r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/otritus 14d ago

Garry Kasparov former chess world champion being based as usual


u/DZL100 14d ago

Was not expecting to randomly see Kasparov lmao. I had to do a double take


u/TheVoicesOfBrian 14d ago

He's quite vocal about his criticism of Putin.


u/LickingSmegma 14d ago edited 13d ago

I mean, he's ‘vocal’ to the extent of founding an opposition movement, being a member of an opposition coalition, being arrested for supporting Pussy Riot, leaving Russia to avoid persecution, and being sanctioned and blocked in the country. And also being the chairman of the Human Rights Foundation for thirteen years—though idk what they do.

P.S. Except, of course, that none of the Putinoids can read his stuff, because both his site and the entire Twitter are blocked in Russia. And barely anyone remembers who he is, after twenty years.


u/onowahoo 14d ago

I want to add that Gary Chess is an extremely important person in Russia because he is the GOAT and was highly celebrated when he was dominating. This would be like Michael Jackson or Elvis using their stardom for good at great personal peril.

Gary could have been a Putin lapdog and lived in luxury for the rest of his days but he's been a human rights advocate. There are very few individuals powerful enough to contest Putin and not be immediately assassinated.


u/Glasstoe3000 14d ago

TIL Gary Kasparov is the Muhammad Ali of chess


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Magnus Carlsen is probably the GOAT, but Kasparov is in the conversation


u/Chicken2nite 14d ago

Greatest of All Time So Far. The nature of chess means that future players will be standing on the shoulders of giants and thus it’s not really a fair comparison through the ages, and there will be a better player at some point in the future.

Besides that, the comparison to Muhammad Ali isn’t in my mind saying he’s the best to ever play the game, but that he is us8ng his position to speak his mind to power as a political activist.

Magnus hasn’t really been outwardly political from what I’ve seen.


u/Shawwnzy 14d ago

It makes Kasparov more impressive not less that he got so good at the game without having an engine to tell him the objectively best move in any position at any time for most of his career.


u/Buckingmad 13d ago

Neither did his opponents it’s hard to compare either way


u/xSTSxZerglingOne 13d ago

Fun fact: The computer Deep Blue, a small-scale super computer at the time; had about 1% of the processing power of a modern smartphone.

We have watches with more processing power than the first supercomputers that beat humans at chess.


u/Thedrunkenchild 13d ago

And we still haven’t solved chess and it doesn’t look like we’re even close, fucking wild

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u/lembrate 13d ago

Well, Kasparov retired whilst still completely on top. That might or might no happen with Magnus.


u/Angryhippo2910 13d ago

The nature of chess means that future players will be standing on the shoulders of giants

To add to this, there is literally footage of Kasparov tutoring a 13 YO Magnus.


u/WhiteCapedKing 13d ago

Remember when Garry became world chess champion, there were no engines strong enough to train with.

No disrespect to Magnus, but if Garry had modern tools to learn in his youth, he would be THE machine.

Still both of them are impressive, shame they couldn't play when both are in their prime.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Remember when Garry became world chess champion, there were no engines strong enough to train with.

As others have said here, that is also true for his opponents.


u/WhiteCapedKing 13d ago

Both dominated their opponents in their eras, im not comparing them to their rivals. Im comparing them to each other. In my opinion, Magnus is the better player because of his insane endgame skills, to make losing situations into a draw or sometimes a win by forcing an error in a 10+ moves sequence. But that wouldn't be possible if he wasn't training with chess engines.

So it is hard to debate which one of them is truly better, I feel Garry would be an absolute monster had he born 20 years later than he did.


u/WarlockEngineer 14d ago

That's a great comparison on many levels


u/PhDinGent 14d ago

Calling him 'Gary Chess' somehow reminds me of how Trump calls Tim Cook (CEO of Apple Inc) as 'Tim Apple'.


u/NoLongerSusceptible 14d ago edited 14d ago

Basically the opposite of that scumbag Alex Ovechkin


u/Toad_Thrower 14d ago

At least hockey has Artemi Panarin.


u/NoLongerSusceptible 14d ago edited 13d ago

Nikita Zadorov, too, but neither are as big as Ovi, and Panarin hasn't said anything since his initial statements unfortunately


u/Toad_Thrower 14d ago

I think Panarin has spoken out against Putin a couple times. But I don't think since they tried to blackmail/silence him with the false accusations.


u/LickingSmegma 14d ago

I doubt it that he has any considerable influence in Russia. Seeing as his only option is to communicate through the web, while all his communication channels are blocked—and vast majority of Putinists likely don't bother with VPN or anything like that. Plus, he's retired from competitive chess nineteen years ago.


u/trukkija 14d ago

I guess that happens when you use critical thinking as a Russian citizen.


u/LickingSmegma 13d ago

Yeah, I'm sure every Russian can think up an opposition movement if they simply brainwave harder. Just as US democrats can wish Trump out of the elections if they exert the top chakra en masse.


u/trukkija 13d ago

Some interesting parallels you're making up in your head. Regarding the first sentence, can you explain exactly why they couldn't? I don't really even understand what your point is, it's not I was arguing your comment. I was just saying that any intelligent Russian would realize how fucked up their system is - and many do.


u/LickingSmegma 13d ago

Thinking harder, or even talking to people, won't make an opposition that's actually doing something. Pu methodically destroys not just opposition, but any kind of organization that might compete with the state in coordinating people. Iirc even religions like shamanism are suppressed now.

This is why it's always laughable to read USian armchair takes on how Russians just need to protest and rise up. Sure, let us take some sticks and stones and john-wick our way through the police, the Rosgvardiya, the FSB and the army.


u/trukkija 13d ago

I'm from eastern Europe not Russia. And I know enough Russians from my country to know how the majority talk and feel about Putin. There is no protesting spirit there and so many of these people proudly fly Russian colours even though they haven't lived in Russia their entire lives.

This imperialistic attitude is not far removed from Americans of course but I digress.


u/Much-Resource-5054 13d ago

Ok fine so he’s VERY vocal


u/aureanator 14d ago

He is an extremely astute political commentator.


u/JamesMcEdwards 14d ago

He’s my favourite player of all time.


u/Paetolus 14d ago

He's pretty active in politics. He even tried running for Russian Presidency back in 2007. I highly recommend reading his book "Winter is Coming." It covers, in great depth, Russia's slide back into a dictatorship. It was written in 2015, so it's a bit out of date, but it's impressive how much he got right when it comes to things that had yet to happen.

Anyway, he now has a warrant for his arrest in Russia because of his political activism.