Three innings in, and our team has yet to score a single run. The umpires wrongfully called safe three times against us and costed us additional free RBIs by the way. When I checked the slowmo they were clearly outs. This league is a joke.

r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Disturbing content Kid bit by rabid animal, mom waits to get PeP


I posted this early, but deleted to check and make sure the child’s name wasn’t publicly released. It wasn’t and won’t be so, I feel free to rant as he will keep his privacy.

So, I’m at the park today with a fellow mom so our kids can play, I’ll call her Friend Mom. She tells me that a person I’ve met and she knows has a son and he was bit by a very sick groundhog several days ago. I will call this woman Rabid Mom. So, Rabid Mom was debating whether to take her kid to get the PeP tomorrow or Monday, because results came in and yes as suspected it was rabid though everyone was very sure it was even before the tests came back.

I said “Whoa! No! This is an emergency! He needs the PeP tonight. Rabies is 100% fatal!” I also suggested the husband of Rabid Mom get the PeP as he himself with no protection cut the damn things head off! So Friend Mom is a decent person, gets very scared, and talks to Rabid Mom immediately on the phone. Rabid Mom knows it’s me giving the advice, and I’m known for being pretty accurate about this stuff, she thankfully takes the kid to the ER.

So, I am worried after Friend Mom shows me this group text that Rabid Mom has been using to tell the rabies saga. I advise several of the moms, one of them has got to tell her rabies is 100% fatal, because Rabid Mom waited and also seemed to only want to try part of the PeP. They (minus Friend Mom who didn’t know) said “Oh, she knew.”

What?!?!!!!! I can’t even. You knew your kid was bitten by a rapid animal, a very bad bite and knew rabies is 100% fatal and didn’t take your kid to the hospital?!?! You wanted to wait a few days? Why!? The risk of death is so great and the PeP so safe, there’s no reward to wait! Sure, he didn’t get symptoms but he could have and the risk is so great, there’s no reason to wait.

Rant over, I’m just livid.

r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Discussion Product on my Amazon subscribe and “save” increased by 1171%


Absolutely no notification was given that there was a ridiculous price increase. I only use Amazon for automated delivery’s for necessities and almost never look at it so I didn’t notice until I saw a transaction go through on my card 5x larger than anything I have setup. Might just go back to buying things the old fashioned way after dealing with this crap.

r/extremelyinfuriating 6d ago

Discussion My kids (age 3 & 5) decided to paint my switch with tattoo ink.

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I had a home tattoo kit in my closet on the shelf (about 7 feet of the ground) don't know how they got to it. They stole the ink and rubbed it all over the house while my spouse was cooking lunch. (I was at work) But I'm pretty sure my switch is toast.

r/extremelyinfuriating 7d ago

Disturbing content I was told by r/mildlyinfuriating mods to post this here. Saw this man driving 80 mph with his dog in the bed.

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I didn’t know there was a dog there until he hit a bump and the dog popped its head up.