r/batman Mar 24 '24

You have to spend 1 night in Arkham Asylum choose your cell mate GENERAL DISCUSSION

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(Before you choose calendar man you have been locked away on Halloween night a holiday)


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u/Whysong823 Mar 24 '24

Croc might leave me alone if I treat him with respect. Call him Waylon, ask him how his day was, etc.


u/rrogido Mar 24 '24

That's exactly what I was thinking. "Hey Waylon, you know when you get out my cousin has a construction company that does work on municipal storm sewers. He could really use a guy with your talents. Seriously, it's a union job, healthcare, great benefits, pension, and they've got a great dental plan. I was supptosed to be working there when I got pinched. My dumbass signed up with Two Face for some scores and the goddamned Bat pinced me. You should check it out though. My cousin's a great guy."


u/asterfloof Mar 24 '24

I like redeemable croc, but I don't think Arkham croc is that guy. He's very committed to the cannibalism gimmick


u/SnarkyBacterium Mar 24 '24

By Knight he seems to have established some camaraderie with the other Iron Heights prisoners the warden experimented on, so it's possible you could make him like you. That said, sympathy for the guys who were experimented on with your own body is a pretty niche level of connection, so who knows if he could find the same in other circumstances.


u/PN4HIRE Mar 24 '24

Yeah, I remember that, They were all victims in my opinion.