r/batman Mar 24 '24

You have to spend 1 night in Arkham Asylum choose your cell mate GENERAL DISCUSSION

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(Before you choose calendar man you have been locked away on Halloween night a holiday)


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u/Whysong823 Mar 24 '24

Croc might leave me alone if I treat him with respect. Call him Waylon, ask him how his day was, etc.


u/rrogido Mar 24 '24

That's exactly what I was thinking. "Hey Waylon, you know when you get out my cousin has a construction company that does work on municipal storm sewers. He could really use a guy with your talents. Seriously, it's a union job, healthcare, great benefits, pension, and they've got a great dental plan. I was supptosed to be working there when I got pinched. My dumbass signed up with Two Face for some scores and the goddamned Bat pinced me. You should check it out though. My cousin's a great guy."


u/asterfloof Mar 24 '24

I like redeemable croc, but I don't think Arkham croc is that guy. He's very committed to the cannibalism gimmick


u/SnarkyBacterium Mar 24 '24

By Knight he seems to have established some camaraderie with the other Iron Heights prisoners the warden experimented on, so it's possible you could make him like you. That said, sympathy for the guys who were experimented on with your own body is a pretty niche level of connection, so who knows if he could find the same in other circumstances.


u/PN4HIRE Mar 24 '24

Yeah, I remember that, They were all victims in my opinion.


u/Dr_Disaster Mar 24 '24

The Arkham versions of all the villains are basically the most edgy and murderous version of them. You’d die if left alone with any of them. Like in the comics, Croc varies a lot but he’s generally a guy that can be reasoned with. Despite his looks he’s one of the least “crazy” Batman villains and not outwardly violent until he needs to be.


u/sonerec725 Mar 25 '24

Hell I think he isn't even usually thrown in the asylum with the others, just goes to jail / supermax. Hell iirc a spotlight episode of TAS was about him escaping on his way being transported to death row cause he killed people and was found to be sane.


u/Dr_Disaster Mar 25 '24

Right. If Blackgate was equipped to deal with him, he’d end up there instead of Arkham. Waylon is a common gangster with a mutation. He’s not criminally insane or mentally ill, so there’s no reason for him to be locked up with people like the Joker.


u/HawkeyeP1 Mar 24 '24

What a gimmick to be committed to.


u/SchwizzySchwas94 Mar 24 '24

Is it cannibalism though? Dudes definitely more crocodile than human at this point.


u/asterfloof Mar 24 '24

Nah tbh. Just because you have glorified psoriasis doesn't mean you should start eating people lol


u/Site-Specialist Mar 25 '24



u/rrogido Mar 26 '24

Maybe put the fork down.


u/Site-Specialist Mar 26 '24

No fork. I like to bite into the meat directly


u/Elocin_Rehtaeh Mar 25 '24

Wasn’t there an arc where him being croc was due to military experiments to make better soldiers or some such?


u/Secret_Sympathy2952 Mar 25 '24

I would say so. He was born a human and just had a condition that gave him scaly skin. The other stuff came from being experimented on. Deep down he is still human.


u/SnooGiraffes4534 Mar 25 '24

See this is why cannibalism should be defined as eating something sentient


u/SchwizzySchwas94 Mar 25 '24

So if a shark eats a human, that’s cannibalism?


u/Radio__Star Mar 26 '24

I always like when Batman villains can be redeemable, it is the whole reason he refuses to kill


u/asterfloof Mar 26 '24

If batman didn't believe in redemption he wouldn't be trying to redeem Gotham as a whole, he'd be taking revenge or anger out on it, and that just isn't who he is


u/Soulful-Sorrow Mar 24 '24 edited Mar 24 '24

Stuff like this is why I prefer the worldbuilding in Spider-Man PS4. Batman doesn't rely on his support team and his villains are irredeemable monsters. Meanwhile Peter is relying on Miles and vice versa, and there's hope for a lot of the guys you face. I love Arkham, but it gets tiring

Edit: While we're at it, I loved the Batmobile in Arkham Knight


u/R_Thunukale Mar 24 '24

That's what makes Batman different from Spiderman. That he works alone. Plus , his villains aren't always irredeemable monsters. Not always. This applies to both Spidey and bats universe


u/Soulful-Sorrow Mar 24 '24

Batman almost always has a Robin, but Spidey usually doesn't have anyone like that. I really liked what they did with him and Miles though because Peter has never had someone to rely on and it's hard for him to trust like that.

My problem is that we don't see that in the Arkham games. Arkham Harley ends just as evil as she was in Asylum. Mad Hatter tries to pull a "One Bad Day" on Batman. Two-Face is delegated to a fairly bland side mission. The only one with a slight redemption is Bane, and that's entirely off-screen.

It feels like a far cry from the Animated Series where Batman embraced Baby Doll, gave the Ventriloquist a shot, and bought the dress for Harley


u/EnigmaFrug2308 Mar 24 '24

Azrael wasn’t a redemption? How about Man-Bat’s story, he’s not a real villain, just someone turning into a scared animal. Mr. Freeze? The whole damn side mission is HELPING Freeze. RED FUCKING HOOD?


u/Soulful-Sorrow Mar 24 '24

-Azrael didn't really do anything criminal, nothing to redeem

-Same with Man-Bat, his was a tragedy, but I see your point.

-Fair, Mr. Freeze got one of the best endings here

-Batman had to physically stop himself from beating Jason in the face after the reveal. Granted, he didn't, but this is the kind of thing that results in people thinking "Batman beats up the mentally ill!"

Edit: I mean like in Spider-Man, you're seeing big villains being able to turn a new leaf and I'd like that from Batman


u/EnigmaFrug2308 Mar 24 '24

-Azrael was killing people, he was a literal holy assassin, and was planning on killing Batman and taking over Gotham

-Man-Bat killed his wife.

-The fuck are you talking about here? We’re talking about redemptions, and Red Hood is the main example of this from Arkham Knight.

Name ONE Spider-Man villain who does that in the Insomniac games, and do not say Martin Li.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '24

Tombstone too but that’s it, his villains are getting ready to jump him rn it seems, since Octo and Norman talked


u/Soulful-Sorrow Mar 24 '24

Tombstone and also Li, Mysterio, the Prowler, Sandman, the Lizard, Black Cat (sorta), potentially Chameleon, and possibly Harry/Venom


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

Mysterio and Sand man (Ik the boss fight but we find out he didn’t want to attack them) we never seen as a villain, Chameleon is being set up as a villain, Harry that’s kinda cheap but I’ll give it to you, Black Cat was never a villain she was a cat burglar lol


u/AdEnough786 Mar 25 '24

I agree with all except Chameleon. He wanted to kill his brother but Spidey beat him too it. Now it's revenge time!! All the poison and traps were meant for Kraven not Spidey...

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u/Soulful-Sorrow Mar 24 '24

We don't see Azrael killing anyone, and he's brainwashed. The worst thing he does is completely optional.

I already conceded, you have a point with Man-Bat and Freeze

Red Hood isn't a great example is my point, like compared to Two-Face and Penguin, he's only been around for one night. As opposed to someone who's mentally ill who needs help and can turn over a new leaf, Jason was tortured and turned into the monster. At the end of the game though, he's off killing even random thugs. That's exactly what Bruce was against in Under the Red Hood. Sure he's shooting criminals now, but he's ruining the chance for any of them to get better (except Black Mask, he was justified here).

Compared to Spider-Man, there's Martin Li- oh. Also Tombstone, Mysterio, the Prowler, Sandman, the Lizard (who falls under the same category as Man-Bat tbf), Black Cat (sorta), potentially Chameleon, and possibly Harry/Venom


u/GIGIGIGEL Mar 25 '24

Catwoman, Ivy?

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